Love able Palestinian

Yep! Palestinians use their kids as suicide bombers. Cry about that.
"UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
Israel is the target of at least 77 UN Resolutions
and the Palestinians are the target of 1"
UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and Palestinians
What makes you value a Jew's life over a non-Jew's?
You are perverted and insane and amoral. Did I mention you are an idiot? When you get time tell us who runs the UN.

"Likud has historically espoused opposition to Palestinian statehood and support of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, it has also been the party that carried out the first peace agreements with Arab states. For instance, in 1979, Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat, which returned the Sinai Peninsula (occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967) to Egypt in return for peace between the two countries. Yitzhak Shamir was the first Israeli Prime Minister to meet Palestinian leaders at the Madrid Conference following thePersian Gulf War in 1991. However, Shamir refused to concede the idea of a Palestinian state, and as a result was blamed by some (including United States Secretary of StateJames Baker) for the failure of the summit. On 14 June 2009, as Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech at Bar-Ilan University in which he endorsed a "Demilitarized Palestinian State", though said that Jerusalem must remain the unified capital of Israel."
Jews have made it clear to anyone with eyes they will accept a non-Jewish minority of no more than 20% living between the River and the sea.

I'm sorry if you're brainwashed.

Or Chosen?

Likud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Does this bs bring that little girl back you asshole?
No more than the thousands of other children who've died in Palestine since Israel became a state.

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

133 Israeli children and 2,112 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."
Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed
Why do you blame the victims?
Maybe if the awful Palestinians cared more about their children, they wouldn't use them as human shields. The deaths of their children is on THEIR hands.
"Netanyahu said Israel was revoking Israeli work permits for members of Tarayreh's extended family, and preparations were being made to demolish the family's home."
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians? Do you support destroying the lives and homes of the families of murderers?
Jewish girl, 13, stabbed to death in West Bank bedroom was U.S. citizen | Fox News
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians? Do you support destroying the lives and homes of the families of murderers?
Those homes are the place where they are taught to hate and kill jews, so yeah, I'm quite pleased when those filthy rat's lose their homes. Let it be a lesson to future terrorists.
I hope they post a video of their home being demolished. I could use a good laugh.
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians? Do you support destroying the lives and homes of the families of murderers?
Those homes are the place where they are taught to hate and kill jews, so yeah, I'm quite pleased when those filthy rat's lose their homes. Let it be a lesson to future terrorists.

Zionists are the problem in Palestine.
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians? Do you support destroying the lives and homes of the families of murderers?
Those homes are the place where they are taught to hate and kill jews, so yeah, I'm quite pleased when those filthy rat's lose their homes. Let it be a lesson to future terrorists.

Zionists are the problem in Palestine.
Prove it?

One hundred years ago when European Jews formed the Zionist movement to colonize Palestine there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living in historical Palestine.

In 1948 when the state of Israel came into existence the ratio of non-Jew to Jew had shrunk to about 2:1.

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and the Zionists have made it clear they will not accept a non-Jew minority of greater than 20% living in a "Jewish and democratic Israel."
How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians? Do you support destroying the lives and homes of the families of murderers?
Those homes are the place where they are taught to hate and kill jews, so yeah, I'm quite pleased when those filthy rat's lose their homes. Let it be a lesson to future terrorists.

Zionists are the problem in Palestine.
Prove it?

One hundred years ago when European Jews formed the Zionist movement to colonize Palestine there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living in historical Palestine.

In 1948 when the state of Israel came into existence the ratio of non-Jew to Jew had shrunk to about 2:1.

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and the Zionists have made it clear they will not accept a non-Jew minority of greater than 20% living in a "Jewish and democratic Israel."
Fake maps wont help you here.
"Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine
0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians,
and over 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished
by Israel since 1967."
Israeli and Palestinian Homes Demolished since September 29, 2000
You do know that rockets and mortar rounds are destructive ? Palestinians are constantly firing both into Israel
Do you understand one side is inflicting an illegal occupation and the other side is resisting an illegal occupation?
Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000
"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,224 Israelis and 9,370 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

How many Jews have had their homes bulldozed by Palestinians? Do you support destroying the lives and homes of the families of murderers?
Those homes are the place where they are taught to hate and kill jews, so yeah, I'm quite pleased when those filthy rat's lose their homes. Let it be a lesson to future terrorists.

Zionists are the problem in Palestine.
Prove it?

One hundred years ago when European Jews formed the Zionist movement to colonize Palestine there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living in historical Palestine.

In 1948 when the state of Israel came into existence the ratio of non-Jew to Jew had shrunk to about 2:1.

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and the Zionists have made it clear they will not accept a non-Jew minority of greater than 20% living in a "Jewish and democratic Israel."
Fake maps wont help you here.
Tell that to Sharon
Do you believe Jews are Chosen?
I dont even know what that means. By god? Im an atheist.
Why are you assuming Israel occupies the moral high ground in Palestine?
...because they only respond to terrorist attacks. Dont attack them, they dont attack you. They also dont have Mickey-fucking-Mouse teaching their children to hate Palestinians. The Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, which makes them dispicable. The Palis should thank their lucky stars that the superior Israeli forces dont do the same. TIsrael could flatten them in a single day if they wanted to, but they dont. If their military effectiveness were suddenly reversed, the Palis wouldnt hesitate to nuke Isreal. Plus those shit heels danced in the streets after 9/11. They will NEVER live that down.

They are awful people and their culture needs to be removed from this planet.
because they only respond to terrorist attacks. Dont attack them, they dont attack you. They also dont have Mickey-fucking-Mouse teaching their children to hate Palestinians. The Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians,
Jews started the occupation of Palestine in 1948 when they drove over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes, farms, and bank accounts. What would you have done if your family's land in Palestine was stolen from you by illegal immigrants from Europe?

btw, since all Jews are required to serve in their army of occupation, there are no Israeli civilians.

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