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Maddow Meltdown: In Defense To OAN Lawsuit, Host Argues Her Words Are Not Actually Facts

You people are still watching american corporate state media? Tweets are for twits.
Well you are a twat!....
Name calling is all ya ever have.
You mean you do not like what I post, and that is all.

No, I mean you post bullshit and lies....hard this English thing to understand!
ALL the media Division Pimps should start and end their shows with disclaimers.

From Maddow to Hannity.

There's a lot of people out there who take this shit seriously, like Pro Wrestling.
Hannity already disclaims that he's conservative biased, Maddow is still trying to play the 'objective' game.

If that's the case, Maddow needs to air a disclaimer before every broadcast stating that the shows content is strictly her opinion and anti-Trump propaganda.

Read more at mobile.twitter.com ... see video

The left becomes further from truth and reality as each day pssses!
All the primetime shows are based largely on opinions. She's quite the hack but it's not really fair to single her out when they all thrive on stirring up their prospective bases with over the top opinion pieces mixed with some facts.
She convinced a lot of people that the Russia hoax was true, including herself, it would seem.

She is emblematic of the left during the Trump era. Seemingly intelligent and with some modicum of respectability, agree with them or not, now driven straight off a cliff into complete and total nuttery.

Do they sell those pussy hats in tinfoil, I wonder....

If that's the case, Maddow needs to air a disclaimer before every broadcast stating that the shows content is strictly her opinion and anti-Trump propaganda.

Read more at mobile.twitter.com ... see video

The left becomes further from truth and reality as each day pssses!

So simple yet so profound and true. Absolutely Brilliant.

Rachel Madcow wouldn't make a pimple on a good reporter's derriere.

It's a shame. She has a superior education but elects to present herself as a damn fool to advance her liberal agenda. When stripped of her liberal idiocy, this is the real Rachel Maddow:

“She earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994. At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. She had also been awarded a Marshall Scholarship the same year but turned it down in favour of the Rhodes. This made her the first open lesbian to win an international Rhodes Scholarship. In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at the University of Oxford. Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons, and her supervisor was Lucia Zedner.

Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia

I don't believe for a moment that Maddow ever believed the fairy tale known as the Steele Dossier was legitimate. She knew that it was nothing but rubbish from the first word to the last but she peddled it as truth to a gullible public. To her credit, she was smart enough to know that a majority of her listening audience was just too damn stupid and too damn lazy to question her. She tells them what she knows they want to hear and they adore her. She hated Trump and she pandered to those who shared her obsession.

One thing is not debatable: She is either extremely ignorant or incredibly dishonest. In my humble opinion, she is far from being stupid; however, her integrity has been severely compromised. Nothing this woman says can ever be trusted. She is embarrassingly typical of the entire MSM.
I find it astounding that anyone actually watches her program.
Some watch her, some watch Hannity.

Some people are fine with being conned and getting just one side of a story.

I watch both (on youtube mostly) but I use my Pravda/ Izvestia filter.
".... Pravda and Izvestia, meant "the truth" and "the news" respectively, a popular saying was "there's no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia"."

They're informative to watch in terms of what the wings are thinking, but they're sure as hell not providing the whole, honest story.

The problem is that most of their viewers don't CARE about getting the whole, honest story.
They are thinking "the other side sucks" and bring in the most extreme examples to represent them all.

About as informative as they get.
ALL the media Division Pimps should start and end their shows with disclaimers.

From Maddow to Hannity.

There's a lot of people out there who take this shit seriously, like Pro Wrestling.
Hannity already disclaims that he's conservative biased, Maddow is still trying to play the 'objective' game.
They both con their audiences in the same way. The conned just don't realize it.
I find it astounding that anyone actually watches her program.
Some watch her, some watch Hannity.

Some people are fine with being conned and getting just one side of a story.

I watch both (on youtube mostly) but I use my Pravda/ Izvestia filter.
".... Pravda and Izvestia, meant "the truth" and "the news" respectively, a popular saying was "there's no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia"."

They're informative to watch in terms of what the wings are thinking, but they're sure as hell not providing the whole, honest story.

The problem is that most of their viewers don't CARE about getting the whole, honest story.
They are thinking "the other side sucks" and bring in the most extreme examples to represent them all.

About as informative as they get.
And I see their words, thought processes and tactics emulated here, daily.

And, more and more, in real life.

That's what has me worried.
Last edited:

If that's the case, Maddow needs to air a disclaimer before every broadcast stating that the shows content is strictly her opinion and anti-Trump propaganda.

Read more at mobile.twitter.com ... see video

The left becomes further from truth and reality as each day passes!
She's lying, slandering Fake News Scum.

MADCOW MELTDOWN: In Defense To OAN Lawsuit, Host Argues Her Words Are Not Facts.
You fukkin idiots.

Zerohedge? An anonymous blog out of BULGARIA that almost unfailingly promotes the Kremlin line?

OAN can sue anyone they want. But they have to prove that Maddow knowingly said false things and that they were intended to do damage.

That's a pretty high bar

And oh yea...OAN DOES promote the Kremlin line so....
I find it astounding that anyone actually watches her program.
Some watch her, some watch Hannity.

Some people are fine with being conned and getting just one side of a story.

Both sides of these two network stories are just entertainment. I don't even know if a hint of truth is even mixed in anymore.
Well, the best lies have a basis in truth. What the Division Pimps do is base their stories on facts so that they and their flocks can point to that. "See? That's a fact! They're speaking The Truth!"

But what they're also doing is cherry picking, highlighting, expanding and focusing on only the facts that support their one-sided agenda, and ignoring, avoiding and distorting facts that do not.

The problem is that their flocks don't appear to see this. That's why I use Pro Wrestling as an analogy: There have always been some who have been conned and think it's real.
I find it astounding that anyone actually watches her program.
Some watch her, some watch Hannity.

Some people are fine with being conned and getting just one side of a story.

I watch both (on youtube mostly) but I use my Pravda/ Izvestia filter.
".... Pravda and Izvestia, meant "the truth" and "the news" respectively, a popular saying was "there's no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia"."

They're informative to watch in terms of what the wings are thinking, but they're sure as hell not providing the whole, honest story.

The problem is that most of their viewers don't CARE about getting the whole, honest story.

It's called "confirmation bias" and it is what drives both sides. It also leads to an abundance of ignorant voters and message board posters...
Well, I have NEVER taken anything she says as truthful or remotely near Truthful.

Maddow Meltdown: In Defense To OAN Lawsuit, Host Argues Her Words Are Not Facts

Back in September, we reported that TV network OAN had filed a lawsuit against Rachel Maddow for the time the host said that OAN “really, literally is paid Russian propaganda.”

Now, Maddow finds herself having to come up with a defense for her statement in court. And she has also apparently hired Lionel Hutz as her legal adviser.

According to Culttture, her lawyers argued in a recent motion that "…the liberal host was clearly offering up her ‘own unique expression’ of her views to capture what she saw as the ‘ridiculous’ nature of the undisputed facts. Her comment, therefore, is a quintessential statement ‘of rhetorical hyperbole, incapable of being proved true or false."

Oh, it's capable of being proved false, alright. Maddow had previously claimed, on air, about one of OAN's reporters:

“In this case, the most obsequiously pro-Trump right wing news outlet in America is really literally is paid Russian propaganda,” and added, “Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”​

The testimony of UC Santa Barbara linguistics professor Stefan Thomas Gries, however, stands at odds with Maddow's defense. Gries said: “It is very unlikely that an average or reasonable/ordinary viewer would consider the sentence in question to be a statement of opinion.”...

OAN had filed the defamation suit in federal court in San Diego, according to AP. OAN is a small, family owned conservative network that is based in San Diego and has received favorable Tweets from the President. It is seen as a competitor to Fox News.

OAN's lawsuit claims that Maddow's comments were retaliation after OAN President Charles Herring accused Comcast of censorship. The suit said that Comcast refuses to carry its channel because “counters the liberal politics of Comcast’s own news channel, MSNBC.”

It was about a week after Herring e-mailed a Comcast executive when Maddow opened her show by referring to a Daily Beast report that claimed an OAN employee also worked for Sputnik News, which has ties to the Russian government.

Maddow said: “In this case, the most obsequiously pro-Trump right-wing news outlet in America really literally is paid Russian propaganda. Their on-air U.S. politics reporter is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

This is what the Division Pimps do: They take some kernel of truth and twist it to fit their agenda.

They focus on and expand on all information that supports their agenda, and avoid and distort all that does not.

Since they used a fact to begin with, their flocks extrapolate that out and believe the whole pile of crap.

The problem is that their flocks don't appear to realize this.
This is what the Division Pimps do: They take some kernel of truth and twist it to fit their agenda.

They focus on and expand on all information that supports their agenda, and avoid and distort all that does not.

Since they used a fact to begin with, their flocks extrapolate that out and believe the whole pile of crap.

The problem is that their flocks don't appear to realize this.

What causes this level of loyality among liberals? I mean is your post here really meant to bring up political division, while you sit there and type that anyone who doesn't share your views on topics are too stupid to understand? And you don't see that as division? Good grief!
This is what the Division Pimps do: They take some kernel of truth and twist it to fit their agenda.
They focus on and expand on all information that supports their agenda, and avoid and distort all that does not.
Since they used a fact to begin with, their flocks extrapolate that out and believe the whole pile of crap.
The problem is that their flocks don't appear to realize this.
What causes this level of loyality among liberals? I mean is your post here really meant to bring up political division, while you sit there and type that anyone who doesn't share your views on topics are too stupid to understand? And you don't see that as division? Good grief!
This applies to Division Pimps on both ends of the spectrum.

Their one-sided, binary thinking has been transferred to their flocks, and they exacerbate our divisions.

Either that, or you and your tribe have all the answers. I'm guessing you'd like that better.

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