Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

I have no idea.

Sort of in an emergency right now. I will definitely by online and kicking tomorrow morning. Currently in emergency room with a client who accidentally pulled out tracheotomy tube. Had to act fast and call 911 to save his life. His family is coming soon.
I have no idea.

Sort of in an emergency right now. I will definitely by online and kicking tomorrow morning. Currently in emergency room with a client who accidentally pulled out tracheotomy tube. Had to act fast and call 911 to save his life. His family is coming soon.


I hope all is well.
Wow, that had to be pretty scary Wake!

My home internet connection is still down despite their promise to restore the connection yesterday evening. I hope it is fixed by the time I get home today.
I have no idea.

Sort of in an emergency right now. I will definitely by online and kicking tomorrow morning. Currently in emergency room with a client who accidentally pulled out tracheotomy tube. Had to act fast and call 911 to save his life. His family is coming soon.

No safety strap around the trach collar? Surprises me if the RT didn't insist on one being there.
It could be better, but yes. Lost a chunk of sleep time. A nap'll help a bit. :D
I have no idea.

Sort of in an emergency right now. I will definitely by online and kicking tomorrow morning. Currently in emergency room with a client who accidentally pulled out tracheotomy tube. Had to act fast and call 911 to save his life. His family is coming soon.

No safety strap around the trach collar? Surprises me if the RT didn't insist on one being there.

It was a custom trach tube, and had no bladder that could be filled to keep it in place. Not only did he have a tracheotomy, but he was on oxygen, and very weak due to ALS. The stretchy green strap that's connected to his oxygen mask (which rests over his trach hole), got caught in the wings on his trach tube, so when he adjusted his mask, he pulled the tube out with it out.

Watched as the RT first sterilized and tried to push the trach tube back in, but she failed. The doctor then tried, and he failed as well. The hole in the neck was closing rapidly, causing the difficulty. Because it was a custom trach, and they couldn't get it in, they had to transport him to the ICU in a different city, where he had it put in in the first place.
I have no idea.

Sort of in an emergency right now. I will definitely by online and kicking tomorrow morning. Currently in emergency room with a client who accidentally pulled out tracheotomy tube. Had to act fast and call 911 to save his life. His family is coming soon.

No safety strap around the trach collar? Surprises me if the RT didn't insist on one being there.

It was a custom trach tube, and had no bladder that could be filled to keep it in place. Not only did he have a tracheotomy, but he was on oxygen, and very weak due to ALS. The stretchy green strap that's connected to his oxygen mask (which rests over his trach hole), got caught in the wings on his trach tube, so when he adjusted his mask, he pulled the tube out with it out.

Watched as the RT first sterilized and tried to push the trach tube back in, but she failed. The doctor then tried, and he failed as well. The hole in the neck was closing rapidly, causing the difficulty. Because it was a custom trach, and they couldn't get it in, they had to transport him to the ICU in a different city, where he had it put in in the first place.

May be a dumb question, but why did they just not have him on a vent if he was trach'ed and on O2 and that bad off? When my mom was on a trach they would disconnect it when she was doing well, but put her back on a vent at night. Is the lack of the bladder so he could talk?
May be a dumb question, but why did they just not have him on a vent if he was trach'ed and on O2 and that bad off? When my mom was on a trach they would disconnect it when she was doing well, but put her back on a vent at night. Is the lack of the bladder so he could talk?

He would use a vent at night. During the day, he'd use a concentrator and a condensator/oxygen mask over his trach. If memory serves, he had had esophageal cancer, and his stomach was connceted to his throat. This was basically hospice care, because he wanted to die at home. However, it took me and his family members 3 hours just to unload and organize all of the equipment within his home, and required 3 VA nurses to help as well. Last I heard, he's been moved to a hospice facility because the family was overwhelmed with the complexities of caring for their loved one (as a CNA working for a home care agency, I'm not allowed to do anything with tracheotomies).

You could understand him a little if he spoke, but his voice was distorted from the surgery and trach tube.
I don't mean to neglect out games, guys. Work's been nuts, with a lot of scary and new experiences. People with ALS used to terrify me when I was in clinicals, because I never knew how to care for them when they were so contracted. After caring for an elderly woman with severe ALS, my employers basically decided they'd have me "specialize" in caring for clients with that disorder, and branch out from there. Twice now my employer told me that my name has come to him over the grape vine, that clients' families are requesting me to care for their loved ones, which is kinda neat. So now I cared for that man with ALS, and concurrently I'm caring for another man with ALS, who has gone from mild ALS to moderate-severe. When I met him he could walk. Now I'm using the Hoyer to transfer him, and doing what I can to comfort him and his family.

A new client was given to me last Saturday, a young 27-year-old man that's quadriplegic and suffers from autonomic dysreflexia. Scary disorder that requires constant vigilance, or he could die. Some of this work is very taxing, and drains me. I've had to call 911 five times now over the year, and have seen things that cannot be unseen, and smelled things you'll probably never smell in your life. Be grateful. :D

Life. It's a game of sink or swim.
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May be a dumb question, but why did they just not have him on a vent if he was trach'ed and on O2 and that bad off? When my mom was on a trach they would disconnect it when she was doing well, but put her back on a vent at night. Is the lack of the bladder so he could talk?

He would use a vent at night. During the day, he'd use a concentrator and a condensator/oxygen mask over his trach. If memory serves, he had had esophageal cancer, and his stomach was connceted to his throat. This was basically hospice care, because he wanted to die at home. However, it took me and his family members 3 hours just to unload and organize all of the equipment within his home, and required 3 VA nurses to help as well. Last I heard, he's been moved to a hospice facility because the family was overwhelmed with the complexities of caring for their loved one (as a CNA working for a home care agency, I'm not allowed to do anything with tracheotomies).

You could understand him a little if he spoke, but his voice was distorted from the surgery and trach tube.

A little surprised the VA provided that level of at-home nursing. They wouldn't approve my uncle for that until he only had a few days left and then they only approved it for like two weeks.
I don't mean to neglect out games, guys. Work's been nuts, with a lot of scary and new experiences.

Some of this work is very taxing, and drains me. I've had to call 911 five times now over the year, and have seen things that cannot be unseen, and smelled things you'll probably never smell in your life. Be grateful. :D

Life. It's a game of sink or swim.

Work takes priority over fun any time, but you get extra special leeway because your job is extra special. Your patients deserve the attention. We'll be happy to wait. :smiliehug:
If "making them look nicer" involves piccies of big boobage, please don't forget to include a little something for the ladies!

i thought mertex's avatars took care of the boobage:p

I'm so glad someone has noticed......

Keeping mertex alive and using the avatar's boobage to distract town is how the scum won game 4:p Unless someone has a better reason lol
VOTE: Avatar

I do not want us going for a NL.

Mertex, I did not vote for you because of the way you respond to posts, although that does bring attention to you. I voted for you because of the bickering between you and Avi Day 1. Avi came back Day 2 posting like he had been Day 1, but started on others (me included). You were silent, as though it was planned out, unless someone mentioned/questioned you, which you would then say that person is scummy or suspicious. It's a pattern I noticed. People can question me or say I'm acting suspicious, and I'm not going to accuse them of the same unless I believe they are. That's how we keep dividing town in these games - attacking the ones that are playing. Anyone else notice this? It can't be just me.

This was the dead giveaway.

When Aye posted this, Grandma was at L-1 and Avatar was at L-2, with this voting pushing him to L-1 also.

You guys just weren't paying attention.

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