Manafort guilty.

You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts.
Are you fucking serious? Do you have any understanding of how the legal system works. A deadlock is not "not guilty" Even if they do not retry him on those counts, he can go away for 80 years. Ya thing that there might be an incentive to spill the beans on T-Rump

From years past...
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

Laughing....that's it? Just straight up ignoring numerous contacts with the Russian, collusion, and systematic lies to cover it up....and pretend that none of it ever happened?

Wow. You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form.
You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts.
Are you fucking serious? Do you have any understanding of how the legal system works. A deadlock is not "not guilty" Even if they do not retry him on those counts, he can go away for 80 years. Ya thing that there might be an incentive to spill the beans on T-Rump

If there was anything on trump it would have leaked along time ago you silly little fucker
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.
We now live in an Obama banana republic....drain the damn swamp!!!!

Trump brought the swamp. And surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters, and embezzlers.

Or as Trump calls them, the 'best people'.
Na, not really
The deep state is the swamp federal employees are the swamp, they are of the crap that screws this country over every single day you stupid ass motherfucker
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

Laughing....that's it? Just straight up ignoring numerous contacts with the Russian, collusion, and systematic lies to cover it up....and pretend that none of it ever happened?

Wow. You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form.
Who is sitting in the White House?
You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts.
Are you fucking serious? Do you have any understanding of how the legal system works. A deadlock is not "not guilty" Even if they do not retry him on those counts, he can go away for 80 years. Ya thing that there might be an incentive to spill the beans on T-Rump

If there was anything on trump it would have leaked along time ago you silly little fucker
Horseshit! The Mueller team runs a tight ship. It is not the White House, you silly little fucker
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

If Mueller really wanted to find Russian Collusion, he'd be investigating hiLIARy, Perkins Coie, the DNC, Glenn Simpson-Fusion GPS, Steele, the FBI, John Brennan, the DOJ, and Obama.

Just sayin'.

Or......Trump admitting that his campaign met with a Russian operative for the purpose of gaining information to aid his campaign.

Or Don Jr.'s emails where he was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Or Trump's lies about that meeting. Or Trump compelling others to lie about that meeting. Or Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Or Don Jr's meeting with Alexander Torshin, a Russian intelligence handler.

Any of those work.
You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts.
Are you fucking serious? Do you have any understanding of how the legal system works. A deadlock is not "not guilty" Even if they do not retry him on those counts, he can go away for 80 years. Ya thing that there might be an incentive to spill the beans on T-Rump

If there was anything on trump it would have leaked along time ago you silly little fucker
Horseshit! The Mueller team runs a tight ship. It is not the White House, you silly little fucker
The deep state is the swamp no two ways about it
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
...and still no Russian connection

Tons of connection.

Sessions lying about his meetings with the Russian ambasador.

Flynn lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Papodopolous lying about his contacts with the Russians.

Trump admitting that a meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative was to collect dirt on his political opponent.

Don Jr. going into that meeting knowing that the information on Hillary was to come from 'high level sources' as part of Russians effort to aid Trump.

And Trump lying about the meeting. And compelling others to lie about the meeting. And then trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between Trump's campaign and the Russians.

With Trump's former attorney admiting that Trump was aware of the meeting.

And Spanish authorities intercepting conversations where Don Jr tried to set up a meeting with Alexander Torshin.........a Russian Intelligence hander.

And that's just collusion. Cohen just implicated Trump in 8 federal felonies today in court when Cohen plead guilty.
Na, not really
And still no Russian connection

Laughing....that's it? Just straight up ignoring numerous contacts with the Russian, collusion, and systematic lies to cover it up....and pretend that none of it ever happened?

Wow. You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form.
Who is sitting in the White House?
Sitting? About now he is laying in bed eating KFC and watching fax news.
Trump brought the swamp. And surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters, and embezzlers.

Or as Trump calls them, the 'best people
Manaforte Flynn and Cohen haven't done anything that elected politicians don't do...DC is so if a candidate they don't like wins...they will ruin the people that helped them?...ruin their lives and attempt to put them in prison and you are fine with that?...well next time it may be an outsider that is a progressive like Bernie that will get raked over the time it could be your candidate....The funny thing is...this is totally unrelated to Trump...they want to color him bad because of Cohen and Manaforte in the hopes that his popularity will fall....but Trump is enjoying his highest ratings won't work swamp...
We now live in an Obama banana republic....drain the damn swamp!!!!

Trump brought the swamp. And surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters, and embezzlers.

Or as Trump calls them, the 'best people'.
Na, not really
The deep state is the swamp federal employees are the swamp, they are of the crap that screws this country over every single day you stupid ass motherfucker

Or....the 'deep state' is yet another batshit conspiracy theory you've imagined in an attempt to excuse the inexcusable corruption of Trump and his campaign?

Of our two theories, I can back mine up with loads of evidence.

IG reports finding that there was no evidence of political bias affecting administrative decisions. Guilty pleas from Trump's foreign policy adviser, his National security advisor, his personal attorney. I can show you lies from the president on meetings between his campaign and the russians. I can show you attempts to shut down the investigation looking into those meetings.

And you can offer us.......your imagination. Just drenched in batshit. There's a reason why 90% of Infowars viewers are Trump supporters.
Trump brought the swamp. And surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters, and embezzlers.

Or as Trump calls them, the 'best people
Manaforte Flynn and Cohen haven't done anything that elected politicians don't do...DC is so if a candidate they don't like wins...they will ruin the people that helped them?

Cohen's not from DC. He's from New York. And he's been Trump's personal attorney for over a decade. And just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies

...ruin their lives and attempt to put them in prison and you are fine with that?...well next time it may be an outsider that is a progressive like Bernie that will get raked over the time it could be your candidate....The funny thing is...this is totally unrelated to Trump...they want to color him bad because of Cohen and Manaforte in the hopes that his popularity will fall....but Trump is enjoying his highest ratings won't work swamp...

Manafort actually did the things he's being accused of. What, I'm going to cry crocodile tears if OTHER criminals are similarly tried and convicted?

Um, no.
Horseshit! The Mueller team runs a tight ship. It is not the White House, you silly little fucker
Mueller is a scum bag and he has nothing after two years and 25 million dollars....

Mueller's a veteran investigator who is respected on both sides of the aisle. And he's got numerous convictions, dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas as pat of his investigation.

And you have no idea what other evidence he has. Making your insistence that he has 'nothing' blithering nonsense.
Another irony filled post by the berg!
dude - show me examples of where i want special treatment for 1 side. go ahead.

if trump did something wrong, fry his ass. i've said so since day 1. but i fail to see the connection between almost 2 years of investigations and manafort having been found guilty of tax issues.

if you can connect those 2 dots for me, i'd appreciate it.

Dude, show me where I said there was a connection.

This is the joy of a special prosecutor, they do not need connections. Ken Starr spent 6 years and 80 million dollars investigating Bill for financial fraud dealing with White Water...what did a blow job have to do with that?

This is the bed the Repubs made many years ago, now they get to sleep in it and I am laughing my ass off at all those cheering for Starr all those years
No one is more corrupt than career politicians.... The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet

Trump is every bit as corrupt as any career politician.
There is no comparison, especially when it comes to the Clintons who not only deal in arms and uranium they are sex traffickers

Not that sex trafficking shit again??! Arms and the uranium thing too. Christ you people are desperate and pathetic in your attempts to make it about Clinton

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You Trumpian Zombie Bots keep blathering about Russia, you are ignoring that fact that the events of today show that Russia is not his only problem. And, the Russia probe is far from over

Nonsense the only thing today proves is that Trump didn't have the FBI in his pocket like Hillary did.
You Trumpian Zombie Bots keep blathering about Russia, you are ignoring that fact that the events of today show that Russia is not his only problem. And, the Russia probe is far from over

Nonsense the only thing today proves is that Trump didn't have the FBI in his pocket like Hillary did.

Actually, no. You're offering us your imagination and a conspiracy theory. The IG, under Trump, found that there was no evidence that political bias affected administrative decisions in the hillary investigation.

So you're ignoring the evidence and just making up whatever you'd like.

Good luck with that too.
Cohen's not from DC. He's from New York. And he's been Trump's personal attorney for over a decade. And just implicated Trump in up to 8 federal felonies
I said DC is corrupt I know where Cohen comes from and he is the outsider that is being punished because of his position with Trump...please tell me you don't believe that DC politicians aren't dirtier than Cohen and Manaforte combined....because they are...but they are on the inside...inside the swamp...outsiders had better pay close attention to what the swamp is doing to Trump and the people that are close to Trump....that's banana republic shit....

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