MAGA: CIC Bone Spur ordered 3,750 more troops to border. Out goes WALL, putting down RAZOR wire. LOL

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Pentagon announces nearly 4,000 additional troops heading to US-Mexico border
Nearly 4,000 additional U.S. troops will be deployed to the southern border to assist Customs and Border Protection, the Pentagon announced Sunday.

According to a statement released by the Defense Department, 3,750 troops will head to the border for 90 days to aid in placing razor wire along the border, as well as with mobile surveillance operations. The deployment will bring the number of active-duty forces in the area supporting Customs and Border Protection to roughly 4,350.

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said last week that the department would send "several thousand" additional troops to the border, but declined to be more specific.

:cuckoo::lmao:FFS!? If it was a REAL National Emergency the troops would be there till its over say 35,000. Not some wasteful 90 BS for great Douche.stunt to place razor wire. That will be cut up and moved. Or sold for recycling by our wonderful Mexican Human bothers and Sister to the south. Enjoy the free wire.

Btw: By current laws, they can't shot, or arrest them Just point at them. I wonder if a MAGA Cap wearing Racist morons in the army be more great Douche helpful? If they just start lighting them up for the DOPer Klans to clap.
How much will that cost us?

FFS!? unmanned RAZOR wire! LOL!
That's even more easy to by-pass.
LOL,...the great Orange Douche has made another wasteful DOPer command decision.
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The Democratic Party’s Open Borders agenda to displace Anglo Voters with illegal aliens is off the charts RACIST.
The Democratic Party’s Open Borders agenda to displace Anglo Voters with illegal aliens is off the charts RACIST.

I want to arrest the employer. Let them in, offer them green cards for every 10 employers or homeowner they turn in
We jail the employer and tax them 65% of their income for LIFE.

The issue is fixed in 90 days of arresting employers.
Illegal cannot double dip on employers turned in. One per Mexican.
But if the New Felon employer employs more after being turned in, the Mexican's
can score on them, as two-time offenders.

Why do MAGA DOPers not want to arrest the Employers for the Cheap, Easy and Profitable fix?
We can call it 'CaEaP'
Capture Employers Prosecute
Who doesn’t love a nascent police state just coming into its own?
The Army exists now. It does not need to come into its own. They most are used as police, just a little more deadly.
They love bombing kids and family members for fun.

Will the great Douche declare a
National Emergency and start bombing some states to
take full dictator powers?
The Democratic Party’s Open Borders agenda to displace Anglo Voters with illegal aliens is off the charts RACIST.

I want to arrest the employer. Let them in, offer them green cards for every 10 employers or homeowner they turn in
We jail the employer and tax them 65% of their income for LIFE.

The issue is fixed in 90 days of arresting employers.
Illegal cannot double dip on employers turned in. One per Mexican.
But if the New Felon employer employs more after being turned in, the Mexican's
can score on them, as two-time offenders.

Why do MAGA DOPers not want to arrest the Employers for the Cheap, Easy and Profitable fix?
We can call it 'CaEaP'
Capture Employers Prosecute
Nah we just want to stop them from getting into the Country in the first place. Go about the process of coming to this country legally and I'll be the first to welcome you as a US citizen.
Razor wire sounds good ! :clap:

All the Coyotes need to do is toss dirt on it to get over. A group of ten with shovels can cover it in a few hours to get over.
My suggestion is to cover with tree branches, toss dirt on it, to take less time.
And, welcome my southern friends. Come on in we have employers for you who pay no price for breaking our laws, so why don't you.
Razor wire sounds good ! :clap:
Well, it's cheaper by far, and just as good as a wall somethang.
the great Douche and DOPers are learning to save money here.
After the 2018 DOPer 3.5T Budget & plus BS 2017 Tax break that's adding trillions to the national debt
Some 12T over the next ten years at the current rate.
Pentagon announces nearly 4,000 additional troops heading to US-Mexico border
Nearly 4,000 additional U.S. troops will be deployed to the southern border to assist Customs and Border Protection, the Pentagon announced Sunday.

According to a statement released by the Defense Department, 3,750 troops will head to the border for 90 days to aid in placing razor wire along the border, as well as with mobile surveillance operations. The deployment will bring the number of active-duty forces in the area supporting Customs and Border Protection to roughly 4,350.

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said last week that the department would send "several thousand" additional troops to the border, but declined to be more specific.

:cuckoo::lmao:FFS!? If it was a REAL National Emergency the troops would be there till its over say 35,000. Not some wasteful 90 BS for great Douche.stunt to place razor wire. That will be cut up and moved. Or sold for recycling by our wonderful Mexican Human bothers and Sister to the south. Enjoy the free wire.

Btw: By current laws, they can't shot, or arrest them Just point at them. I wonder if a MAGA Cap wearing Racist morons in the army be more great Douche helpful? If they just start lighting them up for the DOPer Klans to clap.
How much will that cost us?

FFS!? unmanned RAZOR wire! LOL!
That's even more easy to by-pass.
LOL,...the great Orange Douche has made another wasteful DOPer command decision.
Temporary you moron.
The Democratic Party’s Open Borders agenda to displace Anglo Voters with illegal aliens is off the charts RACIST.

I want to arrest the employer. Let them in, offer them green cards for every 10 employers or homeowner they turn in
We jail the employer and tax them 65% of their income for LIFE.

The issue is fixed in 90 days of arresting employers.
Illegal cannot double dip on employers turned in. One per Mexican.
But if the New Felon employer employs more after being turned in, the Mexican's
can score on them, as two-time offenders.

Why do MAGA DOPers not want to arrest the Employers for the Cheap, Easy and Profitable fix?
We can call it 'CaEaP'
Capture Employers Prosecute
Why do you love Mexicans and hate Americans?


btw: The asshole, did he use a finger as well telling them?

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:oops8: Gotta love the Orange DOPer plans.
Kids can walk under it

This guy in styling at the wire.

Let us kill the animals and live stocks as well.


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