Lou Dobbs: Mexican Govt Interfering in US Presidential Election

Obama is a model for what NOT to do in messaging our positions around the globe. But Mexico was brought into the American political cycle in a VERY HIGHLY VISIBLE way. And all of their statesmen are within their rights to respond to the obscene rhetoric that our "power whore wannabees" have heaped on them. They did not PICK this fight now -- did they?
Mexico was not "brought" into anything. Mexican imperialism has been attacking the USA for 70 years, and pillaging the US economy for $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more in welfare to Mexicans living in the US. In all this time, only Eisenhower did something about it, by enacting Operation Wetback in 1954, deporting millions of Mexican illegal aliens.

Mexico is clearly America's # 1 enemy in the world, and deserves to be forced to pay back all the $$$$$$$$$ that they have stolen from us for decades. Since Mexico has proven that it is committed to be a PARASITE of America (US remittances + welfare is Mexico's # 1 source of income), it should be taken over, and reorganized economically to prevent further attacks upon America. The Mexican monopolies need to be broken up, thereby allowing Mexican small businessmen to compete, thereby creating millions of jobs in Mexico.

Wow -- that was a very LONG walk off a very SHORT pier you just took there. Almost puts in the conspiracy camp if you can mouth the words -- "Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy"..

Didn't know what resistance and denial I was working with here. So let me be clear AGAIN.. Mexico and it's people were VICIOUSLY maligned and used as "populist" scapegoats by a crazy power hungry ego whore --- during this American election cycle. The aforementioned whore even threatened to involve itself into contracts between Mexico and legitimate companies on both sides of the border. Even threatened to "make Mexico pay" for building a useless wall that probably will never get built..

So at that point.. Any responsible Mexican Govt reps are free to comment and respond to that kind of electioneering using them and their citizens as a punching bag and scapegoat. Simple as that. They are NOT EXPECTED to sit on the hands and shut their mouths when AFFRONTED by that kind of assault..

Got it? ------ Of course ya don't.. You believe Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy.. By George --- Aim those Nukes SOUTH then General.. And call back the Fleets Admiral.. Because Protectionist is fighting a different set of strategic global threats here.
Obama is a model for what NOT to do in messaging our positions around the globe. But Mexico was brought into the American political cycle in a VERY HIGHLY VISIBLE way. And all of their statesmen are within their rights to respond to the obscene rhetoric that our "power whore wannabees" have heaped on them. They did not PICK this fight now -- did they?
Mexico was not "brought" into anything. Mexican imperialism has been attacking the USA for 70 years, and pillaging the US economy for $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more in welfare to Mexicans living in the US. In all this time, only Eisenhower did something about it, by enacting Operation Wetback in 1954, deporting millions of Mexican illegal aliens.

Mexico is clearly America's # 1 enemy in the world, and deserves to be forced to pay back all the $$$$$$$$$ that they have stolen from us for decades. Since Mexico has proven that it is committed to be a PARASITE of America (US remittances + welfare is Mexico's # 1 source of income), it should be taken over, and reorganized economically to prevent further attacks upon America. The Mexican monopolies need to be broken up, thereby allowing Mexican small businessmen to compete, thereby creating millions of jobs in Mexico.

Wow -- that was a very LONG walk off a very SHORT pier you just took there. Almost puts in the conspiracy camp if you can mouth the words -- "Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy"..

Didn't know what resistance and denial I was working with here. So let me be clear AGAIN.. Mexico and it's people were VICIOUSLY maligned and used as "populist" scapegoats by a crazy power hungry ego whore --- during this American election cycle. The aforementioned whore even threatened to involve itself into contracts between Mexico and legitimate companies on both sides of the border. Even threatened to "make Mexico pay" for building a useless wall that probably will never get built..

So at that point.. Any responsible Mexican Govt reps are free to comment and respond to that kind of electioneering using them and their citizens as a punching bag and scapegoat. Simple as that. They are NOT EXPECTED to sit on the hands and shut their mouths when AFFRONTED by that kind of assault..

Got it? ------ Of course ya don't.. You believe Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy.. By George --- Aim those Nukes SOUTH then General.. And call back the Fleets Admiral.. Because Protectionist is fighting a different set of strategic global threats here.
Have to give credit where credit is due .. nice post and you never had to mention the trump idiots name
We have the same right as mexico to protect and seal our southern border as they do their own southern border.
We have the same right as mexico to protect and seal our southern border as they do their own southern border.
Protect Sure But a wall ?? Tear down that wall Mr Trump!!
Since we are unwilling to shoot and kill the invaders we need to keep them out some how short of automated machine guns and mine fields how else are we supposed to do it?
We have the same right as mexico to protect and seal our southern border as they do their own southern border.
Protect Sure But a wall ?? Tear down that wall Mr Trump!!
Since we are unwilling to shoot and kill the invaders we need to keep them out some how short of automated machine guns and mine fields how else are we supposed to do it?
Take half the soldiers we have wasting in foreign countries and use them to keep intruders out
BAD NEWS The anti Trump movement is world wide ,,,,Republicans are the only ones who want to see this sack of crud become leader of the free world
GOOD NEWS - Nobody cares about the stupid anti-Trump movement, wherever it is. And the reason why it's worldwide is because all over the world, countries have been attacking the US, with their remittance sender aliens, and they know Trump is going to put a stop to it. And some of those countries should be made to pay for the wall, mass deportations, and other protectionist measures, to pay the Us back for all the money they've stolen, not just Mexico. :biggrin:
Repubs don't want him either. Its only RWNJ traitors who want him. People who want endless wars. People who want the middle class living in their cars and working to support the 1%. People who admire Pooting's dictatorship because its the opposite of the US Constitution. People who write vile garbage like this:

I recommend a big Trump rally outdoors with 3000 demonstrators, each one holding a large Mexican flag, spitting at them, stomping on them, and burning them to ashes, whole holding up signs that say MEXICO: FUCK YOU!!
1. CORRECTION: Republicans DO want Trump. It is RINO traitors who ally with liberal traitors like you who don't want him.

2. CORRECTION: Trump is only for war against ISIS. Anyone who is opposed to that, is a traitor and an idiot.

3. CORRECTION: Hillary is the one who is being supported by the 1%. 73% of her donations are coming from billionaire Wall St. hedge fund groups & big banks. In contrast, Trump's campaign is getting only 7% from big business.

4. CORRECTION: Trump never said he admire Putin's dictatorsip.

5. I recommend a big Trump rally outdoors with 3000 demonstrators, each one holding a large Mexican flag, spitting at them, stomping on them, and burning them to ashes, while holding up signs that say MEXICO: FUCK YOU!!

And jail for TREASON,all the American creeps who support this vile enemy across our border.
You are the product of limited education. You can be of a group and oppose it, yes.
No, YOU are a product of limited education. That is the liberal OMISSION media, which omits scores of things you need to know, leaving you, et al liberals, ignorant.. I have proven this many times over with my Islamization Quiz. The liberals who have taken it, have never surpassed a grade of 5%. Most got ZERO. A lot of the dum dums even asked me "Islamization. What's that ?" :laugh: Pathetic.
After years of US involvement in other nation's internal affairs, turn about is fair play
I am watching the convention. It is so gratifying to see all those Mexican flags and the mecha brownshits too. Last night at Costa Mesa was good. This is better. After this, Trump might take California from Hilly.
Every Mexican flag flying = 1000 more votes for Trump. Keep flying'm Wetbacks. :biggrin:

PS - ever see the logo of the Mexican-American terrorist group MEChA ? (- Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan) It shows an eagle holding a stick of dynamite with a lit fuse. Don't believe it ? See for yourself.

Since we are unwilling to shoot and kill the invaders we need to keep them out some how short of automated machine guns and mine fields how else are we supposed to do it?
The anti-Trump protestors ? Here's a couple suggestions. The next time they show up in a large crowd, try these >>


Take half the soldiers we have wasting in foreign countries and use them to keep intruders out
The foreign countries don't think they're "wasting" They want the US troops there for protection. In fact they even PAY millions$$ for the troops (Ex. South Korea)
protectionist is melting with a hissy fit.

He get his butt kicked and cries and denies.

That will never change for him.
Trump when he gets the nomination will swing toward the center and start talking about negotiated immigration reform, maybe even amnesty.

There will be no wall, no mass deportation, no little protectionists goose stepping along. Not going to happen.

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