make america great again...the newest Baptist Worship song

Damn trump for hating the US and for telling the damn gullible RWs to hate it. July 4th and these dumb ass thumpers talking about how the US just isn't good enough for them.

They want to control people and limit our rights! They want to turn us into Saudi Arabia of Christianity and no other freedom will be allowed.

It is sick.
There are a lot of evangelical rubes who think the three time married pussy grabbing egomaniac who made his fortune off gambling and contests of the flesh was sent down to Earth by Jesus.

Stranger things have happened. The Lord frequently calls upon the most flawed of men to do His Work. The pious and the holy have no use to witness God's work.
What bunch of candy asses, here's a nice little song about your magic negro.

When I think about restoring America's greatness, I know most of us think about massive towers of gambling dens shaking every last dollar out of the rubes' pockets, prancing half-nude girls parading on a stage, reality TV shows which encourage greed and jealousy and backstabbing in the contestants, busting into underaged girls dressing rooms, men who cheat on their wives and marry their mistresses and then dump them for even younger mistresses, men who take advantage of their position to molest younger women, bilking senior citizens out of their entire retirement nest eggs at a fake "university", bankruptcies, self-aggrandizement, and one hoax after another. Oh, and hatred toward those less fortunate than ourselves.

Yeah. That's what America and greatness are striving toward. Amen, brothers and sisters! Sing it!
Good God-fearing folk, singing Dear Leader's praises about MAGA.

We take you now to one of Trump's temples where he worships his God...


But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."
What bunch of candy asses, here's a nice little song about your magic negro.

It was wrong then, it is wrong now. Too bad you are too far up Trump's ass to see that
What bunch of candy asses, here's a nice little song about your magic negro.

It was wrong then, it is wrong now. Too bad you are too far up Trump's ass to see that

Where is the name "Trump" in the "Make America Great Again"?

Oh yeah. It isn't in there. It's a prayer for America. Pretty much the opposite of the Obama song, but you aren't interested in reality.
Good God-fearing folk, singing Dear Leader's praises about MAGA.

We take you now to one of Trump's temples where he worships his God...


But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."
Would she get free drinks ?
religion is about god.....not America. I go to church to worship god. Not once had America ever been mentioned in a sermon.
The likes of pat Robertson have made millions at the expense of those who buy into a different interpretation of the bible than most others. That's what scares me.
The song isn't bad at all. I do think it would have come across much-much better if they would have hired a bubble machine to accompany its singing.
No one on the left seemed to have issue with this. More terrifying than a religious group singing about making America great.


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