Manafort gets 47 months

AOC nails it.

Crystal Mason found out that Paul Manafort was sentenced to less than four years in prison on Thursday while serving time in FMC Carswell, a federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas. She’s incarcerated there because she illegally voted in the 2016 election.

In 2016, Mason voted while on supervised release, a form of probation. At the time, she had no idea she was ineligible to vote. She had already served over three years in federal prison for tax fraud, but because she violated the terms of her supervised release by voting, she was sent back to federal prison for an additional 10 months. That was in addition to the five years in state prison she was given for the illegal voting itself.

She Got 5 Years For Voting Illegally Once. Paul Manafort Got Less Time For Years Of Cons.

Our legal system is truly broken.
Mueller works for Trump, and he shouldn't be hiding anything from him

Mueller works for the DOJ and the AMERICAN PEOPLE

NOT The Orange Moron

Dumb ass, Herr Mueller is a deep state swamp rat and about as corrupt as it gets. He is like the consigliere of USA.INC. He cleans up the messes of their operatives and whitewashes crimes like drug money laundering through CIA friendly banks like BBCI and HSBC. You are an idiot, Lush......a brainwashed dupe. Department Of Justice????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's nothing but a big fucking joke....a two tier system that protects the swamp rats while making examples out of anyone that stands in opposition. I have yet to see even ONE leftard here decry the "immunity" given to the pedo Podesta Brothers that worked WITH Manafort in lobbying efforts.

Allow me to sum it all up as it pertains to your lame are a a fucking joke in search of a punchline. You are simply a shill that desperately wants to be taken seriously. I run circles around you as do many others. Your destiny here is that of being a non-entity.

Hope this helps!!!

Manafort's "crimes" were oversold.

No, they were under punished - so far. Maybe Judge Jackson will do better next Wednesday.

Manafort had an offshore bank account? Most of the subsidiaries of USA.INC have them as well as their "bought and paid for" politicians on both sides. Manafort defrauded banks????? ROTFLMAO!!!! The entire banking system is a fraudulent, debt slavery system that works off of the "fractional reserve" system that monetizes Promissory Notes while never risking a single asset they have...but they certainly do attain hard assets out of monopoly money if someone defaults on a "loan" with money created out of nothing via the signature of said "borrower".

Lakhota has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that in the nearly four years I have been posting here that she is a blithering, "knows-nothing" idiot and a closet commie POS...not an opinion, it is a fact.
AOC nails it.


AOC said nothing about Elliot Spitzer walking completely, even though he was guilty as hell of violating the Mann Act.

African American Republican Jack Johnson got sent to Leavenworth for violating it, but Mr. Spitzer clearly violated the act by shipping hoes across state lines for immoral purposes and didn't serve a day.
Mueller works for Trump, and he shouldn't be hiding anything from him

Mueller works for the DOJ and the AMERICAN PEOPLE

NOT The Orange Moron

Dumb ass, Herr Mueller is a deep state swamp rat and about as corrupt as it gets. He is like the consigliere of USA.INC. He cleans up the messes of their operatives and whitewashes crimes like drug money laundering through CIA friendly banks like BBCI and HSBC. You are an idiot, Lush......a brainwashed dupe. Department Of Justice????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's nothing but a big fucking joke....a two tier system that protects the swamp rats while making examples out of anyone that stands in opposition. I have yet to see even ONE leftard here decry the "immunity" given to the pedo Podesta Brothers that worked WITH Manafort in lobbying efforts.

Allow me to sum it all up as it pertains to your lame are a a fucking joke in search of a punchline. You are simply a shill that desperately wants to be taken seriously. I run circles around you as do many others. Your destiny here is that of being a non-entity.

Hope this helps!!!

That was quite the foam speckled screed there.

To bad it was fact free crazy person opinion
Manafort's "crimes" were oversold.

No, they were under punished - so far. Maybe Judge Jackson will do better next Wednesday.

Manafort had an offshore bank account? Most of the subsidiaries of USA.INC have them as well as their "bought and paid for" politicians on both sides. Manafort defrauded banks????? ROTFLMAO!!!! The entire banking system is a fraudulent, debt slavery system that works off of the "fractional reserve" system that monetizes Promissory Notes while never risking a single asset they have...but they certainly do attain hard assets out of monopoly money if someone defaults on a "loan" with money created out of nothing via the signature of said "borrower".

Lakhota has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that in the nearly four years I have been posting here that she is a blithering, "knows-nothing" idiot and a closet commie POS...not an opinion, it is a fact.
Why am I not surprised that you're defending yet another criminal.

The juror who hung on the 10 counts (ONE JUROR) but still voted guilty on the other admitted Trump supporter...said the sentence was too light
Manafort's "crimes" were oversold.
The judge claimed that his incredibly light sentence was similar to the average for other cases of its kind.

90% of those cases were plea bargains which almost ALWAYS plea down. Cases that go to trial almost always end up with tougher sentences and the judge knew that.
otherwise of his 10 year crime spree...

Try 40 year...
read the link in full, it's so much worse than I ever thought or knew... :eek:

Shame on that judge!

I think the 19 to 24 years sentencing guideline recommendation in the law is too heavy for white collar crime, 10 years would have been acceptable, but 47 months just slaps justice in the face with a double wad of spit... and shows how there is a two tiered justice system with a soft one for the rich and wealthy, and shows it is not the 'justice is blind', that we are suppose to believe exists...
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.

Wow , you seem to be a ok with white collar crime. You are what is wrong with the USA.

No, the truth is very clear, the witch hunt is a joke...

How many months did Hillary receive?
she was not convicted of 8 crimes by 12 jurists of her peers.

Your right, because the Obama Administration backed off the FBI, or were you not paying attention to that? She should have been indicted, but for some mysterious reason that never occurred, are you so biased that you cannot even admit this?
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.

Wow , you seem to be a ok with white collar crime. You are what is wrong with the USA.

No, the truth is very clear, the witch hunt is a joke...

How many months did Hillary receive?
she was not convicted of 8 crimes by 12 jurists of her peers.

Your right, because the Obama Administration backed off the FBI, or were you not paying attention to that? She should have been indicted, but for some mysterious reason that never occurred, are you so biased that you cannot even admit this?
oh, I paid very close attention... gotta have malice intent to commit ESPIONAGE and be charged for it, and that the FBI said and the prosecutors said, they did not have... thus, no felony.
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.

Wow , you seem to be a ok with white collar crime. You are what is wrong with the USA.

No, the truth is very clear, the witch hunt is a joke...

How many months did Hillary receive?
she was not convicted of 8 crimes by 12 jurists of her peers.

Your right, because the Obama Administration backed off the FBI, or were you not paying attention to that? She should have been indicted, but for some mysterious reason that never occurred, are you so biased that you cannot even admit this?
oh, I paid very close attention... gotta have malice intent to commit ESPIONAGE and be charged for it, and that the FBI said and the prosecutors said, they did not have... thus, no felony.

I understand you're not very smart, it's okay...
Wow , you seem to be a ok with white collar crime. You are what is wrong with the USA.

No, the truth is very clear, the witch hunt is a joke...

How many months did Hillary receive?
she was not convicted of 8 crimes by 12 jurists of her peers.

Your right, because the Obama Administration backed off the FBI, or were you not paying attention to that? She should have been indicted, but for some mysterious reason that never occurred, are you so biased that you cannot even admit this?
oh, I paid very close attention... gotta have malice intent to commit ESPIONAGE and be charged for it, and that the FBI said and the prosecutors said, they did not have... thus, no felony.

I understand you're not very smart, it's okay...

Well, we can't all be from Texass.

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