LWIR FAILS to Warm the Atmosphere by Empirical Experiment.

Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures..
The net power, P, changes.

You can't derive net from that equation...

You are confused. No I would say the power changes because of changes in emission and absorption of the object. Your hypothesis requires a dimmer switch.

You would say whatever you needed to say in order to support your belief...even to the point of altering what a mathematical equation says...or claiming that it is possible to derive net from an equation that describes gross one way energy movement.
One further note. You are wrong. Stefan was not looking at power P. It may have been too difficult to measure at that time..

Sorry guy....wrong again...why don't you trying to read just for the sake of the information you can gain rather than skimming for anything that you think you can interpret to support your beliefs...

The Stefan Boatsman law is precisely looking at power...the amount of energy being radiated by a warm object...Do you ever take a break from making shit up?

Stefan–Boltzmann law - Wikipedia

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by

the definition of stefan-boltzmann law
  1. law stating that the total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourthpower of its absolute temperature.
Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures..
The net power, P, changes.

You can't derive net from that equation...

You are confused. No I would say the power changes because of changes in emission and absorption of the object. Your hypothesis requires a dimmer switch.

You would say whatever you needed to say in order to support your belief...even to the point of altering what a mathematical equation says...or claiming that it is possible to derive net from an equation that describes gross one way energy movement.

The equation exists because it was derived from a net. See the Dartmouth text for the derivation. That derivation occurs in any textbook with SB details.

One further note. You are wrong. Stefan was not looking at power P. It may have been too difficult to measure at that time..

Sorry guy....wrong again...why don't you trying to read just for the sake of the information you can gain rather than skimming for anything that you think you can interpret to support your beliefs...

The Stefan Boatsman law is precisely looking at power...the amount of energy being radiated by a warm object...Do you ever take a break from making shit up?

Stefan–Boltzmann law - Wikipedia

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by

the definition of stefan-boltzmann law
  1. law stating that the total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourthpower of its absolute temperature.
You are wrong. Stefan looked at cooling rate. The final radiant power form of the SB equation was developed later from his cooling rate data.
Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures..
The net power, P, changes.

You can't derive net from that equation...

You are confused. No I would say the power changes because of changes in emission and absorption of the object. Your hypothesis requires a dimmer switch.

You would say whatever you needed to say in order to support your belief...even to the point of altering what a mathematical equation says...or claiming that it is possible to derive net from an equation that describes gross one way energy movement.

The equation exists because it was derived from a net. See the Dartmouth text for the derivation. That derivation occurs in any textbook with SB details.


Sorry...I will stick with S-B rather than your idiot dartmouth paper apparently trying to support a narrative...S-B most certainly was not derived from a net...The concept of net energy exchange was decades away when the S-B law was formulated.
Sorry...I will stick with S-B rather than your idiot dartmouth paper apparently trying to support a narrative...S-B most certainly was not derived from a net...The concept of net energy exchange was decades away when the S-B law was formulated.
If you want to disagree with science then you are dead wrong.
Sorry...I will stick with S-B rather than your idiot dartmouth paper apparently trying to support a narrative...S-B most certainly was not derived from a net...The concept of net energy exchange was decades away when the S-B law was formulated.
If you want to disagree with science then you are dead wrong.

If you want to make up history..it is you who is wrong... All the evidence....and all the physical laws are on my side...you on the other hand are a moonbat...
If you want to make up history..it is you who is wrong... All the evidence....and all the physical laws are on my side...you on the other hand are a moonbat...
No that is a lie. I have not made up anything. It's in the textbooks of science. You have constantly professed that you don't believe in the science.

Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

One further note. You are wrong. Stefan was not looking at power P. It may have been too difficult to measure at that time. Stefan was looking at the cooling rate of an object under a uniform surround temperature. The cooling rate depends on the objects heat capacity; he referred to the Dulong–Petit law that made his experiments possible. Of course a material with a higher heat capacity would cool more slowly and that had to be carefully factored in.

The more fundamental reasons behind the SB law, namely radiation exchange, came much later when EM theory came about.
Just when it looks like that you maxed out in terms of hippie-physics stupidity you come up with another gem.
"Stefan was not looking at power P. Stefan was looking at the cooling rate of an object"
Now you are saying Herr Boltzmann was as stupid as you and had no idea that energy per time is the definition of power. You must be consuming some pretty potent "chill-out" shit to be able to communicate with Herr Boltzmann`s spirit when he told you that. Get some more LSD for another seance session and ask him what the W is doing in his σ Stefan Boltzmann constant. Maybe it`s W for Wuwei instead of Watts
Just when it looks like that you maxed out in terms of hippie-physics stupidity you come up with another gem.
"Stefan was not looking at power P. Stefan was looking at the cooling rate of an object"
Now you are saying Herr Boltzmann was as stupid as you and had no idea that energy per time is the definition of power. You must be consuming some pretty potent "chill-out" shit to be able to communicate with Herr Boltzmann`s spirit when he told you that. Get some more LSD for another seance session and ask him what the W is doing in his σ Stefan Boltzmann constant. Maybe it`s W for Wuwei instead of Watts
Nope I was talking about how Stefan did his experiment. A more detailed explanation came later with his student Boltzman.

BTW chill out.

One further note. You are wrong. Stefan was not looking at power P. It may have been too difficult to measure at that time..

Sorry guy....wrong again...why don't you trying to read just for the sake of the information you can gain rather than skimming for anything that you think you can interpret to support your beliefs...

The Stefan Boatsman law is precisely looking at power...the amount of energy being radiated by a warm object...Do you ever take a break from making shit up?

Stefan–Boltzmann law - Wikipedia

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by

the definition of stefan-boltzmann law
  1. law stating that the total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourthpower of its absolute temperature.

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Your own source, refuting your dimmer switch misinterpretation.
Just when it looks like that you maxed out in terms of hippie-physics stupidity you come up with another gem.
"Stefan was not looking at power P. Stefan was looking at the cooling rate of an object"
Now you are saying Herr Boltzmann was as stupid as you and had no idea that energy per time is the definition of power. You must be consuming some pretty potent "chill-out" shit to be able to communicate with Herr Boltzmann`s spirit when he told you that. Get some more LSD for another seance session and ask him what the W is doing in his σ Stefan Boltzmann constant. Maybe it`s W for Wuwei instead of Watts
Nope I was talking about how Stefan did his experiment. A more detailed explanation came later with his student Boltzman.

BTW chill out.

So tell us how he did his experiment, the one you say he was not looking at power. Not that I care about your hippie opinion for reasons other than exposing the stupefaction effect of granting the mentally inferior equal rights.
You are just another example that proves that we should have adhered to the natural selection principle and allow for the extermination of stupidity instead of coming up with laws to protect and further it.
One further note. You are wrong. Stefan was not looking at power P. It may have been too difficult to measure at that time..

Sorry guy....wrong again...why don't you trying to read just for the sake of the information you can gain rather than skimming for anything that you think you can interpret to support your beliefs...

The Stefan Boatsman law is precisely looking at power...the amount of energy being radiated by a warm object...Do you ever take a break from making shit up?

Stefan–Boltzmann law - Wikipedia

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by

the definition of stefan-boltzmann law
  1. law stating that the total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourthpower of its absolute temperature.

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Your own source, refuting your dimmer switch misinterpretation.
Still waiting for you to show me where we need a "dimmer switch" to show that a cold object can`t heat a warmer one.
I suggest that you brush up on the S-B Law....it has nothing to do with absorption beyond the fact that it initially speaks to a perfect black body which absorbs all energy across all bands.....The S-B law is about emission...and how a radiator behaves.

That is exactly right. Boltzmann derived the equation

P = e sigma A T⁴

directly from Plank's black body radiation law. Plank's law defined radiation over a full spectrum. His student, Boltzmann, simply integrated over the full spectrum to get the above equation including an exact value for sigma for radiation.

Stefan found in his experiments the cooling rate of an object was not just dependent on the object temperatures 4th power, but also on the surround temperatures 4th power. He heuristically discovered a subtracted form followed the data.

Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

To understand the experimental values of the cooling rate of an object, the absorption of heat of the object due to the surround at temperature Tc had to be considered. The input power that slows the cooling rate has a factor called absorptivity

Sorry guy...the story that goes with your bogus equation is bogus as well...

By the way...there is no two way Planck equation either...both understood full well that energy moves in one direction...warm to cool.

but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

Dimmer switch!!
You can call it whatever you want, the radiating object cools down.
One further note. You are wrong. Stefan was not looking at power P. It may have been too difficult to measure at that time..

Sorry guy....wrong again...why don't you trying to read just for the sake of the information you can gain rather than skimming for anything that you think you can interpret to support your beliefs...

The Stefan Boatsman law is precisely looking at power...the amount of energy being radiated by a warm object...Do you ever take a break from making shit up?

Stefan–Boltzmann law - Wikipedia

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by

the definition of stefan-boltzmann law
  1. law stating that the total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourthpower of its absolute temperature.

The Stefan–Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit time

Your own source, refuting your dimmer switch misinterpretation.
Still waiting for you to show me where we need a "dimmer switch" to show that a cold object can`t heat a warmer one.

Who claimed it could? Link?
I suggest that you brush up on the S-B Law....it has nothing to do with absorption beyond the fact that it initially speaks to a perfect black body which absorbs all energy across all bands.....The S-B law is about emission...and how a radiator behaves.

That is exactly right. Boltzmann derived the equation

P = e sigma A T⁴

directly from Plank's black body radiation law. Plank's law defined radiation over a full spectrum. His student, Boltzmann, simply integrated over the full spectrum to get the above equation including an exact value for sigma for radiation.

Stefan found in his experiments the cooling rate of an object was not just dependent on the object temperatures 4th power, but also on the surround temperatures 4th power. He heuristically discovered a subtracted form followed the data.

Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

To understand the experimental values of the cooling rate of an object, the absorption of heat of the object due to the surround at temperature Tc had to be considered. The input power that slows the cooling rate has a factor called absorptivity

Sorry guy...the story that goes with your bogus equation is bogus as well...

By the way...there is no two way Planck equation either...both understood full well that energy moves in one direction...warm to cool.

but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

Dimmer switch!!
You can call it whatever you want, the radiating object cools down.

Both objects radiate.
Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures..
The net power, P, changes.

Set T to any temperature above 0K....now set Tc to any temperature less than T...P will have a value...Now set Tc to a different temperature...higher than the first number you set Tc too...P will be reduced...you call it a dimmer switch...I call it obeying the laws of physics...The fact is that P is reduced...meaning the object is radiating less energy because the temperature difference between T and Tc is less. The colder Tc gets, the more the object radiates...
You are confused. No I would say the power changes because of changes in emission and absorption of the object. Your hypothesis requires a dimmer switch.
The net power, P, changes.

P doesn’t change, it is an answer derived by a conclusion, a warm object radiating and cooling down based on a cooler object
I suggest that you brush up on the S-B Law....it has nothing to do with absorption beyond the fact that it initially speaks to a perfect black body which absorbs all energy across all bands.....The S-B law is about emission...and how a radiator behaves.

That is exactly right. Boltzmann derived the equation

P = e sigma A T⁴

directly from Plank's black body radiation law. Plank's law defined radiation over a full spectrum. His student, Boltzmann, simply integrated over the full spectrum to get the above equation including an exact value for sigma for radiation.

Stefan found in his experiments the cooling rate of an object was not just dependent on the object temperatures 4th power, but also on the surround temperatures 4th power. He heuristically discovered a subtracted form followed the data.

Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

To understand the experimental values of the cooling rate of an object, the absorption of heat of the object due to the surround at temperature Tc had to be considered. The input power that slows the cooling rate has a factor called absorptivity

Sorry guy...the story that goes with your bogus equation is bogus as well...

By the way...there is no two way Planck equation either...both understood full well that energy moves in one direction...warm to cool.

but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

Dimmer switch!!
You can call it whatever you want, the radiating object cools down.

Both objects radiate.
Nope, and you’ll never prove it. The equation calls T the radiator, therefore the surrounding doesn’t radiate. Read it!
That is exactly right. Boltzmann derived the equation

P = e sigma A T⁴

directly from Plank's black body radiation law. Plank's law defined radiation over a full spectrum. His student, Boltzmann, simply integrated over the full spectrum to get the above equation including an exact value for sigma for radiation.

Stefan found in his experiments the cooling rate of an object was not just dependent on the object temperatures 4th power, but also on the surround temperatures 4th power. He heuristically discovered a subtracted form followed the data.

Ergo the fact that he found that P changes as the difference in temperature between T and Tc changes...not because T is absorbing energy from Tc...but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

To understand the experimental values of the cooling rate of an object, the absorption of heat of the object due to the surround at temperature Tc had to be considered. The input power that slows the cooling rate has a factor called absorptivity

Sorry guy...the story that goes with your bogus equation is bogus as well...

By the way...there is no two way Planck equation either...both understood full well that energy moves in one direction...warm to cool.

but because it radiates according to the difference between the two temperatures...

Dimmer switch!!
You can call it whatever you want, the radiating object cools down.

Both objects radiate.
Nope, and you’ll never prove it. The equation calls T the radiator, therefore the surrounding doesn’t radiate. Read it!

For a body of any arbitrary material emitting and absorbing thermal electromagnetic radiation at every wavelength in thermodynamic equilibrium, the ratio of its emissive power to its dimensionless coefficient of absorption is equal to a universal function only of radiative wavelength and temperature. That universal function describes the perfect black-body emissive power.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation - Wikipedia
If you only had some observed, measured evidence to support you...Imagine....you could prove the second law of thermodynamics wrong...you could prove that energy does move spontaneously from cool to warm..

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