Major Medical Journal Recommends Hydroxychloroquine as Treatment for COVID-19

Sorry, no one's head is going to explode. This article (posted on a right wing website) is pure opinion. And I don't know where they are getting their information from . The two limited clinical trials that have been held did not produce more favorable results. WHO has suspended their clinical trials but our own NIH is proceeding with theirs. Again, it will likely take a few years of data collection and observation to make sound conclusions. Meanwhile, there are other treatments being researched.
Report: 16 COVID-19 Clinical Trials Showing Positive Results So Far | BioSpace
The marxist Dim shitstains have dug their heels in on this one. They'd rather die than take hydroxy....

Think about it for a minute.... I'm good with that.
Sounds like an opinion piece rather than the results of some kind of study. Hard to tell since this article fails to link to the actual article in the actual journal.

Sigh. . . . Anything but the truth, hey? I mean, really? Do you liberals just want more COVID-19 patients to die? Is that it? Did you even read the Just the News article? I ask because it quotes extensively from the journal's article.
Yes they do, all to make Trump look bad.
You're a fucking idiot. Trump isn't giving anyone medical advice, nor is he selling HCQS, you low IQ, easily brainwashed, TDS afflicted moron.
Proving you nitwits wrong is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

"President Donald Trump has twice tested negative for the coronavirus, but during a briefing at the White House on Saturday, he said he "may take" the drug hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. He suggested it has protective effects against the novel coronavirus, although researchers say there's no evidence of that.
Trump doubles down on unproven drugs to treat and prevent coronavirus "I think people should take hydroxychloroquine," he told reporters at a White House press briefing on Saturday. "If it were me, in fact, I might do it anyway. I may take it ... I have to ask my doctors about that. But I may take it."

You're a fucking idiot. Trump isn't giving anyone medical advice, nor is he selling HCQS, you low IQ, easily brainwashed, TDS afflicted moron.
Proving you nitwits wrong is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

"President Donald Trump has twice tested negative for the coronavirus, but during a briefing at the White House on Saturday, he said he "may take" the drug hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. He suggested it has protective effects against the novel coronavirus, although researchers say there's no evidence of that.
Trump doubles down on unproven drugs to treat and prevent coronavirus "I think people should take hydroxychloroquine," he told reporters at a White House press briefing on Saturday. "If it were me, in fact, I might do it anyway. I may take it ... I have to ask my doctors about that. But I may take it."

^Fake news
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FYI, experts know of four mechanisms of action hydroxychloroquine sulfate (HCQS) uses against the SARS Cov-2 infection. And one of them is that HCQS is a zinc ionophore.

That is, it facilitates the transport of zinc ions through the type-2 pneumocyte cell mebranes in your lungs. The virus is an enveloped virus that needs a relatively low ph level to break down it's membrane and replicate. Those zinc ions raise the ph level inside your cells, thus slowing down the replication of the virus.

That's why medical professionals are taking zinc supplements with the HCQS.


I know three doctors down here who are prescribing zpac and hydroxy and its knocking it out. These were people who had it who were in their 70's. The media and gates can stuff their wonder cure vaccines.
Sounds like an opinion piece rather than the results of some kind of study. Hard to tell since this article fails to link to the actual article in the actual journal.

What the FUCK are you talking about? The first line of the OP tells right to your face that it has been released in a journal.
Let us recall the burden of evidence when the leftists roll the vaccines.
You're a fucking idiot. Trump isn't giving anyone medical advice, nor is he selling HCQS, you low IQ, easily brainwashed, TDS afflicted moron.
Proving you nitwits wrong is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

"President Donald Trump has twice tested negative for the coronavirus, but during a briefing at the White House on Saturday, he said he "may take" the drug hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. He suggested it has protective effects against the novel coronavirus, although researchers say there's no evidence of that.
Trump doubles down on unproven drugs to treat and prevent coronavirus "I think people should take hydroxychloroquine," he told reporters at a White House press briefing on Saturday. "If it were me, in fact, I might do it anyway. I may take it ... I have to ask my doctors about that. But I may take it."

^Fake news
If you click on the link you can hear Trump recommend people take hydroxychloroquine. So.........stick the fake news meme up your ass.
Good grief, it is just amazing to see liberals grasp at any straw to avoid admitting that there is an effective treatment for COVID-19. Their replies suggest that they're not even bothering to read the Just the News article on the AJOE article, much less the AJOE article itself.

Again, liberals, is it just that you want as many COVID-19 deaths as possible because you think this will somehow help you beat Trump in November? What else can explain your macabre refusal to admit the facts about hydroxychloroquine? What do you say to the THOUSANDS of people who have been cured by the drug? They're all lying?

And its even more amusing to me that right wingers are seeking to grasp on to any straw that will serve as a magic cure to make everything go away so their hero can get back to his pep rallies. The data on the drug's effectiveness is inconclusive. There are signs that it may be more effective at the early stages of the virus than in later stages. But even the Abstract acknowledges that we have to wait for the data (September). And most likely, you'll have to wait even beyond that. Clinical trials take time. You'll have to link to a story that quotes "thousands" of people have been cured by this drug.
The new issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology not only recommends using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 but argues that some news outlets have ignored the facts about the drug's effectiveness. The journal argues that hydroxychloroquine should "be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe." The journal says that there is evidence that hydroxychloroquine, when used with the antibiotic azithromycin, is an effective treatment if used in the early stages of infection. The most compelling argument, the journal says, is how hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin reduces the rate of mortality.

The journal also addresses the claim that hydroxychloroquine causes cardiac arrhythmia, noting that this side effect is rare and that the drug's effectiveness in reducing mortality far outweighs the risk of this rare side effect.

Here is an article from the Just the News website on this development:

Here's the link to the journal's article itself:

And here's the abstract that the journal provides on the article:

More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed: remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than 300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.
Once again, President Trump is way ahead of everyone else.
Good grief, it is just amazing to see liberals grasp at any straw to avoid admitting that there is an effective treatment for COVID-19. Their replies suggest that they're not even bothering to read the Just the News article on the AJOE article, much less the AJOE article itself.

Again, liberals, is it just that you want as many COVID-19 deaths as possible because you think this will somehow help you beat Trump in November? What else can explain your macabre refusal to admit the facts about hydroxychloroquine? What do you say to the THOUSANDS of people who have been cured by the drug? They're all lying?
Liberals are actively rooting for more death.
You're a fucking idiot. Trump isn't giving anyone medical advice, nor is he selling HCQS, you low IQ, easily brainwashed, TDS afflicted moron.
Proving you nitwits wrong is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

"President Donald Trump has twice tested negative for the coronavirus, but during a briefing at the White House on Saturday, he said he "may take" the drug hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. He suggested it has protective effects against the novel coronavirus, although researchers say there's no evidence of that.
Trump doubles down on unproven drugs to treat and prevent coronavirus "I think people should take hydroxychloroquine," he told reporters at a White House press briefing on Saturday. "If it were me, in fact, I might do it anyway. I may take it ... I have to ask my doctors about that. But I may take it."

^Fake news
If you click on the link you can hear Trump recommend people take hydroxychloroquine. So.........stick the fake news meme up your ass.
Conditionally, dumbass. If their doctor recommends it. You are one dumb motherfucker. Too stupid to recognize when you are being brainwashed by fake news.

Your TDS makes you stupider by the moment.
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Sorry, no one's head is going to explode. This article (posted on a right wing website) is pure opinion. And I don't know where they are getting their information from . The two limited clinical trials that have been held did not produce more favorable results. WHO has suspended their clinical trials but our own NIH is proceeding with theirs. Again, it will likely take a few years of data collection and observation to make sound conclusions. Meanwhile, there are other treatments being researched.
Report: 16 COVID-19 Clinical Trials Showing Positive Results So Far | BioSpace
You are still buying the bullshit from WHO, JackOfTards?:abgg2q.jpg:
Sounds like an opinion piece rather than the results of some kind of study. Hard to tell since this article fails to link to the actual article in the actual journal.

What the FUCK are you talking about? The first line of the OP tells right to your face that it has been released in a journal.
Dimwingers are all science deniers.
Conditionally, dumbass.
What was conditional about him taking it as a preventative measure?
Taking it is not the same thing as giving another specific individual person medical advice, you TDS stupified idiot jackass party of slavery supporter.

You cannot name a single individual who Trump told to take hydroxychloroquine because it never happened, dumbass.

Trump has repeatedly said to ask your doctor regarding the matter, you easily brainwashed idiot.
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Conditionally, dumbass.
What was conditional about him taking it as a preventative measure?
No contraindications.


You certainly ask a lot of stupid questions, dumbass. This indicates that your TDS is quite apparently making you stupider by the second. Seek help from a mental health professional. :cuckoo:
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Sorry, no one's head is going to explode. This article (posted on a right wing website) is pure opinion. And I don't know where they are getting their information from . The two limited clinical trials that have been held did not produce more favorable results. WHO has suspended their clinical trials but our own NIH is proceeding with theirs. Again, it will likely take a few years of data collection and observation to make sound conclusions. Meanwhile, there are other treatments being researched.
Report: 16 COVID-19 Clinical Trials Showing Positive Results So Far | BioSpace
Double-blind controlled clinical trials are being suspended because, just as I predicted in another thread, the mounting evidence of the effectiveness of HCQ has precluded them.

At this point, it is unethical to have a control group IMO, just like the infamous Tuskegee syphilis clinical trials where they gave some people a placebo instead of penicillin and just watched as the disease took it's horrible toll on them to collect data.
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