Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Edit, delete and report are at the very bottom of your avatar pic @Mertex.
Okay, only shows up after you was weird, I didn't hit "post reply" and I deleted what I had written but the post would not go away. I guess it never did actually post, it just looked like it had.
Which button are you using? Did I miss it?

I know the game roles are supposed to be set with a random generator, but is it legal for the mod to hand-pick the players for each role?

In a deliberate setup like that much hilarity (and crazy) could ensue. :laugh2:
A mod can do that, but it waters down the integrity of the game. I usually do six shuffles on If I don't like it, I do six more and go with that result. In a bastard game that'd be hilariously cruel.
If Grandma wants to run one (or anyone for that matter), I'll show you how. It's incredibly easy and fun. And I'm not saying this because I really want to play with you guys, either. :D

Right now I'm building the framework for a 40-player Large Themed game on the main site. Thinking either a Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, Joe & Mac (classic SNES), or Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons theme. Something old school with a LOT of viable characters. One Piece is another friendly option. Gotta keep my mind busy chiseling on something in addition to work, or I'll go nuts.
I'm looking for a replacement in my Large Normal game, NY177: Simple Complexity.

If you're looking for a unique opportunity to jump into a 21-player Large Normal game on the main site, drop me a PM first and you'll get priority.
I'd like to try a marathon weekend at the main site, but I don't really understand it, and work's got me running a marathon of its own this weekend. 26-hour shift starting @9am tomorrow. I feel like I only go home to shower and other necessities. That's it. Been working so much I've got no life, lol. Once I get through nursing school that'll be all I have. Work, until I wake up and realize the decades have gone by. And because work's stressful and always coming up, whenever I do have off I'm drained like a Caprisun juice bag in the hands of a diabetic.
I'd like to try a marathon weekend at the main site, but I don't really understand it, and work's got me running a marathon of its own this weekend. 26-hour shift starting @9am tomorrow. I feel like I only go home to shower and other necessities. That's it. Been working so much I've got no life, lol. Once I get through nursing school that'll be all I have. Work, until I wake up and realize the decades have gone by. And because work's stressful and always coming up, whenever I do have off I'm drained like a Caprisun juice bag in the hands of a diabetic.

Why so glum chum? I am covered in spackle and forgot to turn the ceiling fan off before I stood on a toilet to patch a nailhole so I am all hematomaed up on the back of my noggin.
Sam, you don't have a concussion do you? Did you get it looked at?

Derp DerpA Chirp signs of it eep op ork ahah that mean I love you ;)

No it was more a soft tissue than bone impact LOL. I just have a very sore/tender spot on the back corner of my head. I've done that before where I have been hit in the temple region and in the forehead and it rocked my world a few minutes. This time was no big deal, but thanks for the concern.

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