Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

VOTE: Avatar

I do not want us going for a NL.

Mertex, I did not vote for you because of the way you respond to posts, although that does bring attention to you. I voted for you because of the bickering between you and Avi Day 1. Avi came back Day 2 posting like he had been Day 1, but started on others (me included). You were silent, as though it was planned out, unless someone mentioned/questioned you, which you would then say that person is scummy or suspicious. It's a pattern I noticed. People can question me or say I'm acting suspicious, and I'm not going to accuse them of the same unless I believe they are. That's how we keep dividing town in these games - attacking the ones that are playing. Anyone else notice this? It can't be just me.

This was the dead giveaway.

When Aye posted this, Grandma was at L-1 and Avatar was at L-2, with this voting pushing him to L-1 also.

You guys just weren't paying attention.

I think she gave her hand when she jumped off mertex and jumped on your wagon day 1. it was a random change.
I didn't suspect Aye until the very end. At the time when she mentioned her son visiting, the thought might have crossed my mind that it might be an excuse to not make comments that might trip her up, but then I quickly dismissed it. How can anyone visiting with their son who has been away a long time be Scum.....:eusa_angel:

I think at the end, where I mentioned that the ones we least suspect turn out to be Scum, Aye was one that came to mind, but it was too late.
I think family should be left out of the games. I mean, I was told I was lying mentioning my V/LA for family reasons when I was playing scum and Aye and others made a big stink about not bringing personal issues into the game or mentioning them and just saying V/LA and that's it.

But she used her son visiting to her advantage as scum.

There are rules against this for a reason. Sorry if it sounds cold but there are.
Here's a conundrum -

MeBelle was sick and went V/LA - we didn't know, so it looked like she simply bailed - really scummy. But even if players know that another player is V/LA, V/LAs are often used by scum to hide out.

I was sick too. If I went V/LA I have no doubt I would have been lynched in absentia. But playing sick was risky because between the fever and the Nyquil I could let too much information slip out. (I don't remember much from Day 2 other than the long, tense wait for the vote deadline.)

So what do you do if you get sick?
You know, you all keep giving reasons that aye or grandma were dead giveaways - where is my dead giveaway? I was the only one lynched after all....
Dead giveaway my butt - Wake told everyone in the Dead Zone it was me.

Of course a bunch of 'em were all like "I knew she was scum from the first word she typed! Yeah!"

Sure. NOT!!
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Here's a conundrum -

MeBelle was sick and went V/LA - we didn't know, so it looked like she simply bailed - really scummy. But even if players know that another player is V/LA, V/LAs are often used by scum to hide out.

I was sick too. If I went V/LA I have no doubt I would have been lynched in absentia. But playing sick was risky because between the fever and the Nyquil I could let too much information slip out. (I don't remember much from Day 2 other than the long, tense wait for the vote deadline.)

So what do you do if you get sick?

Do what you can. I have never and will never claim 'V/LA' and I do not take any other claims of V/LA into account when looking at the game. There is noting that ensures the claim is actually factual and quite frankly I just dont care what your circumstances are.

sure you can try and explain later - there was a LOT of time in game 3 and 4 where I could not be present because I was on the road and I stated as much - BUT I dont actually expect anyone to bother with factoring it in. It would just add another tool into the scum toolbox.

Play as you can and that is it. At least that is how I see it. :/
Aye, I never figured out. FA-was just much quieter this game. He spent a lot of time in game 3 figuring things out and sharing his thoughts and he made me nervous as scum a few times. He didn't say much of anything this game.

Grandma was so aggressive and attacking Mertex too much who I knew was town because I am very familiar with her as town and scum.
For those that don't believe my son was home for 2 weeks after being overseas for 3 years, FU!!!! My kids come first, not this game. I don't fake claim anything that is about my family.
V/LA is used all the time at the main site with reasons given, it never seems to be an issue

Here, well...............................

I would just keep Wake informed and let him handle it I guess.
Aye, I never figured out. FA-was just much quieter this game. He spent a lot of time in game 3 figuring things out and sharing his thoughts and he made me nervous as scum a few times. He didn't say much of anything this game.

Grandma was so aggressive and attacking Mertex too much who I knew was town because I am very familiar with her as town and scum.

lol. That was my giveaway :D

Maybe I should have used the V/LA. I was in CA on vacation almost the entire game. I was lucky to even see the thread once a day. Maybe that is what Cafe caught onto as well.

Interesting thing is that it had nothing to do with the fact I was tagged as scum. I guess that was just being unlucky.
For those that don't believe my son was home for 2 weeks after being overseas for 3 years, FU!!!! My kids come first, not this game. I don't fake claim anything that is about my family.

Who said anything about not believing you?

This is EXACTLY why I would not even bother with V/LA. What you did right there was introduce drama AND brought your own family into this. Saying FU to other players is going to be taken as an attack. Some are likely to respond and then the entire thing just gets drug through the mud. Then the personal shit really hits the fan. What does that actually accomplish? Nothing.

This happened in game 3 as well - those bringing their family and personal lives into the game is creating drama and contention without purpose. I just don't see the value in it. If you must claim LA then why even bother with the reason - so far such has done nothing but make some players angry and feel attacked.

It all is so confusing to me.
Group hug, guys. Even the runts. Come on let's hustle. :smiliehug::huddle::D
No biggie. I'll make sure I don't say anything if I have something unexpected come up again.
I would just tell Wake what is going on and let him post you are on V/LA and leave it at that.

Then the players won't get irritated you aren't there and can see you are gone and then you won't feel pressured if you do need V/LA.

Sounds like a reasonable compromise to me.
For those that don't believe my son was home for 2 weeks after being overseas for 3 years, FU!!!! My kids come first, not this game. I don't fake claim anything that is about my family.

Who said anything about not believing you?

This is EXACTLY why I would not even bother with V/LA. What you did right there was introduce drama AND brought your own family into this. Saying FU to other players is going to be taken as an attack. Some are likely to respond and then the entire thing just gets drug through the mud. Then the personal shit really hits the fan. What does that actually accomplish? Nothing.

This happened in game 3 as well - those bringing their family and personal lives into the game is creating drama and contention without purpose. I just don't see the value in it. If you must claim LA then why even bother with the reason - so far such has done nothing but make some players angry and feel attacked.

It all is so confusing to me.

I believe she is talking about me.

After the lynch she and grandma were still pretending to be town and she mentioned her son being home for her low post count while defending herself and telling TN she was not scum still. At the time, I thought it was a ruse because we all knew her to be scum in the Dead QT and I did not understand why she would still be using her son to pretend she was town- after they won the game. Given they had won and were pretending to be town it came off strange to me so I thought it was a ruse.
Anyway Aye, I hope you can see where I was coming from and if my reasoning does not make sense please ask me.

My sincere apologies if I hurt your feelings, but I hope you can see why I thought that.

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