Man opens fire on crowd at BLM protest .. it was going to happen

I'm not shooting anyone, but I do carry pepper spray and I will use it on any jackass who tries to pass within 6' without a mask.
That would be called assault and most Leftist like yourself approve of that kind of violence or worse perpetrated upon innocent Americans..
No, the assault happens when someone breathes their respiratory droplets on me during a pandemic while the 7 day rolling average in my city continues to rise at a hateful level.

I am protecting a loved one with a genetic lung disease. I don't care about their stupid political statements or their learning issues with science. I'm not taking any chances. I will give warning first, but if they don't back the fuck up real quick, I will defend myself from their attack.
And where are you at when all this is supposed to be taking place (on the front lines at the riots)? Shouldn't you be home tending to your loved one that you spoke of ? Heck in that situation it is amazing you go out at all. You know that you can order everything on line these days right ? I mean we do have a pandemic going on, so in your situation what are you doing out with your pepper spray in hand looking for trouble ???
I'll just copy and paste -

I have to leave for essentials like some groceries, Dr. appts, vet appts (my dog has epilepsy) and some Rx.

It sucks but I don't want my husband to die.
My dog had epilepsy too! Holy shit!!! He is on zonisomide (sp)? Annoying condition. But we try to manage it as best we can.
Democrats aren't above shooting their own to make Republicans look bad. I remember the Smolette case, the Black who burned a Black church so Whites would be blamed, Blasey Ford and her phony rape allegations and plenty of other instances where Democrats were lying to make White conservatives look bad. So it's totally possible, maybe even probable, that some BLM slacker shot his buddy because he wouldn't give him a bite of his sandwich. Naturally he would insinuate that an older White male would be the only type of people capable of such a thing. Anything goes with Dems. as long as it fits the narrative.

And we shouldn't forget all those church burnings they kept trying to claim were being burned by 'white racists n stuff', only to catch some of thier hood rat vermin running around doing it all.
No, the assault happens when someone breathes their respiratory droplets on me during a pandemic while the 7 day rolling average in my city continues to rise at a hateful level.

I am protecting a loved one with a genetic lung disease. I don't care about their stupid political statements or their learning issues with science. I'm not taking any chances. I will give warning first, but if they don't back the fuck up real quick, I will defend myself from their attack.
Tell that stupid shit to the Judge and see where it gets your dumbass.

Here's a noble idea.

How about you stay 6 feet from that person and not invade their personal space.

But, that's not what this is really about, is it.

It's really about YOUR DESIRE to assault people who you think don't agree with your insane Leftist ethnocentric views of the world.
I am VERY GOOD at staying 6+' away from people. And I'm also very good at being a Karen, meaning I have screamed at people who came too close when I was standing in line, or tried to use the ATM beside the ATM I was using without wearing a mask, or went the wrong direction down the grocery store aisle so there wasn't enough room to pass with more than 6'. And my voice is loud. So I have not had to use the pepper spray, so far. But if some jackass tries to challenge me and get in my face, I will defend myself, as is my right.

And that really is what this is all about. I'm pissed. I am stuck with extreme virus avoidance measures until there is a cure, or a vaccine. And those could be years away, if they ever happen. I don't like not seeing my children. I don't like not leaving my house except for essential activities like groceries, Dr. and Rx. I'm tired of this shit.

God bless your stupid stupid heart. This is not about YOU and your denial of science and virology in favor of an insane politicization of said virus. Got Damn you Covidiots.
I had the virus. It’s pretty annoying. That being said we all need to respect one another and not become deranged psychos.
I just need people to wear a mask and stay 6' away from me. I am happy to do the same for them. I don't understand how this became so insane and people refuse to believe science.
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White racists have infiltrated the protests and have committed most of the violence knowing that blacks would be blamed. And sure enough all we have heard here is about less than 2 percent of the people attending the protests. Many of you are the first to whine about whites being painted with a broad brush. You cry "not all whites" at ANY mention of white racism. So until the broad brush painting of BLM protesters stop, don't come in here whining about not all whites. And when I say this I am talking to the mfs here who are justifying this shooting.

Actually most of us haven't given a shit about your stupid phony 'racism' claims for decades. lol we know all your problems are self-inflicted by your own political corruption and degenerate dope and gang culture; same with your 'community's' Covid stats and your mass shootings every week and the thousands of serial killers you worship.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
What evidence do you have that the people who were shot were peaceful?
I'm not shooting anyone, but I do carry pepper spray and I will use it on any jackass who tries to pass within 6' without a mask.
That would be called assault and most Leftist like yourself approve of that kind of violence or worse perpetrated upon innocent Americans..
No, the assault happens when someone breathes their respiratory droplets on me during a pandemic while the 7 day rolling average in my city continues to rise at a hateful level.

I am protecting a loved one with a genetic lung disease. I don't care about their stupid political statements or their learning issues with science. I'm not taking any chances. I will give warning first, but if they don't back the fuck up real quick, I will defend myself from their attack.
And where are you at when all this is supposed to be taking place (on the front lines at the riots)? Shouldn't you be home tending to your loved one that you spoke of ? Heck in that situation it is amazing you go out at all. You know that you can order everything on line these days right ? I mean we do have a pandemic going on, so in your situation what are you doing out with your pepper spray in hand looking for trouble ???
I'll just copy and paste -

I have to leave for essentials like some groceries, Dr. appts, vet appts (my dog has epilepsy) and some Rx.

It sucks but I don't want my husband to die.
My dog had epilepsy too! Holy shit!!! He is on zonisomide (sp)? Annoying condition. But we try to manage it as best we can.
Mine is on Phenobarbital, Kepra and Potassium Bromide and he still has cluster seizures about every three weeks.

It's been almost impossible to control but like you say, we do the best we can. He is still a sweetheart.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
The thing people forget about, is how opportunity arises whenever people decide to take law and order into their own hands, and worse they start a war with law enforcement. This is how the evil one and his minions implant themselves amongst the so called peaceful protestor's in hopes to strike out at the innocent from behind what is perceived to be the innocent protestor lines, otherwise that have since become dangerous due to this very thing or fact. A declaration of war had been declared by anyone who decides to over ride law enforcement and our constitution in this country, and this should be met with a counter strategy that seeks to put down such a thing, and places everything back under the flag and all that it stands for in this country. To allow this to go on is treasonous, and those responsible must be found and brought to justice immediately. It shouldn't matter if they are media host or whoever that participated, they should be held responsible for the innocent lives that were lost.

Martial law should be declared, and let the investigations begin.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Wait, are actually approving of someone opening fire or innocent people exercising the first amendment rights?

You are sick.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
Stop lying, rioters aren't protesters.
I'm not shooting anyone, but I do carry pepper spray and I will use it on any jackass who tries to pass within 6' without a mask.
That would be called assault and most Leftist like yourself approve of that kind of violence or worse perpetrated upon innocent Americans..
No, the assault happens when someone breathes their respiratory droplets on me during a pandemic while the 7 day rolling average in my city continues to rise at a hateful level.

I am protecting a loved one with a genetic lung disease. I don't care about their stupid political statements or their learning issues with science. I'm not taking any chances. I will give warning first, but if they don't back the fuck up real quick, I will defend myself from their attack.
And where are you at when all this is supposed to be taking place (on the front lines at the riots)? Shouldn't you be home tending to your loved one that you spoke of ? Heck in that situation it is amazing you go out at all. You know that you can order everything on line these days right ? I mean we do have a pandemic going on, so in your situation what are you doing out with your pepper spray in hand looking for trouble ???
I'll just copy and paste -

I have to leave for essentials like some groceries, Dr. appts, vet appts (my dog has epilepsy) and some Rx.

It sucks but I don't want my husband to die.
My dog had epilepsy too! Holy shit!!! He is on zonisomide (sp)? Annoying condition. But we try to manage it as best we can.
Mine is on Phenobarbital, Kepra and Potassium Bromide and he still has cluster seizures about every three weeks.

It's been almost impossible to control but like you say, we do the best we can. He is still a sweetheart.
Knock on wood mine is down to about 1 every 7 weeks. He has minor focal ones too though here and there. He is 8 now and dealing with this since he was 3. It’s not easy for sure. I feel your pain. With our dog he can go for 3 mos and not have one and then have two in a row like 12 hrs apart. He is only on zonisomide and gabopentin if he needs it at night.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Wait, are actually approving of someone opening fire or innocent people exercising the first amendment rights?

You are sick.
Yes stay home
How come we haven't seen funeral media coverage on the innocent cop's and citizen's who have lost their lives at the hands of criminals, and yet we saw all this huge funeral media coverage over these alledged innocent victims of law enforcement abuse ?????

The cops were called to a disturbance, and next found themselves in a struggle with a person whom yes (was abused in the methods that were used to subdue them), but they weren't innocent as were those who were killed due to a vengeful attack by those who took it out on them because of an event that took place in which they had nothing to do with. You leftist call that justice ?

Where is the funeral coverage on the innocent victims killed by the rioters ???
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I saw a video by a bystander, the shots didn't sound like a handgun. If it was a personal feud among the protesters, I'd expect a handgun. It's the second video down in the link.
There have been no updates from the police.


How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
I hear it was a "blast"!

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
Any "peaceful protester" who is out at 9 PM on a Sat. night in that park is either NOT a "peaceful protester" or incredibly fucking stupid.
The shooting by the negro who shot the other nergros is a fucking well known drug dealer/gangbanger. The shooting was over drug turf. 99% of the "peaceful protesters don't have fucking clue who Floyd was.
Someone is going to 'go Las Vegas' at one of these Sat. night "peaceful protests". Then we'll call Charles Manson an oracle.
The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.

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