Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

I never claimed that. If I did you need to supply the quotes. I simply asked you to supply someone that was not a white conservative in the KKK that lynched a Black person. Stop stalling. You are pretty bad at it.
By asking me to prove that they were not all KKK you ARE saying they are all KKK. Now get to work and prove your claim. By the way I don't need to prove a negative, you need to prove the claim they are all KKK. Simply statistics support the claim they all were not.
I told you before you must not be too bright. I never asked you to prove they were not all KKK. I asked you to supply me with just one person that was not a white conservative in the KKK. Since you keep claiming there were other groups why is that so hard for you to find just one? Face it. Youre full of bullshit as usual.
Wrong you are in fact demanding I rove that not all lynchings were by the KKK. So YOU are claiming that it is general knowledge and fact that ALL lyncghings were in fact by the KKK, prove that dimwit.
I normally dont comment on mispellings but its obvious you are so upset you cant provide one person that was not a white conservative member of the KKK. Oh well. I gave you multiple chances.
Robert Byrd, supporter of all liberal policies and legislation.
The Senator turned out to be a good man, turning his back on the trash that tortured and killed blacks then as well as figuratively on the trash today that wish they could do that.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
And yet asslips and closed caption keep claim conservative whites. A not unnoticed attempt to blame Republicans.

No I didnt..I've said over and over maybe they are Dems and maybe they are Repubs. But what is 100% accurate is they are 100% white
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
lynching is defined as killing by a mob of people .......where do you see whites running around in mobs attacking people ??? mobs of blacks on the other hand .....................
Please read the OP carefully with a dictionary and a special ed teacher to help you.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
And yet asslips and closed caption keep claim conservative whites. A not unnoticed attempt to blame Republicans.

No I didnt..I've said over and over maybe they are Dems and maybe they are Repubs. But what is 100% accurate is they are 100% white
RGS, read more carefully in the future. I said conservatives, which then in the South were mostly Dems and today are mostly Pubs. Having lived in the South for thirty years before retiring to SLC, I can say I knew some conservatives there that will still lynch blacks if they could. Such reminded me of Lonestar-Logic and S. J. on this Board in vile temperment.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
lynching is defined as killing by a mob of people .......where do you see whites running around in mobs attacking people ??? mobs of blacks on the other hand .....................
Please read the OP carefully with a dictionary and a special ed teacher to help you.

if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
lynching is defined as killing by a mob of people .......where do you see whites running around in mobs attacking people ??? mobs of blacks on the other hand .....................
Please read the OP carefully with a dictionary and a special ed teacher to help you.

if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crimes then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
If brains were money you would be broke and in debt. What has anything you just posted have to do with the OP? Embarrassed about your cave ape ancestors I assume?
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
lynching is defined as killing by a mob of people .......where do you see whites running around in mobs attacking people ??? mobs of blacks on the other hand .....................
Please read the OP carefully with a dictionary and a special ed teacher to help you.

if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crimes then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
If brains were money you would be broke and in debt. What has anything you just posted have to do with the OP? Embarrassed about your cave ape ancestors I assume?

puerile insults are all you can muster
But you are black, and they are black.

Remember, you said the only thing that matters is the color. That's why it's okay to pretend that Republican Christians present a lynching threat to blacks today. Not because they've ever engaged in it, not because they give any indication that they're going to start engaging in it..but because they're WHITE.

So, naturally, if blacks are claiming that the Holocaust never happened, I naturally assumed that it's a black thing.

Lay off the crack. You are hallucinating. :laugh:

When did I say the only thing that matters is the color? I want quotes and I need you to show your work instead of dreaming up posts full of ignorance barely link-able to the OP.

Silly child, you said it repeatedly. When I asked you to point out how Republican Christians were responsible for lynchings, your response on multiple occasions..."They're white".

Which is patently untrue, btw. There are a lot of black Republican Christians. Just not in your racist neighborhood. They'd be afraid to live there, because of the risk of being attacked and lynched in the street by you and your buddies.
So why cant you quote me saying they are "white" instead of "white conservatives"? You really need to cut down on your crack usage. Its really affecting your ability to read.
So only whites are conservative? You are attempting to claim republican with the use of Conservative, yet you have ZERO facts to back that up with, go ahead list your facts for how many REPUBLICANS have been accused of and convicted of lynching black people.
Only white conservatives went around lynching people in the KKK. If you have proof of anyone other than a white conservative that was in the KKK and lynched Black people I would love to see it.

So that means White Republicans are racist.

Brilliant. And all blacks are criminals.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
lynching is defined as killing by a mob of people .......where do you see whites running around in mobs attacking people ??? mobs of blacks on the other hand .....................
Please read the OP carefully with a dictionary and a special ed teacher to help you.

if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crimes then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
If brains were money you would be broke and in debt. What has anything you just posted have to do with the OP? Embarrassed about your cave ape ancestors I assume?

puerile insults are all you can muster
It wasnt an insult. It was an observation.
if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.
if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.

of course not, you are a hypocrite.

BTW my vile ilk hasn't even committed a misdemeanor
if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.

of course not, you are a hypocrite.

BTW my vile ilk hasn't even committed a misdemeanor
Nobody believes that cave chimp. Your type cant help but break the law.
if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.

of course not, you are a hypocrite.

BTW my vile ilk hasn't even committed a misdemeanor
Nobody believes that cave chimp. Your type cant help but break the law.

what law?

here is your chance to prove your brilliance
if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.

of course not, you are a hypocrite.

BTW my vile ilk hasn't even committed a misdemeanor
Nobody believes that cave chimp. Your type cant help but break the law.

what law?

here is your chance to prove your brilliance
My chance to prove my brilliance? To a monkey? :laugh:
if lynching is a crime or even an inter-racial crime then we should compare lynching to other inter-racial crimes. When you compare, blacks can not claim to stand on any moral high ground
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.

of course not, you are a hypocrite.

BTW my vile ilk hasn't even committed a misdemeanor
Nobody believes that cave chimp. Your type cant help but break the law.

what law?

here is your chance to prove your brilliance
My chance to prove my brilliance? To a monkey? :laugh:
I rest my case
We are talking about white lynchings, not black crime. We are talking about your vile ilk, squeeze berry.

of course not, you are a hypocrite.

BTW my vile ilk hasn't even committed a misdemeanor
Nobody believes that cave chimp. Your type cant help but break the law.

what law?

here is your chance to prove your brilliance
My chance to prove my brilliance? To a monkey? :laugh:
I rest my case
Monkeys dont carry cases. They carry ticks and fleas though.
Funny how when the left is exposed for their racist history, suddenly political affiliation doesn't matter. :laugh:

Show me where I have claimed party affiliation matters?

And please explain how the political party affiliation of the men who lynched 3,900 black men would matter one iota.
Sorry, but you're not worth spending 10 or 15 minutes digging up old posts, especially when you aren't interested in a serious discussion anyway.

Oh gee, I'm crushed. :lol:

You're also the assclown who brought that shit in in a desperate attempt to swat the topic away -- now you run away from it. As already noted, lynching was not a political act but a cultural one.

Apparently that distinction is beyond the scope of whatever passes for intellect between your ears.
Meanwhile your buddy asslips claims that every lynching was done by the KKK.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
Funny how when the left is exposed for their racist history, suddenly political affiliation doesn't matter. :laugh:

Show me where I have claimed party affiliation matters?

And please explain how the political party affiliation of the men who lynched 3,900 black men would matter one iota.
I notice you don't mind them stating they were all conservative. You are aware that at least in the 1800's racism was wide spread and practiced by all political leanings? If there were lynchings in the North and west they could easily have been done by non conservatives.

I don't see the point of taking brutal and horrible events (some not so long ago) and attributing them to political parties. The events should not be whitewashed into something they were not. These were terrorist acts aimed at keeping a segment of the population under control.
By democrats.

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