"Love your enemies"

Time to remember that we're Jews. Not Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. Jews, the Chosen Ones. We're supposed to be the good guys. 'Good guys' in movies spare their enemies where ever possible.

In "Man of Steel" Superman only killed Zod after trying above and beyond the call not to, and then only when others were threatened. And if think a Superman movie doesn't enter into it, Superman's creators were Jews who very probably invented him as a metaphor for our Moshiach to come.

Loving our enemies is why we continue to accept offers to negotiate, and accept peace-fire after peace-fire even after every one of them was broken by our enemies. If we can take a day off killing we take a day off. That's how the good guys are supposed to behave.

If you're into Superman mythlogy, then why not, but take to mind that Superman and zod were from the same planet, the Saga viewed them as brothers, that is why the superhero wasn't in a hurry to kill him, because they shared the destiny of survivors and he believed that as his 'brother' he deserved second chance, he woudn't take the life of one of his own people if any other solution was in sight.

We don't do what we do because we love our enemies. You cannot suggest that we must love Hamas or Daesh, we cannot kiss the hand that strikes us. You don't fight terror with love, it is absurd. you try and dig to find the things that are not pure evil, and revive them in order to fight the good fight.
I think it's a false dilemma in being forced to choose between loving an enemy and defending yourself. It just means you can't hate them. You can't act with animosity and outright hatred. it doesn't mean you can't remove a threat and use violence in the process, just that you can't take joy in the killing the way someone with hatred would.
Time to remember that we're Jews. Not Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. Jews, the Chosen Ones. We're supposed to be the good guys. 'Good guys' in movies spare their enemies where ever possible.

In "Man of Steel" Superman only killed Zod after trying above and beyond the call not to, and then only when others were threatened. And if think a Superman movie doesn't enter into it, Superman's creators were Jews who very probably invented him as a metaphor for our Moshiach to come.

Loving our enemies is why we continue to accept offers to negotiate, and accept peace-fire after peace-fire even after every one of them was broken by our enemies. If we can take a day off killing we take a day off. That's how the good guys are supposed to behave.

So, in your world, good guys are idiots.

Tell me something, how often did Batman accept any of the conditions you claim bind every good guy? Then we have Blade, the Punisher, and multiple other examples of good guys that manage not to be complete idiots.
how about we use real life examples instead of fictional characters?

I think the Amish showing love and forgiveness to the man who shot up that school house of theirs a few years ago. They were ministering comfort to the killers family.
how about we use real life examples instead of fictional characters?

I think the Amish showing love and forgiveness to the man who shot up that school house of theirs a few years ago. They were ministering comfort to the killers family.

He is describing people who are, in AD&D, are Lawful Good. We used to call them Awful Good because they usually ended up causing way more problems than the bad guys.
Time to remember that we're Jews. Not Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. Jews, the Chosen Ones. We're supposed to be the good guys. 'Good guys' in movies spare their enemies where ever possible.

In "Man of Steel" Superman only killed Zod after trying above and beyond the call not to, and then only when others were threatened. And if think a Superman movie doesn't enter into it, Superman's creators were Jews who very probably invented him as a metaphor for our Moshiach to come.

Loving our enemies is why we continue to accept offers to negotiate, and accept peace-fire after peace-fire even after every one of them was broken by our enemies. If we can take a day off killing we take a day off. That's how the good guys are supposed to behave.

Christians are not Jews. I was never a Jew nor will I ever be. Jew is a race and I do not want to be Jewish. You can't be both. (In all actuality Jews are those who lived in Judea. ) So many who call themselves jews are not jews.
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how about we use real life examples instead of fictional characters?

I think the Amish showing love and forgiveness to the man who shot up that school house of theirs a few years ago. They were ministering comfort to the killers family.

He is describing people who are, in AD&D, are Lawful Good. We used to call them Awful Good because they usually ended up causing way more problems than the bad guys.

I always liked playing a lawful good paladin
how about we use real life examples instead of fictional characters?

I think the Amish showing love and forgiveness to the man who shot up that school house of theirs a few years ago. They were ministering comfort to the killers family.

He is describing people who are, in AD&D, are Lawful Good. We used to call them Awful Good because they usually ended up causing way more problems than the bad guys.

I always liked playing a lawful good paladin

I had a Paladin for a while, I preferred the Chaotic side of good though, it gave me the opportunity to do things like hang a thief off the side of a building by his feet.
Time to remember that we're Jews. Not Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. Jews, the Chosen Ones. We're supposed to be the good guys. 'Good guys' in movies spare their enemies where ever possible.

In "Man of Steel" Superman only killed Zod after trying above and beyond the call not to, and then only when others were threatened. And if think a Superman movie doesn't enter into it, Superman's creators were Jews who very probably invented him as a metaphor for our Moshiach to come.

Loving our enemies is why we continue to accept offers to negotiate, and accept peace-fire after peace-fire even after every one of them was broken by our enemies. If we can take a day off killing we take a day off. That's how the good guys are supposed to behave.

Christians are not Jews. I was never a Jew nor will I ever be. Jew is a race and I do not want to be Jewish. You can't be both. (In all actuality Jews are those who lived in Judea. ) So many who call themselves jews are not jews.

You can't be both, what? And Delta knows much more about Jewish folks than I do, because he is one, so I don't want to step on his toes, but I believe Jews to be all descendants of Israel, he who was once named Jacob, that's probably not exactly right though.
I don't believe war's a necessity so much as an inexorable part of our natures. We're not the only species to wage war so maybe it's something found in all life? Or at least until it evolves beyond it if that's even possible. Are vastly older spiecies on this planet who still fight for the sake of objectives other than food.

The difference between our wars and other species' wars is ours damages not only our enemies but the earth and everything surrounding it. We leave a path of destruction, even if you can't see it with the naked eye (biochemical warfare, nuclear/radiation, weather/climate/magnetic control, etc.)

Other species on Earth don't do that.
I don't believe war's a necessity so much as an inexorable part of our natures. We're not the only species to wage war so maybe it's something found in all life? Or at least until it evolves beyond it if that's even possible. Are vastly older spiecies on this planet who still fight for the sake of objectives other than food.

The difference between our wars and other species' wars is ours damages not only our enemies but the earth and everything surrounding it. We leave a path of destruction, even if you can't see it with the naked eye (biochemical warfare, nuclear/radiation, weather/climate/magnetic control, etc.)

Other species on Earth don't do that.

I love it when ignoramuses speak.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXaaTQztoI0"]Ant Army Invasion! - Wild South America - BBC - YouTube[/ame]

World's 100 most destructive species named - Environment - The Independent
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Matthew 5:44...Another turn the other cheek suck up verse.
No basis in rabbinic tradition.
In fact, quite the contrary...kill your enemies dead.

Where'd you go to yeshiva? Qillum al U.?

19. You shall love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
- Devarim 10

Love and Brotherhood in Jewish Sources

A large part of Jewish law is about treating people with kindness. The same body of Jewish law that commands us to eat only kosher food and not to turn on lights on Shabbat, also commands us to love both Jews and strangers, to give tzedakah (charity) to the poor and needy, and not to wrong anyone in speech or in business. In fact, acts of kindness are so much a part of Jewish law that the word "mitzvah" (literally, "commandment") is informally used to mean any good deed.
Judaism 101: Love and Brotherhood

Where did you go to yeshivah?
The Mother Mary Instititute Of I Don't Know Shit About Torah?
What does loving and caring for people under circumstances have to do with war?
God Almighty, you come up with the stupidest statements and whenever I ask you about your background you run off like a scared rabbit.
Talmud, Sanhedrin 37a states:


If we extend love to even our enemies sparing but one...

Completely out of context.
Time to remember that we're Jews. Not Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. Jews, the Chosen Ones. We're supposed to be the good guys. 'Good guys' in movies spare their enemies where ever possible.

In "Man of Steel" Superman only killed Zod after trying above and beyond the call not to, and then only when others were threatened. And if think a Superman movie doesn't enter into it, Superman's creators were Jews who very probably invented him as a metaphor for our Moshiach to come.

Loving our enemies is why we continue to accept offers to negotiate, and accept peace-fire after peace-fire even after every one of them was broken by our enemies. If we can take a day off killing we take a day off. That's how the good guys are supposed to behave.

Christians are not Jews. I was never a Jew nor will I ever be. Jew is a race and I do not want to be Jewish. You can't be both. (In all actuality Jews are those who lived in Judea. ) So many who call themselves jews are not jews.

Penelope, The Retard shows up yet again.
Let's us know when you actually know what you're talking about.
In other words, never let us know.
I don't believe war's a necessity so much as an inexorable part of our natures. We're not the only species to wage war so maybe it's something found in all life? Or at least until it evolves beyond it if that's even possible. Are vastly older spiecies on this planet who still fight for the sake of objectives other than food.

The difference between our wars and other species' wars is ours damages not only our enemies but the earth and everything surrounding it. We leave a path of destruction, even if you can't see it with the naked eye (biochemical warfare, nuclear/radiation, weather/climate/magnetic control, etc.)

Other species on Earth don't do that.

I love it when ignoramuses speak.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXaaTQztoI0"]Ant Army Invasion! - Wild South America - BBC - YouTube[/ame]

World's 100 most destructive species named - Environment - The Independent

No need to be insulting.

These plants and animals you've shown...the damage they've done is sooo miniscule compared to the human race. I highly, highly doubt these have caused mass extinctions and genocide.
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The difference between our wars and other species' wars is ours damages not only our enemies but the earth and everything surrounding it. We leave a path of destruction, even if you can't see it with the naked eye (biochemical warfare, nuclear/radiation, weather/climate/magnetic control, etc.)

Other species on Earth don't do that.

I love it when ignoramuses speak.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXaaTQztoI0"]Ant Army Invasion! - Wild South America - BBC - YouTube[/ame]

World's 100 most destructive species named - Environment - The Independent

No need to be insulting.

These plants and animals you've shown...the damage they've done is sooo miniscule compared to the human race. I highly, highly doubt these have caused mass extinctions and genocide.

The human race has nothing on nature. Nature is responsible for 20 separate extinction events throughout the history of Earth, man has caused exactly 0 of those events. You really need to learn science so you won't look as stupid as a fundamentalist Christian.

By the way, it doesn't matter if there you think there is a need to be insulting or not, I decided there was, and my opinion is the one that matters when I make a post. Have you noticed I never whinged about your attempts to insult me? The most I have done is call you out on the lies behind those attempts, I don't give a fuck if you insult me or not, my self esteem does not revolve around you.
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No need to be insulting.

These plants and animals you've shown...the damage they've done is sooo miniscule compared to the human race. I highly, highly doubt these have caused mass extinctions and genocide.

The human race has nothing on nature. Nature is responsible for 20 separate extinction events throughout the history of Earth, man has caused exactly 0 of those events. You really need to learn science so you won't look as stupid as a fundamentalist Christian.

By the way, it doesn't matter if there you think there is a need to be insulting or not, I decided there was, and my opinion is the one that matters when I make a post. Have you noticed I never whinged about your attempts to insult me? The most I have done is call you out on the lies behind those attempts, I don't give a fuck if you insult me or not, my self esteem does not revolve around you.

Well, I don't recall ever insulting you to begin with. Its childish and immature.
You're just acting like a little (boy?)
7 Animals Humans Brought to Extinction - Neatorama
Man May Have Caused Pre-historic Extinctions -- ScienceDaily

And I never claimed to be a Christian.
Time to remember that we're Jews. Not Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. Jews, the Chosen Ones. We're supposed to be the good guys. 'Good guys' in movies spare their enemies where ever possible.

In "Man of Steel" Superman only killed Zod after trying above and beyond the call not to, and then only when others were threatened. And if think a Superman movie doesn't enter into it, Superman's creators were Jews who very probably invented him as a metaphor for our Moshiach to come.

Loving our enemies is why we continue to accept offers to negotiate, and accept peace-fire after peace-fire even after every one of them was broken by our enemies. If we can take a day off killing we take a day off. That's how the good guys are supposed to behave.

Christians are not Jews. I was never a Jew nor will I ever be. Jew is a race and I do not want to be Jewish. You can't be both. (In all actuality Jews are those who lived in Judea. ) So many who call themselves jews are not jews.

Penelope, The Retard shows up yet again.
Let's us know when you actually know what you're talking about.
In other words, never let us know.

Like what. The fact is Christians are not Jews. I wish Christians would get that. Your post, spoken like a true Jew, calling others names. Which tribe did you come from?? You should know and have papers to show it right.
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Penelope, what is the idea of your response of "Christians are not Jews"? Obviously, the OP post talks about Jewish view... And as someone completely ignorant ro Jewish tradition... Why are you trying to troll? Your hating posts don't help either. So... Chillax

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