Makes you wonder what we don't know...


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
The events at the Secret Service, IRS and now VA system cast a sobering light on the Obama management style. The famous, "No Drama Obama" style is fine if it means that he doesn't amplify matters out of context. If it means that his subordinates are afraid to create drama where some is necessary, it's a different kettle of fish.

Think about all that our government does. Inspecting roads and bridges, inspecting meat raised state-side, inspecting inbound cargo at our ports, etc...

If you Google the inspection of beef, for example, the first hits
Report: USDA Meat Inspection System Poor - ABC News
Federal Meat Inspectors Spread Thin as Recalls Rise | Center for Effective Government

If you look at the FTSB, you see the following...
Late bridge inspections put public at risk - US news - Bridge inspections | NBC News

As I type this, the TV in my office is talking about how thinly spread air traffic controllers are.

There is only so much money we're willing to spend, apparently, stateside to ensure our own safety and the problems were there long before Obama got there and will be there long after he goes. His responsibility is only for the 8 years he is there but it would be nice if the "no drama" moniker would give way to addressing these issues of lax inspection. How many of these people are just fudging their reports, "Yeah, I inspected 3,000 cows yesterday..." or "I investigated the latest close call between flights landing at LAX"...really? Is someone making sure the cows and close calls are inspected?
Perhaps if he actually did something instead of making excuses!


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