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Man-hating liberals latest attack on Christmas - God raped Mary

LOL at the leftists being smug, "heh, you believe in a virgin birth? lemme guess you believe in a flying spaghetti monster as well?"

Salon on Twitter Sorry Bible thumpers New evidence suggests that Santa Claus may have never existed

Here is a little secret for you. Nobody actually believes in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. That's just a way to make fun of bible thumpers. I thought most people could figure that out for themselves.
What are you blathering on about? Can you not even understand that I was being facetious, as was the tweet I linked?

You are a walking atheist parody.

OK. I made couple silly absurd jokes. Sorry if my sense of humor doesn't match yours.
You don't have a sense of humor.

My ex wife said same thing, but she was a whiney bitch.
Ex wife, why am I not surprised?
I agree Christmas is just a money-making racket but this is going too far.

A Feminist s Christmas Tale God Raped Mary

dec 22 2014
Salon and Alternet seem to exist only to provide click-bait for kooks. Alternet certainly succeeded with their Sunday article entitled, “Why rape is so intrinsic to religion” which was also cross-posted on partner site Salon. In the article by Valerie Tarico, she tries to argue that the virgin birth of Jesus Christ was God raping Mary, similar to Greek and Hindu tales of gods raping women. “It’s a common theme in the history of religion, and it’s more than a little rapey,” Tarico claims.

“Rapey” is not exactly an adjective most would use to describe the Christmas story, but never underestimate what an Alternet writer can come up with! Tarico even manages to tie it all in to “the shocking prevalence” of rape “on college campuses and in society at large.” I guess she completely ignored the Rolling Stone apology and media blow-up, showing that one student’s account of shocking gang rape might’ve been false. Not to mention, the most recent comprehensive study from the DOJ which shows, 20 percent of college-age women are not raped on campus, more like 0.6%.

After citing a litany of Greek tales, Hindu and Buddhist fables, Tarico astutely surmised,

“None of them has freely given female consent as a part of the narrative.” She adds the Biblical account of the virgin birth in there too, for good measure: “Luke’s Mary assents after being not asked but told by a powerful supernatural being what is going to happen to her, “Behold the bond slave of the Lord: be it done to me . . .”).

4) Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

DON'T forget that 50 pieces of silver or where sexism came from......If you want to challenge this, read the first chapter in the Bible.....
Everyone one of these insane mother fuckers needs to be locked up in a mental hospital. men are getting tired of being insulted.
I agree Christmas is just a money-making racket but this is going too far.

A Feminist s Christmas Tale God Raped Mary

dec 22 2014
Salon and Alternet seem to exist only to provide click-bait for kooks. Alternet certainly succeeded with their Sunday article entitled, “Why rape is so intrinsic to religion” which was also cross-posted on partner site Salon. In the article by Valerie Tarico, she tries to argue that the virgin birth of Jesus Christ was God raping Mary, similar to Greek and Hindu tales of gods raping women. “It’s a common theme in the history of religion, and it’s more than a little rapey,” Tarico claims.

“Rapey” is not exactly an adjective most would use to describe the Christmas story, but never underestimate what an Alternet writer can come up with! Tarico even manages to tie it all in to “the shocking prevalence” of rape “on college campuses and in society at large.” I guess she completely ignored the Rolling Stone apology and media blow-up, showing that one student’s account of shocking gang rape might’ve been false. Not to mention, the most recent comprehensive study from the DOJ which shows, 20 percent of college-age women are not raped on campus, more like 0.6%.

After citing a litany of Greek tales, Hindu and Buddhist fables, Tarico astutely surmised,

“None of them has freely given female consent as a part of the narrative.” She adds the Biblical account of the virgin birth in there too, for good measure: “Luke’s Mary assents after being not asked but told by a powerful supernatural being what is going to happen to her, “Behold the bond slave of the Lord: be it done to me . . .”).

What's wrong with making money??? Insulting and being sexist against men seems to be something these assholes enjoy doing.
Anyone who has read the Bible and understands what rape is knows that Mary was not raped in any sense of the word. The Bible records that Mary gave complete consent prior to her being impregnated, and informed consent negates any allegation of rape. The Biblical accounts of Mary's Immaculate Conception are recorded in the Books of Mathew and Luke. Matthew simply says she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost but does not give any additional details. The Book Of Luke, Chapter 1, is where the pertinent details are found, and I will quote from that source. For the sake of brevity, I will edit this Scripture, but I will do so without changing the meaning of the text (all references are from the KJV). Here is what the Bible says:

“And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women …. for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”

Now at this point there is no rape because the angel simply told Mary what would happen in the future. The only question is how Mary responded to this message. She could have said “no way,” which would have made any subsequent impregnation a kind of rape, but she didn't say no. She could have remained silent, which also would have made a subsequent impregnation rape due to lack of informed consent, but she did not remain silent. Here is Mary's exact response:

“And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her” Luke 1:34).

The Bible clearly shows that Mary consented to the miraculous conception, and everything she said after she became pregnant proved she was glad it happened. Here is what she said:

“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name” (Luke 1:46-49).

Rape? No way, no how.
I agree, how certain non-believers mock the Virgin Mary, shows how they view women.

I agree, the fact that the Virgin Mary is the most venerated mortal being in the Church shows how we view women.

You are a sad and petty person that is full of hate.

Well, the Virgin Mary is mocked because she's a ripoff of a lot of pagan Goddess cults.

The actual made up story is kind of silly.
I agree, how certain non-believers mock the Virgin Mary, shows how they view women.

I agree, the fact that the Virgin Mary is the most venerated mortal being in the Church shows how we view women.

You are a sad and petty person that is full of hate.

Well, the Virgin Mary is mocked because she's a ripoff of a lot of pagan Goddess cults.

The actual made up story is kind of silly.
Yea, we know, Mary doesn't exist, the New Testament was some kind of conspiracy or whatever.

I think you have watched too much Zeitgeist and smoked one too many joints.
Yea, we know, Mary doesn't exist, the New Testament was some kind of conspiracy or whatever.

I think you have watched too much Zeitgeist and smoked one too many joints.

Well, funny you should mention that.

The problem with the books of the New testament is that they are out of order. The first writings are the letters of Saint Paul. None of them mention Mary by name, much less the absurd notion that she was a virgin.

The first Gospel we have is Mark, Written probably around 70 AD, when no living people who knew Jesus (if he really existed) were still alive. Mark only makes two references to Jesus' mother neither one of which says anything about her being a virgin.

then we get to the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, written between 80-100 AD. BOth of these borrow heavily from Mark, in fact, 96% of Mark is repeated in one or the other. Now besides the fact that they contradict each other on when Jesus was born. (Matthew says 4 BCE, Luke says 6 CE), why his family was in Bethlehem that day (Matthew says that's where they lived, Luke says they went their for a census) who showed up (Matt says Wise men, Luke says Shepherds) and who Jesus' ancestors were (they use different genealogies to trace him back to David), they do both tell the Virgin Birth Story.

This has a lot more to do with the fact that these Gospel writers were trying to make Jesus into a figure that fulfilled prophecy or smacked around other Gods. a virgin birth does make him a bit more impressive because of the odd birth stories like Horus (who was born after his father Osiris/Serapis had been dismembered by Set) or it fulfills prophecies like those of the old testament that said a virgin would give birth to the messiah. (Another poster talked about the whole Alma controversy, so I won't repeat it here.)

Then you have John, which makes little mention of Mary. Interesting in that this was the Gospel most interested in creating Jesus' own legend as opposed to having him fulfill other people's prophecies. A virgin birth wasn't needed.

So, uh, yeah, they totally made this shit up.
Oh shit, those lying bastards!

It was a con from the beginning, how much did those bastards rake in?
Oh shit, those lying bastards!

It was a con from the beginning, how much did those bastards rake in?

Duly noted you lack the intellectual capacity to understand a myth when you hear one.
I am sure you think so.

Guy, you really have yet to impress anyone with your arguments.
You are mad as hell and you can't take it anymore.

Go calm down and watch some Christopher Hitchens video. Stop being so depressed on the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You are mad as hell and you can't take it anymore.

Go calm down and watch some Christopher Hitchens video. Stop being so depressed on the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I'm not depressed. My relatives got me everything on my list this year, my nieces and nephews enjoyed what I got for them, I had some very fun times with family and friends. Tonight, I'm going to enjoy watching the Doctor Who Christmas episode, which is becoming a tradition for me.

And none of it required me to believe in a Magic Sky Fairy who was his own father.
You are mad as hell and you can't take it anymore.

Go calm down and watch some Christopher Hitchens video. Stop being so depressed on the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I'm not depressed. My relatives got me everything on my list this year, my nieces and nephews enjoyed what I got for them, I had some very fun times with family and friends. Tonight, I'm going to enjoy watching the Doctor Who Christmas episode, which is becoming a tradition for me.

And none of it required me to believe in a Magic Sky Fairy who was his own father.
LOL at watching Dr.Who. And another piece of your goony internet atheist persona comes together.

Why am I not surprised you have no children of your own?
LOL at watching Dr.Who. And another piece of your goony internet atheist persona comes together.

Why am I not surprised you have no children of your own?

Because I don't want them? sorry, man, the one thing that turned me off to the notion of having kids was when I was in the Army, and saw guys ending up paying for kids that were conceived when they were off on deployments.

Anyway, the big difference is, there are probably more good moral lessons from Doctor Who than the Bible, but I know that's a work of fiction.
LOL at watching Dr.Who. And another piece of your goony internet atheist persona comes together.

Why am I not surprised you have no children of your own?

Because I don't want them? sorry, man, the one thing that turned me off to the notion of having kids was when I was in the Army, and saw guys ending up paying for kids that were conceived when they were off on deployments.

Anyway, the big difference is, there are probably more good moral lessons from Doctor Who than the Bible, but I know that's a work of fiction.

Goon who watches and gets "moral guidance" from Dr. Who. Check

Internet Atheist. Check

No Kids. Check

MRA woman-hating Faggot. Check

LOL you are broken beyond repair.
Goon who watches Dr. Who. Check

Internet Atheist. Check

No Kids. Check

MRA woman-hating Faggot. Check

LOL you are broken beyond repair.

Sorry, dude, I'm straight. And I was pretty conservative until about 8 years ago, when I realized that the Bible Thumpers have crashed the GOP into the wall.

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