MAGA--More Are Getting Arrested--Idaho Style

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Isn't it about time for the new administration that you worship to start hanging the insurrectionists?



If Pelosi could hang the “insurrectionists” you can bet she would.

Pelosi, the wet hen, is definitely a tyrant. She’s third in line for the Presidency. Pray nothing bad happens to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the same time.

Do you have a link that shows who and how many BLM supporters and "antifa" participants who were identified as having committed crimes and were somehow let off, what crimes they were convicted of or pled guilty to, and which jurisdictions they were in? Someone must have this information, given that the story of BLM and "antifa" supporters who committed crimes and were treated leniently has been repeated so many times.
Just like these nut jobs claims about Obama and Hillary, they're guilty because they repeat it so many times.
If Pelosi could hang the “insurrectionists” you can bet she would.

Pelosi, the wet hen, is definitely a tyrant. She’s third in line for the Presidency. Pray nothing bad happens to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the same time.

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So, traitors should be hung.

They will try again.

A "Justice for J6" event at the Union Square area of the Capitol grounds has been organized by a nonprofit group led by former Trump campaign operative Matt Braynard to protest charges against January 6 rioters. Braynard has assured authorities that the rally will be peaceful, but D.C. police have expressed fears that it will quickly turn violent.

"This is America, they can peacefully assemble, they can celebrate what they want. But Americans should know that in a couple of weeks, Republicans are going to come to the Capitol to celebrate cop killers."

Braynard insists that many of the individuals who were charged in connection with the January 6 riot "reasonably believed they had permission" to protest in the Capitol building.


The closed sign, police barricades and a police line wasn't your first clue?

These people are morons, just like their dear leader.
So, traitors should be hung.

They will try again.

A "Justice for J6" event at the Union Square area of the Capitol grounds has been organized by a nonprofit group led by former Trump campaign operative Matt Braynard to protest charges against January 6 rioters. Braynard has assured authorities that the rally will be peaceful, but D.C. police have expressed fears that it will quickly turn violent.

"This is America, they can peacefully assemble, they can celebrate what they want. But Americans should know that in a couple of weeks, Republicans are going to come to the Capitol to celebrate cop killers."

Braynard insists that many of the individuals who were charged in connection with the January 6 riot "reasonably believed they had permission" to protest in the Capitol building.


The closed sign, police barricades and a police line wasn't your first clue?

These people are morons, just like their dear leader.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs caused far more damage to cities than occurred to the Capitol and innocent lives were lost in the BLM riots but the rioters often got off scot free and democrats even provided bail money.

Just like these nut jobs claims about Obama and Hillary, they're guilty because they repeat it so many times.
I've had it with completely unsubstantiated claims. A person can be arrested only if there is evidence that they committed a crime, but police have been known to use a "dragnet" technique and just arrest anyone who was around. Of course their cases would never stand up in court. A friend of mine was arrested at a Vietnam protest, even though she clearly was identified as a medic and she was not the type to ever have done anything violent or destructive. She spent the night with several hundred other people locked up in DC's old RFK Stadium. Years later, she was surprised with a nice check that was her share of the class-action suit against the government.

In modern times, people are stupid enough to commit crimes while being videotaped, and sometimes they even share these videos on social media. Then they want to be known as "political prisoners," as if they didn't drag a cop around, spray them with bear spray, and/or beat them with a baton or flagpole, all the while crashing through police barricades and smashing property. And funny thing, they were wearing combat gear and helmets that they just happened to be wearing because it was cold out I've been to protests in my life, and I wore street clothes and carried a sign, even in January.

Turning to "voter fraud" and election cheating: just where are the documents and other evidence? I can't even find the legal documents that had to be filed with the courts in some 61 separate lawsuits. I have a legal background and I think that it would be interesting to see what's in them. Plus, there are supposed to be some affidavits. trump told Rosen at DOJ in a phone conversation on Dec. 27 that the election was "corrupt," so he must have actually had evidence of corruption by Dec. 27. So where is it? why hold all of these "audits" to search for evidence that one has already by their own admission?:rolleyes:
Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs caused far more damage to cities than occurred to the Capitol and innocent lives were lost in the BLM riots but the rioters often got off scot free and democrats even provided bail money.

A right wing nut job website?

Of course, they are trying to equate the two instances.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs caused far more damage to cities than occurred to the Capitol and innocent lives were lost in the BLM riots but the rioters often got off scot free and democrats even provided bail money.

You can't use other events, to whatever extent that they occurred, to justify or excuse what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, which was a major attack on the U.S. Government in operation, while Congress was carrying out its duty under the U.S. Constitution.

Again, show evidence of how people who committed looting and rioting were treated, who they were, how many, and what jurisdictions they were in.
I've had it with completely unsubstantiated claims. A person can be arrested only if there is evidence that they committed a crime, but police have been known to use a "dragnet" technique and just arrest anyone who was around. Of course their cases would never stand up in court. A friend of mine was arrested at a Vietnam protest, even though she clearly was identified as a medic and she was not the type to ever have done anything violent or destructive. She spent the night with several hundred other people locked up in DC's old RFK Stadium. Years later, she was surprised with a nice check that was her share of the class-action suit against the government.

In modern times, people are stupid enough to commit crimes while being videotaped, and sometimes they even share these videos on social media. Then they want to be known as "political prisoners," as if they didn't drag a cop around, spray them with bear spray, and/or beat them with a baton or flagpole, all the while crashing through police barricades and smashing property. And funny thing, they were wearing combat gear and helmets that they just happened to be wearing because it was cold out I've been to protests in my life, and I wore street clothes and carried a sign, even in January.

Turning to "voter fraud" and election cheating: just where are the documents and other evidence? I can't even find the legal documents that had to be filed with the courts in some 61 separate lawsuits. I have a legal background and I think that it would be interesting to see what's in them. Plus, there are supposed to be some affidavits. trump told Rosen at DOJ in a phone conversation on Dec. 27 that the election was "corrupt," so he must have actually had evidence of corruption by Dec. 27. So where is it? why hold all of these "audits" to search for evidence that one has already by their own admission?:rolleyes:
Yeah, whatever happened to that 8 month long fraudit?

I guess NOTHING is more than enough "evidence" to continue in gullible states to have their own.

"In modern times, people are stupid enough to commit crimes while being videotaped, and sometimes they even share these videos on social media".

Trump loves his cult that way, he counts on it, they are happy to oblige.
One of the biggest problems in our nation today is we no longer have just one rule of law. We have one rule of law for liberals that is very lenient and a different rule of law that is often applied to Trump supporters that is very strict.

Basically liberals are totally above the rule of law and can do any damn thing they want and walk away scot free. Trump Deporables get drawn and quartered for jay walking.
Trump supporter Duke Wilson is likely to get 40-50 months in jail for assaulting police officers during the 1/6 Insurrection attempt.

Idaho man accused of attacking police in U.S. Capitol riot pleads guilty

From the piece:

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A testament to the old adage; "Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize".

I'm guessing the response from the right will be something like "He plead guilty because he was coerced!" or some of that BS they trotted out for so many Trump appointees finding themselves in jail.
Of course not.

There are different rules of law in our nation. One very lenient rule of law for liberals and one strict law of law for conservatives and one tyrannical rule of law for Trump Deplorables.

In some liberal states you can walk into a store, fill up a grocery card with merchandise and walk out without paying and nothing will happen to you. I wouldn’t try that wearing a MAGA cap.
Wow, that must be frustrating....could you imagine if it were true?
And the Capitol Police officer that murdered the "unarmed" female veteran remains free.
As he should be...

After all, the officer did nothing wrong... he was protecting the capital from mentally ill, drugged out insurrectionists who wanted to kill politicians because they were brainwashed by propaganda spewed by an orange fat slob narcissist.

She got what she deserved...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.... she got her prize... a 6 foot deep hole in the ground.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I've had it with completely unsubstantiated claims. A person can be arrested only if there is evidence that they committed a crime, but police have been known to use a "dragnet" technique and just arrest anyone who was around. Of course their cases would never stand up in court. A friend of mine was arrested at a Vietnam protest, even though she clearly was identified as a medic and she was not the type to ever have done anything violent or destructive. She spent the night with several hundred other people locked up in DC's old RFK Stadium. Years later, she was surprised with a nice check that was her share of the class-action suit against the government.

In modern times, people are stupid enough to commit crimes while being videotaped, and sometimes they even share these videos on social media. Then they want to be known as "political prisoners," as if they didn't drag a cop around, spray them with bear spray, and/or beat them with a baton or flagpole, all the while crashing through police barricades and smashing property. And funny thing, they were wearing combat gear and helmets that they just happened to be wearing because it was cold out I've been to protests in my life, and I wore street clothes and carried a sign, even in January.

Turning to "voter fraud" and election cheating: just where are the documents and other evidence? I can't even find the legal documents that had to be filed with the courts in some 61 separate lawsuits. I have a legal background and I think that it would be interesting to see what's in them. Plus, there are supposed to be some affidavits. trump told Rosen at DOJ in a phone conversation on Dec. 27 that the election was "corrupt," so he must have actually had evidence of corruption by Dec. 27. So where is it? why hold all of these "audits" to search for evidence that one has already by their own admission?:rolleyes:
Supposedly we will see all the evidence when the Dominon and Smartmatic lawsuits are underway.

Maybe Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell and others will pull the evidence out of their asses then, hahaha.
Supposedly we will see all the evidence when the Dominon and Smartmatic lawsuits are underway.

Maybe Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell and others will pull the evidence out of their asses then, hahaha.

Oh, goody! It's time for some good old-fashioned depositions and document productions. I've been somewhat amused by all these idiots running around and spending all of this time and money to find something that they have claimed that they have had in their possession since last November. Maybe somebody misplaced it all under the bed? What is lost is always found in the last place you look.
Aside from owing Dominion and Smartmatic a shitload of money in damages, I hope that these morons get to pay to replace all of the voting machines in Arizona that they have rendered useless.
Oh, goody! It's time for some good old-fashioned depositions and document productions. I've been somewhat amused by all these idiots running around and spending all of this time and money to find something that they have claimed that they have had in their possession since last November. Maybe somebody misplaced it all under the bed? What is lost is always found in the last place you look.
Aside from owing Dominion and Smartmatic a shitload of money in damages, I hope that these morons get to pay to replace all of the voting machines in Arizona that they have rendered useless.
Well you did see the news where Sidney and others may lose their law licenses right?

Well you did see the news where Sidney and others may lose their law licenses right?

It's about time! This is only the beginning. An attorney is an officer of the court. You don't file frivolous lawsuits and you don't lie to the judge.

Funny story: I had an attorney who bought the practice of the attorney who taught my father in a course in labor law before I was born. The back of his business card was in Japanese. He was very nice, even when my father's catheter leaked in his office. One day I went to call him about the sale of my father's house. He wasn't to be found. He had been disbarred, as well as arrested, for embezzling the money from the sale of somebody else's house, and had to resign as mayor one town over. Aw, he was so nice.
If Pelosi could hang the “insurrectionists” you can bet she would.

Pelosi, the wet hen, is definitely a tyrant. She’s third in line for the Presidency. Pray nothing bad happens to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the same time.

View attachment 536461
Pelosi operates using the rules of the house and government. This makes her way better than this trump character who respects no rules. He's quite willing to see however many people need to die in order for him to get his way. A complete psycho.

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