Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

This may be a record for a missing plane. The confusion and speculation is at a fever pitch.
This may be a record for a missing plane. The confusion and speculation is at a fever pitch.

Over a billion hits on google searching for 'flight 370'

The latest,

Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely - NY Daily News

" Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely"
This may be a record for a missing plane. The confusion and speculation is at a fever pitch.

Over a billion hits on google searching for 'flight 370'

The latest,

Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely - NY Daily News

" Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely"

Gee really? Lol

I said that THE DAY AFTER it vanished.

More proof how inept government is.
This may be a record for a missing plane. The confusion and speculation is at a fever pitch.

Over a billion hits on google searching for 'flight 370'

The latest,

Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely - NY Daily News

" Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely"

Gee really? Lol

I said that THE DAY AFTER it vanished.

More proof how inept government is.


Heh...So where did it go?

I am thinking Eastern China in the Uyghur province, or fish food.
Over a billion hits on google searching for 'flight 370'

The latest,

Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely - NY Daily News

" Radar suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 diverted towards Andaman Islands as U.S. official says 'act of piracy' a possibility and plane may have LANDED safely"

Gee really? Lol

I said that THE DAY AFTER it vanished.

More proof how inept government is.


Heh...So where did it go?

I am thinking Eastern China in the Uyghur province, or fish food.

I need a big hat like that to help contain my brilliance
Actually, yes, they did and I have posted the link. Clearly you choose to remain ignorant.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Yeah, your link doesn't have the article you quoted.....but it did have this...which again dismisses your earlier claim.....guess you're the one that insists on remaining ignorant.

While aviation experts described both Malaysia Airlines and the Boeing 777 as having a solid safety record, an incident on a flight between Perth and Kuala Lumpur led to a safety alert being issued for 777s worldwide.

I quoted it because I knew you wouldn't have sense enough to us the link:,d.eW0

You keep missing the point, which doesn't surprise me.....but still, your "quote" says they've known of the autopilot error for 7 years....but there were no reported crashes in those, apparently it wasn't as you tried to imply - "they've had problems all along" - and even this Malaysian plane, it hasn't been determined that it was a malfunction with the aircraft, but rather foul play is suspected. So, no matter how many times you try to defend your original position, you fail, because the aircraft has been proclaimed as one of the safest.
Muhammad Atta did not have a license. He was still in flight school when he flew a plane into the WTC. In fact, six months after the event, Atta was sent a letter approving his request for grant money to continue in school. We paid for the training he got.

The Malaysian authorities knew almost immediately that the plane went off course and waited 90 hours before telling anyone. No one finds that rather odd?

Here's Atta's TAC. The third area clearly reads "Commercial Pilot"


Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Says he only had 'private pilot privileges'. Not commercial. Big difference. My brother and nephew both have small planes. No comparison.

And even that just temporary. I was wrong though. I thought he had been approved for a grant. Not true. His student visa was extended so he could attend flight school. - Six months after Sept. 11, hijackers' visa approval letters received - March 13, 2002
Muhammed Atta and Hani Hanjour both had commercial pilots licenses. Hanjour almost got hired by Emerites Airline when he went to Jeddah in 2000.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Yeah, it says commercial in the title, but read below that.

It is a commercial license. The 4 categories are ratings he achieved newest to oldest. The last rating he got was MultiEngine Land. That would qualify him to fly jets, but not over water.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.

Interesting. I recall distinctly CNN saying that the 9-11 terrorists had a few flying lessons and could 'drive the plane around in the sky,' and that was all he could do. The media would NEVER lie to us would they. That little tidbit brought the feds down on that little air school. It is interesting to note that one or all had a TN driver's license.
You guys are like comedy gold. Never saw so much clueless in one place.

Go west young man lol.
Yeah, your link doesn't have the article you quoted.....but it did have this...which again dismisses your earlier claim.....guess you're the one that insists on remaining ignorant.

While aviation experts described both Malaysia Airlines and the Boeing 777 as having a solid safety record, an incident on a flight between Perth and Kuala Lumpur led to a safety alert being issued for 777s worldwide.

I quoted it because I knew you wouldn't have sense enough to us the link:,d.eW0

You keep missing the point, which doesn't surprise me.....but still, your "quote" says they've known of the autopilot error for 7 years....but there were no reported crashes in those, apparently it wasn't as you tried to imply - "they've had problems all along" - and even this Malaysian plane, it hasn't been determined that it was a malfunction with the aircraft, but rather foul play is suspected. So, no matter how many times you try to defend your original position, you fail, because the aircraft has been proclaimed as one of the safest.

Where did I say there had been crashes? Post up please. I'm waiting.
They had enough fuel to get to Pakistan.

btw....Can you land a 777 on three aircraft carriers all lined up?
They had enough fuel to get to Pakistan.

btw....Can you land a 777 on three aircraft carriers all lined up?

While I was in Gulf Shores, I went to the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola. You should see the exhibit and movie they show about the difficulty of landing even a small plane on a carrier. They fished out several of them that went into the drink in lake Michigan where they trained the pilots to land on a carrier. It is like trying to land a plane on a dime. The planes AND the carriers are equipped with things that will stop them almost as soon as they hit the deck. Not only would a commercial pilot not be able to do this, there would be space between 3 ships. I've spent enough time boating on the lake to know how difficult it is just to step from an anchored boat up onto the dock without the boat slipping out from under you and making you do the splits then fall in the water. It could not be done.

The entire concept is ridiculous.
Seems impossible even with its transponders off an aircraft couldn't be tracked. May not have ID and altitude anymore among a sea of other radar returns, but can't those radars filter out the known aircraft leacing only unknown returns? Can't be that many on the very day it vanished.

I don't see how a plane 4 hours out into the ocean could be 'tracked.' I've flown over the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean. I've never seen a tower or doppler in the middle of them.
Because in spite of the two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane was still sending signals via satellite.

Despite these two crucial tracking devices being inoperative, the plane still sent signals to a satellite after the aircraft went missing in the form of 'pings' - rather like a cellphone does, even if it is not switched on.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the 'pings' sent from missing flight 370 provided the plane's location, speed and altitude for at least five hours after it vanished from radar.
The final message was sent to satellites - operated by British telecommunications company Immarsat - over water at what officials say was a normal cruising altitude, believed to be 35,000.
US officials declined to reveal the location of the last ever transmission sent by flight 370 and admitted they do not know why they stopped.
However, the U.S. is currently moving surveillance planes to an area of the Indian Ocean 1,000 miles or more west of Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

Read more: Officials 'convinced' 2 communications systems on missing Malaysia plane were deliberately shut off |

Radar only extends so far. Most of us landlubbers understand that air traffic controllers typically use radar to monitor a flight's progress. That's all very well over land. But radar also has a limited range, and you can't put a radar station in the middle of the ocean. So pilots often have to stay in contact through other means, such as periodic radio check-ins. In between check-ins, the controller has only a general idea of where a plane is and where it's headed.
Technology tracks our every move. How can an entire plane go missing?

The fact that the transponders were turned off is why there is reason to believe that there was intentional interference. Even though the main means of tracking the plane were turned off, the satellite pings indicate that the plane was still flying for some time. So, it's not cut and dried that the plane crashed and is at the bottom of the sea....we still don't know, all is just speculation.

“On 9/11, those hijackers turned off all the transponders, and [controllers] could still somewhat follow those airplanes, so there was some primary capability in the system,” Wallace said.

The Malaysian military said that after Flight 370’s transponder stopped transmitting, an unidentified airplane was detected at an altitude used only by airliners and military jets.

“That would not happen at high altitude unless it was military,” Wallace said. “There wouldn’t be any legal civilian operation without a transponder.”

Radar track showing shift in Malaysia Airlines flight is questioned - The Washington Post

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