Maine Legislators Override Governor Wacky Paul LePage's Veto of Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30 percent of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.


Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug.

Is marijuana addictive?
I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed. It's just the people who OD on it.
I've been trying for forty years to OD on pot, just can't seem to do it right.

I've been trying for around 16 years, and it has never worked.

But, since the subject of overdose has come up, marijuana has been shown to be rather effective in helping heroin addicts get over their addiction. When a person goes through withdrawl, they experience nausea, joint and muscle pain, as well as are extremely jittery. What are the effects of a good Indica? Appetite stimulation, pain relief for joints and muscles, as well as calms you down.

A facility in NH has tried this over the past year, and guess what? They have around a 60 PERCENT recovery rate. For heroin addicts and no methadone was required. Best part? Because marijuana is not physically addictive in any way shape or form, they can quit marijuana when they feel like they are past the heroin.

Just watch...............a year after ME puts this into effect, you're gonna see a marked drop in heroin overdoses.
I have been hearing about that lately. Most substance abuse counselors I know say that addicts smoking pot is like changing deck chairs on the Titanic.
When my ex relapsed, that was the first slip--smoking dope again. Then booze then inpatient rehab.
Yep. I've known many an alcoholic who thought they could smoke pot and not suffer a relapse. I've never known a single one of them not to end up back in trouble.

"A drug is a drug is a drug."
Always wanted a reason to visit Maine.
Do, if you get the chance.

My cousin is running for governor there.

If you want a reason, go there to climb Mt. Katahdin. It's the tallest mountain on the East Coast. I've scaled it many times.

My mother climbed it in her 70s! She was a badass.

Half the people you meet in the area around the mountain are related to me.
Of course, for Leftists, oaths are meaningless...a sign of weakness and inflexibility.
Like the marriage vow Trump has taken three times.

Oh, wait...

Nobody on the Right cares about that kind of oath any more, amiright?
Always wanted a reason to visit Maine.
Do, if you get the chance.

My cousin is running for governor there.

If you want a reason, go there to climb Mt. Katahdin. It's the tallest mountain on the East Coast. I've scaled it many times.

My mother climbed it in her 70s! She was a badass.

Half the people you meet in the area around the mountain are related to me.
It's the tallest mountain in Maine. Mount Washington is the tallest in New England.
Good luck to your cousin. There's a lot of 'em running this year.
Of course, for Leftists, oaths are meaningless...a sign of weakness and inflexibility.
Like the marriage vow Trump has taken three times.

Oh, wait...

Nobody on the Right cares about that kind of oath any more, amiright?
I'm not sure the Right cares about ANY kind of oath anymore, except loyalty to DJT.
Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30 percent of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.


Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug.

Is marijuana addictive?

I have friends that smoke it, they are heavy users. I think they are in denial about how much it affects their lives.

I wish they would challenge themselves to live w/o it for six months or a year to really find out it's long term effects.

Before someone can speak clearly to both sides of the issue, they have to know both sides.
When I was a social worker, I talked to lots of people who smoked pot. They complained of not being able to eat when they quit. Some also complained of not being able to sleep. Seemed like a good excuse to them to keep smoking.
You'd be amazed how many people are walking around with self-diagnosed alphabet soup conditions like ADHD and PTSD which can ONLY be cured with pot. Pot does apparently have medicinal value, but chronic users get psychologically hooked as strongly as any other kind of addicts. And they do feel withdrawal symptoms, at least the ones I talked to.
I'm not saying it should be illegal. But it should be respected for what it is.
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
Ain't no weed worth $160 /oz. How the fuck much do they get for a joint these days?
Now that the legislature and the governor have quit stalling, we may actually have recreational marijuana sold in our pot stores by next year. Wonder how much THAT will be? I think the state wants 20% tax on it, too.
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
Ain't no weed worth $160 /oz. How the fuck much do they get for a joint these days?
Now that the legislature and the governor have quit stalling, we may actually have recreational marijuana sold in our pot stores by next year. Wonder how much THAT will be? I think the state wants 20% tax on it, too.
Its around 2-250 for an oz unless you get some real expensive crap. Or you buy pounds at a time lol
From what i have read, they are selling them at around the same price as the street. BUT then you have a 20-40% tax on it.
If they were to do that here, i am still going to buy it off the street. You cant get greedy and hope to put a dent in the black market.
So you are the one that had all the merry-go-rounds banned on play grounds across the nation.

And here I thought it was the over protective liberals.

It was me but it had nithi g yo fo with the vertigo issue. It had to do with the limp wrister pussies who kept suing the City and raising my taxes to pay for the settlenents.
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
Ain't no weed worth $160 /oz. How the fuck much do they get for a joint these days?
Now that the legislature and the governor have quit stalling, we may actually have recreational marijuana sold in our pot stores by next year. Wonder how much THAT will be? I think the state wants 20% tax on it, too.

You yourself said you haven't smoked in decades.

If you smoked the shit they have out there now, one puff would knock you on your ass.

It's one of the reasons I quit, it's no longer fun.
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
At a Grateful Dead etc. outdoor concert, here comes a guy pushing a shopping cart with a BALE of marijuana in it.
I'll never forget that.
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
Ain't no weed worth $160 /oz. How the fuck much do they get for a joint these days?
Now that the legislature and the governor have quit stalling, we may actually have recreational marijuana sold in our pot stores by next year. Wonder how much THAT will be? I think the state wants 20% tax on it, too.

You yourself said you haven't smoked in decades.

If you smoked the shit they have out there now, one puff would knock you on your ass.

It's one of the reasons I quit, it's no longer fun.
Dabs (concentrate) put me on my ass. That stuff is so strong i dont even enjoy it.
But if you smoke every day, it can save you A LOT of $$$
10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
Ain't no weed worth $160 /oz. How the fuck much do they get for a joint these days?
Now that the legislature and the governor have quit stalling, we may actually have recreational marijuana sold in our pot stores by next year. Wonder how much THAT will be? I think the state wants 20% tax on it, too.

You yourself said you haven't smoked in decades.

If you smoked the shit they have out there now, one puff would knock you on your ass.

It's one of the reasons I quit, it's no longer fun.
Louis C.K. did a hilarious routine about that:

10 bucks an ounce? Holy shit
When i started it was 40 a quarter.
Now that all you can find is kush, its 70 an quarter
Ain't no weed worth $160 /oz. How the fuck much do they get for a joint these days?
Now that the legislature and the governor have quit stalling, we may actually have recreational marijuana sold in our pot stores by next year. Wonder how much THAT will be? I think the state wants 20% tax on it, too.

You yourself said you haven't smoked in decades.

If you smoked the shit they have out there now, one puff would knock you on your ass.

It's one of the reasons I quit, it's no longer fun.
I know. About twenty years ago, my much younger half brother got me stoned and I didn't enjoy it at all. Way too strong. I always liked a lighter buzz, anyway, so I could go do fun stuff, gawk at things, get super into music. And sex was great. But like you said, I guess the stuff they're selling now would take some getting used to.

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