Manafort guilty.

As I am not a social metaphysician, I don't substitute the opinions of others for my own ability to assess the situation.
But, if you are a rational person who produces an opinion that seems to be at odds with those more informed and educated than yourself, you would dpause to wonder if, oh just maybe, you are ill informed, or made an error in your reasoning, or both.
As I am not a social metaphysician, I don't substitute the opinions of others for my own ability to assess the situation.
But, if you are a rational person who produces an opinion that seems to be at odds with those more informed and educated than yourself, you would dpause to wonder if, oh just maybe, you are ill informed, or made an error in your reasoning, or both.

You have no knowledge of my education, experience or qualifications, so you are the one who is sorely uninformed, bub.

But as you have clearly been programmed to gobble up the opinion pablum spooned up by the Prog Elites you worship, carry on.
I'm sure that if the Dems dug deep enough they'd find many guilty people in America. Big deal.
I don't think 'Reign of Terror' means what you think it means. As Mueller hasn't been partial to the use of the guillotine. Or any executions. Or mass incarcerations.

It means exactly what I think it means. It's about show trials to intimidate people for political purposes. Stalin was quite expert at this.

Intimidate who? Criminals?

As Manafort actually did what he was accused of. And was convicted by a jury. I have no problem with due process, trials and convictions of actual crimes intimidating criminals.

Do you?

As for Flynn, Papodapolous, and Cohen.....they've admitted to their crimes. So you're afraid that Mueller is going to intimidate......more criminals?

The tax and bank fraud for which Manafort was prosecuted by Mueller is not something that a Special Counsel should be investigating.

Says who? Not the order from Deputy AG Rosenstein who authorized Mueller to prosecute all crimes that arose from his investigation. Not Mueller who was seated as special counsel. Why would I ignore these two men in the heart of the investigation....and instead believe you?

I can't think of any good reason.
Which brings me to the real issue. The entire Mueller investigation is bogus as there is no crime identified in his appointment.

First off, you don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump. You know what the Mueller investigation has *released*. Which is a litany of indictments and guilty pleas so far. So claiming that you know what the Mueller investigation has found is blithering nonsense.

Second, there's already tremendous evidence implicating Trump of colluding with the Russians. Trump has admitted to it. His son has released emails that show that the meeting was to provide information from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump. With the person who came to them an admitted Russian Operative.

Trump then lied about the meeting. Insisting in defiance of all logic that a meeting at his own Trump Tower, attended by his campaign chair....was about adoption. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating the statement that Don Jr. released on the meeting, perpetuating the 'adoption' lie.

Worse still, Trump tried to stop the investigation looking into his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative.

Then, months later, Trump admits that the purpose of the meeting was to collect information on a political opponent. Exactly as Don Jr.'s email confirmed earlier/

And it still gets worse! As the Spanish authorities intercepted phones of Don Jr trying to set up a meeting with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what is publicly known. We have evidence of even *more* crimes by Trump. This time from Cohen, his personal lawyer.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Gee, I wonder who that candidate that Cohen acted 'in coordination and at the direction of' could possibly be?

But keep ignoring it all. It won't matter, as Mueller won't.

It's a Stalin-Robespierre style Reign of Terror aimed to support a coup against Trump.


End of Story.

Save of course that your claim is nonsense and you don't seem to know what happened in Robespierre's 'Reign of Terror'.


End of Story.

Look up Politics in the dictionary and rethink your post.

Look up 'evidence' in the dictionary' and rethink yours.

As its the evidence that you're ignoring. And the evidence that convicted Manafort.....Gates......Flynn......Papodapolous.....and today, Cohen. Trump has surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters and embezzlers.

Or at Trump calls them, the 'Best People'.

The Evidence points to a politically motivated witch hunt.

No, the evidence points to criminals. Flynn, Papodopolous, Gates and Cohen all plead guilty to their crimes, admitting them in open court. So there's no question they're guilty.

And Manafort was convicted for 8 felonies based on overwhelming evidence. And faces up to 80 years in prison.

With Cohen implicating Trump in 8 more felonies just today. And yet your only tactic is a blanket denial of all evidence. Um, that's not how reality works. Your willful ignorance isn't a standard of evidence. Its an excuse for one.

Try again.
The opinion of politicians doesn't matter one bit.
Of course, that is utter nonsense, as they will be tasked with addressing any criminal activity on the part of trump brought before them.

You are just not equipped to have a rational conversation about this. Might as well be talking to Trump's mommy.
Who knew cheating on your taxes years ago would get Trump elected. Maybe thats how Al Sharpton got Obama elected

It means exactly what I think it means. It's about show trials to intimidate people for political purposes. Stalin was quite expert at this.

Intimidate who? Criminals?

As Manafort actually did what he was accused of. And was convicted by a jury. I have no problem with due process, trials and convictions of actual crimes intimidating criminals.

Do you?

As for Flynn, Papodapolous, and Cohen.....they've admitted to their crimes. So you're afraid that Mueller is going to intimidate......more criminals?

The tax and bank fraud for which Manafort was prosecuted by Mueller is not something that a Special Counsel should be investigating.

Says who? Not the order from Deputy AG Rosenstein who authorized Mueller to prosecute all crimes that arose from his investigation. Not Mueller who was seated as special counsel. Why would I ignore these two men in the heart of the investigation....and instead believe you?

I can't think of any good reason.
Which brings me to the real issue. The entire Mueller investigation is bogus as there is no crime identified in his appointment.

First off, you don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump. You know what the Mueller investigation has *released*. Which is a litany of indictments and guilty pleas so far. So claiming that you know what the Mueller investigation has found is blithering nonsense.

Second, there's already tremendous evidence implicating Trump of colluding with the Russians. Trump has admitted to it. His son has released emails that show that the meeting was to provide information from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump. With the person who came to them an admitted Russian Operative.

Trump then lied about the meeting. Insisting in defiance of all logic that a meeting at his own Trump Tower, attended by his campaign chair....was about adoption. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating the statement that Don Jr. released on the meeting, perpetuating the 'adoption' lie.

Worse still, Trump tried to stop the investigation looking into his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative.

Then, months later, Trump admits that the purpose of the meeting was to collect information on a political opponent. Exactly as Don Jr.'s email confirmed earlier/

And it still gets worse! As the Spanish authorities intercepted phones of Don Jr trying to set up a meeting with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what is publicly known. We have evidence of even *more* crimes by Trump. This time from Cohen, his personal lawyer.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Gee, I wonder who that candidate that Cohen acted 'in coordination and at the direction of' could possibly be?

But keep ignoring it all. It won't matter, as Mueller won't.

It's a Stalin-Robespierre style Reign of Terror aimed to support a coup against Trump.


End of Story.

Save of course that your claim is nonsense and you don't seem to know what happened in Robespierre's 'Reign of Terror'.


End of Story.

Look up Politics in the dictionary and rethink your post.

Look up 'evidence' in the dictionary' and rethink yours.

As its the evidence that you're ignoring. And the evidence that convicted Manafort.....Gates......Flynn......Papodapolous.....and today, Cohen. Trump has surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters and embezzlers.

Or at Trump calls them, the 'Best People'.

The Evidence points to a politically motivated witch hunt.

No, the evidence points to criminals. Flynn, Papodopolous, Gates and Cohen all plead guilty to their crimes, admitting them in open court. So there's no question they're guilty.

And Manafort was convicted for 8 felonies based on overwhelming evidence. And faces up to 80 years in prison.

With Cohen implicating Trump in 8 more felonies just today. And yet your only tactic is a blanket denial of all evidence. Um, that's not how reality works. Your willful ignorance isn't a standard of evidence. Its an excuse for one.

Try again.
Cohen has no credibility like Clapper and Brennan

This is nothing more than a warning to all outsiders from the swamp that want to be president...we will find a way to put the folks that helped you win in prison...we will ruin them....and the dems are happy?....
The opinion of politicians doesn't matter one bit.
Of course, that is utter nonsense, as they will be tasked with addressing any criminal activity on the part of trump brought before them.

You are just not equipped to have a rational conversation about this. Might as well be talking to Trump's mommy.
They will be tasked with nothing. "Addressing criminal activity" isn't Congresses function. Furthermore, there is no criminal activity to address.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.
... and still no Russian connection
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in. one should be able to scam their tax returns.
Well from what I have seen, so far he has gotten off light. I think this is because it was not tried in Tax Court where the Professionals who have worked this type of case knows the ropes. If the DOJ was not headhunting it would have been much different with a higher conviction rate. I will bet the Trolls will try to do the connect Trump with the Hooker blackmail. The problem is that is old news and was handled prior to any arrest. The Progressives have got to be really sad about the out come.

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