Make America Great Again?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
How do you make America great again, by yelling to the crowds, fuck you, mother fucker, asshole, etc., and when challenged by a parent about what should he tell his children, and that his language is unpresidential,....Trump basically tells him to fuck off and ridicules him to the audience?
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
Absolutely agree. He is a narcissist and a conman who is only interested in himself.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
Absolutely agree. He is a narcissist and a conman who is only interested in himself.
Yes, several people in the psychological field reached the same analysis of Trump. Hard to believe the right could sink so low, but after murder. torture & rape of innocent chained and detained women and children, anything is possible and permissible.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

Ever hear of Kitty Genovese? Same thing. Has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with relativistic, non-judgemental behavior influences within and a general coarsening of modern society. Sociopathy is the new norm.

And we know where those influences come from.

"Detective Jason Hicks said: 'Just for the fact that they’re seeing someone lying in the street and didn’t render aid, they need to be held accountable."

I have mixed feelings about this. Due to the litigious nature of modern society, without Good Samaritan laws in place anyone rendering assistance could be placing themselves and their family in serious legal jeopardy.

We know where that comes from too.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
I think there is a change in society. In the past, in a situation like this with someone, especially a child, lying hurt in the street, most people would stop. Something has changed in our society. Not for the better.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

This kind of inhumanity is generally acceptable by the spiritless in the Obama years, innocent/cowardly cop killing seems acceptable also.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
Absolutely agree. He is a narcissist and a conman who is only interested in himself.

Yes, he is, but so too are many politicians. Sanders, the Pauls I like because they have convictions, principles, even if many people don't agree with them, they stand by them not matter what. Trump and Clinton are changers, they change for whatever gets them the votes.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

This kind of inhumanity is generally acceptable by the spiritless in the Obama years, innocent/cowardly cop killing seems acceptable also.

Doesn't have anything to do with Obama though. This is something that has been happening for a long time. Some might say since the 1950s, others might choose a different time and for different reasons. Either way, people are losing their sense of community, and only care about themselves.
What conclusion, concerning these sort of careless acts, can one come to just because this one is out in the open. Every day this stuff goes on in America and the world. Why focus here, why not there? Consider poverty, abuse, greed, and then say what. A city's citizens were poisoned, a family's livelihood was outsourced to make a few extra bucks, a child lives in a slum with decrepit schools and public services, no need to go on. Moral outrage is so interesting an aspect of life but often its focus isn't broad enough. Off my soapbox.

'Make America Great Again'
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
I think there is a change in society. In the past, in a situation like this with someone, especially a child, lying hurt in the street, most people would stop. Something has changed in our society. Not for the better.

I think people have seen this happening for a while, and the politicians are doing nothing to make anything better. In American it's not what can you do for you country but "what can you do for yourselves?"
What conclusion, concerning these sort of careless acts, can one come to just because this one is out in the open. Every day this stuff goes on in America and the world. Why focus here, why not there? Consider poverty, abuse, greed, and then say what. A city's citizens were poisoned, a family's livelihood was outsourced to make a few extra bucks, a child lives in a slum with decrepit schools and public services, no need to go on. Moral outrage is so interesting an aspect of life but often its focus isn't broad enough. Off my soapbox.

'Make America Great Again'

Very true. However you can focus on the many too, however as often happens, the less personal it becomes, the less people care.

A person kills a student in a high school near where you live, BIG OUTRAGE
A bomb goes off killing 200 in an Iraqi market. Who cares? Another bomb? Whatever.

There's clearly a difference, but one's close to home, the other isn't, one is personal, the other isn't.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
I think there is a change in society. In the past, in a situation like this with someone, especially a child, lying hurt in the street, most people would stop. Something has changed in our society. Not for the better.
Today, everything is a problem for someone else, a solution that someone else is going to come up with, a burden for someone else or a responsibility of someone else - never for you.

I think that permeates through all society these days, marks the loss of personal responsibility and is ultimately where things like this come from. Everyone expects that another will stop and address the dying kid until the unthinkable happens - they die because no one ended up being that person.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
I think there is a change in society. In the past, in a situation like this with someone, especially a child, lying hurt in the street, most people would stop. Something has changed in our society. Not for the better.
Today, everything is a problem for someone else, a solution that someone else is going to come up with, a burden for someone else or a responsibility of someone else - never for you.

I think that permeates through all society these days, marks the loss of personal responsibility and is ultimately where things like this come from. Everyone expects that another will stop and address the dying kid until the unthinkable happens - they die because no one ended up being that person.

I lived in a time when everyone would have stopped and life had value, now humanity only lives in pockets of America. I'm thinking that living in pure reality (no inner spirit) must be hell.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
I think there is a change in society. In the past, in a situation like this with someone, especially a child, lying hurt in the street, most people would stop. Something has changed in our society. Not for the better.
Today, everything is a problem for someone else, a solution that someone else is going to come up with, a burden for someone else or a responsibility of someone else - never for you.

I think that permeates through all society these days, marks the loss of personal responsibility and is ultimately where things like this come from. Everyone expects that another will stop and address the dying kid until the unthinkable happens - they die because no one ended up being that person.

Actually your first point seems to be the problem. People always thinking "why should I.....?"

Why should I pay to fix a problem? Why should I have to pay taxes for things I don't use. Why should I do jury service? Why should I do anything that isn't for me, me, meeeeee?

You say it's a lost of personal responsibility, maybe, but then you've lost the collective responsibility.
LOL, I bet they were liberals. good grief, coming to some conclusion all over ONE story. is there anything not wrong with this country from all of the high and mighty and snobs who lives in it?
LOL, I bet they were liberals. good grief, coming to some conclusion all over ONE story. is there anything not wrong with this country from all of the high and mighty and snobs who lives in it?
OMG You are so ridiculous. You 'bet' all the people who drove down that street that day were liberals. Seriously. You are pathetic. OMG! Amazing.

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