Lots Of People Were Shocked At Thanksgiving Dinner To Find Out Their Family Supports Donald Trump

Look at all the whiny, "tolerant" millennials having a temper tantrum. Their parents should disown them.

A Bunch Of People Were Shocked At Thanksgiving To Find Out Their Family Supports Donald Trump

A bunch of people were shocked to find out over Thanksgiving dinner that members of their family support Donald Trump for president.

The Trump truths proved too difficult for some Thanksgiving dinner attendees. Many said they had to leave the table while their family members praised The Donald

  • The only member of our family who expressed 'support' for Trump was saying that Trump was an idiot- but that all the candidates are idiots- he just likes Trump because he expresses his idiocy openly- and yes- that is how he said it.
  • There are no 'Trump Truths'- because pretty much all Trump says is either a lie- or an insult.
  • And as Stevie points out- Trump is the big favorite among racists, anti-semites, xenophobes and bigots.

My Father in law supports Trump and he is none of those things.

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.
  • The only member of our family who expressed 'support' for Trump was saying that Trump was an idiot- but that all the candidates are idiots- he just likes Trump because he expresses his idiocy openly- and yes- that is how he said it.
  • There are no 'Trump Truths'- because pretty much all Trump says is either a lie- or an insult.
  • And as Stevie points out- Trump is the big favorite among racists, anti-semites, xenophobes and bigots.

My Father in law supports Trump and he is none of those things.

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.

Oh I intend to address it in every thread that USMB's favorite racist, Stevie the racist, promotes Donald Trump.

There is something about Trump- or his message- which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.
My Father in law supports Trump and he is none of those things.

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.

Oh I intend to address it in every thread that USMB's favorite racist, Stevie the racist, promotes Donald Trump.

There is something about Trump- or his message- which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.

My Father in law supports Trump and he is none of those things.

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.

Oh I intend to address it in every thread that USMB's favorite racist, Stevie the racist, promotes Donald Trump.

There is something about Trump- or his message- which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.
Yes...By virtue of opposing the liberal agenda we are then ALL racists and other shit.....Right?
Guess what cupcake. We do not care what labels you throw at us. They mean nothing. We will not answer to your childish name calling and your desperate attempts to deflect the conversation...which by the way you can no longer control.
Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.

Oh I intend to address it in every thread that USMB's favorite racist, Stevie the racist, promotes Donald Trump.

There is something about Trump- or his message- which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.
Yes...By virtue of opposing the liberal agenda we are then ALL racists and other shit.....Right?
Guess what cupcake. We do not care what labels you throw at us. They mean nothing. We will not answer to your childish name calling and your desperate attempts to deflect the conversation...which by the way you can no longer control.

Well I don't think all of you are racist- just apparently you have a reading comprehension problem.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

And appeals to you.
Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites.

You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.

Oh I intend to address it in every thread that USMB's favorite racist, Stevie the racist, promotes Donald Trump.

There is something about Trump- or his message- which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.


Because Stevie is one of the most blatant haters here at USMB- he despises blacks, and Mexicans and Jews and homosexuals.

And he just loves Trump.

There is something Trump- or his message which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.


Why do you think?
I think a Hillary v Trump match up would be amazing too watch. I don't believe anyone will be able to predict the turn out levels with a person like Trump running. I would be worried if i were the Democrats right now, despite all the predictions of a Hillary blow out win. The enthusiasm for Trump is much higher than Romney ever dreamed of having. Hillary is not the candidate that Obama was when he ran. She does not connect with people in the same way. She is considered unlikable and untrustworthy by many. I don't believe she can replicate his turn out numbers. I think Hillary would win in the end, but the turnout would be so unpredictable, anything could happen.
And since there would be nothing to bitch about, Joe B would be a fart in the wind.

says the guy who never added anything to a conversation, ever, not even by accident.
Accusing me of doing what you do on USMB removes any credibility you may have had.
And it is straight out of the liberal play book.
Cut the shit.

GUy, I add actual arguments, w hich I back up with facts and figures.

You scream about everyone who disagrees with you.

Remember the good old days when Crazy people just yelled at clouds?
I think a Hillary v Trump match up would be amazing too watch. I don't believe anyone will be able to predict the turn out levels with a person like Trump running. I would be worried if i were the Democrats right now, despite all the predictions of a Hillary blow out win. The enthusiasm for Trump is much higher than Romney ever dreamed of having. Hillary is not the candidate that Obama was when he ran. She does not connect with people in the same way. She is considered unlikable and untrustworthy by many. I don't believe she can replicate his turn out numbers. I think Hillary would win in the end, but the turnout would be so unpredictable, anything could happen.

If Trump wins, America needs to nicely ask the United Kingdom if we can be a colony again, because we clearly have fucked this Democracy thing up.
Yeah, there was (unfortunately) a few seconds of political talk, Trump still gets eye rolls and head shakes.

Here's a weird one: My oldest daughter got married a few weeks ago, and during the rehearsal the pastor gave me a comprehensive one-on-one dissertation on how badly the country needs Trump.

Stranger yet, the pastor is a middle-aged Latino man (bilingual wedding, very cool, much dancing, I ate and drank far too much, but what the hell, I paid for it). I think at first I was so taken aback by his verve that I wasn't sure if he was serious, but he was. I just smiled and nodded as much as possible.

I still have no idea how to wrap my head around Trump's popularity.
I still have no idea how to wrap my head around Trump's popularity.

You don't? The guy who screams about the evils of "Political Correctness" doesn't understand how a racist, misogynistic piece of shit can be popular with people like him?
You don't have to be racist to be in favor of deporting illegals or getting rid of the insanity of Birthright Citizenship.

No you don't have to be- but it doesn't hurt.

Meanwhile- like I said

Oh I am not claiming that every Trump supporter is a racist or an anti-semite etc. And I sincerely do not even intend to imply that most Trump supporters are racists.

What I am pointing out is that here on these boards- racists, etc are drawn to Trump like flies to crap.

There must be something about Trump's message that appeals to racists and anti-semites

Well, if you are not trying to smear non-racists with the racist label, then perhaps it is something that doesn't need to be addressed.

Oh I intend to address it in every thread that USMB's favorite racist, Stevie the racist, promotes Donald Trump.

There is something about Trump- or his message- which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.


Because Stevie is one of the most blatant haters here at USMB- he despises blacks, and Mexicans and Jews and homosexuals.

And he just loves Trump.

There is something Trump- or his message which attracts America's racists and anti-semites.


Why do you think?

You remind me of the attempt to gin up something from the fact that Communists liked Obama.

ONly, more so.
Yeah, there was (unfortunately) a few seconds of political talk, Trump still gets eye rolls and head shakes.

Here's a weird one: My oldest daughter got married a few weeks ago, and during the rehearsal the pastor gave me a comprehensive one-on-one dissertation on how badly the country needs Trump.

Stranger yet, the pastor is a middle-aged Latino man (bilingual wedding, very cool, much dancing, I ate and drank far too much, but what the hell, I paid for it). I think at first I was so taken aback by his verve that I wasn't sure if he was serious, but he was. I just smiled and nodded as much as possible.

I still have no idea how to wrap my head around Trump's popularity.

Look at his policies.
Yeah, there was (unfortunately) a few seconds of political talk, Trump still gets eye rolls and head shakes.

Here's a weird one: My oldest daughter got married a few weeks ago, and during the rehearsal the pastor gave me a comprehensive one-on-one dissertation on how badly the country needs Trump.

Stranger yet, the pastor is a middle-aged Latino man (bilingual wedding, very cool, much dancing, I ate and drank far too much, but what the hell, I paid for it). I think at first I was so taken aback by his verve that I wasn't sure if he was serious, but he was. I just smiled and nodded as much as possible.

I still have no idea how to wrap my head around Trump's popularity.

Look at his policies.

What 'policies'?

He hasn't ever held office- he has never had any policies.
I think a Hillary v Trump match up would be amazing too watch. I don't believe anyone will be able to predict the turn out levels with a person like Trump running. I would be worried if i were the Democrats right now, despite all the predictions of a Hillary blow out win. The enthusiasm for Trump is much higher than Romney ever dreamed of having. Hillary is not the candidate that Obama was when he ran. She does not connect with people in the same way. She is considered unlikable and untrustworthy by many. I don't believe she can replicate his turn out numbers. I think Hillary would win in the end, but the turnout would be so unpredictable, anything could happen.

If Trump wins, America needs to nicely ask the United Kingdom if we can be a colony again, because we clearly have fucked this Democracy thing up.

If Trump is elected- well then we will get the President we deserve.

Luckily our country is stronger than any individual President.

The only good thing about a Trump Presidency is that he is the least conservative candidate the Republican have.

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