Lou Dobbs: Mexican Govt Interfering in US Presidential Election

Wow -- that was a very LONG walk off a very SHORT pier you just took there. Almost puts in the conspiracy camp if you can mouth the words -- "Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy"..

Didn't know what resistance and denial I was working with here. So let me be clear AGAIN.. Mexico and it's people were VICIOUSLY maligned and used as "populist" scapegoats by a crazy power hungry ego whore --- during this American election cycle. The aforementioned whore even threatened to involve itself into contracts between Mexico and legitimate companies on both sides of the border. Even threatened to "make Mexico pay" for building a useless wall that probably will never get built..

So at that point.. Any responsible Mexican Govt reps are free to comment and respond to that kind of electioneering using them and their citizens as a punching bag and scapegoat. Simple as that. They are NOT EXPECTED to sit on the hands and shut their mouths when AFFRONTED by that kind of assault..

Got it? ------ Of course ya don't.. You believe Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy.. By George --- Aim those Nukes SOUTH then General.. And call back the Fleets Admiral.. Because Protectionist is fighting a different set of strategic global threats here.
Yeah I GOT IT. But you obviously don't. And I suppose YOUR DENIAL includes making believe that US remittances$$ +welfare is not Mexico's# 1 source of income right ? So just so you don't make the same mistake again, read this, so you might have an inking to what you're talking about. >>>

Here's a brief expose' of the Mexican invasion of the United States (1950-2014). For those who have been brain-dead on all this, for past 60+ years, Mexico has been carrying on one of the biggest and most successful examples of imperialism any nation has ever engaged in (if Mexico can even be described as a "nation").

Led by Mexico's ultra-rich capitalist, ruling-class, billionaires like Carlos Slim Helu (world's richest person), Mexico maintains a monopoly system that won't allow Mexican small businesses to compete with it. And as long as these giants like Pemex (oil), Telex (communications), et al, maintain stiff control this way, Mexico with continue to drift along at about a sluggish 2% growth per year (if that).

Worse yet, is the "solution" that Mexico's greed freak masters have come up with to handle the massive poverty problem that they create. They just conveniently (for them) dump it on the United States. While shutting out the masses from Mexico's great wealth (oil, gold, silver, agriculture, tourism, etc), and creating one of the worst train wrecks of a country anyone has ever seen, these deranged plutocrats have solved their poverty problem by maintaining a 21st century style of imperialism. Instead of the traditional form with militaries, guns and bombs, Mexico, knowing they are incapable of doing that to the USA, use poor people instead. They send their poor to the US (assisted with guidebooks on how to evade US immigration authorities- I once had a copy of it) to scoop up American taxpayers' dollars in a wide assortment of welfare benefits. They also use the US Constitution's 14th amendment (never intended to be abused this way), allowing their poor to get US money, as long as they birth an anchor baby on US soil.

So together with using the US taxpayer (AKA "sucker") to pay their immense poverty bill (bigger than that paid to US native-borns), they also receive tens of Billion$$$$ per year in remittance$$$ (money sent to Mexican families in Mexico from Mexican immigrants in America). These huge sum$$$ are extracted out of the US economy, into the pockets of Mexicans working in the USA (most of them illegally), and after sent to Mexico, are then spent in Mexican stores, thereby being re-inserted into the Mexican economy. Nifty, huh ? The Vikings would be envious.

With all this disrespect for everyone other than themselves, the Mexican plutocrats also create a serious level of disrespect for them and the Mexican government they control. Consequently, drugs gangs run rampant as no one sees any moral authority in charge anyway.

So what has this MESS south of our border become (besides a cancer to us in the USA) ? I'd say Mexico, in all of its chaos and disorganization has become like a whale lost in a bay, but with plenty of fish to eat, and nobody quite sure what to do about it. Well, whales can be driven back out to sea by large ships. Only the effort is necessary.

Instead of a real effort to stop Mexico's relentless parasitical plunder of the USA, we have a spineless government that refuses to deal with the problem. In fact, the only US president I can recall actually doing anything about it was Eisenhower who presided over Operation Wetback in 1954, when US agents went around house to house in Southwestern states, hunting illegal aliens down and driving them out, and arresting them.

Huge numbers were deported, and more huge numbers fled back to Mexico on their own. In contrast, now we have the do-nothing (on this issue) Congress and President Obama, whose answer to the Mexican invasion was to invite the leader of the invasion, Mexican President Felipe Calderon to Washington DC, so he could scold the US Congress for not being complicit enough in helping Mexico invade the US, and pillage its economy and tax treasuries. Sheeeeeshh !!

Well, after hundreds of thousands of US military members sacrificed their lives to prevent invasions of the US from Japan and Nazi Germany, one would think that we would at least try to stop this massive attack on our nation, no ? So what actually should be done about this then ? I would propose the following:

We should give Carlos Slim and all the rest of his plutocrat rat pack 3 months to break up the monopolies, and initiate reforms that would open Mexico's economy to Mexican small business entrepreneurs, who then could hire millions of Mexicans to good jobs. This would also create some badly needed respect for Mexican authority, and help to spur public cooperation in stamping out the drug gangs.

This would have to be backed up by a stern warning that non-cooperation would result in US military action against Mexico which would likely result in the complete conquest of Mexico, and establishment of it as a US territory or state, under full US control. A buildup of US military along the Mexican border including fleets of US warships along both Mexican coasts, and US air power buzzing Mexican coastal cities would be in order as well, to give teeth to the demand.

On the US side, the 14th amendment should be revised to abolish birth citizenship. The Mexican border double fence or wall (mandated by the 2006 Secure Fence Act) should be fully built, as it was supposed to have been done by now. And President Obama's joking remark about adding a moat filled with alligators, wouldn't be a bad idea either. All paid for by Mexico, of course.

This money, owed to the US from decades of international burglary, should also be used to fund the hiring of more CBP officers, immigration court officials, and build more immigration jails, and engage in a mass deportation program, which can easily be done, as long as the will and resources are allocated to it.
This should also include a crackdown of illegal employers of illegal aliens, with arrests based on the 1986 IRCA law, as well as arrests of US mayors (starting with Michael Bloomberg of New York) and city council members passing illegal sanctuary laws, and illegally giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. In addition, vested interest pro-immigration groups like the US Democratic Party, many churches, unions, and ethnocentrist organizations like La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF, et al should be investigated for their roles, and held accountable for any/all illegal activities on their parts.
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protectionist is melting with a hissy fit.

He get his butt kicked and cries and denies.

That will never change for him.
So that's your solution to having your ass handed to you ? You pretend it's the other way around. Only you could be made to feel better about that.
Trump when he gets the nomination will swing toward the center and start talking about negotiated immigration reform, maybe even amnesty.

There will be no wall, no mass deportation, no little protectionists goose stepping along. Not going to happen.
Oh that's cute. And exactly WHY would Trump take this swing toward the center, actually left, (and amnesty), and away from all the voters who put him where he is now ? I shouldn't even be dignifying this moronic post with a response. I must be in an extremely generous mood.

PS - you sound like you're scared shitless. I love it! :biggrin:
protectionist is melting with a hissy fit. He get his butt kicked and cries and denies. That will never change for him.
So that's your solution to having your ass handed to you ? You pretend it's the other way around. Only you could be made to feel better about that.
You are the one projecting and on your knees licking ass, kid. You will never change because you will never be manly. And you just don't think well (or, as you would say, "good"). For instance, your insane denial we don't interfere in Central American politics, and have for more than a century and a half. That you would question a well known fact demonstrates no takes you seriously.

The fact is so what is the Mexican government doing. America does the same. End of story.
You are the one projecting and on your knees licking ass, kid. You will never change because you will never be manly. And you just don't think well (or, as you would say, "good").

The fact is so what the Mexican government is doing. America does the same. End of story.
HA HA HA. Not hardly, projection boy. Actually this is quite old news. Amzing ou're just learning about it ow. I guess that's the price you pay for sticking to the liberal OMISSION media. So does THIS look like a "projection" to you ? :biggrin: >>>

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Mexico -- Remittances are Mexico's biggest source of income, says Fox

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Hey, I've lost count. Is this the 200th or 201st ass kicking I've given you ?
You are the one projecting and on your knees licking ass, kid. You will never change because you will never be manly. And you just don't think well (or, as you would say, "good").

The fact is so what the Mexican government is doing. America does the same. End of story.
HA HA HA. Not hardly, projection boy. Actually this is quite old news. Amzing ou're just learning about it ow. I guess that's the price you pay for sticking to the liberal OMISSION media. So does THIS look like a "projection" to you ? :biggrin: >>>

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Mexico -- Remittances are Mexico's biggest source of income, says Fox

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Hey, I've lost count. Is this the 200th or 201st ass kicking I've given you ?
protectionist now is beginning to accept that we interfere in others' elections as well. No one said Mexico was not interfering (that's your silly deflection), the point being that it is not important.
protectionist now is beginning to accept that we interfere in others' elections as well. No one said Mexico was not interfering (that's your silly deflection), the point being that it is not important.
:bsflag: I never made that concession. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. I challenged JWBooth about that, and he still is floundering for an answer. Plus he's lost. He laughably said the US had involvement in every Central American election, since 1800. HA HA.

EARTH TO JWB - Just for one example, The Central American country Belize, before 1972 was called British Honduras. It was part of the UK, and there was no US interference or involvement in its elections or internal affairs. My grandparents came from there. I remember them talking about it.

PS - even if the US had interfered in other countries in the past, so what ? Since when did 2 wrongs make a right ? Mexican imperialism is still our # 1 enemy in the world. Still colonizing us to about $50 Billion/year (remittances + welfare), this is still Mexico's # 1 source of income, and the Mexican parasite is still butting into our 2016 election.
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No one is saying anything about a concession. People are saying your deflections don't work, Mexico is not our # 1 or 2 or 13th enemy, even, and that you are being silly as usual.
No one is saying anything about a concession. People are saying your deflections don't work, Mexico is not our # 1 or 2 or 13th enemy, even, and that you are being silly as usual.
Yes they are . YOU. You said "protectionist now is beginning to accept that we interfere in others' elections as well."

I'm not being silly. I'm telling the truth and revealing reality. And you are burying it with denial, because it doesn't fit your in with your agenda. Mexican imperialism is real and the links in Post # 141 have ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox openly bragging and gloating about it. Anything else you'd like to deny ? Maybe he sky is blue ? The sun rises in the east ?

Here's some education for you about imperialism, since you seem to not quite get the idea of it.

The Mexican imperialism of the US, which gives Mexico its # 1 source of income, is the largest international burglary in world history. On economic terms, there has never been a greater reason for a country to go to war with another country (which is already AT WAR with it - 21st century economic style)

In medieval days, the Vikings warred against Britain storming their castles with launching fireballs. They successfully sacked England for gold and precious metals. But in their best year tey never git what Mexico gets from the US in one day. $23 Billion/year in remittances. The Vikings would be envious (and that's not even counting the welfare grab via the anchor baby racket and false documentation.


William of Orange (1650)

And it wasn't just Vikings. Much later on, the Dutch prince William of Orange (who became the King of England, William III), attacked Ireland, defeating the forces of the Irish King James II, in the swampy Battle of the Boyne, in 1690, creating the now 326 year old fiddle tune "Billy in the Lowground" Old style imperialism. Now they get other nations' riches ,sending in poor people, stealing jobs, and using international wire technology. (Western Union, etc)

Welcome to the 21st century!

PS - you're not exactly "invading" another country when that country HAS BEEN invading you for 70 years.
You like healthmyths and shootspeeders and a few others right these long paragraphs of blathering nonsense.

Yes, you said America interfered in other countries' elections.

No, Mexico is not our enemy, but people like you are the enemy of America and its welfare.

Your nonsense about Islam not being a religion and Mexico being our enemy and your misuse of the 'imperialism' is astounding nonsense.
You like healthmyths and shootspeeders and a few others right these long paragraphs of blathering nonsense.

Yes, you said America interfered in other countries' elections.

No, Mexico is not our enemy, but people like you are the enemy of America and its welfare.

Your nonsense about Islam not being a religion and Mexico being our enemy and your misuse of the 'imperialism' is astounding nonsense.
Where is this post that you claim I "said America interfered in other countries' elections." Did you think I was going to allow you to attribute things to me without you presenting anything to back it up ? You got some evidence of this ? Let's hear it.

Yes, of course Mexico is our enemy. You have a country who sends its people to us to pillage us for $23 Billion/year (remittances) + tens of Billions/yr ,more in welfare (that is 21st century imperialism Mr Asleep at the Wheel), and that's not an enemy ? Hmmm. OK if I come over your place and take say $100 out, and place it into my home. But I'd like to do that every day (for decades). You have no problem with that right ? When can we start ?

And I almost forgot, people like you are the enemy of America and its welfare.

Lastly, your nonsense about Islam being a religion and Mexico not being our enemy, and your clueless of the word 'imperialism' is astounding nonsense.
After all that Mexico has done to us, and with deranged screwballs like Vicente Fox popping off admitting what they're doing and gloating about it, how on earth anyone could ever say Mexico is not an enemy of us is really astounding. It just goes to show how far from reality liberal propaganda has got those who have succumbed to it.

When people have diverged that far off, there's probably no cure. They're probably just better left alone. It's sad though, that they come into a forum like this and display their sickness.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Mexico -- Remittances are Mexico's biggest source of income, says Fox
Wow -- that was a very LONG walk off a very SHORT pier you just took there. Almost puts in the conspiracy camp if you can mouth the words -- "Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy"..

Didn't know what resistance and denial I was working with here. So let me be clear AGAIN.. Mexico and it's people were VICIOUSLY maligned and used as "populist" scapegoats by a crazy power hungry ego whore --- during this American election cycle. The aforementioned whore even threatened to involve itself into contracts between Mexico and legitimate companies on both sides of the border. Even threatened to "make Mexico pay" for building a useless wall that probably will never get built..

So at that point.. Any responsible Mexican Govt reps are free to comment and respond to that kind of electioneering using them and their citizens as a punching bag and scapegoat. Simple as that. They are NOT EXPECTED to sit on the hands and shut their mouths when AFFRONTED by that kind of assault..

Got it? ------ Of course ya don't.. You believe Mexico is clearly America's #1 Enemy.. By George --- Aim those Nukes SOUTH then General.. And call back the Fleets Admiral.. Because Protectionist is fighting a different set of strategic global threats here.
Yeah I GOT IT. But you obviously don't. And I suppose YOUR DENIAL includes making believe that US remittances$$ +welfare is not Mexico's# 1 source of income right ? So just so you don't make the same mistake again, read this, so you might have an inking to what you're talking about. >>>

Here's a brief expose' of the Mexican invasion of the United States (1950-2014). For those who have been brain-dead on all this, for past 60+ years, Mexico has been carrying on one of the biggest and most successful examples of imperialism any nation has ever engaged in (if Mexico can even be described as a "nation").

Led by Mexico's ultra-rich capitalist, ruling-class, billionaires like Carlos Slim Helu (world's richest person), Mexico maintains a monopoly system that won't allow Mexican small businesses to compete with it. And as long as these giants like Pemex (oil), Telex (communications), et al, maintain stiff control this way, Mexico with continue to drift along at about a sluggish 2% growth per year (if that).

Worse yet, is the "solution" that Mexico's greed freak masters have come up with to handle the massive poverty problem that they create. They just conveniently (for them) dump it on the United States. While shutting out the masses from Mexico's great wealth (oil, gold, silver, agriculture, tourism, etc), and creating one of the worst train wrecks of a country anyone has ever seen, these deranged plutocrats have solved their poverty problem by maintaining a 21st century style of imperialism. Instead of the traditional form with militaries, guns and bombs, Mexico, knowing they are incapable of doing that to the USA, use poor people instead. They send their poor to the US (assisted with guidebooks on how to evade US immigration authorities- I once had a copy of it) to scoop up American taxpayers' dollars in a wide assortment of welfare benefits. They also use the US Constitution's 14th amendment (never intended to be abused this way), allowing their poor to get US money, as long as they birth an anchor baby on US soil.

So together with using the US taxpayer (AKA "sucker") to pay their immense poverty bill (bigger than that paid to US native-borns), they also receive tens of Billion$$$$ per year in remittance$$$ (money sent to Mexican families in Mexico from Mexican immigrants in America). These huge sum$$$ are extracted out of the US economy, into the pockets of Mexicans working in the USA (most of them illegally), and after sent to Mexico, are then spent in Mexican stores, thereby being re-inserted into the Mexican economy. Nifty, huh ? The Vikings would be envious.

With all this disrespect for everyone other than themselves, the Mexican plutocrats also create a serious level of disrespect for them and the Mexican government they control. Consequently, drugs gangs run rampant as no one sees any moral authority in charge anyway.

So what has this MESS south of our border become (besides a cancer to us in the USA) ? I'd say Mexico, in all of its chaos and disorganization has become like a whale lost in a bay, but with plenty of fish to eat, and nobody quite sure what to do about it. Well, whales can be driven back out to sea by large ships. Only the effort is necessary.

Instead of a real effort to stop Mexico's relentless parasitical plunder of the USA, we have a spineless government that refuses to deal with the problem. In fact, the only US president I can recall actually doing anything about it was Eisenhower who presided over Operation Wetback in 1954, when US agents went around house to house in Southwestern states, hunting illegal aliens down and driving them out, and arresting them.

Huge numbers were deported, and more huge numbers fled back to Mexico on their own. In contrast, now we have the do-nothing (on this issue) Congress and President Obama, whose answer to the Mexican invasion was to invite the leader of the invasion, Mexican President Felipe Calderon to Washington DC, so he could scold the US Congress for not being complicit enough in helping Mexico invade the US, and pillage its economy and tax treasuries. Sheeeeeshh !!

Well, after hundreds of thousands of US military members sacrificed their lives to prevent invasions of the US from Japan and Nazi Germany, one would think that we would at least try to stop this massive attack on our nation, no ? So what actually should be done about this then ? I would propose the following:

We should give Carlos Slim and all the rest of his plutocrat rat pack 3 months to break up the monopolies, and initiate reforms that would open Mexico's economy to Mexican small business entrepreneurs, who then could hire millions of Mexicans to good jobs. This would also create some badly needed respect for Mexican authority, and help to spur public cooperation in stamping out the drug gangs.

This would have to be backed up by a stern warning that non-cooperation would result in US military action against Mexico which would likely result in the complete conquest of Mexico, and establishment of it as a US territory or state, under full US control. A buildup of US military along the Mexican border including fleets of US warships along both Mexican coasts, and US air power buzzing Mexican coastal cities would be in order as well, to give teeth to the demand.

On the US side, the 14th amendment should be revised to abolish birth citizenship. The Mexican border double fence or wall (mandated by the 2006 Secure Fence Act) should be fully built, as it was supposed to have been done by now. And President Obama's joking remark about adding a moat filled with alligators, wouldn't be a bad idea either. All paid for by Mexico, of course.

This money, owed to the US from decades of international burglary, should also be used to fund the hiring of more CBP officers, immigration court officials, and build more immigration jails, and engage in a mass deportation program, which can easily be done, as long as the will and resources are allocated to it.
This should also include a crackdown of illegal employers of illegal aliens, with arrests based on the 1986 IRCA law, as well as arrests of US mayors (starting with Michael Bloomberg of New York) and city council members passing illegal sanctuary laws, and illegally giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. In addition, vested interest pro-immigration groups like the US Democratic Party, many churches, unions, and ethnocentrist organizations like La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF, et al should be investigated for their roles, and held accountable for any/all illegal activities on their parts.

So you apparently want to DICTATE to MEXICO what their internal policies should BE???
Now that would not be "interfering in their politics" -- would it?

You didn't need to tell me ANY OF THAT.. And none of that JUSTIFIES your premise that Mexico should just sit in the corner, STFU, and take any abuse our political clown wannabees want to dish out. No way. They ARE a sovereign nation and they have a RIGHT and DUTY to respond to crank politicians doing everything to win votes by beating on Mexico and Mexicans..
So you apparently want to DICTATE to MEXICO what their internal policies should BE???
Now that would not be "interfering in their politics" -- would it?

You didn't need to tell me ANY OF THAT.. And none of that JUSTIFIES your premise that Mexico should just sit in the corner, STFU, and take any abuse our political clown wannabees want to dish out. No way. They ARE a sovereign nation and they have a RIGHT and DUTY to respond to crank politicians doing everything to win votes by beating on Mexico and Mexicans..
Well when a country has been attacking you for 70 years (economically), you have the RIGHT to DICTATE to THEM what their internal policies should be. That their internal policies should be to stop burglarizing our economy for $23 Billion/year. Stop ripping off our tax treasuries for about that same amount. Stop stealing our jobs, and stop bringing crime into our country.

I suppose in 1942 you might have told Roosevelt that he didn't have the right to dictate to Germany and Japan (much less kill hundreds of thousands of their people in continous carpet bombing and nuclear bombs) Oh but that's different huh ? NO IT'S NOT. The basic principle is that all 3 of these countries have attacked us. Germany and Japan did it briefly with bombs and bullets. Mexico has has done it for 70 years by economics, by raiding our economy and tax treasuries.

So I guess I'll ask you the same question I asked Jake Starkey. OK if I come over your place and take say $100 out, and place it into my home ? But I'd like to do that every day (for decades). You have no problem with that right ? When can we start ? You really aren't getting this, are you ?

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Mexico -- Remittances are Mexico's biggest source of income, says Fox
protectionist wants us to continue an interventionist, imperialistic policy like we did until the 1930s when FDR and J. Reuben Clark changed it to one of equality and co-operation. protectionist's insisting that the opposite of that is the truth.
protectionist wants us to continue an interventionist, imperialistic policy like we did until the 1930s when FDR and J. Reuben Clark changed it to one of equality and co-operation. protectionist's insisting that the opposite of that is the truth.
Jake tries to obscure the realities of other countries posing threats and dangers, and in some cases outright continuous attacks on us for decades (ex. Mexico), and then when we act to defend ourselves (ex. troops in Afghanistan from Pakistani nukes), he tries to call it "interventionist, imperialistic policy".

What a lousy deceiver. You know if he wanted to demonize the US, there are much better examples he could have used. How about Vietnam, or Allende in Chile in the 1970s ? Or the Contras in the 1980s ? If any America-haters out there are paying Jake to post in here, it's doubtful they're getting their money's worth. How can he be doing an effective job of running the US down, when I have to keep tutoring him all the time ? Hey, where's MY paycheck ? And I haven't even gotten a Thank You.

We all know Mexican imperialism is ripping us for $23 Billion/year in remittances + much more in welfare (Even Vicente Fox bragged about it). Well, Jake can keep on insisting that the opposite of that is the truth, but all he does is make himself the USMB snow jobber. Oh well, ....NOT MY PROBLEM. :dunno:
I guess we knew it was bound to happen. Sure enough (reported by Lou Dobbs), the anti-Trump movement has a new ally. The Mexican government. Mexican diplomats in the US, are mobilizing to help illegal aliens in this country to get citizenship, so they can vote, ahead of the November election. They're holding workshops in Dallas, Chicago, and Las Vegas, with 46 Mexican consulates getting into the act.

As Ed Rollins said in the video, can you just imagine how Mexico would react if US diplomats inside Mexico, were acting to sway one of their elections one way or the other ?

Sweet baby Jesus you people can sure dig up some ignorant crap.

The problem you have are the LEGAL American voting Hispanics in this country. 17% of the population, or 23 million of them that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column because of Donald Trump and his attacks on them. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needed 40% of this block to win the White House. This year is 46% and Trump is polling at an Historic Negative 80%. They don't need any help from diplomats trying to get papers for illegals--LOL.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him


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