Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

Still no link to back up your claim lmao.

Look at the scared little bitch flail. :laughing0301:

I'm on a damned phone so I can't link you fucking clod. But it's pretty easy for you to search for the many threads that deal with issue.
i thought Biden was "open borders"? but now he's holding more kids in cages?

about obama...

obama only put them in for 3 days max, Trump put them there much longer and separated families.
Gee, that's too bad. Perhaps they should follow the law next time.
Then you truly are an idiot. Trump is the first president to not get us into a war, that created an economy where the middle class actually gained wealth faster than the rich, and who actually did what he said he would do on the campaign trail.

And all you have is "Orange man bad".
I and not anti-war, down the line. Depends on what we are there for, what mission creep is allowed and whether we leave with the original reason for going, prior to mission creep is attained.
Orange man sucked and still does. I guess, I am just pro-constitution, rule of law and democratically electing and booting out our representation, and he is not. So yes, orange man not only bad, but totally sucks and could destroy our representative republic form of government.
Whatever you need to tell yourself.

Go find evidence that I’m a hypocrite or shut the fuck up. Nobody cares what you think.
The evidence is that you can’t produce posts condemning Hitlery and all the other Dimtards who claimed the 2016 election was stolen.
I and not anti-war, down the line. Depends on what we are there for, what mission creep is allowed and whether we leave with the original reason for going, prior to mission creep is attained.
Orange man sucked and still does. I guess, I am just pro-constitution, rule of law and democratically electing and booting out our representation, and he is not. So yes, orange man not only bad, but totally sucks and could destroy our representative republic form of government.

So, you spewed a bunch of silliness.

Got any examples to support your claims?

Please, be specific.
The evidence is that you can’t produce posts condemning Hitlery and all the other Dimtards who claimed the 2016 election was stolen.
Go find me a post where you condemned child rapists. What’s that? You can’t show me posts of you condemning child rapists? Well then that must mean you support child rapists.

Shut the fuck up, moron. Nobody cares what you think.
Orange man sucked and still does. I guess, I am just pro-constitution, rule of law and democratically electing and booting out our representation, and he is not.

You sir, are a total fucking idiot.

Democrats STEAL ELECTIONS, dumbshit.



So yes, orange man not only bad, but totally sucks and could destroy our representative republic form of government.
Anyone who believes this bullshit is totally fucking retarded.

Sorry, but there it is
Surprised it was only 56%...Seems low. re-do the poll!

I'm actually heartened by these numbers. 70% of Dems thought it was acceptable--but ONLY 70%. Nearly 20% of DEMOCRATS thought it went too far. And 90% of Republicans (who are those 10? Adam Kinzenger, Liz Cheney and friends?) and a whopping 62% of Independents thought it was a bad, bad look.

So really, it was a bust. And these are *likely* voters, not just "adults".

I'm actually heartened by these numbers. 70% of Dems thought it was acceptable--but ONLY 70%. Nearly 20% of DEMOCRATS thought it went too far. And 90% of Republicans (who are those 10? Adam Kinzenger, Liz Cheney and friends?) and a whopping 62% of Independents thought it was a bad, bad look.

So really, it was a bust. And these are *likely* voters, not just "adults".

I think it’s alarming that Democrats have been so brainwashed that 70% of them think it’s OK for a U.S. president to make a primetime speech for the sole purpose of demonizing more than a third of all voters for not believing the way he demands. And flanked by U.S. Marines as he delivers the warning, as well.

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