Losing the popular vote really brings down Trump's victory

Got the message ladies. Now get off the old tired scummy campaign rhetoric and back to the topics.
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I don't think it brings down Trump's victory one bit. He won the battleground states fair and square by appealing to the voters in those states. Who cares of California, heavily liberal state, came out in droves to vote against the anti-christ the media created for them to attack? It doesn't matter much.

Still, these were two terrible, flawed candidates. It was almost like a race not to lose. Trump came out on top and i'm hopeful for his prospects as president. I hope people come around and give him a chance but it looks like the wingers on the left are going to refuse to give him a fair shake, just like they accused the republicans of doing for the last 8 years.
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.

This takes nothing away from the win.

Hillary helped get Trump elected with her nasty rhetoric.
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.
I think what bothers a lot people is that if you don't live in one of the half dozen or so battleground states, there's not much point in voting. Why bother to vote in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, or Washington. Your vote may be counted but it's not going effect the outcome. This is the beauty of the electoral college. It makes most people's vote superfluous. I tried to explain our electoral college to a friend visiting from Europe. He said it sounds like a rigged system which of course it is.
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.

You had more people in already firm blue states that came out and voted. The electoral votes remained the same despite more people doing their civic duty and voting. Trump got the difficult votes where it mattered.
I think what bothers a lot people is that if you don't live in one of the half dozen or so battleground states, there's not much point in voting. Why bother to vote in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, or Washington. Your vote may be counted but it's not going effect the outcome. This is the beauty of the electoral college. It makes most people's vote superfluous. I tried to explain our electoral college to a friend visiting from Europe. He said it sounds like a rigged system which of course it is.

It is not a rigged system since it is 1) spelled out for anyone to read in the CONSTITUTION, and 2) we have the corruption of Tamany Hall Democrat political machines bullwarked from spilling over into the whole nation.

If you dont like it, I am sure that Cuba will gladly take you in.
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.
I think what bothers a lot people is that if you don't live in one of the half dozen or so battleground states, there's not much point in voting. Why bother to vote in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, or Washington. Your vote may be counted but it's not going effect the outcome. This is the beauty of the electoral college. It makes most people's vote superfluous. I tried to explain our electoral college to a friend visiting from Europe. He said it sounds like a rigged system which of course it is.
Except pretty much every state mattered in this election, so.....
It's not like it has never happened this way before. We go by the Electoral, not the popular vote. So the popular vote is moot.
It's happens 4 times.

If the two parties split at some point in the future which could happen, a Democrat, Socialist, Republican, and Conservator party, the House of Representatives would choose most of our presidents because no candidate would likely have 272 electoral votes. That would be when we dump the electoral college.
He's got a job to do and someone's gotta do it.

It's not like it has never happened this way before. We go by the Electoral, not the popular vote. So the popular vote is moot.
It's happens 4 times.

If the two parties split at some point in the future which could happen, a Democrat, Socialist, Republican, and Conservator party, the House of Representatives would choose most of our presidents because no candidate would likely have 272 electoral votes. That would be when we dump the electoral college.
That is the kind of situation it is designed for; why would we dump it then?

I guess you would prefer a bloody civil war to settle the matter instead?
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.
I think what bothers a lot people is that if you don't live in one of the half dozen or so battleground states, there's not much point in voting. Why bother to vote in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, or Washington. Your vote may be counted but it's not going effect the outcome. This is the beauty of the electoral college. It makes most people's vote superfluous. I tried to explain our electoral college to a friend visiting from Europe. He said it sounds like a rigged system which of course it is.

It doesn't matter who gets the popular vote. In every election, we're lucky to get 1/3 of eligible voters to the polls so we'll never really know which candidate the majority prefer. There are many reasons people don't vote. Some are lazy or don't care. Some just don't take it seriously. Maybe they have the idea that they don't count, so they don't bother.

Each state has a number of electoral votes based on population. Dems want to include illegal aliens in that number. It doesn't matter if 10 million people vote or 3 people vote in any state. Whoever gets the most votes wins that state.

Instead of whining about Hillary getting the popular, which just means she got more votes in some already solid blue states, people should be concerned that so many people don't vote. Because so many don't bother, there is no way of knowing who is actually the most popular. People still have opinions whether they head to the polls or not.
It's not like it has never happened this way before. We go by the Electoral, not the popular vote. So the popular vote is moot.
It's happens 4 times.

If the two parties split at some point in the future which could happen, a Democrat, Socialist, Republican, and Conservator party, the House of Representatives would choose most of our presidents because no candidate would likely have 272 electoral votes. That would be when we dump the electoral college.
That is the kind of situation it is designed for; why would we dump it then?

I guess you would prefer a bloody civil war to settle the matter instead?
He would prefer Canada's retarded election system.
No "pussy". I wonder how many of you guys talk about your mom's pussy like that.
Hey, my Mom is a saint; she aint got no pussy!


Kat, you do know that guys talk that shit when the gals arent around all the time, right?

There is a Sacred Ring of Trust and Confidence to never let the ladies hear it though, and if a guy does slip up and get exposed for the "pussy" abuser that he jokes about being, then he is shunned and pronounced Anathema by all the members of said Secret Society.

Seriously. We have the bloody handshake, secret signals, hidden vault meeting rooms, the whole 9 yards.

LOL no. I have never been around guys talking like that. Just remember we are all sisters mothers and daughters.

Yea, but you only become a mother when a man takes that p....never mind.
I don't think it brings down Trump's victory one bit. He won the battleground states fair and square by appealing to the voters in those states. Who cares of California, heavily liberal state, came out in droves to vote against the anti-christ the media created for them to attack? It doesn't matter much.

Still, these were two terrible, flawed candidates. It was almost like a race not to lose. Trump came out on top and i'm hopeful for his prospects as president. I hope people come around and give him a chance but it looks like the wingers on the left are going to refuse to give him a fair shake, just like they accused the republicans of doing for the last 8 years.
Most people either don't understand or don't like the electoral college system so when their candidate wins the popular vote but loses the race, it seems unfair. This is understandable because every election except for the president, the majority rules. We've been taught as kids that the majority always rules. In congress and political circles, winning the popular vote is important otherwise you're being given permission to govern by the minority of voters which doesn't seem quite right to most people.
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.

Knock about 10 million illegal votes for Hillary off her total at a minimum; she didn't win the popular vote either.
Most people either don't understand or don't like the electoral college system so when their candidate wins the popular vote but loses the race, it seems unfair. This is understandable because every election except for the president, the majority rules. We've been taught as kids that the majority always rules. In congress and political circles, winning the popular vote is important otherwise you're being given permission to govern by the minority of voters which doesn't seem quite right to most people.
No, they don't like it if it means their guy/girl didn't win cause of it. If the roles were reversed, no democrats would bring up the flaws of the electoral college system. The game has rules, everyone knows them going in. It's sour grapes to complain about the rules after the fact just cause you don't like the result.
Trump had fewer votes than Romney (how does that happen?). Trump lost the popular vote. It's impressive he won and all, but honestly it feels more like Hillary lost rather than Trump won.
I think what bothers a lot people is that if you don't live in one of the half dozen or so battleground states, there's not much point in voting. Why bother to vote in Wyoming, California, Oklahoma, or Washington. Your vote may be counted but it's not going effect the outcome. This is the beauty of the electoral college. It makes most people's vote superfluous. I tried to explain our electoral college to a friend visiting from Europe. He said it sounds like a rigged system which of course it is.

But a Republic is an excellently "rigged system". I'm back up in Canada now and know both systems well. I live out west and literally the election is decided before my vote even counts in Manitoba. After the east coast, Quebec and Ontario it's decided. The most seats are centered in the most populated provinces that being Quebec and Ontario. So we don't count.

The Founding Fathers were brilliant. They obviously realized that the more populated regions of the colonies would always rule the lesser populated. Mob rule.

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