Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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The governor knows that being sued by liberals would be a dream come true. It would increase his popularity. I bet they sue anyway.

---Louisiana governor ‘can’t wait to be sued’ after forcing the Ten Commandments in classrooms---

Wait no longer...

The law violates longstanding Supreme Court precedent and the First Amendment. More than 40 years ago, in Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court overturned a similar state statute, holding that the First Amendment bars public schools from posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms. No other state requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public schools.

The displays mandated by HB 71 will result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students, who are legally required to attend school and are thus a captive audience for school-sponsored religious messages. They will also send a chilling message to students and families who do not follow the state’s preferred version of the Ten Commandments that they do not belong, and are not welcome, in our public schools.

Louisiana’s communities and public schools are religiously diverse, yet HB 71 would require school officials to promote specific religious beliefs to which people of many faiths, and those of no faith, do not subscribe. Even among those who may believe in some version of the Ten Commandments, the particular text that they adhere to can differ by religious denomination or tradition. The government should not be taking sides in this theological debate, and it certainly should not be coercing students to submit day in and day out to unavoidable promotions of religious doctrine.
The governor knows that being sued by liberals would be a dream come true. It would increase his popularity. I bet they sue anyway.

---Louisiana governor ‘can’t wait to be sued’ after forcing the Ten Commandments in classrooms---

Poor little commie, the discussion is what in the constitution would be violated by the law. I don't know anyone that asked anything about the founders personal opinions on religion.

How are you using commie in your post.

It makes not sense.
In the schools. In a prominent place. You want displayed, that you shall worship God. That is a command.

You can't have it both ways. Either you believe that kids should be taught to worship God. Or you don't. Saying you want it displayed but nobody has to pay attention is simply bullshit.
The children will choose for themselves. Why do you think that you can force them?
The children will choose for themselves. Why do you think that you can force them?
Well, if you are confronted by You SHALL worship God, every year in every class in the state what the school and the state would prefer is pretty obvious. I wonder, is there any other context where you would argue that it isn't relevant what schools teach because the students aren't required to actually learn?
Well, if you are confronted by You SHALL worship God, every year in every class in the state what the school and the state would prefer is pretty obvious. I wonder, is there any other context where you would argue that it isn't relevant what schools teach because the students aren't required to actually learn?
Apparently the state is using reverse psychology to make kids atheist
How are you using commie in your post.

It makes not sense.
It's just boilerplate language. Much easier then actually arguing your point. It's how they roll. I think you misunderstood my post by the way. I wasn't arguing for religion in schools. I was arguing against the nonsensical point of another person.
No one wants to destroy you "principles" We just want to live by our own beliefs, and leave you to yours. I will add that it takes a special kind of stupid to think that we believe that "the 1st amendment abolishes, bans, the mention of god, jesus, or religion" That is just dishonest , hyperbolic bovine excrement
The link you provided is what I commented on. I find it amazing that you offer some sort of proof of something that you do not comment on, do not quote from, and then when I do, you call be dishonest? Hyperbolic? Bovine excrement?

You presented an organization attacking everything related to religion. It is logical that the organization you link to is your ideology.
That’s not the standard and would ensure a Satanic 10 Commandments would be posted right next to it.


LMAO, making up hashtags and all kinds of shit. Good job commie.


Is this true, her son faces this many charges. I know we cannot control our children but for some reason I think she might not be fit to a politician. I think this is reason for maybe an ethics investigation. I say that as a Trump cult member.
The power to regulate religious thought does not belong to any state.


Still laughing. Now you're taking a trip down fantasy lane into science fiction. It's you commies that want to control thoughts with your thought crimes. And if something hanging on the wall can control thought, I want those fucking pictures of xiden taken off the walls at the VA. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a national religion was not, because that power belonged to the federal governments. And the six states got rid of their state religions quickly enough.,

The only two Founders who wanted state establishments of religion were John Jay and Patrick Henry,

They failed very, very quickly.

You are right in that you demonstrate a real need to study this issue more deeply and in context. Precedent is very, very strong against the FL law.

The States made sure that power was taken from the feds as soon as possible, but retained the power for themselves. I wonder why that was?

BTW retard, we're talking about LA not FL. And precedents are only valid till the next decision.


No, I was actually trying to find just one of you commies that could voice "their opinion", and not spew commie talking points. And as I've mentioned before, the 10 commandments are not specific to just one religion, and other religions have very similar moral codes for their adherents to live buy. You can bet it won't be other religions that sues LA.

The States made sure that power was taken from the feds as soon as possible, but retained the power for themselves. I wonder why that was?

BTW retard, we're talking about LA not FL. And precedents are only valid till the next decision.
The six states got rid of established religion ric tic, sunny,

The precedents stay in place unless SCOTUS says no, and on this they will overturn LA and FL or anywhere if the states try to establish religion under the incorporation precedent.

Please study. You are woefully ignorant.
No, I was actually trying to find just one of you commies that could voice "their opinion", and not spew commie talking points. And as I've mentioned before, the 10 commandments are not specific to just one religion, and other religions have very similar moral codes for their adherents to live buy. You can bet it won't be other religions that sues LA.

How do you distinguish between "their opinion" and "commie talking points?"

I have in this OP given my opinion. Supported that opinion by giving links. And given people like you the chance to do the same, by asking some pointed questions when they expressed their opinion. This is what I learned.

For some reason you like to use hyperbole like "commie" to everyone you talk that doesn't agree with your position.
For some reason Elektra thinks that using a strawman and giving unsupported arguments is an adequate replacement for not being able to support the premise that the 10 commandments are what the Constitution is based on.
The same goes for Roosevelt.

You guys also seem to think that what the law is, somehow is not relevant. Again, this is something that has been adjudicated 12 times at the very least.

As for other religions having similar moral codes. Several of those MORAL codes are in direct contradiction to the Constitution. Including the very first that you SHALL worship God. I invite you to actually look at the 10 commandments and see how they interact with the Constitution.
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