Man opens fire on crowd at BLM protest .. it was going to happen

Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
What makes you think they were shooting at innocent protestors?

I am sure this is just another Black on Black crime perpetrated by those who really pose a threat to Black Lives.

It happens everyday with these people, you know ....

Funny how nearly all of this social unrest and protesting/rioting is all happening in mostly democrat run cities being aided and facilitated by democrats. Positively reported on by democrat owned MSM, defended by democrat judges, and all at the worst possible time in an economic and health crisis right before an election!

It's almost as if this were yet one more last ditch act of desperation by democrats to again for about the eleventh time try to throw the election of Donald Trump, now trying to throw his reelection.

Just what does the Left WANT so BADLY that they are willing to go to murder and to wreck a nation just to achieve?

Sure doesn't say much for their hope for Joe Biden.
Are we supposed to care about this? Isn't this exactly what the vermin want? The left wingers here should be cheering, they provoked what they're trying to provoke. And,it's in a democrat controlled city; it's the Democratic Party's paid terrorist wing looting their own cities, so why should anybody else care, again?
Louisville, Ky. has shootings every fuckin day...them gang ******* down there shoot somebody every day and the police do nothing, as in this case, but show up, take reports and leave.....thats why we should defund the police...they're completely useless.
If they were removed, in about 3 days, you would be screaming for them to return. So easy to call for a "reform", before you have had to deal with the ramifications of that "reform"

Reminds me of when residents called for removal of all the stray cats in our apartment complex. So they did that. Within 2 weeks, the whole place was overrun with mice, rats, palmetto bugs, lizards, and snakes. The residents couldn't wait to get the cats back. :biggrin:

lol my wife hates snakes,lizards, and tarantulas, but I like having them around; they eat lots of bad bugs.
DNC and their Pravda media throw gas on a fire.......

Then wonder why people get burned........LOL

They wanted this............they wanted CHAOS.......and they do it every 2 years......just more fuel for it this time after the COVID........where their brain washed protesters turned on them.............the DNC went OH SHIT......this wasn't what we wanted.......

Quick Narrative shift to stop the COVID blowback.

Democrats aren't above shooting their own to make Republicans look bad. I remember the Smolette case, the Black who burned a Black church so Whites would be blamed, Blasey Ford and her phony rape allegations and plenty of other instances where Democrats were lying to make White conservatives look bad. So it's totally possible, maybe even probable, that some BLM slacker shot his buddy because he wouldn't give him a bite of his sandwich. Naturally he would insinuate that an older White male would be the only type of people capable of such a thing. Anything goes with Dems. as long as it fits the narrative.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
If they were protesting something real I would say leave them alone but data doesn’t support blacks being attacked.. So what are they really doing disturbing people? Actions have consequences
The data does support the protests and so does the history of white racism against blacks in America.
White racists have infiltrated the protests and have committed most of the violence knowing that blacks would be blamed. And sure enough all we have heard here is about less than 2 percent of the people attending the protests. Many of you are the first to whine about whites being painted with a broad brush. You cry "not all whites" at ANY mention of white racism. So until the broad brush painting of BLM protesters stop, don't come in here whining about not all whites. And when I say this I am talking to the mfs here who are justifying this shooting.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
So they want to abolish police, so that means they don’t want the shooter to be found by cops.

Why are the cops even searching for the shooter?
White racists have infiltrated the protests and have committed most of the violence knowing that blacks would be blamed. And sure enough all we have heard here is about less than 2 percent of the people attending the protests. Many of you are the first to whine about whites being painted with a broad brush. You cry "not all whites" at ANY mention of white racism. So until the broad brush painting of BLM protesters stop, don't come in here whining about not all whites. And when I say this I am talking to the mfs here who are justifying this shooting.
BLM is a Marxist organization, there's nothing good about it whatsoever. Anyone in BLM is either a moron, a Marxist commie, or both.
Most protestors are innocent.

That is completely irrelevant.

You have no clue if this "protester" was innocent or even a protester at all.

You are making a broad assumption.

Is it open season on protesters?

What a dumb comment.

Again, you have no clue who the victims were or why they were targeted.

Can we shoot those protesting against social distancing and wearing masks?

Is anyone protesting against social distancing and wearing masks being shot or even targeted?

Hell, is there even anyone protesting against social distancing and wearing masks?

Another Leftist Alternate Reality Delusion.

How many males can I shoot ? Are females in season?

And, that Leftist Sexist Hate comes shinning through.

Give any Leftist enough room and that Hatred and Intolerance will come shinning through EVERY TIME !!!!

You Leftist are all the same.

You do not live in REALITY.

You live in some Alternate Left Universe filled with Hatred and Intolerance for anyone or anything you think that may disagree with your narrow ethnocentric perception of the world.
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
What makes you think they were shooting at innocent protestors?

I am sure this is just another Black on Black crime perpetrated by those who really pose a threat to Black Lives.

It happens everyday with these people, you know ....

Most protestors are innocent.

Is it open season on protesters? Can we shoot those protesting against social distancing and wearing masks? How many males can I shoot ? Are females in season?
People flying a confederate flag are also protestors. Open season on Bubba?

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
Funny how the police are taking control and responsibility even after being accused of murdering Breonna Taylor. Now the police are protecting the protestors. Funny how that works isn't it?
Oh they don't understand this sort of thing. They figure that the police have been intimidated into working for them no matter how bad they act now, and they might be right in some cases or states... Heard of anyone being reported by the media, otherwise who have killed, beaten, looted, burned, destroyed property, and taken over sections of USA realestate getting sentenced and jailed yet ??? I think I heard maybe some or a bunch of them not getting charged, and released. I love how they (the media) throw the word peaceful protestor's around every chance they get now.

Hopefully they are becoming peaceful, but for the ones that did all that bad, they need to be heavily reported on in the media, and the nation needs to see exactly what happens to non-peaceful protestor's who take the law into their own hands, and make a mockery of it. The nation needs to follow all the trials and sentencing phases of each individual who beat and killed someone, just like they do with these bad cops, because these people were killing and beating the innocent, and that is actually worse than what the cops did when called to a disturbance.

Now the alledged accidental death of the woman Breonna Taylor, should she have been lumped into the cases with the others or did they do this to build a street case against all cop's, and were the media complicit in fueling these riots if participated in this way ??? If so, then media host should be losing their jobs immediately, and they should be sued for allowing their positions to be exploited like that, in OTW which caused innocent people to be killed or get beaten by mobs or rioters due to bias in the media. my city, blacks murdering blacks almost every day ..and these aren't drug dealers being killed-but innocent, good, decent people
White racists have infiltrated the protests and have committed most of the violence knowing that blacks would be blamed. And sure enough all we have heard here is about less than 2 percent of the people attending the protests. Many of you are the first to whine about whites being painted with a broad brush. You cry "not all whites" at ANY mention of white racism. So until the broad brush painting of BLM protesters stop, don't come in here whining about not all whites. And when I say this I am talking to the mfs here who are justifying this shooting.
DAMN those whites!!!

Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
What makes you think they were shooting at innocent protestors?

I am sure this is just another Black on Black crime perpetrated by those who really pose a threat to Black Lives.

It happens everyday with these people, you know ....

Most protestors are innocent.

Is it open season on protesters? Can we shoot those protesting against social distancing and wearing masks? How many males can I shoot ? Are females in season?
I'm not shooting anyone, but I do carry pepper spray and I will use it on any jackass who tries to pass within 6' without a mask.

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