Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

Seems impossible even with its transponders off an aircraft couldn't be tracked. May not have ID and altitude anymore among a sea of other radar returns, but can't those radars filter out the known aircraft leacing only unknown returns? Can't be that many on the very day it vanished.

I don't see how a plane 4 hours out into the ocean could be 'tracked.' I've flown over the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean. I've never seen a tower or doppler in the middle of them.
Because in spite of the two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane was still sending signals via satellite.

Despite these two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane still sent signals to a satellite after the aircraft went missing in the form of 'pings' - rather like a cellphone does, even if it is not switched on.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the 'pings' sent from missing flight 370 provided the plane's location, speed and altitude for at least five hours after it vanished from radar.
The final message was sent to satellites - operated by British telecommunications company Immarsat - over water at what officials say was a normal cruising altitude, believed to be 35,000.
US officials declined to reveal the location of the last ever transmission sent by flight 370 and admitted they do not know why they stopped.
However, the U.S. is currently moving surveillance planes to an area of the Indian Ocean 1,000 miles or more west of Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

Read more: Officials 'convinced' 2 communications systems on missing Malaysia plane were deliberately shut off |

Radar only extends so far. Most of us landlubbers understand that air traffic controllers typically use radar to monitor a flight's progress. That's all very well over land. But radar also has a limited range, and you can't put a radar station in the middle of the ocean. So pilots often have to stay in contact through other means, such as periodic radio check-ins. In between check-ins, the controller has only a general idea of where a plane is and where it's headed.
Technology tracks our every move. How can an entire plane go missing?

The fact that the transponders were turned off is why there is reason to believe that there was intentional interference. Even though the main means of tracking the plane were turned off, the satellite pings indicate that the plane was still flying for some time. So, it's not cut and dried that the plane crashed and is at the bottom of the sea....we still don't know, all is just speculation.

“On 9/11, those hijackers turned off all the transponders, and [controllers] could still somewhat follow those airplanes, so there was some primary capability in the system,” Wallace said.

The Malaysian military said that after Flight 370’s transponder stopped transmitting, an unidentified airplane was detected at an altitude used only by airliners and military jets.

“That would not happen at high altitude unless it was military,” Wallace said. “There wouldn’t be any legal civilian operation without a transponder.”

Radar track showing shift in Malaysia Airlines flight is questioned - The Washington Post

Then you should get off your butt, take their hands, and lead them to the plane. Oh wait, you don't know where it is! Silly me.
The transponder controls are in the cockpit because the pilots have to be able to change transponder codes at ATC's request. ATC often request pilots to "squawk" different codes depending on the flight path. They also have several assigned codes to use for emergency conditions (like hijack, radio inop, decompression, etc)

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but you and anyone here can just walk in and shut it off. hello ??

Not sure your garden variety terrorist could do that. The 9-11 terrorists took flying lessons and could drive a plane around the sky, but the weren't trained to fly jets. I don't think an islamic terrorist would have a clue about that.

happened to radar?

What? Did you actually say the 9/11 terrorist couldn't fly jets? Your comments keep getting dumber by the minute.
I don't see how a plane 4 hours out into the ocean could be 'tracked.' I've flown over the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean. I've never seen a tower or doppler in the middle of them.
Because in spite of the two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane was still sending signals via satellite.

Despite these two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane still sent signals to a satellite after the aircraft went missing in the form of 'pings' - rather like a cellphone does, even if it is not switched on.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the 'pings' sent from missing flight 370 provided the plane's location, speed and altitude for at least five hours after it vanished from radar.
The final message was sent to satellites - operated by British telecommunications company Immarsat - over water at what officials say was a normal cruising altitude, believed to be 35,000.
US officials declined to reveal the location of the last ever transmission sent by flight 370 and admitted they do not know why they stopped.
However, the U.S. is currently moving surveillance planes to an area of the Indian Ocean 1,000 miles or more west of Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

Read more: Officials 'convinced' 2 communications systems on missing Malaysia plane were deliberately shut off |

Radar only extends so far. Most of us landlubbers understand that air traffic controllers typically use radar to monitor a flight's progress. That's all very well over land. But radar also has a limited range, and you can't put a radar station in the middle of the ocean. So pilots often have to stay in contact through other means, such as periodic radio check-ins. In between check-ins, the controller has only a general idea of where a plane is and where it's headed.
Technology tracks our every move. How can an entire plane go missing?

The fact that the transponders were turned off is why there is reason to believe that there was intentional interference. Even though the main means of tracking the plane were turned off, the satellite pings indicate that the plane was still flying for some time. So, it's not cut and dried that the plane crashed and is at the bottom of the sea....we still don't know, all is just speculation.

“On 9/11, those hijackers turned off all the transponders, and [controllers] could still somewhat follow those airplanes, so there was some primary capability in the system,” Wallace said.

The Malaysian military said that after Flight 370’s transponder stopped transmitting, an unidentified airplane was detected at an altitude used only by airliners and military jets.

“That would not happen at high altitude unless it was military,” Wallace said. “There wouldn’t be any legal civilian operation without a transponder.”

Radar track showing shift in Malaysia Airlines flight is questioned - The Washington Post

Then you should get off your butt, take their hands, and lead them to the plane. Oh wait, you don't know where it is! Silly me.

And neither do you, but you are trying to act as an expert, putting others down, when your comments keep getting dumber by the minute... Yep.....silly you...
Because in spite of the two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane was still sending signals via satellite.

Despite these two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane still sent signals to a satellite after the aircraft went missing in the form of 'pings' - rather like a cellphone does, even if it is not switched on.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the 'pings' sent from missing flight 370 provided the plane's location, speed and altitude for at least five hours after it vanished from radar.
The final message was sent to satellites - operated by British telecommunications company Immarsat - over water at what officials say was a normal cruising altitude, believed to be 35,000.
US officials declined to reveal the location of the last ever transmission sent by flight 370 and admitted they do not know why they stopped.
However, the U.S. is currently moving surveillance planes to an area of the Indian Ocean 1,000 miles or more west of Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

Read more: Officials 'convinced' 2 communications systems on missing Malaysia plane were deliberately shut off |

Technology tracks our every move. How can an entire plane go missing?

The fact that the transponders were turned off is why there is reason to believe that there was intentional interference. Even though the main means of tracking the plane were turned off, the satellite pings indicate that the plane was still flying for some time. So, it's not cut and dried that the plane crashed and is at the bottom of the sea....we still don't know, all is just speculation.

“On 9/11, those hijackers turned off all the transponders, and [controllers] could still somewhat follow those airplanes, so there was some primary capability in the system,” Wallace said.

The Malaysian military said that after Flight 370’s transponder stopped transmitting, an unidentified airplane was detected at an altitude used only by airliners and military jets.

“That would not happen at high altitude unless it was military,” Wallace said. “There wouldn’t be any legal civilian operation without a transponder.”

Radar track showing shift in Malaysia Airlines flight is questioned - The Washington Post

Then you should get off your butt, take their hands, and lead them to the plane. Oh wait, you don't know where it is! Silly me.

And neither do you, but you are trying to act as an expert, putting others down, when your comments keep getting dumber by the minute... Yep.....silly you...

I am not pretending that I know where they are. I do know there have been problems with the 777 from the very start, which I have posted and documented. But you do not wish to accept that, so keep on trolling.
This may be a record for a missing plane. The confusion and speculation is at a fever pitch.

Over a billion hits on google searching for 'flight 370'

The latest,

Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely - NY Daily News

" Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely"

Five things to know about India's Andaman Islands

now they are saying the chinese had an 'event in the water'.....90 minutes after the plane disappeared

Not all are in agreement about the cause:

• "Seafloor event": Chinese researchers say they recorded a "seafloor event" in waters around Malaysia and Vietnam about an hour and a half after the missing plane's last known contact. The event was recorded in a non-seismic region about 116 kilometers (72 miles) northeast of the plane's last confirmed location, the University of Science and Technology of China said.

"Judging from the time and location of the two events, the seafloor event may have been caused by MH370 crashing into the sea," said a statement posted on the university's website.

However, U.S. Geological Survey earthquake scientist Harley Benz said Friday that the event appeared to be consistent with a naturally occurring 2.7-magnitude earthquake.

CNN Exclusive: Analysis shows Flight 370 crashed in Indian Ocean -
Yet another theory is taking shape about what might have happened to missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Maybe it landed in a remote Indian Ocean island chain.

The suggestion -- and it's only that at this point -- is based on analysis of radar data revealed Friday by Reuters suggesting that the plane wasn't just blindly flying northwest from Malaysia. And it's just one of untold theories floating around about what might have happened to the airliner, which disappeared a week ago without leaving much of a trace of where it had gone or why.

CNN Exclusive: Analysis shows Flight 370 crashed in Indian Ocean -

Oh MY! Gilligan's Island?
Today's "new" theory.

...that because of sabotage or a hijacking attempt or mechanical malfunction...the Indian Ocean has swallowed flight 370.

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