Losing the popular vote really brings down Trump's victory

Also Trump would have had a much bigger vote total had he not been stabbed in the back by the Neocons and NeverTrumpers who can go rot in hell.

Phooey. Hillary would have had a bigger turn out if Bernie supporters hadn't thrown their toys out the cot.

The popular vote means nothing. The electoral vote means everything and that the one Trump one.

President Elect Donald Trump will meet with douchebag in the WH today and I'd sure love to be a fly on that wall. Douchebag hates Trump and I doubt Trump thinks highly of the douchebag.

Can't wait for Jan and the backside of douchebag.

Of course it means something. It tells you that of the people that could be bothered voting, more wanted Hilary as president. Fact.

This election has changed things more than you think. I wouldn't be surprised if the system is changed and some time over the next few election cycles.
There is a Sacred Ring of Trust and Confidence to never let the ladies hear it though, and if a guy does slip up and get exposed for the "pussy" abuser that he jokes about being, then he is shunned and pronounced Anathema by all the members of said Secret Society.

Well, with the exception of conservative society, you people elevate the abuser to highest ranking member of the society.
There is a Sacred Ring of Trust and Confidence to never let the ladies hear it though, and if a guy does slip up and get exposed for the "pussy" abuser that he jokes about being, then he is shunned and pronounced Anathema by all the members of said Secret Society.

Well, with the exception of conservative society, you people elevate the abuser to highest ranking member of the society.
Your hitlery lost.....you really need to pay attention....
Yep, the votes should've been there for hillary to win easily.

after months, if not years, of hearing how the demographic shifts in this country would prevent another Republican president maybe ever the dems were already in a perpetual victory lap.

They were so busy counting their chickens and taunting republicans with their visions of a monopolistic government that they were going to ram down the throats of republicans that they forgot to take a pause in their incessant game of na-na-na-na-boo-boo to actually vote.

The biggest collective derpity-derp-derp in the history of the country and now the whining, protesting and demeaning of others because they fucked up and didn't bother to vote.

Yet MOST of the democrat votes are Isolated in the most populated cities. For instance, even in California, most counties are red.

However MOST of the population are in the major cities.

So, what the pathetic whiney ignorant commie leftists want are the voices of rural America to be silenced.

Make no mistake, that is exactly what they want.
Did Trump win? Yeah of course he did. But it sure is ugly when you really look at it
That's the wrong way to look at it. The EC exists for a reason, if you don't understand it you could look into it.

But I see it as an amazing victory. He had all odds against him, the full weight of the media, except FOX but not all of it, the current administration with all its' manipulations of the investigations, justice dept and FBI, etc. Many do not even know the Clinton Foundation has had some very questionable practices and have been under investigation for over a year.

The corrupt rigged DNC and the way they handled the Bernie vote, played those poor bastards like a fine tuned instrument. They new most would vote for Hillary once the game was played out.

The steady stream of outright lies about the economic conditions and health care. On and on. No, it was a victory under impossible odds. Trump won because what he said spoke to average everyday Americans. I saw the evidence all over the countryside whenever I left town. Hillary won the liberal big city vote that all too often dictates the direction for everybody. Their populations far outnumber everybody else.

People finally, finally had enough and said no more and came out in droves to beat back the big government corrupt corporate machine. I sincerely hope this is just a start!
Did Trump win? Yeah of course he did. But it sure is ugly when you really look at it
That's the wrong way to look at it. The EC exists for a reason, if you don't understand it you could look into it.

But I see it as an amazing victory. He had all odds against him, the full weight of the media, except FOX but not all of it, the current administration with all its' manipulations of the investigations, justice dept and FBI, etc. Many do not even know the Clinton Foundation has had some very questionable practices and have been under investigation for over a year.

The corrupt rigged DNC and the way they handled the Bernie vote, played those poor bastards like a fine tuned instrument. They new most would vote for Hillary once the game was played out.

The steady stream of outright lies about the economic conditions and health care. On and on. No, it was a victory under impossible odds. Trump won because what he said spoke to average everyday Americans. I saw the evidence all over the countryside whenever I left town. Hillary won the liberal big city vote that all too often dictates the direction for everybody. Their populations far outnumber everybody else.

People finally, finally had enough and said no more and came out in droves to beat back the big government corrupt corporate machine. I sincerely hope this is just a start!
Trump had to fight a 3 front war to win...

The GOP'ers...

The MSM...

The democrats....

It was quite epic what he did....
Can anyone name another presidential republic that doesn't use the popular vote to elect the president?
The UK does not elect their Queen. The Pm is not the President over there, lol, they dont have a President.


I am talking about presidential republic...

Will three do? That is all I have time for spoon feeding today, Matthew.

Electoral College (India) - Wikipedia

Electoral College (Pakistan) - Wikipedia

Presidential Electoral College - Wikipedia
Well, with the exception of conservative society, you people elevate the abuser to highest ranking member of the society.

Can anyone name another presidential republic that doesn't use the popular vote to elect the president?
The UK does not elect their Queen. The Pm is not the President over there, lol, they dont have a President.


I am talking about presidential republic...

Will three do? That is all I have time for spoon feeding today, Matthew.

Electoral College (India) - Wikipedia

Electoral College (Pakistan) - Wikipedia

Presidential Electoral College - Wikipedia

Matthew is busy crying about infrastructure and space exploration. :D
Can anyone name another presidential republic that doesn't use the popular vote to elect the president?
The UK does not elect their Queen. The Pm is not the President over there, lol, they dont have a President.


I am talking about presidential republic...

Will three do? That is all I have time for spoon feeding today, Matthew.

Electoral College (India) - Wikipedia

Electoral College (Pakistan) - Wikipedia

Presidential Electoral College - Wikipedia

Matthew is busy crying about infrastructure and space exploration. :D

But he has a good point as these industries have huge ripple effects into the economy with secondary and tertiary jobs created and new spin off technologies that then have the same impact.

But Trumps greatest success will come from removing the Federali boot from the necks of American small businesses.
To abolish the electoral college no one might as well bother voting again ever. Only D Presidents from the most populated urban centers. NYC, LA, SF, Atlanta, Chicago etc. No one else in the country would count.

Mob rule by liberal cities. This is what the Founding Fathers were determined to prevent. Of course Democrats want the Electoral College abolished. They could rule forever.
With a popular vote to elect the president, every person's vote carries exactly the same weight. The red/blue state division which more and more is threatening to tear the country apart disappears. The Republican party would no longer be able ignore the west coast and the upper east coast and the Democratic party would not be able ignore the center and deep south of the nation.

The idea that if we had the popular vote one party would control the white house is just not true. We have had only 5 out 45 presidential elections in which the popular vote differed from the electoral college vote, only 2 in the last 128 years. In those 2 elections the popular vote difference between the two canidates was less than .5%

There is probably nothing that would unite and make this country stronger than dumping the electoral college. It promotes distension and regionalism which may well destroy the destroy the nation.
New Yawk, Kalifornication and Illinoise are all well-known for stuffing ballot boxes and allowing illegals to vote..... Often

The Founding Fathers were aware that voter fraud often took place and while they knew they couldn't stop it in EVERY State, they could help prevent dishonest States from swinging National Elections.

That's why it doesn't matter how many dishonest votes are cast in swamps like the aforementioned. They still only get their Electoral votes.

51%, 99%....... Don't matter. Those scumbag dimocrap FILTH States still only get their Electoral College votes.

See, dimocrap scum....... We knew people like you existed even 225 years ago.

You're not new. You've always been around in one form or another........ Nazis, Fascists, communists -- dimocraps

No difference
To abolish the electoral college no one might as well bother voting again ever. Only D Presidents from the most populated urban centers. NYC, LA, SF, Atlanta, Chicago etc. No one else in the country would count.

Mob rule by liberal cities. This is what the Founding Fathers were determined to prevent. Of course Democrats want the Electoral College abolished. They could rule forever.
With a popular vote to elect the president, every person's vote carries exactly the same weight. The red/blue state division which more and more is threatening to tear the country apart disappears. The Republican party would no longer be able ignore the west coast and the upper east coast and the Democratic party would not be able ignore the center and deep south of the nation.

The idea that if we had the popular vote one party would control the white house is just not true. We have had only 5 out 45 presidential elections in which the popular vote differed from the electoral college vote, only 2 in the last 128 years. In those 2 elections the popular vote difference between the two canidates was less than .5%

There is probably nothing that would unite and make this country stronger than dumping the electoral college. It promotes distension and regionalism which may well destroy the destroy the nation.

I wonder if you started threads when Bernie lost to Hill Hag in New Hampshire due to electoral votes? This is just MORE partisan BS from the leftist whiners. Accept the results, right? Isn't that what you all were saying about Donald should Hillary have won? Concede and move on to making the country a better place for American citizens.
Yep, the votes should've been there for hillary to win easily.

after months, if not years, of hearing how the demographic shifts in this country would prevent another Republican president maybe ever the dems were already in a perpetual victory lap.

They were so busy counting their chickens and taunting republicans with their visions of a monopolistic government that they were going to ram down the throats of republicans that they forgot to take a pause in their incessant game of na-na-na-na-boo-boo to actually vote.

The biggest collective derpity-derp-derp in the history of the country and now the whining, protesting and demeaning of others because they fucked up and didn't bother to vote.

The demographics are changing however whites are still the majority. 50% of all toddlers today are non-white or Hispanic. Since 1960, that number has doubled. By 2043 minorities will be the majority. The hope of many republicans is that this will be just in blue states not red states. However, the fact is 7 out of 10 of the fastest growing states are red states and the migration rate of minorities to these states is essential the same as blue states. In the 21st century, the GOP will have to change are die. Many people thought it would start in 2016, but along came Trump.
New Yawk, Kalifornication and Illinoise are all well-known for stuffing ballot boxes and allowing illegals to vote..... Often

The Founding Fathers were aware that voter fraud often took place and while they knew they couldn't stop it in EVERY State, they could help prevent dishonest States from swinging National Elections.

That's why it doesn't matter how many dishonest votes are cast in swamps like the aforementioned. They still only get their Electoral votes.

51%, 99%....... Don't matter. Those scumbag dimocrap FILTH States still only get their Electoral College votes.

See, dimocrap scum....... We knew people like you existed even 225 years ago.

You're not new. You've always been around in one form or another........ Nazis, Fascists, communists -- dimocraps

No difference
Actually they were afraid of the British coming from Canada. Now we're afraid of the Hispanics coming from Mexico.
Yep, the votes should've been there for hillary to win easily.

after months, if not years, of hearing how the demographic shifts in this country would prevent another Republican president maybe ever the dems were already in a perpetual victory lap.

They were so busy counting their chickens and taunting republicans with their visions of a monopolistic government that they were going to ram down the throats of republicans that they forgot to take a pause in their incessant game of na-na-na-na-boo-boo to actually vote.

The biggest collective derpity-derp-derp in the history of the country and now the whining, protesting and demeaning of others because they fucked up and didn't bother to vote.

The demographics are changing however whites are still the majority. 50% of all toddlers today are non-white or Hispanic. Since 1960, that number has doubled. By 2043 minorities will be the majority. The hope of many republicans is that this will be just in blue states not red states. However, the fact is 7 out of 10 of the fastest growing states are red states and the migration rate of minorities to these states is essential the same as blue states. In the 21st century, the GOP will have to change are die. Many people thought it would start in 2016, but along came Trump.

I didn't/don't dispute the demographics.

saying, "well next time, or the time after that we'll win because of the factors we said we'd win because of this time" isn't the greatest strategy, IMO.

Trump was a lousy candidate, utterly awful, so this should've been a cake walk.

They had the numbers this time around had just their '08 and '12 voters turned out. On top of that most people thought they'd be seeing more hispanics and women as well- and they ended up getting scorched, so it would seem that the issue is more complex than people may have thought.

The Dems need to do a bit of thinking themselves going forward as to how to properly secure those groups and, more importantly, how to get them to the polls, IMO. The pubs will need to shift also, I think, and likely they will. If not, they're screwed, I'll agree there.
New Yawk, Kalifornication and Illinoise are all well-known for stuffing ballot boxes and allowing illegals to vote..... Often

The Founding Fathers were aware that voter fraud often took place and while they knew they couldn't stop it in EVERY State, they could help prevent dishonest States from swinging National Elections.

That's why it doesn't matter how many dishonest votes are cast in swamps like the aforementioned. They still only get their Electoral votes.

51%, 99%....... Don't matter. Those scumbag dimocrap FILTH States still only get their Electoral College votes.

See, dimocrap scum....... We knew people like you existed even 225 years ago.

You're not new. You've always been around in one form or another........ Nazis, Fascists, communists -- dimocraps

No difference
Actually they were afraid of the British coming from Canada. Now we're afraid of the Hispanics coming from Mexico.

I'm not "afraid." I just want it to stop. OUR resources are limited. They are not endless. There is no reason for people to come here into this country illegally. NONE.

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