Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Racism

i've always found that true racism is due to either environment (being taught that way from your parents) or a need to find a group to blame for one's on problems. but that's just MHO.

I've always believed true racism is a belief that you are superior to another based on the color of your skin which can be influenced by what you say.
What's more racist than telling a group of people they can't achieve anything without your help?
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Black voters are smart to vote democratic in such high numbers due to the republicans efforts to keep black people from voting.
it would not be wise to vote for the party that doesnt even want you to vote.

Yeah. Republicans don't want blacks to vote. So we freed them from Southern Democrats, passed a Constitutional Amendment to provide them the vote, and passed civil rights legislation when the government still wasnt giving them equal treatment.

We sooooooo dont want them to vote.
How do you explain that black people are too smart to vote republican?

Race hustlers like TM think that black Republicans aren't very smart.

Such a hateful woman slinging around stereotypes with such wild abandon. Such a sad spokesperson for those of the liberal persuasion.

I already knew Conservatives are dumb,racists and mentally ill.

Well, I thought that Truthseeker was more admirable than Truthmatters. I guess I'll have to read TS's posts more carefully in future.
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it would not be wise to vote for the party that doesnt even want you to vote.

Yeah. Republicans don't want blacks to vote. So we freed them from Southern Democrats, passed a Constitutional Amendment to provide them the vote, and passed civil rights legislation when the government still wasnt giving them equal treatment.

We sooooooo dont want them to vote.

All the while fighting the attempts of the Democrats to keep segregation alive and well.
Didn't you know? Only dumb blacks like Dr. Condoleezza Rice vote Republican. :thup:

I never said black republicans were not smart.

that was you.

I said black people are smart for voting democratic.

How do you explain that black people are too smart to vote republican?

Name anybody white, black, brown, red, purple, etc. smarter than Condi. Go on. I'll wait.

Clarence Thomas?:)
Florida Central Voter File - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Lee's testimony

On 17 April 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[7]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001.[8]

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