Majority of Americans do not support new Assault weapon ban...they know the truth.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
After France..where Charlie Hebdo terrorists, 2 on government watch lists and one a convicted criminal got fully automatic rifles, grenades and a rocket propelled grenade as well as pistols,

And after the terrorist on the train with the fully automatic rifle going to France from Belgium, stopped by 3 Americans...

And with the attack on Paris by 8 terrorists with fully automatic rifles and explosive vests...

All in a country with a complete ban on fully automatic rifles and explosives...and extreme gun control on top of that......

And not including all of the regular criminals in France who routinely and by preference use fully automatic rifles.....

The American people now do not support a new ban on so called "Assault" weapons....

Majority Of Americans Oppose 'Assault Weapons' Ban For First Time In 20 years Of NYT Polling - Breitbart

A majority of Americans oppose an “assault weapons” ban for the first time in 20 years of New York Times’ polling on the topic.
According to NYU political scientist Patrick Egan, the opposition to such a ban is up 16 percentage points from the numbers seen in 2011. Moreover, support for an “assault weapons” ban is down 19 percent. On January 15-19, 2011 Americans polled at 63 percent in favor of a ban and 34 against. On December 4-8, 2015, American polled only 44 percent in favor of such a ban, with 50 percent polling in opposition.

The real swing in numbers can be seen by contrasting the latest figures with the first pollNYT took on the topic during January 2-3, 1995. At that time support for a ban was at 67 percent, while opposition to a ban was at 27 percent.

These numbers square with a post-San Bernardino Breitbart News report showing that AR-15 sales have been skyrocketing since the December 2 San Bernardino attack. The situation was best summed up by Lynchburg, Virginia’s Patrick McNamee, manager of L. Oppleman Pawn Shop. McNamee said AR-15s flew off the shelves after the San Bernardino attacks and the demand around the country was so great that when he called suppliers to have more ARs they said they were out.
Funny, they support a Pipe Bomb ban. and as well all know, pipe bombs are for protection.
Oh, another "truth" thread. Funny. The winds of change are blowing...
"Majority of Americans do not support new Assault weapon ban...they know the truth."

The truth is there is no proposed assault weapons ban, 'new' or otherwise – there's nothing not to support.

This is just another ridiculous lie from the right.
No law, and no amount of laws, can ever protect the disarmed from the armed.

Go fuck yourselves, gun grabbers. :fu:

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