Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

You know, you all keep giving reasons that aye or grandma were dead giveaways - where is my dead giveaway? I was the only one lynched after all....

I don't think you were a dead giveaway. There were subtle changes in your posts and you really did not defend yourself.

The funniest part was where you said you wanted to wait on my opinion, cause I had a good nose for scum- and you were at the top of my list! :lmao:
TN asked why Aye wasn't posting much, so I told him about Aye's son. TN had a vote on Aye and removed it since Aye had a valid excuse.
TN asked why Aye wasn't posting much, so I told him about Aye's son. TN had a vote on Aye and removed it since Aye had a valid excuse.

Yes, I saw that, and you were using it as scum to validate your scum partner. Then AFTER the lynch it was mentioned again by Aye as you were both pretending to still be town. This is why I thought you all were using it as scum. Forgive me. Like I said I mentioned it in the dead QT - after the lynch.

Again, I ask Aye's forgiveness, it was just the way it was reading at that point in the game. I did not think Aye was using it as an excuse at all prior to you all pretending to be town when (I knew you to be scum) after the game was won by the both of you.
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I'm not mad at you. :)

I didn't do it "as scum" as it were, I told TN because he had a valid question about Aye's lack of posts. It wasn't really a town/scum thing, just an honest explanation or Aye's absence. No biggie.
I'm not mad at you. :)

I didn't do it "as scum" as it were, I told TN because he had a valid question about Aye's lack of posts. It wasn't really a town/scum thing, just an honest explanation or Aye's absence. No biggie.

I know your not mad at me, I feel like I hurt Aye's feelings and I would never do that on purpose. I just thought the two of you were referring to it after winning the game as a ploy while pretending to be town but were scum.

I just want Aye to know I did not even think anything like that until the end. I feel like shit.
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You WIFOM too much. You'll give yourself an ulcer. Just trade some PMs when Aye's online, I'm sure you two can work it out favorably.

If thinking were a crime, we'd all be in prison. :D
CaféAuLait;9639460 said:
You know, you all keep giving reasons that aye or grandma were dead giveaways - where is my dead giveaway? I was the only one lynched after all....

I don't think you were a dead giveaway. There were subtle changes in your posts and you really did not defend yourself.

The funniest part was where you said you wanted to wait on my opinion, cause I had a good nose for scum- and you were at the top of my list! :lmao:

Its what I would have said if I were town :D

So I stated it as scum as well. I didn't defend myself very much and will continue to avoid doing so. Avoiding pointing out logical evidence, those that finger you and over defending yourself are things that I see as very scummy. If you are town then you shouldn't mind the wagon. If you are scum you are DESPERATELY trying to avoid it.
CaféAuLait;9639421 said:
For those that don't believe my son was home for 2 weeks after being overseas for 3 years, FU!!!! My kids come first, not this game. I don't fake claim anything that is about my family.

Who said anything about not believing you?

This is EXACTLY why I would not even bother with V/LA. What you did right there was introduce drama AND brought your own family into this. Saying FU to other players is going to be taken as an attack. Some are likely to respond and then the entire thing just gets drug through the mud. Then the personal shit really hits the fan. What does that actually accomplish? Nothing.

This happened in game 3 as well - those bringing their family and personal lives into the game is creating drama and contention without purpose. I just don't see the value in it. If you must claim LA then why even bother with the reason - so far such has done nothing but make some players angry and feel attacked.

It all is so confusing to me.

I believe she is talking about me.

After the lynch she and grandma were still pretending to be town and she mentioned her son being home for her low post count while defending herself and telling TN she was not scum still. At the time, I thought it was a ruse because we all knew her to be scum in the Dead QT and I did not understand why she would still be using her son to pretend she was town- after they won the game. Given they had won and were pretending to be town it came off strange to me so I thought it was a ruse.
Even more evidence that this entire concept of bringing personal shit into this is not a good idea. For some reason the people here simply cant take it. That is what is confusing to me. You could all tell me tomorrow that you want my family to burn in hell and I wouldn't give one whit, I just wouldn't bother talking to you again :D

It is a message board and a game - nothing here is from people that actually matter to your our daily lives. I do have many people here that I love to have open discourse with and play this game but I can control that relationship completely and as such cannot see how or why I would allow them to upset me.

Besides, the drama has killed town almost every time. It is only good for scum.
You know, you all keep giving reasons that aye or grandma were dead giveaways - where is my dead giveaway? I was the only one lynched after all....

I've been very busy and I wasn't really paying attention. It was actually shear luck that I stumbled upon Aye's dead-giveaway literally moments after doing my own quick VC.
Here's a conundrum -

MeBelle was sick and went V/LA - we didn't know, so it looked like she simply bailed - really scummy. But even if players know that another player is V/LA, V/LAs are often used by scum to hide out.

I was sick too. If I went V/LA I have no doubt I would have been lynched in absentia. But playing sick was risky because between the fever and the Nyquil I could let too much information slip out. (I don't remember much from Day 2 other than the long, tense wait for the vote deadline.)

So what do you do if you get sick?

I kept playing and no one knew i was sick;)
Dead giveaway my butt - Wake told everyone in the Dead Zone it was me.

Of course a bunch of 'em were all like "I knew she was scum from the first word she typed! Yeah!"

Sure. NOT!!

I'm pretty sure i voted for you before you typed a thing this game. considering my vote for grandma was the second or third post lol
There were a couple of people that had me pegged, but there were those that had me on a list with 8 other names, so :lol: those players don't count.
There were a couple of people that had me pegged, but there were those that had me on a list with 8 other names, so :lol: those players don't count.

I lead the wagon on you....unfortunately, I couldn't convince some that you weren't going to bake them some cookies after the game was over.
*Caring for a client in a supposedly haunted, 150-year-old mansion.

*Has Wi-Fi.

*Needs to stay up 12 hours straight.

*Time to get the next game moving forward. :D
If it's 150 years old, it may well be haunted.

Leave some pennies in an out-of-the-way spot. See if they move.
I didn't have a reason to disbelieve Aye, or anyone else really about V/LAs

I did not disbelieve Aye about her V/LA until after Gma and her won the game. It was in the Dead QT where I mentioned it- after the game had been won by Grandma and Aye and they were still playing scum in the game and mentioning Aye's V/LA, when I thought it may have been part of their scum play, since they were speaking about it. I have apologized to Aye profusely. As Grandma says, I WIFOM too much.
I'm extremely happy that you can post tables. That means I can do things like this:

PlayersR.Dtn5421 / dblackGrandmaManifoldSameech / RopeyShaitraAvatar4321Mebelle60MertexLuissa / CafeAuLaitRosieSWolfsister77strollingbonesAyeCantSeeYou
vc 1.1Not VotingNot VotingNo LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyNot VotingManifoldNot VotingNot VotingNot Votingtn5421 / dblackNot VotingNot Voting
vc 1.2Not VotingNot VotingNo LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DManifoldNot VotingNot VotingMebelle60ManifoldNot VotingNot Voting
vc 1.3Avatar4321Avatar4321No LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DManifoldAvatar4321Not VotingMebelle60Sameech / RopeySameech / RopeyNot Voting
vc 1.4Avatar4321Avatar4321No LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DManifoldAvatar4321Not VotingMebelle60Sameech / RopeySameech / RopeyNot Voting
vc 1.5Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DNot VotingAvatar4321Not VotingstrollingbonesSameech / RopeySameech / RopeyAyeCantSeeYou
vc 1.6Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DR.DNot VotingAvatar4321Not VotingstrollingbonesSameech / RopeySameech / RopeyAyeCantSeeYou
vc 1.7Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeySameech / RopeyNot Voting
vc 1.8Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.9Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.10Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.11Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Not VotingNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Not VotingRosieSRosieS
vc 1.12Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Not VotingNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.13Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Luissa / CafeAuLaitAvatar4321RosieSRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.14Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Luissa / CafeAuLaitAvatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieSAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.15Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Luissa / CafeAuLaitAvatar4321RosieSRosieSAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.1Not VotingRosieSNot VotingRosieStn5421 / dblackNot VotingDeadNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingRosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.2Wolfsister77RosieSNot VotingRosieStn5421 / dblackMebelle60DeadMertexMebelle60Not VotingNot VotingRosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.3strollingbonesRosieSRosieSRosieStn5421 / dblackMebelle60DeadMertexstrollingbonesMertexWolfsister77RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.4strollingbonesRosieSRosieSRosieStn5421 / dblackRosieSDeadMertexstrollingbonesMertexWolfsister77RosieSRosieSRosieS
I'm extremely happy that you can post tables. That means I can do things like this:

PlayersR.Dtn5421 / dblackGrandmaManifoldSameech / RopeyShaitraAvatar4321Mebelle60MertexLuissa / CafeAuLaitRosieSWolfsister77strollingbonesAyeCantSeeYou
vc 1.1Not VotingNot VotingNo LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyNot VotingManifoldNot VotingNot VotingNot Votingtn5421 / dblackNot VotingNot Voting
vc 1.2Not VotingNot VotingNo LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DManifoldNot VotingNot VotingMebelle60ManifoldNot VotingNot Voting
vc 1.3Avatar4321Avatar4321No LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DManifoldAvatar4321Not VotingMebelle60Sameech / RopeySameech / RopeyNot Voting
vc 1.4Avatar4321Avatar4321No LynchSameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DManifoldAvatar4321Not VotingMebelle60Sameech / RopeySameech / RopeyNot Voting
vc 1.5Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingSameech / RopeyR.DNot VotingAvatar4321Not VotingstrollingbonesSameech / RopeySameech / RopeyAyeCantSeeYou
vc 1.6Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DR.DNot VotingAvatar4321Not VotingstrollingbonesSameech / RopeySameech / RopeyAyeCantSeeYou
vc 1.7Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeySameech / RopeyNot Voting
vc 1.8Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.9Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.10Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Sameech / RopeyNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.11Avatar4321Not VotingAvatar4321Not VotingNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Not VotingRosieSRosieS
vc 1.12Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Not VotingNot VotingR.DRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.13Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Luissa / CafeAuLaitAvatar4321RosieSRosieSNot VotingAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.14Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Luissa / CafeAuLaitAvatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieSAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 1.15Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Luissa / CafeAuLaitAvatar4321RosieSRosieSAvatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321Avatar4321RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.1Not VotingRosieSNot VotingRosieStn5421 / dblackNot VotingDeadNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingNot VotingRosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.2Wolfsister77RosieSNot VotingRosieStn5421 / dblackMebelle60DeadMertexMebelle60Not VotingNot VotingRosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.3strollingbonesRosieSRosieSRosieStn5421 / dblackMebelle60DeadMertexstrollingbonesMertexWolfsister77RosieSRosieSRosieS
vc 2.4strollingbonesRosieSRosieSRosieStn5421 / dblackRosieSDeadMertexstrollingbonesMertexWolfsister77RosieSRosieSRosieS

Which button are you using? Did I miss it?
There is no editing of a post? How about deleting?

I was just trying to see if something would work, I never hit Post reply but my post posted anyway.

That must be a glitch.

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