Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

He may or may not be the problem; most likely he would not be the whole problem. They have issues though. It is ridiculous to think that if your wife refuses to have sex with you 27 times, one day after another, that it is her that is the problem. You have to ask yourself why she doesn't want to do something she should enjoy and look forward to.

So, to ask your question but in reverse: explain why she is the problem?

Because SHE is the one refusing to fulfill her marital obligations, not him. Now, it's true that he might not be inspiring her to want to, but it's still a fact that SHE is the one whose failure is the most obvious on the surface.

I'd imagine that, like most marital problems, this has two sides to it. But while I think perhaps this isn't the best approach to take, it seems like he is at least trying to communicate about the problem.

Nowhere anywhere does it state that a woman MUST have sex with her husband. This guy is a tool who keeps pestering her. Perhaps if he had more respect for her he might get some.

Until he does, he can suck it up and jack off into a toilet roll.

Actually, dear, you're wrong, which is not surprising. I wouldn't expect a woman who can't get a man to marry her to know much about the specifics of the contract.

Grounds for divorce (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since you can, in every state in the United States, be divorced for habitually refusing to have sexual relations with your spouse - barring a physical reason why you're unable to - there IS, in fact, an obligation to at least attempt to satisfy your spouse's sexual needs.

Perhaps if SHE had more respect for HIM, their marriage would not now be a publicized laughingstock.

I don't know where you got the idea that marriage was no different from simply having a roommate, and you just get to do whatever the hell you want with no consideration for the other person's needs, but you are - as usual - completely mistaken.
Such truth--you're finally seeing it! You're breaking free of your manpig brainwashing!

Don't stumble now, systyr! You may think you want to engage in disgusting hetero intercourse with a manpig, but the truth is, that swine has programmed you to think you want that. Using "a real womyn can do what she wants...I do it (stay home, copulate with a pig, etc.) because I want to!" is on the same level as a cigarette addict's "I can quit any time I want, I just don't want to right now."

The fact is, all heterosexual intercourse is rape. No exceptions.

Let me repeat that: If you've ever engaged in sexual relations with a manpig, you have been raped. I know that this is hard to grasp, but I will elaborate as I know it can aid in breaking from your programming.

Suppose the manpig oppressor you call a husband today had said, on the fyrst encounter you had with him, "Hey bytch, I'm getting laid twice tonight and you're gonna be the one to help me do that." Think about it--you don't know this manpig, and he's demanding intercourse with you, expecting you to comply. Of course you would refuse! But suppose this pig recognizes that you would reject such advances, and even if he did force himself upon you, that would merely get him imprisoned. Suppose that this pig decides to go with a route safer for him and his criminal activity--playing nice. Instead of calling you "bytch," as you get to know one another, he calls you supposedly good things like "darling," "sweetie," and "honey." Instead of demanding sex up front, he courts you--AKA, lures you--with dinner and a movie, or some other standard manpig tactic. Instead of throwing you directly into the pot of boiling water, he puts you in a pot of room-temperature water and allows it to heat up slowly, with you not noticing the incremental increase, and before you know it your sex pot has boiled over, and you've married the pig now. You are legally his property, he rapes you as he pleases, and you don't even want to voice your desire to stop it because you've been emotionally and socially programmed for years at this point that you should allow him to have his disgusting way with you. And the most shocking idea of all--you have convinced yourself at this point that this is the lyfe you lead because you choose to. The mental trappings of his prolonged manipulation have caused you to become trapped in a labyrinth of submission that you are hopelessly lost within, unable to see that no matter which way you turn--no matter which choice you make--you are submitting to his chauvinistic will, even when you think you're going your own way.

Manpigs are stupid, but they can be clever, using convoluted, deceitful plans to get what they want. All heterosexual intercourse is rape, no exceptions. Think you want it? That's just the programming talking.

Come on systyr, see the lyght! The bryght lyght of the blyndyngly obvious truths of fymynysm!

Yer nuttier than a shithouse rat.

(Note: after work Monday, I walked through the door, and had just enough time to put away my helmet and hang up my armored jacket before my wife pounced on me. I was hot, sweaty, and tired; she grabbed me and dragged me into the shower with her. That was fun.) :)

I usually have the most fun with my new guy after SCA fighter practice. When we first got together, he said, "I'm all soaked and sweaty. Doesn't that bother you?" I answered, "Honey, I plan to have a LOT more contact with your sweaty body in the future. I'll survive."


When my wife's not in the mood she doesn't want me to stink up the place. When she is, she loves the smell of my sweat. I'm not a girl so I don't get it, but I don't complain either.
I didn't need an excuse. I just said NO and that was it. If he had his way, we would be doing it 6 times a day. Oh hayell no. About 12 years ago I said "That's it. I'm done". And I was.

(He was an alcoholic. By the time he finally got was too late. I love him..but I am not IN love with him. And thats that).
This guy needs some "dude" advice:

No man should be married more than 4 days a week!

Every man should be allowed to have a "stable of bitches", for moments just like the ones in the email.

If you do not have a "stable of bitches", you can get one, by going to your local singles bar and using this sure fire pick-up line............."come here!"
Maybe the wife suffers from chronic depression or something?

Maybe the way he approaches her for sex turns her off? Maybe instead of coming out and just asking her (which is actually quite UNromantic LOL), he should just start touching her and loving her, you know?

What I mean is, instead of saying "come on baby, let's do it," perhaps he could take a more romantic approach?
I didn't need an excuse. I just said NO and that was it. If he had his way, we would be doing it 6 times a day. Oh hayell no. About 12 years ago I said "That's it. I'm done". And I was.

(He was an alcoholic. By the time he finally got was too late. I love him..but I am not IN love with him. And thats that).

Damn that sucks... :-(
Such truth--you're finally seeing it! You're breaking free of your manpig brainwashing!

Don't stumble now, systyr! You may think you want to engage in disgusting hetero intercourse with a manpig, but the truth is, that swine has programmed you to think you want that. Using "a real womyn can do what she wants...I do it (stay home, copulate with a pig, etc.) because I want to!" is on the same level as a cigarette addict's "I can quit any time I want, I just don't want to right now."

The fact is, all heterosexual intercourse is rape. No exceptions.

Let me repeat that: If you've ever engaged in sexual relations with a manpig, you have been raped. I know that this is hard to grasp, but I will elaborate as I know it can aid in breaking from your programming.

Suppose the manpig oppressor you call a husband today had said, on the fyrst encounter you had with him, "Hey bytch, I'm getting laid twice tonight and you're gonna be the one to help me do that." Think about it--you don't know this manpig, and he's demanding intercourse with you, expecting you to comply. Of course you would refuse! But suppose this pig recognizes that you would reject such advances, and even if he did force himself upon you, that would merely get him imprisoned. Suppose that this pig decides to go with a route safer for him and his criminal activity--playing nice. Instead of calling you "bytch," as you get to know one another, he calls you supposedly good things like "darling," "sweetie," and "honey." Instead of demanding sex up front, he courts you--AKA, lures you--with dinner and a movie, or some other standard manpig tactic. Instead of throwing you directly into the pot of boiling water, he puts you in a pot of room-temperature water and allows it to heat up slowly, with you not noticing the incremental increase, and before you know it your sex pot has boiled over, and you've married the pig now. You are legally his property, he rapes you as he pleases, and you don't even want to voice your desire to stop it because you've been emotionally and socially programmed for years at this point that you should allow him to have his disgusting way with you. And the most shocking idea of all--you have convinced yourself at this point that this is the lyfe you lead because you choose to. The mental trappings of his prolonged manipulation have caused you to become trapped in a labyrinth of submission that you are hopelessly lost within, unable to see that no matter which way you turn--no matter which choice you make--you are submitting to his chauvinistic will, even when you think you're going your own way.

Manpigs are stupid, but they can be clever, using convoluted, deceitful plans to get what they want. All heterosexual intercourse is rape, no exceptions. Think you want it? That's just the programming talking.

Come on systyr, see the lyght! The bryght lyght of the blyndyngly obvious truths of fymynysm!

Yer nuttier than a shithouse rat.

(Note: after work Monday, I walked through the door, and had just enough time to put away my helmet and hang up my armored jacket before my wife pounced on me. I was hot, sweaty, and tired; she grabbed me and dragged me into the shower with her. That was fun.) :)

I usually have the most fun with my new guy after SCA fighter practice. When we first got together, he said, "I'm all soaked and sweaty. Doesn't that bother you?" I answered, "Honey, I plan to have a LOT more contact with your sweaty body in the future. I'll survive."

Sharing a shower can be fun. :) Fortunately, we did have enough presence of mind to latch the door...29lbs of feline in the shower is a hell of a mood-killer.
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Maybe the wife suffers from chronic depression or something?

Maybe the way he approaches her for sex turns her off? Maybe instead of coming out and just asking her (which is actually quite UNromantic LOL), he should just start touching her and loving her, you know?

What I mean is, instead of saying "come on baby, let's do it," perhaps he could take a more romantic approach?

Exactly my point earlier -- if he can left-brain this whine into a spreadsheet of all the sterile manifestations of human thought, that tells us something about his cluelessness.
See? Why are you apologizing or hate to say something that should be common knowledge?

Instead ya'll saying sex dont really matter when thats completely false

Yes, you are of course correct.

I guess I hate to say it, because I know it pisses some people (generally women) off, and I honestly do not say things to intentionally make people mad.

Nevertheless, this is the truth. Most men, if they didn't have this sexual desire that women fulfill, would never get married. That's just how it is.

Unfortunately, I think too many women get their views of marriage from romance novels, chick flicks, and Disney. All of which portray an extremely unrealistic view of relationships. Then they get married, and end up disappointed.

Doesn't help when your high school sex ed teacher has you putting condoms on cucumbers.

I mean, cucumbers? Seriously?! Talk about raising false hopes. :eusa_whistle:


well actually... that depends.... :eusa_angel:

You don't seem to realize that the art of getting sex, usually has nothing to do with asking for sex. it's about making them feel desire for you

Seduction should not stop just because you are married.

True, but neither should communication. She's clearly got some sort of issue if she's saying, "No" so much, so why isn't SHE being proactive about it? Why doesn't she TELL him what the fucking problem is? Get some therapy? Something?

They're both 26 years old. Clearly they don't have the communication thing down yet.
Holy cow...did you pc edit husband out of that???

Some people, including heteros, have long term relationships, years long and living together, without getting married. Lots of people, actually. So it does not necessarily mean that your partner is your husband or wife.

The supposed husband and wife in the OP are in their 20's. Being in your 20's and not interested in sex with your partner? Highly unlikely unless you are with the wrong person.

Actually, there are a lot of women out there, apparently, who don't care for sex. I personally think they have some sort of mental or emotional problem. Maybe they've been raised/socialized to be repressed.

Maybe they aren't repressed. Maybe they just value their freedom.
Maybe the wife suffers from chronic depression or something?

Maybe the way he approaches her for sex turns her off? Maybe instead of coming out and just asking her (which is actually quite UNromantic LOL), he should just start touching her and loving her, you know?

What I mean is, instead of saying "come on baby, let's do it," perhaps he could take a more romantic approach?

Exactly my point earlier -- if he can left-brain this whine into a spreadsheet of all the sterile manifestations of human thought, that tells us something about his cluelessness.

I can totally understand why he would feel upset, being turned down by his own wife time after time, but he should have handled it in a more mature manner IMO. It seems as though both might be a little :cuckoo:
Yes, you are of course correct.

I guess I hate to say it, because I know it pisses some people (generally women) off, and I honestly do not say things to intentionally make people mad.

Nevertheless, this is the truth. Most men, if they didn't have this sexual desire that women fulfill, would never get married. That's just how it is.

Unfortunately, I think too many women get their views of marriage from romance novels, chick flicks, and Disney. All of which portray an extremely unrealistic view of relationships. Then they get married, and end up disappointed.

Doesn't help when your high school sex ed teacher has you putting condoms on cucumbers.

I mean, cucumbers? Seriously?! Talk about raising false hopes. :eusa_whistle:


well actually... that depends.... :eusa_angel:

Again, He is the problem? Explain

He may or may not be the problem; most likely he would not be the whole problem. They have issues though. It is ridiculous to think that if your wife refuses to have sex with you 27 times, one day after another, that it is her that is the problem. You have to ask yourself why she doesn't want to do something she should enjoy and look forward to.

So, to ask your question but in reverse: explain why she is the problem?

Because SHE is the one refusing to fulfill her marital obligations, not him. Now, it's true that he might not be inspiring her to want to, but it's still a fact that SHE is the one whose failure is the most obvious on the surface.

Actually we don't know that, as we only have his side of the story. Do we go into court, let the jury hear one side and then send them off to deliberate?

I'd imagine that, like most marital problems, this has two sides to it. But while I think perhaps this isn't the best approach to take, it seems like he is at least trying to communicate about the problem.

Clearly there are two sides, as in anything. But if you consider left-braining sex into an Excel doc, clicking Attach to e-mail and then cutting off communication amounts to "trying to communicate", you just ain't reading between the lines.
Some people, including heteros, have long term relationships, years long and living together, without getting married. Lots of people, actually. So it does not necessarily mean that your partner is your husband or wife.

The supposed husband and wife in the OP are in their 20's. Being in your 20's and not interested in sex with your partner? Highly unlikely unless you are with the wrong person.

Actually, there are a lot of women out there, apparently, who don't care for sex. I personally think they have some sort of mental or emotional problem. Maybe they've been raised/socialized to be repressed.

Maybe they aren't repressed. Maybe they just value their freedom.

Huh? I don't see how you are making the connection between having sex with one's spouse and freedom? If you wish to live a life of celibacy, that's one thing, then don't get married.
Actually, there are a lot of women out there, apparently, who don't care for sex. I personally think they have some sort of mental or emotional problem. Maybe they've been raised/socialized to be repressed.

Maybe they aren't repressed. Maybe they just value their freedom.

Huh? I don't see how you are making the connection between having sex with one's spouse and freedom? If you wish to live a life of celibacy, that's one thing, then don't get married.

That's his choice isn't it? The point is, not to assume that everyone who doesn't want to have sex is repressed. Sometimes it isn't repression. It's a choice. Only a free people can exercise that kind of choice. If a wife does not have the ability to make that kind of choice, she's likely a muslim whose religion forbids her refusal.

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