MAGA—More Are Getting Arrested.

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Cops have been ordered to stand down. THey have been letting left leaning rioters break and enter to their hearts content. Even when it was federal buildings.

IF those rioters had been shot, based on teh standard of "not listening to a cop tell you to stay out", thousands of good lefties would be dead, and you people would be having the biggest hissy fit of all time.
Cops have been ordered to stand down, but NONE of those cops were defending members of Congress, you goof. Cops defending our elected officials don't get to stand down. The cops at the perimeter were told not to be too heavy handed, which is how the protestors got to break and enter to their heart's content.

I'm still waiting for the leftist mob that was storming a federal building (or any building) threatening to kill the elected official inside. Thing is, that just DIDN'T HAPPEN.

The standard isn't "not listening to a cop tell you to stay out" because if that were the case, it would have been hundreds of protestors at the Capitol shot. The standard is that when a violent mob gets to the last line of defense before elected officials, someone is likely to get shot.

Every time you make complicated and detailed standards for the example you would be prepared to accept,

you are demonstrating that my point about the general NORM of how we have been treating rioters, is true.
Details matter. The fact that you don't like these details demonstrates that your argument doesn't stand to scrutiny.

The facts is that defending a member of Congress is a little different than defending a building.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a reasonable comparison. No one was shot because they broke into the Capitol. Someone was shot because they were presenting an immediate to Congress.
Immediate threat? Show a Congressman in that room or admit you’re a liar. Seems every other cop right there saw no threat.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Who has been charged with sedition, shit for brains?
Who said they've been charged with sedition yet, fucking moron?

Their actions violate the sedition conspiracy law.
And Chaz didn't? And the Autonomous Zone didn't? And ordering the cops to not protect ICE so the rioters could attack the building didn't?

You are supporting a massive violation of civil rights of your enemies. Those that are convicted will be political prisoners.

View attachment 490040
Sure skippy...bring it on.

I hope you enjoy the results of your labors. I hope I am still here, when you are here whining like a fag, because of how it is blowing up in your face.
Sure thing skippy. In 10 years two things will still be true. There would have been no civil war and you guys will still be threatening to start one.

Do me a favor. State your position on the 1/6 "insurrection, how bad it was, in a compound sentence, with your position that there is nothing to fear from the Right re: "Civil War".

I want to see your two positions side by side. It should be GREAT.
There is nothing to fear from the right (or the left) on a civil war.

Your attempted insurrection is a different topic, junior.

Whatever your child-like hoping for a war because you have some bizarre fantasy about how cool it would be...just know 2 things... If you INCELs ever tried it, you'd be INCELs will never try it. Because you are a coward.

Hence your continued threats with absolutely no follow up.

So, you don't care about the people supposedly killed by the mob on 1/6? People dying is "nothing to fear"?

Are you longing for the sweet release that Death will bring?

I do not want Civil War, I am warning where you hatred and oppression and keeping of political prisoners could lead this once great nation.
Your hatred is based on abject ignorance. Aside from the reality that any such uprising will be utterly squashed by a military sworn to protect the Constitution, you won't gain much support from a country because your civil war will be based upon hate, not principle.
I doubt it will be based on hate. It will be based on their simply being a failure in life and trying to bring everyone else down to their level.

You are supporting a violation of civil rights. You are the hater here, not me.
:lol: Where, whiner?

Unequal application of justice, you faggot.
Uh oh, I touched a nerve with the whiner. Had to break out the F word. Good luck proving that when so many of the white Trump mob are being released...after being allowed to riot, go home, and roam free for weeks. The guy that, with premeditated intent, brought a 950,000 watt stun gun into the Speaker's office? Some Arkansas judge tried to let him go.

People being released on bail, is not the same as not being looked for or having charges dropped.

You are supporting a gross violation of the human rights of hundreds of people based on political reasons.

You are supporting the policy of holding political prisoners here in the United States of America.

Your obsession with race, sounds somewhat racist too.
Show me an article that says he was released on bail. None of them say that, they all just say he was released. I'm sure a BLM protester that walked into, say Kevin McCarthy's office carrying a 950,000 watt stun gun would just be let go to await trial. Puhleese!
Lot's of women carry stun guns in their purses, moron. It's not illegal.
Is it a weapon or not? You apologists keep making the incorrect claim that Trump’s mob wasn’t armed. They were.
The key to your car can be a weapon. You obviously have a very narrow understanding of reality.
A 950,000 volt walking stick designed to stop a wild animal isn’t a key in your purse, princess.

Wow. 400 storm the capitol in a supposed coup attempt and you got a TAZER as the star example of how dangerously armed they were?

It was 800.
Prove it, asshole
I don't have to. The FBI is on it. They have 15,000 hours of video, and they've received something like 200,000+ tips from patriotic citizens. I hope they televise some of the trials and put the video evidence right up on the screen for all to see. Then let's see conservatives say it was a peaceful protest or that it was like a regular day of tourists showing up.

if they don't do that with Antifa and BLM trials, then this will be a political prosecution and anyone convicted with be political prisoners.
That's what conservatives always say when they get prosecuted for crimes. It doesn't even matter what the crime is.

As you people become more and more abusive and tyrannical, it might become fairly commonplace.

My point stands. The 1/6 riots are being targeted for extra aggressive investigation and prosecution for political reasons.

That is a violation of their Right to Equal Application of Justice.
Would you like a little cheese with that whine?

Conservatives are SUCH big babies. You cry about justice, but you don't want justice; you want preferential treatment. And when some legal entity actually holds you to account, you throw a fit.

What happened to our Capitol on 1/6 hasn't happened in over 200 years, and when it was done then, it was done by a foreign power, not by our fellow citizens who were trying to overturn a free and fair election. That's what I call political.

Most Americans don't give a damn if you don't like the prosecutions. Hell, they're all getting off pretty easy from everything I can tell because in some other countries, they'd be rounded up and summarily shot.
Wrong YOU asshats want preferential treatment for your favored black criminals and rioters. Gee, when Americans try to hold you leftards accountable for your murder of cops, attempted mass murder in Portland, robbing of businesses and hundreds of cases of arson, you whine and cry “wacist!!”. News flash: nobody gives a shit about your whining.
I'm fine with prosecuting people who commit crimes, regardless of who they are. But, like I said, conservatives want preferential treatment. That's not fine with me.
And yet here you are defending actual libtards rioting to this day in Portland and having at least twice attempted mass murder, yet calling for death for the Capitol peaceful protesters (per your side’s definition). Hypocrite. Preferential treatments. Fuck off with that bullshit asshole.
I've never defended rioting.
Bullshit. You’ve been defending leftist rioters this whole thread hypocrite. Fuck off with your bullshit.
You don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not surprised by that in the least.
You are a fucking liar asshole. That’s all anybody needs to know. People can read the shit you’ve posted dimbulb. Not surprised you’re still a lying asshole.
What's the problem? Not getting enough fiber in your diet?
No, i just don’t try take to obvious fucking liars you asshole. Dodging the point (more likely you can’t understand it) and trying to deflect lie some more. Your desire for no punishment for leftard attempted murderers is noted.
I see. Too much of the barley beverage? Got an edge and an attitude now? Go sleep it off.
More deflection and projections to cover your lack of any argument. You’re throwing a bitch fit because you’re being called out as the lying asshole you are.
There have been plenty of riots over the last 4 years and they have not been investigated or prosecuted like this.
That's because none of them were storming our Capitol in an attempt to illegally flip an election to the losing candidate.

Bullshit. It is because they were right leaning rioters and you people are lefties.
Nope, not bullshit.

The BLM/Antifa riots did not threaten the fabric of this nation.

The insurrection did.

It was not an insurrection. Your excuse for the political targeting of these people, will not change the fact that they will be political prisoners.

You are supporting tyranny and oppression.

That would have been a good comeback if I was denying that it was a riot.

As it is, you look like a fucking retard.
You denied it was an insurrection, which is worse.
Well since nobody has been charged with insurrection 4 months later.......

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Who has been charged with sedition, shit for brains?
Who said they've been charged with sedition yet, fucking moron?

Their actions violate the sedition conspiracy law.
And Chaz didn't? And the Autonomous Zone didn't? And ordering the cops to not protect ICE so the rioters could attack the building didn't?

You are supporting a massive violation of civil rights of your enemies. Those that are convicted will be political prisoners.

View attachment 490040
Sure skippy...bring it on.

I hope you enjoy the results of your labors. I hope I am still here, when you are here whining like a fag, because of how it is blowing up in your face.
Sure thing skippy. In 10 years two things will still be true. There would have been no civil war and you guys will still be threatening to start one.

Do me a favor. State your position on the 1/6 "insurrection, how bad it was, in a compound sentence, with your position that there is nothing to fear from the Right re: "Civil War".

I want to see your two positions side by side. It should be GREAT.
There is nothing to fear from the right (or the left) on a civil war.

Your attempted insurrection is a different topic, junior.

Whatever your child-like hoping for a war because you have some bizarre fantasy about how cool it would be...just know 2 things... If you INCELs ever tried it, you'd be INCELs will never try it. Because you are a coward.

Hence your continued threats with absolutely no follow up.

So, you don't care about the people supposedly killed by the mob on 1/6? People dying is "nothing to fear"?

Are you longing for the sweet release that Death will bring?

I do not want Civil War, I am warning where you hatred and oppression and keeping of political prisoners could lead this once great nation.
Your hatred is based on abject ignorance. Aside from the reality that any such uprising will be utterly squashed by a military sworn to protect the Constitution, you won't gain much support from a country because your civil war will be based upon hate, not principle.
I doubt it will be based on hate. It will be based on their simply being a failure in life and trying to bring everyone else down to their level.

You are supporting a violation of civil rights. You are the hater here, not me.
:lol: Where, whiner?

Unequal application of justice, you faggot.
Uh oh, I touched a nerve with the whiner. Had to break out the F word. Good luck proving that when so many of the white Trump mob are being released...after being allowed to riot, go home, and roam free for weeks. The guy that, with premeditated intent, brought a 950,000 watt stun gun into the Speaker's office? Some Arkansas judge tried to let him go.

People being released on bail, is not the same as not being looked for or having charges dropped.

You are supporting a gross violation of the human rights of hundreds of people based on political reasons.

You are supporting the policy of holding political prisoners here in the United States of America.

Your obsession with race, sounds somewhat racist too.
Show me an article that says he was released on bail. None of them say that, they all just say he was released. I'm sure a BLM protester that walked into, say Kevin McCarthy's office carrying a 950,000 watt stun gun would just be let go to await trial. Puhleese!
Lot's of women carry stun guns in their purses, moron. It's not illegal.
Is it a weapon or not? You apologists keep making the incorrect claim that Trump’s mob wasn’t armed. They were.
The key to your car can be a weapon. You obviously have a very narrow understanding of reality.
A 950,000 volt walking stick designed to stop a wild animal isn’t a key in your purse, princess.

Wow. 400 storm the capitol in a supposed coup attempt and you got a TAZER as the star example of how dangerously armed they were?

It was 800.
Prove it, asshole
I don't have to. The FBI is on it. They have 15,000 hours of video, and they've received something like 200,000+ tips from patriotic citizens. I hope they televise some of the trials and put the video evidence right up on the screen for all to see. Then let's see conservatives say it was a peaceful protest or that it was like a regular day of tourists showing up.

if they don't do that with Antifa and BLM trials, then this will be a political prosecution and anyone convicted with be political prisoners.
That's what conservatives always say when they get prosecuted for crimes. It doesn't even matter what the crime is.

As you people become more and more abusive and tyrannical, it might become fairly commonplace.

My point stands. The 1/6 riots are being targeted for extra aggressive investigation and prosecution for political reasons.

That is a violation of their Right to Equal Application of Justice.
Would you like a little cheese with that whine?

Conservatives are SUCH big babies. You cry about justice, but you don't want justice; you want preferential treatment. And when some legal entity actually holds you to account, you throw a fit.

What happened to our Capitol on 1/6 hasn't happened in over 200 years, and when it was done then, it was done by a foreign power, not by our fellow citizens who were trying to overturn a free and fair election. That's what I call political.

Most Americans don't give a damn if you don't like the prosecutions. Hell, they're all getting off pretty easy from everything I can tell because in some other countries, they'd be rounded up and summarily shot.
Wrong YOU asshats want preferential treatment for your favored black criminals and rioters. Gee, when Americans try to hold you leftards accountable for your murder of cops, attempted mass murder in Portland, robbing of businesses and hundreds of cases of arson, you whine and cry “wacist!!”. News flash: nobody gives a shit about your whining.
I'm fine with prosecuting people who commit crimes, regardless of who they are. But, like I said, conservatives want preferential treatment. That's not fine with me.
And yet here you are defending actual libtards rioting to this day in Portland and having at least twice attempted mass murder, yet calling for death for the Capitol peaceful protesters (per your side’s definition). Hypocrite. Preferential treatments. Fuck off with that bullshit asshole.
I've never defended rioting.
Bullshit. You’ve been defending leftist rioters this whole thread hypocrite. Fuck off with your bullshit.
You don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not surprised by that in the least.
You are a fucking liar asshole. That’s all anybody needs to know. People can read the shit you’ve posted dimbulb. Not surprised you’re still a lying asshole.
What's the problem? Not getting enough fiber in your diet?
No, i just don’t try take to obvious fucking liars you asshole. Dodging the point (more likely you can’t understand it) and trying to deflect lie some more. Your desire for no punishment for leftard attempted murderers is noted.
I see. Too much of the barley beverage? Got an edge and an attitude now? Go sleep it off.
More deflection and projections to cover your lack of any argument. You’re throwing a bitch fit because you’re being called out as the lying asshole you are.
I don't worry about guys like you on message boards. That's because guys like you can't make a cogent argument, so you engage in name calling and swearing. It reminds me of some of the comics of the 1970s who didn't have funny material, so they used the F word repeatedly in an effort to get laughs. LaWanda Page was one of the worst offenders.
Cops have been ordered to stand down. THey have been letting left leaning rioters break and enter to their hearts content. Even when it was federal buildings.

IF those rioters had been shot, based on teh standard of "not listening to a cop tell you to stay out", thousands of good lefties would be dead, and you people would be having the biggest hissy fit of all time.
Cops have been ordered to stand down, but NONE of those cops were defending members of Congress, you goof. Cops defending our elected officials don't get to stand down. The cops at the perimeter were told not to be too heavy handed, which is how the protestors got to break and enter to their heart's content.

I'm still waiting for the leftist mob that was storming a federal building (or any building) threatening to kill the elected official inside. Thing is, that just DIDN'T HAPPEN.

The standard isn't "not listening to a cop tell you to stay out" because if that were the case, it would have been hundreds of protestors at the Capitol shot. The standard is that when a violent mob gets to the last line of defense before elected officials, someone is likely to get shot.

Every time you make complicated and detailed standards for the example you would be prepared to accept,

you are demonstrating that my point about the general NORM of how we have been treating rioters, is true.
Details matter. The fact that you don't like these details demonstrates that your argument doesn't stand to scrutiny.

The facts is that defending a member of Congress is a little different than defending a building.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a reasonable comparison. No one was shot because they broke into the Capitol. Someone was shot because they were presenting an immediate to Congress.
Immediate threat? Show a Congressman in that room or admit you’re a liar. Seems every other cop right there saw no threat.
The door to the House chamber was just a few feet away from the broken out window Ashli Targetpractice was trying to climb through.


Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Who has been charged with sedition, shit for brains?
Who said they've been charged with sedition yet, fucking moron?

Their actions violate the sedition conspiracy law.
And Chaz didn't? And the Autonomous Zone didn't? And ordering the cops to not protect ICE so the rioters could attack the building didn't?

You are supporting a massive violation of civil rights of your enemies. Those that are convicted will be political prisoners.

View attachment 490040
Sure skippy...bring it on.

I hope you enjoy the results of your labors. I hope I am still here, when you are here whining like a fag, because of how it is blowing up in your face.
Sure thing skippy. In 10 years two things will still be true. There would have been no civil war and you guys will still be threatening to start one.

Do me a favor. State your position on the 1/6 "insurrection, how bad it was, in a compound sentence, with your position that there is nothing to fear from the Right re: "Civil War".

I want to see your two positions side by side. It should be GREAT.
There is nothing to fear from the right (or the left) on a civil war.

Your attempted insurrection is a different topic, junior.

Whatever your child-like hoping for a war because you have some bizarre fantasy about how cool it would be...just know 2 things... If you INCELs ever tried it, you'd be INCELs will never try it. Because you are a coward.

Hence your continued threats with absolutely no follow up.

So, you don't care about the people supposedly killed by the mob on 1/6? People dying is "nothing to fear"?

Are you longing for the sweet release that Death will bring?

I do not want Civil War, I am warning where you hatred and oppression and keeping of political prisoners could lead this once great nation.
Your hatred is based on abject ignorance. Aside from the reality that any such uprising will be utterly squashed by a military sworn to protect the Constitution, you won't gain much support from a country because your civil war will be based upon hate, not principle.
I doubt it will be based on hate. It will be based on their simply being a failure in life and trying to bring everyone else down to their level.

You are supporting a violation of civil rights. You are the hater here, not me.
:lol: Where, whiner?

Unequal application of justice, you faggot.
Uh oh, I touched a nerve with the whiner. Had to break out the F word. Good luck proving that when so many of the white Trump mob are being released...after being allowed to riot, go home, and roam free for weeks. The guy that, with premeditated intent, brought a 950,000 watt stun gun into the Speaker's office? Some Arkansas judge tried to let him go.

People being released on bail, is not the same as not being looked for or having charges dropped.

You are supporting a gross violation of the human rights of hundreds of people based on political reasons.

You are supporting the policy of holding political prisoners here in the United States of America.

Your obsession with race, sounds somewhat racist too.
Show me an article that says he was released on bail. None of them say that, they all just say he was released. I'm sure a BLM protester that walked into, say Kevin McCarthy's office carrying a 950,000 watt stun gun would just be let go to await trial. Puhleese!
Lot's of women carry stun guns in their purses, moron. It's not illegal.
Is it a weapon or not? You apologists keep making the incorrect claim that Trump’s mob wasn’t armed. They were.
The key to your car can be a weapon. You obviously have a very narrow understanding of reality.
A 950,000 volt walking stick designed to stop a wild animal isn’t a key in your purse, princess.

Wow. 400 storm the capitol in a supposed coup attempt and you got a TAZER as the star example of how dangerously armed they were?

It was 800.
Prove it, asshole
I don't have to. The FBI is on it. They have 15,000 hours of video, and they've received something like 200,000+ tips from patriotic citizens. I hope they televise some of the trials and put the video evidence right up on the screen for all to see. Then let's see conservatives say it was a peaceful protest or that it was like a regular day of tourists showing up.

if they don't do that with Antifa and BLM trials, then this will be a political prosecution and anyone convicted with be political prisoners.
That's what conservatives always say when they get prosecuted for crimes. It doesn't even matter what the crime is.

As you people become more and more abusive and tyrannical, it might become fairly commonplace.

My point stands. The 1/6 riots are being targeted for extra aggressive investigation and prosecution for political reasons.

That is a violation of their Right to Equal Application of Justice.
Would you like a little cheese with that whine?

Conservatives are SUCH big babies. You cry about justice, but you don't want justice; you want preferential treatment. And when some legal entity actually holds you to account, you throw a fit.

What happened to our Capitol on 1/6 hasn't happened in over 200 years, and when it was done then, it was done by a foreign power, not by our fellow citizens who were trying to overturn a free and fair election. That's what I call political.

Most Americans don't give a damn if you don't like the prosecutions. Hell, they're all getting off pretty easy from everything I can tell because in some other countries, they'd be rounded up and summarily shot.
Wrong YOU asshats want preferential treatment for your favored black criminals and rioters. Gee, when Americans try to hold you leftards accountable for your murder of cops, attempted mass murder in Portland, robbing of businesses and hundreds of cases of arson, you whine and cry “wacist!!”. News flash: nobody gives a shit about your whining.
I'm fine with prosecuting people who commit crimes, regardless of who they are. But, like I said, conservatives want preferential treatment. That's not fine with me.
And yet here you are defending actual libtards rioting to this day in Portland and having at least twice attempted mass murder, yet calling for death for the Capitol peaceful protesters (per your side’s definition). Hypocrite. Preferential treatments. Fuck off with that bullshit asshole.
I've never defended rioting.
Bullshit. You’ve been defending leftist rioters this whole thread hypocrite. Fuck off with your bullshit.
You don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not surprised by that in the least.
You are a fucking liar asshole. That’s all anybody needs to know. People can read the shit you’ve posted dimbulb. Not surprised you’re still a lying asshole.
What's the problem? Not getting enough fiber in your diet?
No, i just don’t try take to obvious fucking liars you asshole. Dodging the point (more likely you can’t understand it) and trying to deflect lie some more. Your desire for no punishment for leftard attempted murderers is noted.
I see. Too much of the barley beverage? Got an edge and an attitude now? Go sleep it off.
More deflection and projections to cover your lack of any argument. You’re throwing a bitch fit because you’re being called out as the lying asshole you are.
I don't worry about guys like you on message boards. That's because guys like you can't make a cogent argument, so you engage in name calling and swearing. It reminds me of some of the comics of the 1970s who didn't have funny material, so they used the F word repeatedly in an effort to get laughs. LaWanda Page was one of the worst offenders.
More deflection and desperate attempt to avoid the subject. You remind me of many of the leftard liars here. No response so project and try to change the subject. You lose again.
There have been plenty of riots over the last 4 years and they have not been investigated or prosecuted like this.
That's because none of them were storming our Capitol in an attempt to illegally flip an election to the losing candidate.

Bullshit. It is because they were right leaning rioters and you people are lefties.
Nope, not bullshit.

The BLM/Antifa riots did not threaten the fabric of this nation.

The insurrection did.

It was not an insurrection. Your excuse for the political targeting of these people, will not change the fact that they will be political prisoners.

You are supporting tyranny and oppression.

That would have been a good comeback if I was denying that it was a riot.

As it is, you look like a fucking retard.
You denied it was an insurrection, which is worse.
Well since nobody has been charged with insurrection 4 months later.......
there are today 426 peple charged for that insurrection

They are treated like they commit most of the crime..... because they do.

That's not racial bias, it's fucking reality.

And the fact is, conservatives who do the exact same things a leftist does, are being more vigorously prosecuted, plain and simple. Treat everyone the same..... there's nothing "preferential" about that.

Don't bitch to me about imaginary racial bias on one hand, while you excuse malicious prosecution based on ideology (and maybe race as well) on the other, you fucking hypocrite.
And you know they commit the most crime because they're convicted more. They're convicted more because they're prosecuted more. They're prosecuted more because they're policed more aggressively.

You want to pretend they're the EXACT SAME THING, but fail to acknowledge that the Capitol riot was not the EXACT SAME THING as any other riot. It was intended specifically to disrupt the function of Congress, which is what they're being charged with. No leftists that I know of is charged with that obstruction of official proceeding because that just didn't happen.

The racial bias is definitely not imaginary and you're just sticking your head in the ground to avoid it. It's not only a huge problem, it's orders of magnitude greater than a few dozen conservatives being charged because they committed crimes. They're not being prosecuted based on ideology. They're being prosecuted based on crimes. Go ahead and tell me that they're not committing crimes. I dare you.
No, I know that ghetto blacks commit the majority of crime (especially violent crime) because I study crime; I'm a security consultant and I teach courses in how to avoid being a victim of violent crime.
Don't try and tell me what I know, until you learn a thing or 2 about reality yourself.

And Correll is exactly right; you all are trying to say this incident, even if it does qualify as a "riot", is somehow different and deserves to be treated differently than any of the other riots or protests over the last several years.

Well, bullshit.

Just off the top of my head, I remember protestors who tried like hell to stop Kavanaugh from getting on the SC, and rioters who took over a police station in MN and set it on fire...... how many of either of those groups were shot to death?

You claim to be outraged that rules were being applied in a biased fashion (by race) while talking how it is perfectly okay to do the exact same thing to people who voted in a way you disapprove of. You either believe in equal treatment or you don't....... PERIOD.

You are a fucking hypocrite.
And @Correll is exactly right; you all are trying to say this incident, even if it does qualify as a "riot", is somehow different and deserves to be treated differently than any of the other riots or protests over the last several years.

Well, bullshit.

Just off the top of my head, I remember protestors who tried like hell to stop Kavanaugh from getting on the SC, and rioters who took over a police station in MN and set it on fire...... how many of either of those groups were shot to death?
It does deserve to be treated differently because, get this, it is different. None of you want to address the very real differences and brush them aside without ever addressing it.

The protestors who tried to stop Kavanaugh weren't beating up police, breaking into office and forcing Congress to be evacuated. They were disruptive but they weren't violent.
No, I know that ghetto blacks commit the majority of crime (especially violent crime) because I study crime; I'm a security consultant and I teach courses in how to avoid being a victim of violent crime.
The kind of implicit bias against black people is exhibited in your comment. A black person is seen as ghetto, a white person isn't. A black person needs to be sentenced harsher to be taught a lesson before they become a thug. A white person is just a good kid who made a mistake and needs a second chance. These are the biases that pervade our justice system. Society doesn't see black people and white people the same. You want to ignore this because it makes you uncomfortable but it's real.

Cops have been ordered to stand down. THey have been letting left leaning rioters break and enter to their hearts content. Even when it was federal buildings.

IF those rioters had been shot, based on teh standard of "not listening to a cop tell you to stay out", thousands of good lefties would be dead, and you people would be having the biggest hissy fit of all time.
Cops have been ordered to stand down, but NONE of those cops were defending members of Congress, you goof. Cops defending our elected officials don't get to stand down. The cops at the perimeter were told not to be too heavy handed, which is how the protestors got to break and enter to their heart's content.

I'm still waiting for the leftist mob that was storming a federal building (or any building) threatening to kill the elected official inside. Thing is, that just DIDN'T HAPPEN.

The standard isn't "not listening to a cop tell you to stay out" because if that were the case, it would have been hundreds of protestors at the Capitol shot. The standard is that when a violent mob gets to the last line of defense before elected officials, someone is likely to get shot.

Every time you make complicated and detailed standards for the example you would be prepared to accept,

you are demonstrating that my point about the general NORM of how we have been treating rioters, is true.
Details matter. The fact that you don't like these details demonstrates that your argument doesn't stand to scrutiny.

The facts is that defending a member of Congress is a little different than defending a building.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a reasonable comparison. No one was shot because they broke into the Capitol. Someone was shot because they were presenting an immediate to Congress.
Immediate threat? Show a Congressman in that room or admit you’re a liar. Seems every other cop right there saw no threat.
They are treated like they commit most of the crime..... because they do.

That's not racial bias, it's fucking reality.

And the fact is, conservatives who do the exact same things a leftist does, are being more vigorously prosecuted, plain and simple. Treat everyone the same..... there's nothing "preferential" about that.

Don't bitch to me about imaginary racial bias on one hand, while you excuse malicious prosecution based on ideology (and maybe race as well) on the other, you fucking hypocrite.
And you know they commit the most crime because they're convicted more. They're convicted more because they're prosecuted more. They're prosecuted more because they're policed more aggressively.

You want to pretend they're the EXACT SAME THING, but fail to acknowledge that the Capitol riot was not the EXACT SAME THING as any other riot. It was intended specifically to disrupt the function of Congress, which is what they're being charged with. No leftists that I know of is charged with that obstruction of official proceeding because that just didn't happen.

The racial bias is definitely not imaginary and you're just sticking your head in the ground to avoid it. It's not only a huge problem, it's orders of magnitude greater than a few dozen conservatives being charged because they committed crimes. They're not being prosecuted based on ideology. They're being prosecuted based on crimes. Go ahead and tell me that they're not committing crimes. I dare you.
No, I know that ghetto blacks commit the majority of crime (especially violent crime) because I study crime; I'm a security consultant and I teach courses in how to avoid being a victim of violent crime.
Don't try and tell me what I know, until you learn a thing or 2 about reality yourself.

And Correll is exactly right; you all are trying to say this incident, even if it does qualify as a "riot", is somehow different and deserves to be treated differently than any of the other riots or protests over the last several years.

Well, bullshit.

Just off the top of my head, I remember protestors who tried like hell to stop Kavanaugh from getting on the SC, and rioters who took over a police station in MN and set it on fire...... how many of either of those groups were shot to death?

You claim to be outraged that rules were being applied in a biased fashion (by race) while talking how it is perfectly okay to do the exact same thing to people who voted in a way you disapprove of. You either believe in equal treatment or you don't....... PERIOD.

You are a fucking hypocrite.

You should donate your legal services to those insurrectionists and cry to the juries....

And @Correll is exactly right; you all are trying to say this incident, even if it does qualify as a "riot", is somehow different and deserves to be treated differently than any of the other riots or protests over the last several years.

Well, bullshit.

Just off the top of my head, I remember protestors who tried like hell to stop Kavanaugh from getting on the SC, and rioters who took over a police station in MN and set it on fire...... how many of either of those groups were shot to death?
It does deserve to be treated differently because, get this, it is different. None of you want to address the very real differences and brush them aside without ever addressing it.

The protestors who tried to stop Kavanaugh weren't beating up police, breaking into office and forcing Congress to be evacuated. They were disruptive but they weren't violent.
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