Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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The black church leaders played a big role fighting the crack trade

Interesting how people like IM2 Superbadbrutha Curried Goats are anti Christian….well allegedly they are all the same person a old gay white guy… they apparently view Christianity as “the white man’s religion” nm that Christians have been in Africa for 2000 years
How many slaves got off the ship with a Bible under their arm?

Why did you take Jesus and make him white?

How many folks in that region of the world are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc.?
Gaslighting. Our Founders would piss on your writing and Tom Paine would probably beat your ass.

Ethan Allen, a farmer, politician, and guerilla revolutionary leader during the American War of Independence, might be best described as a Progressive Christian Deist. Like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, he believed that reason should play a paramount role in religious activity1. Allen wrote a book titled “Reason: The Only Oracle of Man” (1784), where he espoused natural religion and denied the validity of traditional religions, including Christianity2. His views were characterized by a blend of deism, naturalistic perspectives influenced by Benedict Spinoza, and an early version of Transcendentalism3.

Thomas Paine, a Founding Father and influential writer during the American Revolution, was not a Christian. Although he was a self-proclaimed monotheist, he disdained organized religion. In his work “The Age of Reason,” Paine criticized Christianity, advocated for reason and free thought, and placed his trust in human reason alone. His views were more revolutionary than his political stance, making him an outcast even among those who once respected him1. So, to answer your question directly, no, Thomas Paine was not a Christian2.

Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father and influential writer during the American Revolution, was not a Christian. Although he was baptized in the Protestant tradition and raised in a devout Puritan household, he distanced himself from Christianity over time. Franklin embraced a more rationalistic and deistic perspective. He classified himself as a deist, believing in God based on reason and observation rather than revelation or faith. Deists hold that a supreme being created the universe but does not intervene in human affairs. Franklin’s views evolved, and he even explored alternative religious philosophies such as Confucianism and Taoism. While he admired Jesus Christ’s moral teachings, he expressed doubts about Christ’s divinity. Franklin’s religious journey reflects his commitment to reason, science, and religious tolerance12.

Poor little commie, the discussion is what in the constitution would be violated by the law. I don't know anyone that asked anything about the founders personal opinions on religion.

The governor knows that being sued by liberals would be a dream come true. It would increase his popularity. I bet they sue anyway.

---Louisiana governor ‘can’t wait to be sued’ after forcing the Ten Commandments in classrooms---

dumbest poorest state in the union ,but hate is at the top of the charts. If any of you think this has anything to do with religion , your mind is operating at state levels.
The worst education and the dumbest people in this country are from red states , so this is logical to them. Google that MAGA's you are statistically stupid. BY every manner of judgement. Dems know that and also know the reason they keep you dumb is because smart people won't vote for them.
Sorry you think the Constitution is commie! :cool-45:


Funny, I don't recall you quoting anything in the Constitution that would specifically apply to this particular law. I've been asking all through this thread for one of you illiterates to specify where this separation of church and state can be found.

How many slaves got off the ship with a Bible under their arm?

Why did you take Jesus and make him white?

How many folks in that region of the world are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc.?
Yup hate is old white and fat men. and haters that are claiming to be christian are also old fat and white men. So it is not hard to figure it out . MAGA's are old fat and white men.
The governor knows that being sued by liberals would be a dream come true. It would increase his popularity. I bet they sue anyway.

---Louisiana governor ‘can’t wait to be sued’ after forcing the Ten Commandments in classrooms---

Funny, I don't recall you quoting anything in the Constitution that would specifically apply to this particular law. I've been asking all through this thread for one of you illiterates to specify where this separation of church and state can be found.

Your reaction is wrong. Paine, Allen, and others of the Founders would tell you that they did not want established churches. They wanted religion out of government. If you think that is communism, you are fool.
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Funny, I don't recall you quoting anything in the Constitution that would specifically apply to this particular law. I've been asking all through this thread for one of you illiterates to specify where this separation of church and state can be found.

Not playing that sad old game. It’s unconstitutional because it sets up a standard that violates the rights of polytheists, atheists and graven image fans.

Your reaction is wrong. Paine, Allen, and others of the Founders would tell you that they did not want established churches. They wanted religion out of government. If you think that is communism, you are fool.

You might want to do some more research. There were official State religions when the Constitution was ratified. It was the States that insisted on the bill of rights, and the prohibition in the 1st was on congress, not the States and it remained that way for more than 150 years. And BTW the 1st amendment is the only place where the phrase, "Congress shall make no law..." is used in the document.

Oh, and Madison would tell you it's a power that belongs to the States.

Not playing that sad old game. It’s unconstitutional because it sets up a standard that violates the rights of polytheists, atheists and graven image fans.


Really how's that, are they legally forced to read it everyday? If it weren't for outside money getting involved, there wouldn't be a court challenge.

Really how's that, are they legally forced to read it everyday? If it weren't for outside money getting involved, there wouldn't be a court challenge.

That’s not the standard and would ensure a Satanic 10 Commandments would be posted right next to it.

You might want to do some more research. There were official State religions when the Constitution was ratified. It was the States that insisted on the bill of rights, and the prohibition in the 1st was on congress, not the States and it remained that way for more than 150 years. And BTW the 1st amendment is the only place where the phrase, "Congress shall make no law..." is used in the document.

Oh, and Madison would tell you it's a power that belongs to the States.

The power to regulate religious thought does not belong to any state.

You might want to do some more research. There were official State religions when the Constitution was ratified. It was the States that insisted on the bill of rights, and the prohibition in the 1st was on congress, not the States and it remained that way for more than 150 years. And BTW the 1st amendment is the only place where the phrase, "Congress shall make no law..." is used in the document.

Oh, and Madison would tell you it's a power that belongs to the States.

And a national religion was not, because that power belonged to the federal governments. And the six states got rid of their state religions quickly enough.,

The only two Founders who wanted state establishments of religion were John Jay and Patrick Henry,

They failed very, very quickly.

You are right in that you demonstrate a real need to study this issue more deeply and in context. Precedent is very, very strong against the FL law.

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