Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!


I don't know shit.

I was actually glad I was the townie lynched on day one. I've been crazy busy at work and I couldn't really give it the attention an earnest effort requires.

But it did get me wondering whether there has ever been a mafia format that allowed the dead to post but not get a vote, and how much advantage that would give town?
The possibilities in Mafia are nearly unlimited. We've got Necromancers that can bring back the dead (but do they still have a good heart?), Recruiters that can summon 2 or more randomly-aligned players each few Days (if we have a big enough playerbase), and other very special tricks. If I do create that sort of role, and test it at the main site, I'll give it the win condition... of creating chaos for all. It could be set on fire if a secondary majority vote to exorcise it ever occurred.
The possibilities in Mafia are nearly unlimited. We've got Necromancers that can bring back the dead (but do they still have a good heart?), Recruiters that can summon 2 or more randomly-aligned players each few Days (if we have a big enough playerbase), and other very special tricks. If I do create that sort of role, and test it at the main site, I'll give it the win condition... of creating chaos for all. It could be set on fire if a secondary majority vote to exorcise it ever occurred.

Sounds rather interesting. LOL
Hey everybody,

Allow me a minute of your time for a Rosie PSA. And as Avatar sez, it is Rosie being Rosie.

If I have friended you on this site, it's political. If I haven't, it's political.

Even tho' my son got married last Saturday, I have not flooded anyone's Inbox with wedding pix,
because that would be personal.

I don't do that for political reasons.

The only exception to friending despite politics is my friending Wake.

As we all know, the poor boy needs all the help he can get.

Thanks for your attention. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Regards from Rosie
Had a bit of good fortune today, in a good while. My secondary employer called me up since last October, and offered me to work two 6-hour shifts for a new client. That's good, because I can use all the help I can get on paying down school debts and bills. Mom's crown replacement in September she's relying on me to pay for, so that'll set me back about $1,000. It's tough right now, because I just paid off a $2,700 school loan, AND my hours went from 40 to 24 in one day. That hurt.

So now I'm going to be working even more hours, and am now considering working at the V.A., or work up towards Froedtert hospital in Milwaukee.

Life—harsh reality—is the most intoxicating game out there. Now I'm under pressure, and got a little more fire in my belly to work damned hard to survive and succeed. It, like Mafia, is a game of patience and forethought. My car could break down at any time, or bones get twisted and ligaments torn. Gotta be so careful, so timely, so patient with everything... lest you get screwed. But with most things life has its little rewards. Mom will stop being in agony once I pay for her old crown to be repaired, which in itself is a satisfying reward. Seeing in her misery and not being able to do anything about it weighs on a son, you know? With this added work it'll cushion the financial blow, and make life a little less rough.
Aww, best wishes for you.

Can your mom get a temporary crown? I hate to think of her having a month-long toothache.
Had a bit of good fortune today, in a good while. My secondary employer called me up since last October, and offered me to work two 6-hour shifts for a new client. That's good, because I can use all the help I can get on paying down school debts and bills. Mom's crown replacement in September she's relying on me to pay for, so that'll set me back about $1,000. It's tough right now, because I just paid off a $2,700 school loan, AND my hours went from 40 to 24 in one day. That hurt.

So now I'm going to be working even more hours, and am now considering working at the V.A., or work up towards Froedtert hospital in Milwaukee.

Life—harsh reality—is the most intoxicating game out there. Now I'm under pressure, and got a little more fire in my belly to work damned hard to survive and succeed. It, like Mafia, is a game of patience and forethought. My car could break down at any time, or bones get twisted and ligaments torn. Gotta be so careful, so timely, so patient with everything... lest you get screwed. But with most things life has its little rewards. Mom will stop being in agony once I pay for her old crown to be repaired, which in itself is a satisfying reward. Seeing in her misery and not being able to do anything about it weighs on a son, you know? With this added work it'll cushion the financial blow, and make life a little less rough.

Sorry to hear about your mom Wake. Is there any sort of financial assistance she can qualify for to help with this or at least, like Grandma said, a temporary fix? I can't imagine how tough that can be to deal with.

Take care. Life can be tough but how you deal with it and pull through only makes you stronger. :smiliehug:
Re-posting where this belongs.

Wake, me and a girlfriend of mine were on vacation and she had her crown break free. I am not sure if your mothers just came undone or is it broke. As I said, we all were on vacation, and she hurt like hell. We found a dentist who did not do crowns but helped us. He thoroughly cleaned the crown and dried it off totally, and then used "crown cement" which can be purchased in most major drugstores.

He used the crown cement to put it back in place to help with any discomfort until we could get home. Just make sure she puts it back in the correct way so it fits properly, she can test this first. He also stated if it happened again and we could not find crown cement in the drug store, we could use Fixodent or something similar for false teeth to keep it in place until she could see the doc. BUT ALWAYS clean and dry first. The crown cement he used worked fine and he used temporary cement just like they have at the drugstore. He explained having the cement or Fixodent inside helps protect any nerve ending and 'cushions' the stump which is left.

Maybe your mom can get some relief if possible.

Good luck! Hope everything gets better!!
Thanks for the kind words. We've checked our options, yet it seems the only option we have is to get it replaced, because the whole crown is slowly eroding. She has an appointment late in September, and my plan is to pay for it then. Currently she's taking prescription medication for the pain, and I've been hunting for more work hours to save up and pay for it.

Life without challenges wouldn't be worth living. :D
Working on redesigning my game structures at USMB in order to give players more options and subtle abilities. Also taking a stylistic approach, by adding in neat images to Role PMs and Game Phases, which'll give it a sleeker look.

I want to have my games more stimulating (addicting:D), while making them look nicer.
If "making them look nicer" involves piccies of big boobage, please don't forget to include a little something for the ladies!
Oh please don't sex them up Wake. We get enough of that with the avatars around here. :D

There's so many cool Fire and Ice images out there. Like this one for example.

Thanks for the kind words. We've checked our options, yet it seems the only option we have is to get it replaced, because the whole crown is slowly eroding. She has an appointment late in September, and my plan is to pay for it then. Currently she's taking prescription medication for the pain, and I've been hunting for more work hours to save up and pay for it.

Life without challenges wouldn't be worth living. :D

Oh, I'm sure it needs to be replaced, I just thought it might help with the pain, sorry to hear there is so much going on.

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