Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Sadly, I'm nowhere near diverse enough in my ethnic background to be considered truly representative of anyone but the daughtyrs of upper-middle-class WASP families too blinded by their own white privilege to see the inequities they have wrought in the world, with mouths too full of silver spoons to speak out against said inequities even when they do realize them. Although I have overcome my inherent prejudice as a descendent of Euroscum invaders, I have yet to truly understand the undoubtedly deep ramifications of my white existence.

LOL I know you're a conservative .... You much too charming to be anything but..

you're definitely not a Conservative.

Who are you to be deciding who's conservative and who isn't? You're a fucking leftwing douche nozzle.
Oh, you mean people who go into debt to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for a degree that offers no job prospects?

Not just them, but for strong, independent womyn like myself who are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for a degree that does offer plenty of job prospects (Womyn's Studies major, African-American History minor), but simply will not allow me to pay off the entirety of the loan in a reasonable amount of time.

And I thought that a communications degree with a minor in Poly Sci was a waste..... :cuckoo: Thank God I had the GI Bill.....

I can't believe this chick isn't pulling our leg. She's a caricature of every derogatory stereotype of a radical feminist.
Hey Elizabeth! I've only one thing to say to you....

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LOL I know you're a conservative .... You much too charming to be anything but..

you're definitely not a Conservative.

Who are you to be deciding who's conservative and who isn't? You're a fucking leftwing douche nozzle.

Lybyryls are the pyrfyct pyyple to decide exactly who is a conservatard, given that conservatards (and Wrongpublicans) define themselves at every opportunity as being "not lybyryls" (or "not Democrats"). Right-wing ideologies are uniformly reactionary in nature; hate-filled bigots take one look at the peace, equality, and reason incumbent upon leftist thoughts, policies, and systems, and are immediately disgusted, seeking to establish something--anything, so long as it is different from the global harmony that would be present in a leftist-run wyrld.
Does that figure include the "parasites" who don't believe that a university-level education should necessarily create a lifelong financial obligation on the part of the student? Because people who believe that make up a sizable portion of hyr followyrs.
Oh, you mean people who go into debt to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for a degree that offers no job prospects?

Not just them, but for strong, independent womyn like myself who are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for a degree that does offer plenty of job prospects (Womyn's Studies major, African-American History minor), but simply will not allow me to pay off the entirety of the loan in a reasonable amount of time.

who goes to college for those type of useless areas of study?:cuckoo:..Nobody but some liberal propaganda outlet would hire anyone a degree in Woman's studies
you're definitely not a Conservative.

Who are you to be deciding who's conservative and who isn't? You're a fucking leftwing douche nozzle.

Lybyryls are the pyrfyct pyyple to decide exactly who is a conservatard, given that conservatards (and Wrongpublicans) define themselves at every opportunity as being "not lybyryls" (or "not Democrats"). Right-wing ideologies are uniformly reactionary in nature; hate-filled bigots take one look at the peace, equality, and reason incumbent upon leftist thoughts, policies, and systems, and are immediately disgusted, seeking to establish something--anything, so long as it is different from the global harmony that would be present in a leftist-run wyrld.

Good luck with that job search..this is what you learn? Whats with all the ys?
She hates her parents, she hates her skin color, she hates her unfair position in life, she hates her debt, she hates all men, she hates anyone who is not liberal, she hates,the fact that no one will hire her and she is not qualified for a real job. She probably can't stand her shrink. She is so self absorbed and bitter one has to wonder how she gets up in the morning, alas, it is probably so she can spread more of her bile anonymously on message boards. You know she probably could become a high level advisor on warren campaign.

LM, loosen up and get a life, the future is not compassionate to those of your ilk.
you're definitely not a Conservative.

Who are you to be deciding who's conservative and who isn't? You're a fucking leftwing douche nozzle.

Lybyryls are the pyrfyct pyyple to decide exactly who is a conservatard, given that conservatards (and Wrongpublicans) define themselves at every opportunity as being "not lybyryls" (or "not Democrats"). Right-wing ideologies are uniformly reactionary in nature; hate-filled bigots take one look at the peace, equality, and reason incumbent upon leftist thoughts, policies, and systems, and are immediately disgusted, seeking to establish something--anything, so long as it is different from the global harmony that would be present in a leftist-run wyrld.


Oh that was a good one. I am still holding my side.


Thanks for the chuckle.

You forgot to mention that liberals are arrogant assholes that have no compunction against taking credit for what others do (or taking the money that others earn). They also are tolerant until someone has a different point of view and then (as your post so nicely shows), they become intolerant assholes.
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A big negative of Granny Warren running for president is, she is a disgrace to the state of MA. Fortunately, she is not MA born. There is only one thing that would guarantee president elect granny Warren, and that is if Jeb Bush is her Marxist adversary. I will never vote for a Bush family member, I hate the Bush family.

Now, I would love nothing more than to see granny Warren be the Democrat nominee. She's a typical Democrat, an extremely old 1960's radical left-wing extremist. Outside of Jeb Bush, she will get destroyed. She is so scandal ridden she is any real Republicans dream come true. From her lying about being Native American, to her lying about being being poor. I.....I.....I...mean seriously, she had the audacity to cry about struggling about a hard life while her family had 3 cars when most families only had 1 car. And guess what kinda car she drove when she went to the best high school in Oklahoma, a MG. WTF would this okie know about being poor, she grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Then of course, we have granny Warren who has railed against foreclosures, yet she and her family have made huge profits from flipping houses and properties that were foreclosed. She rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and other people then purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.

Ohhhhh please run granny run. Seriously!

I'll bet you said something like this when Obama ran.

And you're still whining about the outcome.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, how about instead of trying to run down these folks on a personal level, you give us a good reason to vote for your guy.

The ironic thing is, Jeb Bush would be the only viable candidate your side has, if his name wasn't Bush. Everyone else you have is a joke.
The best argument for a Liz Warren candidacy is that Hillary is too chummy with the Banks and Wall Street. She might have the right view on social issues and will no doubt appoint the right kinds of people to the courts, but she will also send the signal that it's "business as usual" for the 1%.

Given that the GOP is so busy alienating women and minorities to have any chance in 2016, the Democrats might want to go with what they want instead of what will be easy.
Sadly, I'm nowhere near diverse enough in my ethnic background to be considered truly representative of anyone but the daughtyrs of upper-middle-class WASP families too blinded by their own white privilege to see the inequities they have wrought in the world, with mouths too full of silver spoons to speak out against said inequities even when they do realize them. Although I have overcome my inherent prejudice as a descendent of Euroscum invaders, I have yet to truly understand the undoubtedly deep ramifications of my white existence.
Sounds like suicide is your only option....... :cool:
Does that figure include the "parasites" who don't believe that a university-level education should necessarily create a lifelong financial obligation on the part of the student? Because people who believe that make up a sizable portion of hyr followyrs.

Are you representative of the liberal intellectual?

Sadly, I'm nowhere near diverse enough in my ethnic background to be considered truly representative of anyone but the daughtyrs of upper-middle-class WASP families too blinded by their own white privilege to see the inequities they have wrought in the world, with mouths too full of silver spoons to speak out against said inequities even when they do realize them. Although I have overcome my inherent prejudice as a descendent of Euroscum invaders, I have yet to truly understand the undoubtedly deep ramifications of my white existence.

Then why not kill yourself and put us out of your misery?
DETROIT – Elizabeth Warren’s keynote speech to Netroots Nation, a gathering of progressive activists from around the country, began with what has become a familiar dynamic for the Massachusetts senator.

She took the stage to rowdy chants of “Run Liz Run!”

Warren’s willingness to pound away at Wall Street with abandon has some progressives hoping she challenges former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016. A new group called Ready For Warren, run by a former Obama campaign staffer, handed out signs and hats ahead of her speech encouraging her to run for president. Afterward, they released a folk music video featuring clips of her speech.

“Conservatives and their powerful friends will continue to be guided by their internal motto: I got mine, the rest of you are on your own,” she said on Friday. “We’re guided by principle and it’s a pretty simple idea: We all do better when we work together and invest in building a future.”

“When conservatives talk about opportunity, they mean opportunity for the rich to get richer and the powerful to get more powerful,” Warren said in her remarks. “They don’t mean opportunities for a young person with $100,000 of student loan debt to try to build a future. They don’t mean opportunities for someone out of work to get back on their feet.”

Summing up her speech, she added: ”The game is rigged and the rich and the powerful have lobbyists and lawyers and plenty of friends in Congress. Everyone else not so much.”

Elizabeth Warren rides wave of support at Netroots Nation | MSNBC

are you spelling impaired?

or is it a pervasive mental issue?
Liz says:"- "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

Does that mean if a woman has no penis she has to be given one?

When a woman can play in the NFL and Major League Baseball, then you'll be equal.

I'll bet you my whip could change your mind? Just say please..

Please stop sharing sexual fetishes on this forum.
They call her speaking to "her FOLD" just sweet she took a shot a, conservatives...Do these people ever run on anything positive without hating on others?
Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism

By Emma Roller
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July 18, 2014

Watch Elizabeth Warren give a speech to her fold, and you realize she's one of the rare Democrats

"What are our values?" Warren asked the audience, some of whom held up "Run Liz Run" signs. "What does it mean to be a progressive?"

- "We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we're willing to fight for it."

- "We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth."

- "We believe that the Internet shouldn't be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality."

- "We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage."

- "We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them."

- "We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt."

- "We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions."

- "We believe—I can't believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work."

- "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

- "We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform."

- "And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!"

And the main tenet of conservatives' philosophy, according to Warren? "I got mine. The rest of you are on your own."

Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism -
The best argument for a Liz Warren candidacy is that Hillary is too chummy with the Banks and Wall Street. She might have the right view on social issues and will no doubt appoint the right kinds of people to the courts, but she will also send the signal that it's "business as usual" for the 1%.

Given that the GOP is so busy alienating women and minorities to have any chance in 2016, the Democrats might want to go with what they want instead of what will be easy.

Lizzy Warren was busted for being a damn liar and using the system to propel herself.. She's a disgrace to women who play by the rules and do it ourselves. She has less experience than that idiot you call your President.. Americans will NOT make the same mistake again..

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