Man opens fire on crowd at BLM protest .. it was going to happen

View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Mayors and governors should have never allowed this.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
They WANT, and DARE toTrump to step in. If the city and state wants this, it's on them. They want to provoke another Kent State and blame Trump. They actually hate their own citizens this much.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Mayors and governors should have never allowed this.
Yeah, but they did, and that's where they made the feds look weak, because they forced their hand to act because the crimes rose to a federal level, and the feds sat on their hands to play politics or in hopes to not get their hands dirty. What a damn mess it has all become.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
That's when the feds or union troops should have moved in. Martial law should have been imposed, the bad actors including the mayor's etc deposed, and order restored.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
They WANT, and DARE toTrump to step in. If the city and state wants this, it's on them. They want to provoke another Kent State and blame Trump. They actually hate their own citizens this much.
Agree, it was a dare, but we shouldn't be playing at their level. We should be using the constitution and law to calm a situation. It would work everytime, but I fear politics was being played by everyone, and innocent citizens lost their lives as a result of it.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
That's when the feds or union troops should have moved in. Martial law should have been imposed, the bad actors including the mayor's etc deposed, and order restored.
So they can call trump a racist?

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Got a Video link? I would like to SEE that. Might be time to Re-Form the "Minutemen" and the John Birch Society.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
They WANT, and DARE toTrump to step in. If the city and state wants this, it's on them. They want to provoke another Kent State and blame Trump. They actually hate their own citizens this much.
Agree, it was a dare, but we shouldn't be playing at their level. We should be using the constitution and law to calm a situation. It would work everytime, but I fear politics was being played by everyone, and innocent citizens lost their lives as a result of it.
These rioters are not innocent. Far as that goes ,I had no sympathy for Heather Hyer. The Commie Libs STARTED that fight.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
That's when the feds or union troops should have moved in. Martial law should have been imposed, the bad actors including the mayor's etc deposed, and order restored.
So they can call trump a racist?
Can't worry about that.. As long as you are saving lives be it black and white, red or yellow, then to hell with what the leftist attempt to pull. At some point political fear must end, and the right thing get done.
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
That's when the feds or union troops should have moved in. Martial law should have been imposed, the bad actors including the mayor's etc deposed, and order restored.
So they can call trump a racist?
Can't worry about that.. As long as you are saving lives be it black and white, red or yellow, then to hell with what the leftist attempt to pull. At some point political fear must end, and the right thing get done.
I’d rather a sniper take them out
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
They WANT, and DARE toTrump to step in. If the city and state wants this, it's on them. They want to provoke another Kent State and blame Trump. They actually hate their own citizens this much.
Agree, it was a dare, but we shouldn't be playing at their level. We should be using the constitution and law to calm a situation. It would work everytime, but I fear politics was being played by everyone, and innocent citizens lost their lives as a result of it.
These rioters are not innocent. Far as that goes ,I had no sympathy for Heather Hyer. The Commie Libs STARTED that fight.
Good Lord man, read my post again with this in mind - I am talking about the innocent people who lost their lives, and had gotten caught up in this bullcrap as Innocents getting slaughtered without being warned, and I'm not talking about the protestors being innocent no, no. Some are, but many aren't because they got behind a cause that was more about attacking the country as a whole, and using an excuse to get it going instead of doing things in the right ways. They can still separate themselves from the bad who have encamped amongst them, and if they don't do that then it means they are complicit in the anarchy and mayhem therefore making them aiders and abedders of the bad for whom they are concealing amongst their ranks.
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View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
That's when the feds or union troops should have moved in. Martial law should have been imposed, the bad actors including the mayor's etc deposed, and order restored.
So they can call trump a racist?
Can't worry about that.. As long as you are saving lives be it black and white, red or yellow, then to hell with what the leftist attempt to pull. At some point political fear must end, and the right thing get done.
I’d rather a sniper take them out
Well you are of the wrong attitude, because if the laws were applied then we would be saving lives instead of continuing this bullcrap.
I am VERY GOOD at staying 6+' away from people. And I'm also very good at being a Karen, meaning I have screamed at people who came too close when I was standing in line, or tried to use the ATM beside the ATM I was using without wearing a mask, or went the wrong direction down the grocery store aisle so there wasn't enough room to pass with more than 6'. And my voice is loud. So I have not had to use the pepper spray, so far. But if some jackass tries to challenge me and get in my face, I will defend myself, as is my right.

And that really is what this is all about. I'm pissed. I am stuck with extreme virus avoidance measures until there is a cure, or a vaccine. And those could be years away, if they ever happen. I don't like not seeing my children. I don't like not leaving my house except for essential activities like groceries, Dr. and Rx. I'm tired of this shit.

God bless your stupid stupid heart. This is not about YOU and your denial of science and virology in favor of an insane politicization of said virus. Got Damn you Covidiots.
Obviously you are not or you would not have made the comment about pepper spraying people who are not doing what YOU think they should be doing.

You are not fooling anyone.

It is obvious who you USEFUL IDIOTS are.
Pretty much my everyday. I have to leave for essentials like some groceries, Dr. appts, vet appts (my dog has epilepsy) and some Rx.

It sucks but I don't want my husband to die.
Then wear gloves and a N95 mask, keep your social distance from people and stop fantasizing about assaulting people who are not doing what YOU think they should be doing.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
I don’t agree, there have been hundreds and hundreds of protests, but media concentrates on the few that turn violent.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies

According to the article, this a peaceful protest, in area of ongoing peaceful protests. What “crap” was anyone having to take that justifies a shooting?
I am VERY GOOD at staying 6+' away from people. And I'm also very good at being a Karen, meaning I have screamed at people who came too close when I was standing in line, or tried to use the ATM beside the ATM I was using without wearing a mask, or went the wrong direction down the grocery store aisle so there wasn't enough room to pass with more than 6'. And my voice is loud. So I have not had to use the pepper spray, so far. But if some jackass tries to challenge me and get in my face, I will defend myself, as is my right.

And that really is what this is all about. I'm pissed. I am stuck with extreme virus avoidance measures until there is a cure, or a vaccine. And those could be years away, if they ever happen. I don't like not seeing my children. I don't like not leaving my house except for essential activities like groceries, Dr. and Rx. I'm tired of this shit.

God bless your stupid stupid heart. This is not about YOU and your denial of science and virology in favor of an insane politicization of said virus. Got Damn you Covidiots.
Obviously you are not or you would not have made the comment about pepper spraying people who are not doing what YOU think they should be doing.

You are not fooling anyone.

It is obvious who you USEFUL IDIOTS are.
Using pepper spray will stop when someone throws a can of peas at his head and connects.
Using pepper spray will stop when someone throws a can of peas at his head and connects.
Who thinks it's a good idea to assault someone along political lines at this point in this politically charged atmosphere?

I'll give you 3 guesses ....
The data does support the protests and so does the history of white racism against blacks in America.
BULLSHIT! American blacks have NOTHING to protest about., Occasionally, a black person becomes victim of police brutality, but this happens to people of all races proportionate to their population numbers (except blacks commit crime more often proportionatley). And all these police brutality cases are rare exceptions.

As for inequality, we've been hearing more about lately, blacks are the BENEFICIARIES of that, not the victims. They, unfairly to whites, get first shot at all sorts of things, by Affirmative Action, and have NO BEEF whatsoever, about inequality. They should keep their mouths shut.

If anybody should be protesting, it is whites, and in some instances, Asians too.

You want "data" ? Yeah ? Go to any VA Hospital with thousands of employees, and see who's working there in nice high-paying jobs. Among the hundreds you see, try to find even ONE single white male, but don't bet on it. THERE'S your "data".

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