Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

“I mean, this is the sort of talk that you would expect in a country where a political power or a dictator is getting ready to purge people, is getting ready to ethnically cleanse people. This is not normal talk.”
10 Sep 2-022 ~~ By Mike LaChance

Here’s the description of the episode from Ricochet:
The king welcomes William A. Jacobson, the founder of Legal Insurrection, to discuss “special masters,” the FBI’s raid-not-raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and the dark omens surrounding Biden’s Philadelphia speech. William Jacobson is a law professor and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School. Professor Jacobson is frequently quoted in the media on political and legal topics, has authored many op-eds in major publications, and appears on television and radio to discuss politics and the law.​

PROFESSOR JACOBSON: Yeah, I think it’s all of the above. I think my first takeaway is that this is the real Joe Biden, and you just mentioned putting people back in chains. I think that comment was made vis-a-vie Romney. Okay. So when he says he’s only against MAGA Republicans, of course that’s a lie because he, you know, attacked Romney viciously. He is known as the father of Borking, meaning the vicious attacks on Judge Robert Bork to keep him off the Supreme Court. Joe Biden has been a flame thrower and a nasty piece of work, his entire political career. He was repackaged in 2020 as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden, but that was a complete fabrication.
So what you’re seeing now is Joe Biden’s real nature coming out. And what we saw was really, I think at a whole other level, I mean, certainly Trump calls people names, people call Trump names, politicians call each other. But this was a full blown attack on tens of millions of voters in really demonic and dehumanizing terms. I mean his punchline or one of his punchlines is that MAGA Republicans, and I’m just reading it now, thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. I mean, this is the sort of talk that you would expect in a country where a political power or a dictator is getting ready to purge people, is getting ready to ethnically cleanse people. This is not normal talk.

Joe Biden did this now just before the mid-terms because he thought he could get away with it. There was a time when most purported Democratic voters would have been repulsed by this and the media would have been loudly appalled.
The problem is Donald Trump gave us a taste of good government policy, he also cut off the gravy train. There is money at stake, here and Maoist/DSA Democrats and RINO's do not want to stop feeding at the trough.
Despite FBI-STASI agents using their mobile phones in the SCIF to leak what they found on site at Mar a Lago, It's no surprise the FBI hasn’t leaked more to WAPO, CNN and the Slimes.
More than likely the information found and not leaked was hurting the Deep State otherwise it would have gotten out.

Good stuff. Joe Biden has been a nasty, racist, misogynist, condescending, demeaning piece of shit his entire career. We are seeing the real Biden now, just as we've seen him throughout his career. He hates everyone who isn't like him or who he can't control, and now he's using that hate to try to destroy us.

The kind of genocidal language Biden is using now is really what the DemoKKKrat party stands for.
Good stuff. Joe Biden has been a nasty, racist, misogynist, condescending, demeaning piece of shit his entire career. We are seeing the real Biden now, just as we've seen him throughout his career. He hates everyone who isn't like him or who he can't control, and now he's using that hate to try to destroy us.

He's a rackateering mob boss. In his case, the mob is USA, INC..
They're doing a helluva lot more than name-calling. They're using Fed agencies to attack and un-Constitutionally purge their opposition.
Go lick jackboots!
You know how Trump and his band of criminals can get the justice system off their backs?

A normal sane person would look at all the sleaze and criminality of Donald Trump and his "best people" and come to the conclusion that the Republican Party should clean up its act.

But we aren't talking about normal sane people when it comes to Trump's cucks. We are talking about people who are diving deeper and deeper into mental illness.

So as the sickness and filth of the Trump machine becomes more and more evident, Trump's cucks are driven to more and more extremes in their attempts to find a way to paint the Democrats as worse.

And thus we get the whole "pedophiles and Satanists" rhetoric. Then their pwecious feewings get hurt when Biden calls Trump's MAGA loons a bad name. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
It has nothing to do with my personal "feelings". It has everything to do with the demagogue you elected who dehumanizes and attacks half of America.
Biden was not talking about half of America, but you know that. He was talking about the horrible people who claim to speak for you. These people take your silence as tacit approval. All this time we laughed off all the civil war talk but then 1/6 happened. This is the government taking you seriously. You wanted to be taken seriously didn't you?

“I mean, this is the sort of talk that you would expect in a country where a political power or a dictator is getting ready to purge people, is getting ready to ethnically cleanse people. This is not normal talk.”
10 Sep 2-022 ~~ By Mike LaChance

Here’s the description of the episode from Ricochet:
The king welcomes William A. Jacobson, the founder of Legal Insurrection, to discuss “special masters,” the FBI’s raid-not-raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and the dark omens surrounding Biden’s Philadelphia speech. William Jacobson is a law professor and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School. Professor Jacobson is frequently quoted in the media on political and legal topics, has authored many op-eds in major publications, and appears on television and radio to discuss politics and the law.​

PROFESSOR JACOBSON: Yeah, I think it’s all of the above. I think my first takeaway is that this is the real Joe Biden, and you just mentioned putting people back in chains. I think that comment was made vis-a-vie Romney. Okay. So when he says he’s only against MAGA Republicans, of course that’s a lie because he, you know, attacked Romney viciously. He is known as the father of Borking, meaning the vicious attacks on Judge Robert Bork to keep him off the Supreme Court. Joe Biden has been a flame thrower and a nasty piece of work, his entire political career. He was repackaged in 2020 as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden, but that was a complete fabrication.
So what you’re seeing now is Joe Biden’s real nature coming out. And what we saw was really, I think at a whole other level, I mean, certainly Trump calls people names, people call Trump names, politicians call each other. But this was a full blown attack on tens of millions of voters in really demonic and dehumanizing terms. I mean his punchline or one of his punchlines is that MAGA Republicans, and I’m just reading it now, thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. I mean, this is the sort of talk that you would expect in a country where a political power or a dictator is getting ready to purge people, is getting ready to ethnically cleanse people. This is not normal talk.

Joe Biden did this now just before the mid-terms because he thought he could get away with it. There was a time when most purported Democratic voters would have been repulsed by this and the media would have been loudly appalled.
The problem is Donald Trump gave us a taste of good government policy, he also cut off the gravy train. There is money at stake, here and Maoist/DSA Democrats and RINO's do not want to stop feeding at the trough.
Despite FBI-STASI agents using their mobile phones in the SCIF to leak what they found on site at Mar a Lago, It's no surprise the FBI hasn’t leaked more to WAPO, CNN and the Slimes.
More than likely the information found and not leaked was hurting the Deep State otherwise it would have gotten out.
Bill is a joke
A normal sane person would look at all the sleaze and criminality of Donald Trump and his "best people" and come to the conclusion that the Republican Party should clean up its act.

But we aren't talking about normal sane people when it comes to Trump's cucks. We are talking about people who are diving deeper and deeper into mental illness.

So as the sickness and filth of the Trump machine becomes more and more evident, Trump's cucks are driven to more and more extremes in their attempts to find a way to paint the Democrats as worse.

And thus we get the whole "pedophiles and Satanists" rhetoric. Then their pwecious feewings get hurt when Biden calls Trump's MAGA loons a bad name. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

A normal and sane person would see the installed Bi-Dung administration as more corrupt than the wormiest apple.
Hell, only the other day Kameltoe said our border is secure. This shit is outrageous to a sane person with only half of an awareness!!
A normal and sane person would see the installed Bi-Dung administration as more corrupt than the wormiest apple.
Hell, only the other day Kameltoe said our border is secure. This shit is outrageous to a sane person with only half of an awareness!!
a normal sane person would see your post with the juvenile name calling as seriously sad

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