MAGA—More Are Getting Arrested.

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You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.

Love it.
I'm not exactly thrilled that it was an active duty Marine...

I was a tad surprised when the Officer was arrested. What this does, however, is to prove how fed up AMERICANS are with this bullshit "government". This man put his career on the line to express his outrage - and it has cost him dearly. However, he was willing to pay the price. He is now "branded" with the lies of this "government"

He is no more a "domestic terrorist" than I am. My only regret (as a retired Army CWO) is that I am so damned old and infirmed that I could not be there by his side.

Now, you snowflake son-of-a-bitches can kiss my Lilly white patriotic ass.
What a pity they're too fed up because they fell for the lies spoon fed them by Trump.
Poor ignorant snowflake.....

Only you dupes fell for his lies. America had enough and kicked him to the curb. And they handed control of the House AND Senate over to Democrats.

You mean the Democrats conducted a swindle.
Nope. And why am I still waiting for you to quote the Constitution where it empowers the vice president to unilaterally reject electoral votes...?

You said Trump didn't lie. If you're right, then it must be in the Constitution. Common, fucking moron, pony up....
I don't know. Why are you waiting? It does empower Congress to reject the electoral votes of any state.
Thst's not what I said, fucking moron. I said Trump's lie spurred them on.

You denied he lied.

Now you demonstrate you're the liar by denying he lied since you obviously can't show where the Constitution gives the VP the authority to unilaterally reject slates of electors -- which is what Trump asked Pence to do.

You're caught lying again. It's not the first time nor will it be the last.
When did I claim that the Constitution gives the VP the authority to unilaterally reject slates of electors?

You seem to be having trouble connecting anything I've said to your complaint.
When you said Trump didn't lie. Trump claimed that.

Your refusal to show Trump was telling the truth is a tacit confession from you that Trump lied.
Please quote Trump saying that.
You're as dumb as they come, fucking moron. Earlier, you denied any of the mob threatened Mike Pence on Insurrection Day. Now you're denying Trump said Pence could unilaterally reject electoral slates the states sent to Congress.

    • "All Vice President Pence has to do is send it [electoral votes] back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people."

    • "And Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn't, that will be a, a sad day for our country because you're sworn to uphold our Constitution."
    • "They want to recertify. But the only way that can happen is if Mike Pence agrees to send it back. Mike Pence has to agree to send it back."
    • "And Mike Pence, I hope you're going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you're not, I'm going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now. I'm not hearing good stories."
    • "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify."


When did I claim that the Constitution gives the VP the authority to unilaterally reject slates of electors?
If I may jump is with a question. Do you recognize that Trump was drilling Pence to do just that and rallied his followers to apply more pressure... you saw all of that on Jan 6, right? Thoughts?
Fucking moron has proved today he's oblivious to reality.

According to him, that mob didn't storm the Capitol chanting, "hang Mike Pence" and Trump didn't implore Pence to unilaterally reject electoral votes; which is in violation of the Constitution.
Haha, I’m not surprised that he lives in his own reality, that’s the type of person he is. I remember watching that speech by Trump Live. When he started in on Pence I texted my friends and family and told them that Trump just threw his VP under the bus and shit was about to go down. An hour later the capital was being raided. It was unbelievable! Now these turds are denying that any of this happened.... it’s all on video!!! Idiots
Yup. On another thread, some trumperhumper called me a coward for pointing out Pence had to be escorted out of the Capitol because Trump's mob invaded.

These people are beyond insane. Seems trying to minimize storming the U.S. Capitol by comparing it with BLM riots must have failed them. Now they're shifting into abject denial about Insurrection Day.

What else (exactly) should they be compared to then? The Watts riots of the late 60s? If you are under the impression that blacks have recently began "rioting" I have news for you - you are wrong.

Just a partial list:

Cambridge, Maryland Riot, 1963
The Harlem Race Riot, 1964
Rochester Rebellion, 1964
Jersey City Uprising, 1964
Paterson, New Jersey Uprising, 1964
Elizabeth, New Jersey Uprising, 1964
Chicago (Dixmoor) Riots, 1964
Philadelphia Race Riot, 1964
Watts Rebellion (Los Angeles), 1965
Cleveland’s Hough Riots, 1966
Chicago, Illinois Uprising, 1966
The Dayton, Ohio Uprising, 1966
Hunter’s Point, San Francisco Uprising, 1966
The Nashville Race Riot, 1967
Tampa Bay Race Riot, 1967
Newark Race Riot, 1967
Plainfield, New Jersey Riot, 1967
Detroit Race Riot, 1967
Flint, Michigan Riot, 1967
Tucson Race Riot, 1967
Grand Rapids, Michigan Uprising, 1967
The King Assassination Riots, 1968
Hartford, Connecticut Riot, 1969
Asbury Park Race Riot, 1970
Camden, New Jersey Riots, 1969 and 1971
Miami (Liberty City) Riot, 1980
Crown Heights (Brooklyn) New York Riot, 1991
Rodney King Riot, 1992
West Las Vegas Riot, 1992
St. Petersburg, Florida Riot, 1996

College Campus Violence​

University of Georgia Desegregation Riot, 1961
Ole Miss Riot, 1962
Houston (Texas Southern University) Riot, 1967
Orangeburg Massacre, 1968
Jackson State Killings, 1970

But hell, one "riot" caused by patriotic Americans and you snowflakes go ape-shit.
Unless you compare it to the exact same thing, the FAUX will attack it. Of course, no two events in history are exactly the same. This is the game that weasels like him play.

Or, fucking moron, you can compare storming the Capitol to get the losing candidate of the election installed as president despite losing the election -- with another such event.

Obviously you can't, so you try to compare it with something else.
Thanks for proving what I said.
No problem, fucking moron. There was nothing else to compare the storming of the U.S. Capitol except the last time it was stormed.
BLM locking police in a Federal Courthouse in Portland and setting the building on fire doesn't compare...
There have been plenty of riots over the last 4 years and they have not been investigated or prosecuted like this.
That's because none of them were storming our Capitol in an attempt to illegally flip an election to the losing candidate.

Bullshit. It is because they were right leaning rioters and you people are lefties.
Nope, not bullshit.

The BLM/Antifa riots did not threaten the fabric of this nation.

The insurrection did.

It was not an insurrection. Your excuse for the political targeting of these people, will not change the fact that they will be political prisoners.

You are supporting tyranny and oppression.

That would have been a good comeback if I was denying that it was a riot.

As it is, you look like a fucking retard.
You denied it was an insurrection, which is worse.
Well since nobody has been charged with insurrection 4 months later.......
there are today 426 peple charged for that insurrection

Nope. There isn't a single person charged with insurrection.
You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.
You didn't "see it". You were told it happened and believed it. You were lied to.

This was all adjudicated. The courts work based on facts. Your bullshit conservative media circus doesn't.

You got violent when we refused to share your delusions.
You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.
You didn't "see it". You were told it happened and believed it. You were lied to.

This was all adjudicated. The courts work based on facts. Your bullshit conservative media circus doesn't.

You got violent when we refused to share your delusions.
No it wasn't.

You all specifically didn't want any investigations, and judging by the amount of evidence that keeps coming out every day, it's easy to see why.
Hint; people who actually won, don't have any issue with watching the instant replay..... they actually enjoy it.

You folks want to destroy all the footage, and wipe all the records.

Like I said before, you are not fooling anyone.
colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.
You didn't "see it". You were told it happened and believed it. You were lied to.

This was all adjudicated. The courts work based on facts. Your bullshit conservative media circus doesn't.

You got violent when we refused to share your delusions.
No it wasn't.

You all specifically didn't want any investigations, and judging by the amount of evidence that keeps coming out every day, it's easy to see why.
Hint; people who actually won, don't have any issue with watching the instant replay..... they actually enjoy it.

You folks want to destroy all the footage, and wipe all the records.

Like I said before, you are not fooling anyone.
Ah, more lies. No one ever said they didn't want any investigations. We don't want bullshit investigations by bullshit hacks on bullshit allegations. Any serious allegations were taken seriously by serious investigators.

The footage doesn't show what you were told (and believed) it shows. The records are handled according to law, despite bullshit lies otherwise.

If all you really wanted were investigations, you would have stopped with your bullshit long ago because the investigations only proved your allegations were wrong. But you don't really want an investigation, what you really want is for reality to bend to your fantasy.
colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
I'll ask a correlated question. Do you think you can bullshit people into believe this utter nonsense because you say it over and over?

You have to make an actual specific allegation before I can make a specific factual argument against it.
colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
He's a minion of the Democrat Reich. He has been given his talking points, and he dutifully repeats them over and over until he is given different talking points.
You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.
You didn't "see it". You were told it happened and believed it. You were lied to.

This was all adjudicated. The courts work based on facts. Your bullshit conservative media circus doesn't.

You got violent when we refused to share your delusions.
No it wasn't.

You all specifically didn't want any investigations, and judging by the amount of evidence that keeps coming out every day, it's easy to see why.
Hint; people who actually won, don't have any issue with watching the instant replay..... they actually enjoy it.

You folks want to destroy all the footage, and wipe all the records.

Like I said before, you are not fooling anyone.
Ah, more lies. No one ever said they didn't want any investigations. We don't want bullshit investigations by bullshit hacks on bullshit allegations. Any serious allegations were taken seriously by serious investigators.

The footage doesn't show what you were told (and believed) it shows. The records are handled according to law, despite bullshit lies otherwise.

If all you really wanted were investigations, you would have stopped with your bullshit long ago because the investigations only proved your allegations were wrong. But you don't really want an investigation, what you really want is for reality to bend to your fantasy.
In other words, you only want investigations of Republicans. Your definition of a "bullshit investigation" is any investigation of a Democrat.
colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
I'll ask a correlated question. Do you think you can bullshit people into believe this utter nonsense because you say it over and over?

You have to make an actual specific allegation before I can make a specific factual argument against it.
If you didn't think people would believe it, you wouldn't be whining about it.
You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.
You didn't "see it". You were told it happened and believed it. You were lied to.

This was all adjudicated. The courts work based on facts. Your bullshit conservative media circus doesn't.

You got violent when we refused to share your delusions.
No it wasn't.

You all specifically didn't want any investigations, and judging by the amount of evidence that keeps coming out every day, it's easy to see why.
Hint; people who actually won, don't have any issue with watching the instant replay..... they actually enjoy it.

You folks want to destroy all the footage, and wipe all the records.

Like I said before, you are not fooling anyone.
Ah, more lies. No one ever said they didn't want any investigations. We don't want bullshit investigations by bullshit hacks on bullshit allegations. Any serious allegations were taken seriously by serious investigators.

The footage doesn't show what you were told (and believed) it shows. The records are handled according to law, despite bullshit lies otherwise.

If all you really wanted were investigations, you would have stopped with your bullshit long ago because the investigations only proved your allegations were wrong. But you don't really want an investigation, what you really want is for reality to bend to your fantasy.
Except not really.

What's next, you gonna tell me Epstein killed himself? :rolleyes:
colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
I'll ask a correlated question. Do you think you can bullshit people into believe this utter nonsense because you say it over and over?

You have to make an actual specific allegation before I can make a specific factual argument against it.
"before I can make a specific factual argument against it."

LOL, the next time will be the first time.

colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
He's a minion of the Democrat Reich. He has been given his talking points, and he dutifully repeats them over and over until he is given different talking points.
Seems like....
Except not really.

What's next, you gonna tell me Epstein killed himself? :rolleyes:
Bang up job there chief. Plenty of investigations were undertaken.

There's plenty more.
colfax_m I have a question; do you really believe that you can bullshit people into believing this utter nonsense, just because you say it over and over?

Do you actually think people are going to ignore all their experience, and discount things they are actually seeing happen, right in front of them, just because you say they should?

Has this ever worked for you, at any time in your life?
I'll ask a correlated question. Do you think you can bullshit people into believe this utter nonsense because you say it over and over?

You have to make an actual specific allegation before I can make a specific factual argument against it.
"before I can make a specific factual argument against it."

LOL, the next time will be the first time.

It would be the first time since the delusional people who believe in fraud never make specific allegations.

They just say that fraud happened because "they saw it". I remember early on election day a woman livestreamed a person pulling a wagon of cases into a vote counting center and said this was the fraud as they were pulling in tons of votes.

But that wagon was from a filming crew and they were wheeling in their camera equipment.

The crazy lady streaming the video declaring it was ballots never saw any ballots, but she was already programmed to believe there was going to be fraud so she make the assumption. But it didn't feel like an assumption to her. She knew the truth and nothing anyone could tell her would change her mind.
You have no argument, you have nothing but lies and bullshit and you attack anyone who points that out.
"Bullshit" isn't exactly a way to prove that I'm lying, but if that works for you, go ahead and think so.

The government didn't fail it's job. You just don't like that everyone else doesn't live in the same fantasy world you've created for yourself.

The government doesn't share your delusions. It shouldn't. The people who have those delusions don't get to justify violence on that government. You don't "own" the government any more than the rest of us.
We all saw it.

We all know it was a rip off.

You are not fooling anyone.

You don't get to justify using violence against the people who are calling out the government for it's corruption.
You didn't "see it". You were told it happened and believed it. You were lied to.

This was all adjudicated. The courts work based on facts. Your bullshit conservative media circus doesn't.

You got violent when we refused to share your delusions.
No it wasn't.

You all specifically didn't want any investigations, and judging by the amount of evidence that keeps coming out every day, it's easy to see why.
Hint; people who actually won, don't have any issue with watching the instant replay..... they actually enjoy it.

You folks want to destroy all the footage, and wipe all the records.

Like I said before, you are not fooling anyone.
Recounts happened everywhere state law required them. Most often in states where the gop made the law. Go cry with the Shaman. Maybe he'll get a cell with some gang folks.
Except not really.

What's next, you gonna tell me Epstein killed himself? :rolleyes:
Bang up job there chief. Plenty of investigations were undertaken.

There's plenty more.
Washington Post - fake news.
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