Lou Dobbs: Mexican Govt Interfering in US Presidential Election

Liberals invited and welcomed this shite!

Obama inviting and allowing the Mexican President, his accomplice in the illegal immigration / invasion going on, to speak to the American people on the floor of Congress,, to lecture the United States and d4clare we have no right to enforce our own Immigration policy, was PATHETIC and DISGUSTING.

Mexico enforces its own immigration policy on its southern border, and they are known for their strictness and brutality in doing so. The Mexican government, meanwhile, has been proven to be helping its people make it across our borders instead of trying to prevent the continuous illegal immigration. Why not - a large percentage of Mexico's national income comes from the money illegals in America send back to families in Mexico, not to mention the billions in foreign aid the US gives them each year. To have this 'puta' lecture the US on the floor of our Congress was an affront to this nation.

The asshole who invited him here and allowed him to do so should be tried and sentenced for refusing to enforce our immigration policies, protecting / aiding / abetting human trafficking, ignoring court orders - being found in contempt of court for refusing to comply with the federal court's orders, protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities. He should also be held accountable as well for the murders / deaths of Americans at the hands of the illegals Obama has brought into the country. If the victims of Sandy Hook can sue gun manufacturers for the deaths of their loved ones the families of the victims perpetrated by Obama's protected / criminal illegal aliens should be able to sue HIM and his law ignoring / violating immigration.
Don't our presidents do that all the time? Especially THIS one? He just spent days lecturing the Brits about their sovereignty.. Seems to me -- that Mexico was "mentioned" in the Prez debates more than incidentally.. And by the rules of those debates -- they now get 40 seconds to "respond".. :biggrin:
No they don't. They don't go into Mexico and scold the Mexican Congress for having laws defending themselves from foreign invasion, like Felipe Calderon did here to the US House of Representitives, and the stupid Democrats and RINOs stood up and cheered for him while he was bitching at them. He should have been arrested as a POW.

And I would hardly use Obama as an example of what America should do.
Protectionist can report away. The OP is maimed because of lack of integrity and its key components have been flattened.

Endorsements? Those are endorsements by Mexico and Israel. They are interference and flatly wrong. Protectionist should not be condemning the one while condoning the other. Why? He loses the moral high ground.

Trump will not win the general so all of this is immaterial.

And 70 of America is doing this at Trump
It won't change.
You still haven't shown any evidence of this alleged 70%. By now, what is evident is you don't have any. I give you credit for saying that what Mexico is doing is wrong though. Some liberals are actually defending the creeps. As for Israel, I will easily address that in another thread where THAT is the TOPIC, not here.

And it's evident why you keep repeating that Trump won't win the general election. Because you believe he will. Otherwise, you wouldn't be talking about that. You're shitting in our pants. I love it! :laugh:
Liberals invited and welcomed this shite!

Obama inviting and allowing the Mexican President, his accomplice in the illegal immigration / invasion going on, to speak to the American people on the floor of Congress,, to lecture the United States and d4clare we have no right to enforce our own Immigration policy, was PATHETIC and DISGUSTING.

Mexico enforces its own immigration policy on its southern border, and they are known for their strictness and brutality in doing so. The Mexican government, meanwhile, has been proven to be helping its people make it across our borders instead of trying to prevent the continuous illegal immigration. Why not - a large percentage of Mexico's national income comes from the money illegals in America send back to families in Mexico, not to mention the billions in foreign aid the US gives them each year. To have this 'puta' lecture the US on the floor of our Congress was an affront to this nation.

The asshole who invited him here and allowed him to do so should be tried and sentenced for refusing to enforce our immigration policies, protecting / aiding / abetting human trafficking, ignoring court orders - being found in contempt of court for refusing to comply with the federal court's orders, protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities. He should also be held accountable as well for the murders / deaths of Americans at the hands of the illegals Obama has brought into the country. If the victims of Sandy Hook can sue gun manufacturers for the deaths of their loved ones the families of the victims perpetrated by Obama's protected / criminal illegal aliens should be able to sue HIM and his law ignoring / violating immigration.
Spot on correct. The only thing I would add is that Obama ought to be arrested, tried, convicted of TREASON, and executed, and so should Hillary Clinton. And don't be a bit surprised if a year from now, that is exactly what takes place.
Today the media showed a family of Mexican illegal aliens in the US. The idea was to give sympathy to them for being on the verge of being deported by thee next president (Donald Trump). They were a mother, father, and a grown son and grown daughter. All illegal. All crossed the border without inspection by US officials (a CRIME)They are all criminals.

How about showing an AMERICAN family, like one where they're unemployed, because these happy Mexican criminals have stolen their jobs ? How about showing the Steinle family ? ...who is also a mother, father, a grown son and a grown daughter, except that the daughter, Kate, is dead, killed by an illegal alien dirtbag. Or the families of lots of Americans whose family member was killed by an illegal alien piece of crap.

protectionist is some strange.

He will break down permanently when it dawns on him that Trump won't be president.
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protectionist is some strange.

He will break down permanently when it dawns on him that Trump won't be president.
We will let you just DREAM on. You're not hurting anybody. Well just keep pointing out the numerous fallacies of your posts, all based on laughable liberal talking points. Here's one for ya.,>>>

Hey Conservatives! Remember when Jake brought up that ludicrous liberal talking point about how the poor little illegal aliens would have their families broken up and separated from each other ? Sheeesh!

EARTH TO LIBERALS: When you violate laws, you just might have family members separated from each other, you know ? Oh so we can't have that ? So should we stop sending people to jail now, because their family members would be separated ? People get sent to prison for 20 years, every day in America. Their family members get separated. Don't want to have family members separated ? Don't break laws. Get it ?
protectionist the fool is saying the citizen children broke the law. What an idiot. The fact is Trump will not be elected, we will keep laughing at protectionist, and the world will move along.
protectionist the fool is saying the citizen children broke the law. What an idiot. The fact is Trump will not be elected, we will keep laughing at protectionist, and the world will move along.
Dumbass. The son & daughter were adults already when they BROKE THE LAW crossing the Mexican border. All 4 are CRIMINALS.
  1. U.S. CodeTitle 8 › Chapter 12 › Subchapter II › Part VIII › § 1325
Improper entry by alien
8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

As for kids who were born here, whose parents are foreigners, they are not citizens either. Birthright citizenship is a MYTH. Proponents of it cite the 14th amendment, but the author of the 14th amendment specifically stated that these kids would not be citizens. He disclaimed the idea of birthright citizenship right from the beginning.


Jacob M. Howard

"[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person." [2] Jacob Howard May 30, 1866

Jacob M. Howard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875

So the whole idea of anchor babies is FALSE. They are NOT "anchor babies". They are foreigner illegal aliens, just like their parents.
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Birthright citizenship is a fact, and the myth is that it is not real.

Islam is a religion is a fact, and the myth is that it is not.
Don't our presidents do that all the time? Especially THIS one? He just spent days lecturing the Brits about their sovereignty.. Seems to me -- that Mexico was "mentioned" in the Prez debates more than incidentally.. And by the rules of those debates -- they now get 40 seconds to "respond".. :biggrin:
No they don't. They don't go into Mexico and scold the Mexican Congress for having laws defending themselves from foreign invasion, like Felipe Calderon did here to the US House of Representitives, and the stupid Democrats and RINOs stood up and cheered for him while he was bitching at them. He should have been arrested as a POW.

And I would hardly use Obama as an example of what America should do.

Obama is a model for what NOT to do in messaging our positions around the globe. But Mexico was brought into the American political cycle in a VERY HIGHLY VISIBLE way. And all of their statesmen are within their rights to respond to the obscene rhetoric that our "power whore wannabees" have heaped on them. They did not PICK this fight now -- did they?
Obama is a model for what NOT to do in messaging our positions around the globe. But Mexico was brought into the American political cycle in a VERY HIGHLY VISIBLE way. And all of their statesmen are within their rights to respond to the obscene rhetoric that our "power whore wannabees" have heaped on them. They did not PICK this fight now -- did they?
Mexico was not "brought" into anything. Mexican imperialism has been attacking the USA for 70 years, and pillaging the US economy for $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more in welfare to Mexicans living in the US. In all this time, only Eisenhower did something about it, by enacting Operation Wetback in 1954, deporting millions of Mexican illegal aliens.

Mexico is clearly America's # 1 enemy in the world, and deserves to be forced to pay back all the $$$$$$$$$ that they have stolen from us for decades. Since Mexico has proven that it is committed to be a PARASITE of America (US remittances + welfare is Mexico's # 1 source of income), it should be taken over, and reorganized economically to prevent further attacks upon America. The Mexican monopolies need to be broken up, thereby allowing Mexican small businessmen to compete, thereby creating millions of jobs in Mexico.
Oh no! Mexican's trying to sway people in government. That's a disgrace!!!

How dare they do the job that big business' lobbists are meant to be doing. I mean it's not like America would ever seek to get involved in the business of government in another soverign nation is it?! I mean apart from the 70 nations it's sent troops in to in its history, obviously.
"Birthright citizenship has NEVER been real, and has been banned since 1866" is a false statement, as we all know.

"Islam is not a religion. . ." is a false statement, as we all know.
Protectionist is just anti-Hispanic nativism, representing a small group of American, nothing more.
Oh no! Mexican's trying to sway people in government. That's a disgrace!!!

How dare they do the job that big business' lobbists are meant to be doing. I mean it's not like America would ever seek to get involved in the business of government in another soverign nation is it?! I mean apart from the 70 nations it's sent troops in to in its history, obviously.
This is current events, not history. As for big business lobbyists, they are supporting the same person the Mexicans are supporting > Hillary Clinton.(73% of her donations from big business///// Trump 7%)
Protectionist is just anti-Hispanic nativism, representing a small group of American, nothing more.
EARTH TO JOKEY: I happen TO BE Hispanic. My grandparents immigrated from British Hondurus (now called Belize). They spoke fluent Spanish, as do I. I guess everyone in the forum knows that, except you. :laugh:

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