MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

Trump loves da welfarez...

government, literally, handing out free money... :)
dont see how much more commie it can go from here... :D

Communists do not "hand out" free money to the proletariat; the citizenry is assigned vocation and paid a pittance, often based on a "piece" rate, by the communist government. The education system in this country has gone to shit, now hasn't it?

ok, so giving out free money doenst make one a commie...
make sure you remember this for the next 4 years then...
Paying the bills of other nations makes one a moron.
It's an insult because you're telling those nations they're a bunch of idiots when it comes to managing their economies.

nobody is talking about paying anything for other nations...

the topics are "tuition free colleges, universal healthcare, child care assistance..."

lets see if right wingers will remember their perspective on free government money when these topics come up or will simply play amnesia...

time will tell...
From NPR:

"Trump did not expressly threaten to veto the legislation. It was passed by overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate, with enough votes to potentially override a presidential veto if Trump were to carry out that option. "

The blob is bluffing.
Hahaha so NPR gives an opinion and you suck it up like yesterday's left overs.

He sounded pretty serious to me. Not only that he DETAILED all the bloat to expose congress

Hey dumbass, McConnell has already informed the Senate that they should be prepared to come back in to session to override the veto. That is just a fact. I mean how damn easy is it to dismiss anything you don't want to believe by trashing the source. Hell, you morons are even trashing Fox news now.
I hadn't heard that.

It would be HILARIOUS for the Congress to have to come back to over ride a Trump Veto.
From NPR:

"Trump did not expressly threaten to veto the legislation. It was passed by overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate, with enough votes to potentially override a presidential veto if Trump were to carry out that option. "

The blob is bluffing.
Hahaha so NPR gives an opinion and you suck it up like yesterday's left overs.

He sounded pretty serious to me. Not only that he DETAILED all the bloat to expose congress

There was no opinion in what I posted. The bill IS, however, a disgrace. The covid relief portions of the spending bill are way too little. They should have worked on what the House passed in May, $3T. He'll sign the bill...he doesn't want to look completely deballed.

Sure sounds like it and I hope he does.

What an odd series of events. How ironic would it be that trump's mental illness and narcissism actually BENEFIT Americans? I mean, I understand that the poor, crazy old man thinks he is somehow buying support for his coup. But hey, since it has 0% chance of working, let's play along...
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
I'm guessing you never stood up to your children when they out numbered you?

Asinine logic


When you piss in the wind the piss gets blown back in your face.
ALL OF DC except for Trump and a handful of politicians didn't just piss in your face, they stole your wallet, pissed down your throat then handed you back an empty wallet.

You're just too fucking stupid to realize it.
The left isn't the least bit interested in helping Americans.
This bill HELPS ordinary Americans

If Trump vetoes it...Congress has gone home and despite the fact that the Bill was passed with a veto proof will DIE until a new Congress takes their seats in January

Merry got Trumpfucked, America

Damn but the stupid is rampant in this thread. Both House and Senate will return on December 29th. Actually, the Senate is remaining in session throughout the holiday period, pro-forma. Quite sure you have no idea what that means.
If Trump vetoes it...Congress has gone home and despite the fact that the Bill was passed with a veto proof will DIE until a new Congress takes their seats in January

That’s fine. My wife and I don’t need the money. Most people we know either don’t need it or don’t deserve it. If it stops all of that pork from going to places it should never have been earmarked for, I’m fine with that.
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
I'm guessing you never stood up to your children when they out numbered you?

Asinine logic


When you piss in the wind the piss gets blown back in your face.
ALL OF DC except for Trump and a handful of politicians didn't just piss in your face, they stole your wallet, pissed down your throat then handed you back an empty wallet.

You're just too fucking stupid to realize it.

LMAO. I am doing more than fine, thank you very much. And I am damn genius compared to some of you morons posting in this thread. Honestly, I am surprised you idiots don't drown in a rainstorm like flippin turkeys.
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
I'm guessing you never stood up to your children when they out numbered you?

Asinine logic


When you piss in the wind the piss gets blown back in your face.
ALL OF DC except for Trump and a handful of politicians didn't just piss in your face, they stole your wallet, pissed down your throat then handed you back an empty wallet.

You're just too fucking stupid to realize it.

LMAO. I am doing more than fine, thank you very much. And I am damn genius compared to some of you morons posting in this thread. Honestly, I am surprised you idiots don't drown in a rainstorm like flippin turkeys.
This thread isn't about you ya fucking tard. How you as an individual are doing is irrelevant to the topic.

I can rob a billionare of a million dollars and he's still doing good. Does that make it ok?

IQ my ass
I heard that contained in the bill was money for Sri Lanka to repair a patrol boat.

Why in the fuck would a bill which is supposed to help Americans help Sri Lanka??

Page 1497:

"up to $15,000,000 may be made available for assistance
for Sri Lanka for the refurbishing of a high endurance cutter: Provided that in addition to such funds, up to $500,000 may be made available only for programs to support humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, instruction in human rights and related curricula development, and maritime security and domain awareness, including professionalization and training for the navy and coast guard:"
I heard that contained in the bill was money for Sri Lanka to repair a patrol boat.

Why in the fuck would a bill which is supposed to help Americans help Sri Lanka??

I heard it on the radio, so I'll need to look for a link.

A more pertinent question, though, is why is anything going to foreign interests? This is supposed to be a bill to help Americans...

10M for a Pakistan gender program...
Technically Trump is f****** insane and so are you having listen to and believed huge amounts of garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch. Trump is a total catasti and hate

Sure sounds like it and I hope he does.

Trump and you are basically insane. Believing right wing propaganda totally phony scandals and conspiracy theories. Unbelievable. Trump has been hiding in the White House for 10 days with crazy conspiracy nut jobs his only remaining allies... Omg. I hope he does do the $2,000 thing. On the other hand
That’s fine. My wife and I don’t need the money. Most people we know either don’t need it or don’t deserve it.
Well good for you. What you are saying is that you are wealthy and not only hang out with pretty much only wealthy people but only respect wealthy people.

Those folks that are hurting?

Fuckem right?'re a Republican
Technically Trump is f****** insane and so are you having listen to and believed huge amounts of garbage propaganda from Rupert Murdoch. Trump is a total catasti and hate

Sure sounds like it and I hope he does.

Trump and you are basically insane. Believing right when propaganda totally phony scandals and conspiracy theories. Unbelievable. Trump has been hiding in the White House for 10 days with crazy conspiracy not jobs his only... Omg

Congress hates you and this country and you bow down to them. Disgusting.

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