Making excuses


The political correctness that was taking over the service in the late nineties was a good part of the reason I decided enough was enough at twenty. Fortunately I don't have to live with the bull crap anymore since I'm now self employed. Unfortunately I have to listen to it when I listen to the news or have dealings with government agencies. Otherwise I can just tell a person who thinks they can disrespect me to go f*** themselves...... Of course I have other methods of saying the same thing to government employees who think they're special or better than me.



hey someone who knows about Wishbone Ash! not alone....


I used the Argus album picture as my avatar on my first forum the DMR (Des Moines Register) many, many moons ago.


That's why America is turning right. People are sick of that LGBT liberal agenda. It doesn't work, people can't stand it anymore. For some reason those liberal faggots believe that they can do everything they want.
Personally I do not think racism was the determining factor in yesterday's shooting or in the Charleston shooting.

That's a broad jump from reality since the church murderer chose his target because of its major significance to African American history and he said he did it to start a race war.

The on camera murderer in Roanoke said he bought his gun two days after the church shootings. So in that sense he is very much a racially motivated murderer.

Nobody is excusing him because he is black - or ignoring any of the motivations he had including buying the gun right after the church shooting.
Roshawn 12170627
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Avoiding the obvious was the excuse. It was several hours before media reported the obvious, a black on white crime.

How many minutes after the murder occurred did you first hear about it? What news agency were you monitoring for several hours?
IronFist 12170773
For some reason those liberal faggots believe that they can do everything they want.

There are gay conservatives. You should not jump to conclusions. Liberals are not as fond of guns as conservatives are. Are you equally concerned that an admitted white supremacist that wanted to ignite a race war in America and who was welcomed into a black church in order to kill nine people believes he can do everything he wants?

Does that rightwing hatred work and people can stand it?
Roshawn 12170627
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Avoiding the obvious was the excuse. It was several hours before media reported the obvious, a black on white crime.

How many minutes after the murder occurred did you first hear about it? What news agency were you monitoring for several hours?
All the initial reports NEVER mentioned his race and as far as I know they still did not even after the manifesto was delivered or the picture of the shooter was finally shown. I know all the first 2 to4 hours race was never mentioned AT ALL. and the later pieces all made excuses for his violence with claims he was mistreated.
RGS 12171154.
ll the initial reports NEVER mentioned his race and as far as I know they still did not even after the manifesto was delivered or the picture of the shooter was finally shown. I know all the first 2 to4 hours race was never mentioned AT ALL. and the later pieces all made excuses for his violence with claims he was mistreated

How many minutes after the murder occurred did you first hear about it? What news agency were you monitoring for two to four hours?

And you are obviously confused about when news agencies report facts. His manifesto was published immediately and he said in it he was abused as well as that he considered himself a racist against whites blacks and Latinos. Your OP did not mention those critical facts about this case. I heard it on the radio ABC at 6:00 pm the first time I heard about it probably like most people that work all day.

You need to learn that reporting facts immediately following a sensational murder is not excusing the murderer - it is called reporting the facts. IfvABC waited it was probably proper protocol to check the manifesto for authenticity and perhaps with the police investigators before going public. That is not a liberal PR plot it is professional journalism.

Nobody excused this murderer and no on on this thread has quoted a liberal doing so. Now there is another fact.
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Roshawn 12170271
His racist motive is being excused.

Show me a quote from someone 'excusing' whatever it was that motivated this murderer or any murderer to commit murder.

Dont be a dumbass.
The disparity in the reaction to these murders is obvious.
Just like the disparity in the reaction to the drive by murder of the nine year old vs. the killing of Mike "dirt nap" Brown.
The nine year old gets a calm measured response while the death of a common thug brings riots and looting.
You'd have to be blind not to see the bias.
HWGA 12172180b
The disparity in the reaction to these murders is obvious.

There is no disparity in reaction to any mass or sensational shooting spree. Reaction is grief for the victims and the people around them. I have never heard a reaction that excuses these types of murderers.

The major lasting reaction in the aftermath of the church shooting was recognizing the grace and dignity and lack of anger from the grief stricken church members and the coming together of all members of that community and from the governor of the state and most politicians from the right and left.

Find me a quote where this dead murderer is excused for what he did to those two young and innocent people doing their job.
HWGA 12172180b
The disparity in the reaction to these murders is obvious.

There is no disparity in reaction to any mass or sensational shooting spree. Reaction is grief for the victims and the people around them. I have never heard a reaction that excuses these types of murderers.

The major news reaction in the aftermath of the church shooting was tecignizing the grace and dignity and lack of anger from the grief stricken church members and the coming together of all members of that community and from the governor of the state and most politicians from the right and left.

That was a significant reaction to having nine loved one gunned down by a racist wanting to start a race war.
HWGA 12172180b
The disparity in the reaction to these murders is obvious.

There is no disparity in reaction to any mass or sensational shooting spree. Reaction is grief for the victims and the people around them. I have never heard a reaction that excuses these types of murderers.

The major lasting reaction in the aftermath of the church shooting was recognizing the grace and dignity and lack of anger from the grief stricken church members and the coming together of all members of that community and from the governor of the state and most politicians from the right and left.

Find me a quote where this dead murderer is excused for what he did to those two young and innocent people doing their job.

The Motivations Behind the WDBJ On-Air Shooting: When Does Anger Turn to Violence?

Remind me if any of this contemplation occurred after a white guy shot 9 people? As I recall all we heard was he was a racist and evil.

Both men decided to kill certain people based on the color of their skin. Yet one is vilified and denigrated while the other is given excuses for his murderous rampage.

Part of that is Political correctness, it is accepted to attack whites as racist but it is not accepted to attack blacks as racist. Part of it is completely political. It is accepted by the Left that whites are racist and blacks are victims. So if a white murders blacks he is a racist, if a black murders white it was work place violence. Same with Islam. If a Muslim murders he did it cause he is insane or because of other factors not because of his religion.

The left has a problem and they are making it worse not better.
The only person I noticed defending Roof was you.
The Motivations Behind the WDBJ On-Air Shooting: When Does Anger Turn to Violence?

Remind me if any of this contemplation occurred after a white guy shot 9 people? As I recall all we heard was he was a racist and evil.

Both men decided to kill certain people based on the color of their skin. Yet one is vilified and denigrated while the other is given excuses for his murderous rampage.

Part of that is Political correctness, it is accepted to attack whites as racist but it is not accepted to attack blacks as racist. Part of it is completely political. It is accepted by the Left that whites are racist and blacks are victims. So if a white murders blacks he is a racist, if a black murders white it was work place violence. Same with Islam. If a Muslim murders he did it cause he is insane or because of other factors not because of his religion.

The left has a problem and they are making it worse not better.
The only person I noticed defending Roof was you.
Be SPECIFIC quote where i defend him. You made a claim back it the fuck up. Perhaps you can explain why Roof was a racist murderer but the black guy was troubled man?

The political correctness that was taking over the service in the late nineties was a good part of the reason I decided enough was enough at twenty. Fortunately I don't have to live with the bull crap anymore since I'm now self employed. Unfortunately I have to listen to it when I listen to the news or have dealings with government agencies. Otherwise I can just tell a person who thinks they can disrespect me to go f*** themselves...... Of course I have other methods of saying the same thing to government employees who think they're special or better than me.



hey someone who knows about Wishbone Ash! not alone....

Saw them over the weekend. Andy Powell is the only remaining original member, but he's got fantastic musicians with him and they did justice to the old classics. :thup:
We got to meet with the band and get pictures. Had Andy sign my "There's the Rub" album cover.

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