Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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The link you provided is what I commented on. I find it amazing that you offer some sort of proof of something that you do not comment on, do not quote from, and then when I do, you call be dishonest? Hyperbolic? Bovine excrement?

You presented an organization attacking everything related to religion. It is logical that the organization you link to is your ideology.
Look Pal…..trying to gaslight me with that crap is not going to work There was no need for me to comment on the link itself. My point is- which you might be able to grasp if you bothered to look any of the articles in the link- is that Atheists do not want to destroy , or take anything away from you. So yes, your response was and is hyperbolic , hysterical bullshit. That organization and many others like it do not attack religion itself. They may point out the hypocrisy and harm that religion can do, but they do not advocate depriving YOU of your religious freedom. They promote freedom FROM religion as well as freedom of religion- the other side of the same coin- and oppose your wielding religion like a weapon. They attack those who attack then, not because of their religion, but because of their intolerance.

Atheists just want to be left alone, and they are quite willing to leave you alone, if you’ll just stop with your Christo fascist crusades . There problem with the religious right is that you guys want religious freedom for yourselves and ONLY for yourselves. And, when you don’t get your way, you whine and stomp your feet like two year olds and play the victim. But it is not a zero sum game. Others gains are not your looses, unless you see the fact that you cannot shape reality to meet your world view where everyone believes -and lives- according to your rules.
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The six states got rid of established religion ric tic, sunny,

The precedents stay in place unless SCOTUS says no, and on this they will overturn LA and FL or anywhere if the states try to establish religion under the incorporation precedent.

Please study. You are woefully ignorant.

First, how do you establish a religion the predates the country by at least 1,800 years? Second, LA has Good Friday and Mardi Gras as State Holidays, both are religious based and precede Easter Sunday, which celebrates the rebirth of Christ. Christmas is celebrated nationally as the birthday of Christ. We have a national Christmas tree, and Christmas tree lightings in cities all over the country. Is all that establishing a religion?

Is this true, her son faces this many charges. I know we cannot control our children but for some reason I think she might not be fit to a politician. I think this is reason for maybe an ethics investigation. I say that as a Trump cult member.
Holy shit! That is refreshing!! You actually admit that it's a cult. !! That is the first step towards getting well. I fully support your journey. God Speed brother!!
How do you distinguish between "their opinion" and "commie talking points?"

I have in this OP given my opinion. Supported that opinion by giving links. And given people like you the chance to do the same, by asking some pointed questions when they expressed their opinion. This is what I learned.

For some reason you like to use hyperbole like "commie" to everyone you talk that doesn't agree with your position.
For some reason Elektra thinks that using a strawman and giving unsupported arguments is an adequate replacement for not being able to support the premise that the 10 commandments are what the Constitution is based on.
The same goes for Roosevelt.

You guys also seem to think that what the law is, somehow is not relevant. Again, this is something that has been adjudicated 12 times at the very least.

As for other religions having similar moral codes. Several of those MORAL codes are in direct contradiction to the Constitution. Including the very first that you SHALL worship God. I invite you to actually look at the 10 commandments and see how they interact with the Constitution.

When you say "law", are you referring to a law passed by congress and signed by a president, or an opinion sent down from on high by an unelected judge/judges. I ask because those opinions are only good till the next opinion that reverses them.

When you say "law", are you referring to a law passed by congress and signed by a president, or an opinion sent down from on high by an unelected judge/judges. I ask because those opinions are only good till the next opinion that reverses them.

Both. That's what "law" is. Congress, or in this case the founding fathers, say something is the "law", and the courts interpret that law. Just like it's described in the constitution.

So again. Go through the 10 commandments, and tell me how many you think are compatible with the Constitution?
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When you say "law", are you referring to a law passed by congress and signed by a president, or an opinion sent down from on high by an unelected judge/judges. I ask because those opinions are only good till the next opinion that reverses them.

A law is only good until it is changed. Legislation and Court rulings are laws, and you have no choice in whether they are legal or not. Drive drunk, get caught, and tell us what hapens,
Both. That's what "law" is. Congress, or in this case the founding fathers, say something is the "law", and the courts interpret that law. Just like it's described in the constitution.

So again. Go through the 10 commandments, and tell me how many you think are compatible with the Constitution?

Are the 10 commandments considered law in the US? Are any other religious moral teachings considered law? All of them are compatible with the free exercise portion of the 1st and none establish a religion in any manner simply by being hung on a wall.

Still laughing. Now you're taking a trip down fantasy lane into science fiction. It's you commies that want to control thoughts with your thought crimes. And if something hanging on the wall can control thought, I want those fucking pictures of xiden taken off the walls at the VA. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The purpose of a state holiday coerces no one religiously to accept any religion.
I am surprised that you would say that, given the fact that you are consistently on the right side of the issues. In this case, the issue is not coercion. It is favoritism for one religion over others. When I supervised a unit in a state agency in New Jersey, I had to deal with Jewish and Muslim employees who had to vie for and fight for the right to have their holiday off. Christians did not have to .
It's a clear constitutional violation unless they're gonna require the tenets of Satanism to be put right next to them. And of course few select bits of the Quran and the Torah, some Hinduism stuff, and lets not forget Taoism and everybody else.
America is historically a Christian nation ..
Are the 10 commandments considered law in the US? Are any other religious moral teachings considered law? All of them are compatible with the free exercise portion of the 1st and none establish a religion in any manner simply by being hung on a wall.

So then we arrive at this same weird argument that I've seen from your other right-wing colleagues.

"It doesn't matter that under this law, schools are obligated to clearly post that the students Shall worship God in every classroom. They aren't required to take it seriously."

It's impressive mental gymnastics.

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