Manafort gets 47 months

Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.

No, manafort is a bad guy. There is no doubt about that. What is a travesty of justice though, is the podesta brothers worked with him, but because they were shrilary sycophants, it looks like they will get a pass on their equally criminal behavior.
Are you sure? Isn't there a Special Counsel being appointed any day now to deal with that kind of stuff? Ruh Roooooh!

We had hopes, all you have done is reinforce the fact that your hero's were able to break the law with impunity. Thanks for pointing out the innate corruption in the Democrat party, and the bureaucracies involved.
The judge didn't believe that crap. He saw through all of it.
You moron...the judge convicted him on all of it...fucking trump cult freaks...
That's why he got 47 months and credit for nine months time served. If that's conviction on all counts justice was done. Right?
Of course it was done, because the judge can sentence at hi s discretion. But it's not long enough.

Mr. Manafort is a Non-Violent first time offender. IMHO, probation would have been more appropriate.
The judge didn't believe that crap. He saw through all of it.
You moron...the judge convicted him on all of it...fucking trump cult freaks...
That's why he got 47 months and credit for nine months time served. If that's conviction on all counts justice was done. Right?
Of course it was done, because the judge can sentence at hi s discretion. But it's not long enough.

Mr. Manafort is a Non-Violent first time offender. IMHO, probation would have been more appropriate.

That's funny - considering that Manafort has been a career criminal.

Judge Says Manafort Led An 'Otherwise Blameless Life.' His Resume Says Otherwise.
The judge didn't believe that crap. He saw through all of it.
You moron...the judge convicted him on all of it...fucking trump cult freaks...
That's why he got 47 months and credit for nine months time served. If that's conviction on all counts justice was done. Right?

Not quite. He gets to be sentenced again in front of the judge in DC that revoked is bail.

He won’t be as lucky in front of her.

Then he’ll have to eventually deal with the Attorney Generals of New York and Virginia.

There isn’t going to be anymore good times in the Manafort life.

What’s left of it.

I can’t wait to hear you turds whine and cry when this starts happening to the Trump family.

The Democrats haven’t even gotten warmed up yet. The misery is just getting started.
The judge didn't believe that crap. He saw through all of it.
You moron...the judge convicted him on all of it...fucking trump cult freaks...
That's why he got 47 months and credit for nine months time served. If that's conviction on all counts justice was done. Right?
Of course it was done, because the judge can sentence at hi s discretion. But it's not long enough.

Mr. Manafort is a Non-Violent first time offender. IMHO, probation would have been more appropriate.

That's funny - considering that Manafort has been a career criminal.

Judge Says Manafort Led An 'Otherwise Blameless Life.' His Resume Says Otherwise.

Mr. Manafort was never convicted of any crime before the libs targeted him, hoping that he would lie about his President.

Further, working for people like President Marcos doesn't mean he was guilty of their crimes at all. Even if you assume the great Phillipine leader was a crook, that doesn't mean everyone that worked for him were just as guilty. Johnny Cochran wasn't guilty of Michael Jackson or OJ's alleged crimes, he just worked for them
I can’t wait to hear you turds whine and cry when this starts happening to the Trump family.

The Democrats haven’t even gotten warmed up yet. The misery is just getting started.

I guess arguing policy and issues of public import are sure losers for our liberal friends, so the best they can hope for is to do what they can to scare away any dissidents?

The idea of punishing people who dare to speak truth to power saves them the bother of writing and promoting good policies that will actually benefit the people.

What the libs fail to realize is that this is a 2 edged sword that can be used against them as well.
Mr. Manafort is a Non-Violent first time offender.
Who stole 55 million dollars, who violated his bail by tampering with witnesses, and who violated his plea agreement by lying to investigators and by passing information to Trump's lawyers.

Funny how you Trump guys always leave all that out.
The Democrats haven’t even gotten warmed up yet. The misery is just getting started.

Politics in the United States is certainly becoming nastier- the idea of attacking, imprisoning or even executing political enemies is new to this country.

When I was a teenager, I worked for a season at the Holiday Inn. The driver of the courtesy van was a gentleman from Bolivia who name was Chico. Good hombre, but I asked him about politics in his own country during our presidential election year. He just laughed and said politics was a good way to get killed to death in his beloved Bolivia.

We are heading down the Bolivian path
Mr. Manafort is a Non-Violent first time offender.
Who stole 55 million dollars, who violated his bail by tampering with witnesses, and who violated his plea agreement by lying to investigators and by passing information to Trump's lawyers.

Funny how you Trump guys always leave all that out.

He didn't "tamper" with witnesses, he merely tried to speak with people who might be called as witnesses. He didn't lie to investigators, the reality is that Mueller asked him to lie about President Trump and he refused. Thirdly, so what if he gave information to the President's attorneys? Mr. Comey was specifically asked and specifically told President Trump that he was not a subject of investigation.
He didn't "tamper" with witnesses, he merely tried to speak with people who might be called as witnesses.
Which is witness tampering, and which he was expressly warned not to do. Gee, I guess his lawyers didn't think to use the "Nuh-uh!!" defense. :rolleyes:
Thirdly, so what if he gave information to the President's attorneys?
He violated his plea agreement. The criminal pled guilty for a lighter sentence ,contingent on , in part, NOT doing that .

Gee, I guess his lawyers didn't think to use the "So what?!?!" defense. :rolleyes:
Thirdly, so what if he gave information to the President's attorneys?
He violated his plea agreement. The criminal pled guilty for a lighter sentence ,contingent on , in part, NOT doing that .

Gee, I guess his lawyers didn't think to use the "So what?!?!" defense. :rolleyes:

The President is Mr. Mueller's boss. He and his attorneys have a right to here about anything the man does.

There is no separate "Special Counsel Branch" of the government. Mueller works for Trump, and he shouldn't be hiding anything from him
The President is Mr. Mueller's boss. He and his attorneys have a right to here about anything the man does.
Neato! That doesn't excuse Manafort from breaking his plea agreement.

And yes, he absolutely should be hiding the entire investigation from trump, who is a subject of it. You are wrong to say otherwise.
The President is Mr. Mueller's boss. He and his attorneys have a right to here about anything the man does.
Neato! That doesn't excuse Manafort from breaking his plea agreement.

And yes, he absolutely should be hiding the entire investigation from trump, who is a subject of it. You are wrong to say otherwise.

Actually, President Trump is NOT the subject of the investigation at all. The President asked Mr. Comey directly on that, and he told Trump "absolutely not".

Further, even if Trump were the subject of the investigation, he is still the boss. Mueller has to answer to him.
Actually, President Trump is NOT the subject of the investigation at all.
100% wrong. He is a subject of the investigation. You are confusing "subject" with "target".

Slapping down the completely false things you say that you make up as you go has gotten very boring.
Actually, President Trump is NOT the subject of the investigation at all.
100% wrong. He is a subject of the investigation. You are confusing "subject" with "target".

Slapping down the completely false things you say that you make up as you go has gotten very boring.

Regardless of whether President Trump is a subject, a target, or something else, he is still THE BOSS.

Mueller works for the DOJ, which reports to the Office of the Presidency. IMHO, the man should be horsewhipped for trying to obstruct the President's right to supervise him.
Regardless of whether President Trump is a subject, a target, or something else, he is still THE BOSS.
Which demonstrates how quickly you cultists will abandon all ethics for dear leader.

But it is awfully interesting that you are willing to do so, and also claim trump has nothing to fear from any if the investigations.

Someone's not telling the truth. Oh wait, you guys both of those things, so it's all of you.
Why did the judge so carefully point out that they weren’t there for collusion? Baffling innit?

Once I heard that, I knew he wasn't going to get that 19 years.

One more time. Mueller dug this case up from the dead files of the DOJ. This exact case, with a few years of tax returns added on to it,
was put aside by the DOJ in 2009. The DOJ decided not to prosecute him.

Mueller pulled up that case, because he was going to use it to squeeze Manafort into lying for MUeller. This Judge knew that from the outset.
The Judge hated this case. If Manafort didn't get hit with that other lying to Fed Agents charge, after his plea deal, he probably would
have gotten a sentence of 5 years probation and time served.

And I wouldn't worry too much about his prison time. He won't be at Alcatraz or Sing-Sing. He'll be confined in some barracks type setting. They would
never put a 70-year old, who currently is in a wheel chair in a maximum security location. He'll be in some minimum detention center. He'll have visitors
every weekend and get a w/e furlough from time to time. He only has to handle it thru the 2020 election. Then win, lose or draw he'll be pardoned
after that election. Not only for this crime, but the other one in DC where sentencing is next week.
"Collusion" wasn't even a PART of this case. How was it that the Judge brought that up out of nowhere and how could that have possibly influenced his sentencing..

More accurate;y WHY did it do so. Is this judge angling for a seat on the Supreme Court?

Because the Judge understood that the case was only being tried for the Feds to get Manafort to lie to create Russian Collusion for Mueller.

The Why is simple. The judge understood why they were even having this case.
What judge "understands" something THAT absurd?

This Judge. Mueller picked the wrong one.
Regardless of whether President Trump is a subject, a target, or something else, he is still THE BOSS.
Which demonstrates how quickly you cultists will abandon all ethics for dear leader.

But it is awfully interesting that you are willing to do so, and also claim trump has nothing to fear from any if the investigations.

Someone's not telling the truth. Oh wait, you guys both of those things, so it's all of you.

President Trump is the boss of these investigators. No boss worth his mettle has to fear incompetent underlings.

BTW, Mueller has nothing on President Trump now- if he had it, he would have released it before the midterms. Or at least before the summit in Hanoi- to try and squash that effort.
Why does Trump keep lying about the Manafort judge saying there was no evidence found of collusion? The judge did NOT say that - because this trial had nothing to do with collusion. This trial was solely about bank and tax fraud. It had nothing to do with collusion. Manafort's lawyer stated the same lie when he came out of the courthouse.

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