Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Have you ever noticed how liberals cheer on liars and cheats???? WHY IS THAT?

Because they lie about everything so it's only natural they be lead by a Pathological liar like Obama or Warren

they let Clinton skate...they let Obama skate right over with LIE OF THE year, if you like your plan.... so Democrats realize they don't care if they are lied to
So it's all their elected asses do now and they swallow it hook, line and sinker

that's why I feel we are doomed as a free people and free from an INTRUSIVE government
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Warren isn't a subsidiary of Wall Street, doesn't play the GRINNIN"" game, and will shake the existing "established" candidates, she probably will not win, by this country would benefit from her being in the race. As for the tired, worn out "SHE LIED ABOUT BEING NATIVE AMERICAN!", it depends on the tribe actually, what ancestry qualifies. And nobody died, unlike these the result of these LIES:

"We know he has them", "...waiting on a MUSHROOM CLOUD", "....weapons of mass destruction, POISED TO STRIKE".
Warren isn't a subsidiary of Wall Street

ok then , lets see her stocks and bond portfolio then we can decide

she sure as hell doesn't live in some shanty so she gets her MONEY somewhere
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She's like a Jesse Jackson AND his "diversity" racket

a snake who preys on Businesses accusing them of all kinds of things in order to force to settle some lawsuit who then they POCKET

there's a name for that, it's called, EXTORTION
Wait for Liz to start speaking S. Baptist ebonics if she runs.
Didn't you know she's part Black?
Her problem is see always looks like she's got a pine cone up her butt. One angry LIB squaw.
Warren isn't a subsidiary of Wall Street

ok then , lets see her stocks and bond portfolio then we can decide

she sure as hell doesn't live in some shanty so she gets her MONEY somewhere

Warren’s net worth as of the end of 2011 was as high as $14.5 million

Elizabeth Warren Income and Net Worth « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

She's as phony as Obama and is manufactured life
she puts out things her low information followers loves to hear her screech all the while taking advantage of EVERYTHIG this country offered her making her rich
the scary thing of it all, is the people falls for it like they did with the, OBAMA'S
why do you think Hillary all of sudden came out and swore they were, BROKE broke broke
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Warren isn't a subsidiary of Wall Street

ok then , lets see her stocks and bond portfolio then we can decide

she sure as hell doesn't live in some shanty so she gets her MONEY somewhere

She EARNED money, as did her husband. And so what about her "portfolio"? If you know what they are, you'd know investments are NOT controlled by shareholders. She does not accept money from Wall Street. She was on the TARP commission.

Again, I do not yet support her for President, but believe her entry into the race will raise an important question: to what extent are candidates obligated to Wall Street? If you are looking for owned politicians, Rick "I was not indicted" Scott is your, ah,....................... object.......................Columbia/HCA defrauded Medicare out of 600 MILLION.
Warren isn't a subsidiary of Wall Street

ok then , lets see her stocks and bond portfolio then we can decide

she sure as hell doesn't live in some shanty so she gets her MONEY somewhere

Warren’s net worth as of the end of 2011 was as high as $14.5 million

Elizabeth Warren Income and Net Worth « Elizabeth Warren Wiki


In 2008, the earliest year for which Warren has released income tax returns, Warren and her husband Bruce Mann had a combined income of $831,208,[1] which increased in 2009 to $981,670. Warren was paid an average of $350,000 per year by Harvard Law School during 2009-2010.[2]

Warren’s net worth as of the end of 2011 was as high as $14.5 million.[3]

In 2010-2011, Warren earned approximately $140,000[4] from Aspen Publishers for her books about bankruptcy. Warren also has published a variety of commercial books over the years, for which no income data is available, such as the 2004 publication of The Two Income Trap[5] which incorporated her bankruptcy research and many of her non-commercial articles.

- See more at: Elizabeth Warren Income and Net Worth « Elizabeth Warren Wiki

Some of her books are texts.
The best argument for a Liz Warren candidacy is that Hillary is too chummy with the Banks and Wall Street. She might have the right view on social issues and will no doubt appoint the right kinds of people to the courts, but she will also send the signal that it's "business as usual" for the 1%. .

Comrade Warren on the other hand will send the signal to entrepreneurs and investors to conduct business overseas.

Elizabeth Warren, Statist Scold

Is there a bigger statist scold on Capitol Hill than that shrill harpy from Taxachusetts, Elizabeth Warren? In her latest tirade she warns her fellow Stakhanovite progressives that “We Are Not A Country of Anarchists!” She single-handedly puts the nanny in “nanny state.” The Okie-born Warren is a true granddaughter in spirit of the meddlesome Mathers, Beechers, and Lodges, and not the humble Massachusetts individualist anarchist Josiah Warren. Her loopy economic views make the late John Kenneth Galbraith seem as sane as a Dane, while her naïve 6th grade Civics view of government is a national embarrassment."

well how lovely, she EARNED it

so why isn't she "giving it all away" ?

she accuse other's of having this:
And the main tenet of conservatives' philosophy, according to Warren? "I got mine. The rest of you are on your own."

with people like her, she gets to keep all hers. what she means is you the people should take care of everyone else with YOUR MONIES
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Does that figure include the "parasites" who don't believe that a university-level education should necessarily create a lifelong financial obligation on the part of the student? Because people who believe that make up a sizable portion of hyr followyrs.
Oh, you mean people who go into debt to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for a degree that offers no job prospects?

Not just them, but for strong, independent womyn like myself who are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for a degree that does offer plenty of job prospects (Womyn's Studies major, African-American History minor), but simply will not allow me to pay off the entirety of the loan in a reasonable amount of time.

You call those useful degrees? You might as well have majored in underwater basket weaving.:lol:
Stupid lesbiyans.......
Not just them, but for strong, independent womyn like myself who are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for a degree that does offer plenty of job prospects (Womyn's Studies major, African-American History minor), but simply will not allow me to pay off the entirety of the loan in a reasonable amount of time.


I have never read a post that exposes the poster as a fool more completely than this one right here.

What is foolish about my post? What do you have against strong, independent womyn who refuse to be chained down by male oppression and the global patriarchy, and pursue advanced degrees and successful career paths?

If there was ever someone who desperately needs a good hard F'n.........
No strap on allowed.
So she teaches an empty ended subject and writes books nobody cares about.

Ya that qualifies her to run a country. (eye roll)

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