MAGA--More Are Getting Arrested--Idaho Style

Pelosi operates using the rules of the house and government. This makes her way better than this trump character who respects no rules. He's quite willing to see however many people need to die in order for him to get his way. A complete psycho.
So if you like Pelosi so much do you think she would make a good President in the unlikely event both Biden and Harris were not able to serve In that position?
Trump supporter Duke Wilson is likely to get 40-50 months in jail for assaulting police officers during the 1/6 Insurrection attempt.

Idaho man accused of attacking police in U.S. Capitol riot pleads guilty

From the piece:

View attachment 536394

A testament to the old adage; "Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize".

I'm guessing the response from the right will be something like "He plead guilty because he was coerced!" or some of that BS they trotted out for so many Trump appointees finding themselves in jail.
The only thing more reprehensible than the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is conservatives attempting to ‘justify’ or ‘excuse’ that rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs caused far more damage to cities than occurred to the Capitol and innocent lives were lost in the BLM riots but the rioters often got off scot free and democrats even provided bail money.

This dishonest right – masters of the red herring fallacy; when confronted with facts and the truth you don’t like, make a failed attempt to deflect.
This dishonest right – masters of the red herring fallacy; when confronted with facts and the truth you don’t like, make a failed attempt to deflect.
So are you attempting to say the January 6th mob caused more damage, looted, burned and killed more than what occurring during several BLM and Antifa riots during the summer of 2020? If so it is you who mare a master of deceit.

In passing I am not saying the January 6th mob was appropriate. I feel peaceful demonstrations are fine but not violent riots.

Pelosi operates using the rules of the house and government. This makes her way better than this trump character who respects no rules. He's quite willing to see however many people need to die in order for him to get his way. A complete psycho.
Do you have a link that shows who and how many BLM supporters and "antifa" participants who were identified as having committed crimes and were somehow let off, what crimes they were convicted of or pled guilty to, and which jurisdictions they were in? Someone must have this information, given that the story of BLM and "antifa" supporters who committed crimes and were treated leniently has been repeated so many times.
We saw it in the cities. Endlessly. With the Prog politicians backing them up and stopping the police from doing anything. The plausible deniability if applicable can only go so far.
Trump supporter Duke Wilson is likely to get 40-50 months in jail for assaulting police officers during the 1/6 Insurrection attempt.

Idaho man accused of attacking police in U.S. Capitol riot pleads guilty

From the piece:

View attachment 536394

A testament to the old adage; "Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize".

I'm guessing the response from the right will be something like "He plead guilty because he was coerced!" or some of that BS they trotted out for so many Trump appointees finding themselves in jail.
Wow, if only BLM and Antifa would get such harsh sentences for assaulting police. But there are different sets of rules for the left. They can assault and burn down police precincts and get out on bail.
Wow, if only BLM and Antifa would get such harsh sentences for assaulting police. But there are different sets of rules for the left. They can assault and burn down police precincts and get out on bail.
Theirs is coming. It's coming.
One of the biggest problems in our nation today is we no longer have just one rule of law. We have one rule of law for liberals that is very lenient and a different rule of law that is often applied to Trump supporters that is very strict.

Basically liberals are totally above the rule of law and can do any damn thing they want and walk away scot free. Trump Deporables get drawn and quartered for jay walking.
Or maybe you just believe too much bullshit.
Wow, if only BLM and Antifa would get such harsh sentences for assaulting police. But there are different sets of rules for the left. They can assault and burn down police precincts and get out on bail.
Numerous others.

Enlighten yourself.
I would take Trump over Biden as President any day and twice on Sunday.

Trump was often obnoxious and he may or may not care for Americans as much as he says, however overall he did a fairly good job as President. Consider how wet hen Nancy Pelosi’s democrats in the House impeached him twice. If he would have had just a little support from the democrats in the House and the Senate he would have been able to accomplish a lot more. Our nation would be a much nicer place today. Republicans and democrats in Congress need to learn how to work together to improve our nation rather than fight like unsupervised children in a elementary school playground. We need to return to the days of Ronald Regan and Tip O’Neal.

Joe Biden, a typical career politician, comes across as a nice guy who cares for everybody. There is plenty of evidence that Joe is also your typical corrupt politician who has made both himself and his family rich through corruption over his years in office. Joe is one of the biggest Swamp critters in the D.C. Swamp.

If Joe really does care for American citizens he would have made damn sure he got all Americans plus those Afghanis who supported our efforts out before he pulled all of our troops and resources from Afghanistan. Joe’s withdrawal will be remembered by historians as one of our nation‘s greatest screwups. Even our closest allies are criticizing Joe’s fiasco and wondering if they can rely on America in the future.

Also if Joe Biden really cared for our citizens he would make sure the illegal aliens he is permitting to cross our Mexican border are not infected with COVID-19 or one of its more contagious variations before puts them on planes and busses to ship them all over
our nation like cattle. How many American citizens will catch the coronavirus from an illegal alien and end up six feet under? It’s almost like Joe is trying to kill off our citizens. Trump would have never allowed illegals with coronavirus to spread it across our nation. Nor would Trump have allowed illegals to flood into our nation like a tidal wave or tsunami. Trump viewed “undocumented immigrants” as illegal aliens and didn’t view them as better than real American citizens like democrats do.

Now perhaps Joe is suffering from early dementia which is why he tries to avoid answering questions from reporters. If so and if Joe actually was concerned about the citizens in our nation he would resign. The job Joe has has is one of the most difficult in the world and the person in that position should be at a minimum mentally sharp.

If Joe Biden cared about America he would step down. We simply cannot have a senile president.
Lots more work to be done. Supposedly there are over 500 more arrests to come. And then we have to deal with all the qanon schizophrenics that belong in padded cells. Then all of your average run of the mill trumpanzees that are delusional and need to be on meds at the very least. So you see we are just at the beginning of the process of removing the right wing terrorists from society and getting psychiatric help to the mentally ill right wing nut jobs.

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