Majority Want Citizenship Question On Census, 53%-32%

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

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How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up

I’m certain that you’re such a good, real American that you hate the idea of wetbacks having legislative representation in our nation...That said, I’m certain that you’d support Trump as he works to find an angle on adding the question....right?

As a a good, real American I support the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States states that the "WHOLE number of people" will be counted for the apportionment of representatives.

And as such, that is what we should do until such time as we change Constitution of the United States

I am sure, that you as a good, real American would agree we need to follow our Constitution, even the parts we may not agree with...right?
Asking them if they are citizens doesn't violate that mandate.

Very true. Never said it did.
Of course there is bias everywhere. Even the shit you spew on a daily basis is biased. We hear shit all over the place and then make up our minds about what we believe. You aren’t this enlightened transcendent being that rises above it all. You’re just a right wing troll that gets his rocks off talking shot to liberals. Not much to it.
If you admit government schools are biased, then why are you whining about my observation that their students are brainwashed?
Because the primary focus of schools has very little to do with politics.... math science English sports and getting laid are at the forefront of students priorities... and your presumption that just because there is bias it mean the students are brainswashed is just idiotic... otherwise you would be one of the brainwashed.
You're foolish if you believe schools don't slip politics into the curriculum. Just take history, for instance. Nowadays they teach that the Founding Fathers were racist, sexist, homophobic slave owners. They teach that the American flag is a symbol of hate. "Anti-bullying" means pro-homosexual. My first wife's son thinks I'm a racist because I complain about all the programmers from India I have to compete against. See, if you mention the fact that 95% of the programmers at your work place are from India, then you're a racist.
From the way I hear you talk on this board I’m not surprised if people think you are racist. You don’t seem to care or make much of an effort to display sensitivity or awareness about the impact of your words. It’s the curse of being a troll
Truth often hurts people's feelings. In fact, libs believe facts are racist. I have no patience for such idiocy.
Sometimes people overplay the race card. That’s true. But you like to troll people so you shouldn’t be surprised if they interpret you as being racist. Honest question do you feel that you are not at all racist? No prejudice towards minorities?
Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up

I’m certain that you’re such a good, real American that you hate the idea of wetbacks having legislative representation in our nation...That said, I’m certain that you’d support Trump as he works to find an angle on adding the question....right?

As a a good, real American I support the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States states that the "WHOLE number of people" will be counted for the apportionment of representatives.

And as such, that is what we should do until such time as we change Constitution of the United States

I am sure, that you as a good, real American would agree we need to follow our Constitution, even the parts we may not agree with...right?

I think you’re confused...there is nothing unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation. Are you afraid to hurt the feelings of wetbacks?

So getting back to my question that you tripped all over....
“I’m certain that you’re such a good, real American that you hate the idea of wetbacks having legislative representation in our nation...That said, I’m certain that you’d support Trump as he works to find an angle on adding the question....right?”
I think you’re confused...there is nothing unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation. Are you afraid to hurt the feelings of wetbacks?

you are the confused one. I never said there was anything unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation.

So getting back to my question that you tripped all over....
“I’m certain that you’re such a good, real American that you hate the idea of wetbacks having legislative representation in our nation...That said, I’m certain that you’d support Trump as he works to find an angle on adding the question....right?”

I did not trip at all, the Constitution states that legislative representation is based upon the "whole number of persons". That even includes the brown and black people you hate so much.

Until such time as we change the Constitution, that is how the apportionment of our legislative representation should be done.
What would the citizenship question add to the purpose of the census? I always thought the census was needed for districting, school funding, Congressional representation etc.
What is the positive effect of such a question?
Seriously? You mentioned the very reason it is absolutely necessary then pretend you dont understand.

Do you think Congress. REPRESENTS Illegals?
I think you’re confused...there is nothing unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation. Are you afraid to hurt the feelings of wetbacks?

you are the confused one. I never said there was anything unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation.

So getting back to my question that you tripped all over....
“I’m certain that you’re such a good, real American that you hate the idea of wetbacks having legislative representation in our nation...That said, I’m certain that you’d support Trump as he works to find an angle on adding the question....right?”

I did not trip at all, the Constitution states that legislative representation is based upon the "whole number of persons". That even includes the brown and black people you hate so much.

Until such time as we change the Constitution, that is how the apportionment of our legislative representation should be done.

And by “whole number of persons” you believe the framers intended to include illegal aliens as part of the “whole”?
That really makes sense to you?
I love it when you self proclaimed ‘constitutionalists’ try to believe the US Constitution is an international document intended to benefit invading criminals.
I think you’re confused...there is nothing unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation. Are you afraid to hurt the feelings of wetbacks?

you are the confused one. I never said there was anything unconstitutional in asking if one is a citizen of this nation.

So getting back to my question that you tripped all over....
“I’m certain that you’re such a good, real American that you hate the idea of wetbacks having legislative representation in our nation...That said, I’m certain that you’d support Trump as he works to find an angle on adding the question....right?”

I did not trip at all, the Constitution states that legislative representation is based upon the "whole number of persons". That even includes the brown and black people you hate so much.

Until such time as we change the Constitution, that is how the apportionment of our legislative representation should be done.

And by “whole number of persons” you believe the framers intended to include illegal aliens as part of the “whole”?
That really makes sense to you?
I love it when you self proclaimed ‘constitutionalists’ try to believe the US Constitution is an international document intended to benefit invading criminals.
Dumbfuck, the citizenship question doesn't weed out illegal aliens. :eusa_doh:
The majority in this case are wrong.
It's a transparent attempt by the trump regime to create a massive undercount of Latino Americans, both citizens and not..
The census is about counting ALL people living in the USA. Not only citizens.
As an expat I am a citizen but not to be counted as I don't live there.
Get it?
And by “whole number of persons” you believe the framers intended to include illegal aliens as part of the “whole”?
That really makes sense to you?

The 14th came long after the framers were all dead.

I love it when you self proclaimed ‘constitutionalists’ try to believe the US Constitution is an international document intended to benefit invading criminals.

At the time the 14th was written I do not think that the concept of an illegal immigrant was even conceived of. But I really do not care, the Constitution says what it says. That is what I care about.

Your argument is the same one the anti-gun folks make...."Do you really think the framers meant for people to own automatic weapons?"

You either support the Constitution or you do not. It is not a buffet where you get to pick and choose just the parts that you like. Just as I tell the anti-gun folks, if you think the Amendment is wrong, get it changed but do not just ignore it.
It is utterly absurd to me that there is even a doubt that citizenship should be on the census. Don’t we need and want to know who lives in this country and where they come from?

Um, no.

The biggest problem with the Census as it is to get people to fill them out. ONly 70% of people who received Census forms in 2010 returned them. The rest had to be counted by enumerators who had to go door to door to see who lived there. It's an expensive, labor intensive process.
What would the citizenship question add to the purpose of the census? I always thought the census was needed for districting, school funding, Congressional representation etc.
What is the positive effect of such a question?

Democrats want to use illegal aliens to respond to the census so they can get more Democrat Representatives in Congress.

Most of the illegal aliens are in Democrat states they want to use the responses as leverage.

Same reason they want open borders. It goes hand in hand with dropping anchor babies.
/----/ There is a movement for Republicans to boycott the census in Blue States to negate the illegals who do answer it.
Note that the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 has increased the fine for any criminal misdemeanor to as much as $5,000. In practice, though, no one has been prosecuted for not filling out the census since 1970, according to a 2014 Politifact article.
What would the citizenship question add to the purpose of the census? I always thought the census was needed for districting, school funding, Congressional representation etc.
What is the positive effect of such a question?

Democrats want to use illegal aliens to respond to the census so they can get more Democrat Representatives in Congress.

Most of the illegal aliens are in Democrat states they want to use the responses as leverage.

Same reason they want open borders. It goes hand in hand with dropping anchor babies.
/----/ There is a movement for Republicans to boycott the census in Blue States to negate the illegals who do answer it.
Note that the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 has increased the fine for any criminal misdemeanor to as much as $5,000. In practice, though, no one has been prosecuted for not filling out the census since 1970, according to a 2014 Politifact article.

This is what is known as shooting yourself in the foot.

If they do not respond then the CB will use methods to account for the non-response. This makes the data less accurate and could and will likely result in a larger number of people than there really is.

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Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up
except that the total population is also how we derive number of EC votes per state. why should CA get more votes for President simply because they have the most amount of people who can't vote anyway?
Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up
except that the total population is also how we derive number of EC votes per state. why should CA get more votes for President simply because they have the most amount of people who can't vote anyway?
This is why the Dems are fighting this question so hard
Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up
except that the total population is also how we derive number of EC votes per state. why should CA get more votes for President simply because they have the most amount of people who can't vote anyway?

Because the Constitution says so.

Sent from my iPhone using
Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up
except that the total population is also how we derive number of EC votes per state. why should CA get more votes for President simply because they have the most amount of people who can't vote anyway?

Because the Constitution says so.

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it says it's there for representation, not EC votes.
Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up
except that the total population is also how we derive number of EC votes per state. why should CA get more votes for President simply because they have the most amount of people who can't vote anyway?

Because the Constitution says so.

Sent from my iPhone using continue to miss the point...
Good, real Americans would and do voice their displeasure with our laws, regulations and mandates that fuck Americans over while benefiting wetbacks. Good, real Americans know that wetbacks are exploiting our toothless laws and fucking Americans blind. You Lefties almost seem to celebrate this.
Good, real Americans know we’ve moved to times where drastic, aggressive measures must be taken to right the ship and most of us are good with an “any means necessary” approach.
According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using
How is it "accurate" to now know if the respondents are actual Americans or not?

The purpose of the Census is not to count only "actual Americans". Do try and keep up
except that the total population is also how we derive number of EC votes per state. why should CA get more votes for President simply because they have the most amount of people who can't vote anyway?

Because the Constitution says so.

Sent from my iPhone using continue to miss the point...
Good, real Americans would and do voice their displeasure with our laws, regulations and mandates that fuck Americans over while benefiting wetbacks. Good, real Americans know that wetbacks are exploiting our toothless laws and fucking Americans blind. You Lefties almost seem to celebrate this.
Good, real Americans know we’ve moved to times where drastic, aggressive measures must be taken to right the ship and most of us are good with an “any means necessary” approach.
Here's a buck, go buy yourself a pen and write your own constitution.

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