Manafort guilty.

Now that Mueller has his 'Scooter Libby' conviction, the prosecution of a crime that has nothing to do with the reason he was appointed special counsel or what he was tasked to investigate - which was Russian interference and the 2016 election, perhaps Mueller will stop wasting taxpayer dollars and get back to doing the job that he was appointed to do...

... which after two plus years so far has been a failure to find any evidence of criminal activity associated with Russian interference or collusion with the Russians that DOESN'T point directly back to DEMOCRATS:

Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to help her try to win the presidency...

She illegally used the unverified document she bought from the Russians in a u.s. election and gave that document to Obama's FBI...

FBI director James Comey and the FBI illegally used the Russian document to obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his associates. They falsely claimed that the dossier was legitimate Intel when it was nothing more then an unverified document bought from foreign spies and Russians...

CIA director John Brennan worked with anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok to author and Intelligence Community Report (ICR) based off of the Trump dossier bought from these foreign spies and Russians.

They then collaborated with NIA director Clapper to send this Russian generated report out to a select few Intel committees in order to control the narrative and come to the conclusion they wanted...

Next Brenban and Strock used the dossier and the ICR to author the Intel Community Assessment (ICA) which they then sent out and briefed to Congress...

Despite claiming under oath that he knew nothing about the Trump dossier, that it had nothing to do with starting up the Trump investigation, it was proved with official documents that Brennan briefed members of Congress, to include Harry Reid, on the dossier, claimed it was, again, legitimate Intel, and urged Congress to appoint a special counsel based off of what was in the dossier.

This was also proof that CIA director Brennan had once again perpetrated felony perjury, lying under oath before Congress.

It is most important to stress and point out here that CIA director Brennan and NIA director Clapper were knowingly pushing an unsubstantiated report authored by Russians as legitimate intelligence, which they knew it was not.
*** counterintelligence, which Strzok was and is an expert at, involves 'selling' false information as if it were true to achieve an objective. This is exactly what Strzok, Brennan, and Clapper were doing, as evidence shows.

The FBI's Strzok, the NIA's Clapper, and the CIA's Brennan working together demonstrates the conspiracy and collusion within the Obama Administration against then candidate Trump...using / pushing a known Russian-authored unverified report.(Colluding with Russians, in a way, to prove Trump was doing what THEY were doing - colluding with Russians to effect the outcome of the election)

While some intentionally deceitful Democrats in Congress have claimed that this Manafort conviction is a turning point in Mueller's investigation which will lead to evidence involving president Trump colluding illegally with Russians, it has been made perfectly clear that all charges against Paul Manafort and this conviction have absolutely nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed special counsel, has nothing to do with Russian interference and 2016, and in no way is evidence of any non-existent illegal collusion between President Trump and the Russians.

With this 'Scooter Libby' conviction out of the way, Mueller is left back where he started - running an investigation that is investigating a PERSON - 1 single desired target, not an actual crime.

After more than 2 years, Mueller still has no evidence of a crime involving Donald Trump colluding with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.
Last edited:
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :highfive:
Trump agreed that there has been foreign tampering in the US elections.
Are you calling him a liar?

Not at all, just that all the foreign tampering and influence has been right under everyone's noses where none of the media or DOJ are willing to look but him.

Now that Mueller has his 'Scooter Libby' conviction, the prosecution of a crime that has nothing to do with the reason he was appointed special counsel or what he was tasked to investigate which was Russian interference and the 2016 election, perhaps Mueller will stop wasting taxpayer dollars and get back to doing the job that he was appointed to do...

... which after two plus years so far has been a failure to find any evidence of criminal activity associated with Russian interference or colluding with the Russians that DOESN'T point directly back to DEMOCRATS:

Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to help her try to win the presidency...

She illegally used the unverified document she bought from the Russians in a u.s. election and gave that document to Obama's FBI...

FBI director James Comey and the FBI illegally used the Russian document to obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his associates. They falsely claimed that the dossier was legitimate Intel when it was nothing more then an unverified document boss from foreign spies and Russians...

CIA director John Brennan work with anti Trump FBI agent Strzok to author and intelligence Community report based off of the Trump dossier bought from these foreign spies and Russians and collaborated with n i a director Clapper and sending out this Russian generated report to a select few Intel committees in order to come to the conclusion they wanted...

Brenban and Strock then used the dossier and the icr to author the Intel Community assessment they then sent out and briefed to Congress...

Despite claiming under oath that he knew nothing about the Trump dossier, that it had nothing to do with starting up the Trump investigation, it was proved with official documents that Brennan had brief two members of Congress, to include Harry Reid, on the dossier, claimed it was, again, legitimate Intel, and urged Congress to appoint a special counsel based off of what was in the dossier. This was also proof that CIA director Brennan had once again perpetrated felony perjury, lying under oath before Congress.

It is most important to stress and point out here that CIA director Brennan and NIA director Clapper or pushing a known unsubstantiated report authored by Russians as legitimate intelligence, which they knew it was not.
*** counterintelligence, which struck was and is an expert at, involves selling false information as if it were true to achieve an objective. This is exactly what I rock, Brennan, and Clapper were doing, as evidence shows.

The FBI's Strzok, the NIA's Clapper, and the CIA's Brennan working together demonstrates the conspiracy and collusion within the Obama Administration against then candidate Trump.

While some intentionally deceitful Democrats in Congress have claimed that this manafort conviction is a turning point in Mueller's investigation which will lead to evidence involving president Trump colluding illegally with Russians, it has been made perfectly clear that all charges against Paul manafort and this conviction has absolutely nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed special counsel, has nothing to do with Russian interference and 2016, and in no way is evidence of any non-existent illegal collusion between President Trump and the Russians.

With this scooter Libby conviction out of the way, Mueller is left back or he started - An investigation that us investigating a PERSON - 1 single desired target, not an actual crime.

After more than 2 years, Mueller still has no evidence of a crime involving Donald Trump colluding with Russians to interfere and the 2016 election.

He has as much evidence of a crime involving Donald Trump colluding with Russians as Ken Starr did of Bill Clinton committing financial fraud with the White Water firm. Yet Starr kept going for 4 more years and about 60 million dollars more.

Ken Starr is the standard, you Trump sheep cannot whine till Mueller has been going as long as Starr has.
I have a theory.

This French-style Reign of Terror to get Trump impeached is going to work as well to get him impeached as the sex think worked against Bill Clinton.

That is my theory, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

I don't think 'Reign of Terror' means what you think it means. As Mueller hasn't been partial to the use of the guillotine. Or any executions. Or mass incarcerations.

It means exactly what I think it means. It's about show trials to intimidate people for political purposes. Stalin was quite expert at this.

Intimidate who? Criminals?

As Manafort actually did what he was accused of. And was convicted by a jury. I have no problem with due process, trials and convictions of actual crimes intimidating criminals.

Do you?

As for Flynn, Papodapolous, and Cohen.....they've admitted to their crimes. So you're afraid that Mueller is going to intimidate......more criminals?
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :highfive:
Trump agreed that there has been foreign tampering in the US elections.
Are you calling him a liar?

Not at all, just that all the foreign tampering and influence has been right under everyone's noses where none of the media or DOJ are willing to look but him.

View attachment 212156 do realize that your post in particular just drips with quiet desperation, yes?
I have a theory.

This French-style Reign of Terror to get Trump impeached is going to work as well to get him impeached as the sex think worked against Bill Clinton.

That is my theory, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

I don't think 'Reign of Terror' means what you think it means. As Mueller hasn't been partial to the use of the guillotine. Or any executions. Or mass incarcerations.

It means exactly what I think it means. It's about show trials to intimidate people for political purposes. Stalin was quite expert at this.

Intimidate who? Criminals?

As Manafort actually did what he was accused of. And was convicted by a jury. I have no problem with due process, trials and convictions of actual crimes intimidating criminals.

Do you?

As for Flynn, Papodapolous, and Cohen.....they've admitted to their crimes. So you're afraid that Mueller is going to intimidate......more criminals?

The tax and bank fraud for which Manafort was prosecuted by Mueller is not something that a Special Counsel should be investigating.

Says who? Not the order from Deputy AG Rosenstein who authorized Mueller to prosecute all crimes that arose from his investigation. Not Mueller who was seated as special counsel. Why would I ignore these two men in the heart of the investigation....and instead believe you?

I can't think of any good reason.
Which brings me to the real issue. The entire Mueller investigation is bogus as there is no crime identified in his appointment.

First off, you don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump. You know what the Mueller investigation has *released*. Which is a litany of indictments and guilty pleas so far. So claiming that you know what the Mueller investigation has found is blithering nonsense.

Second, there's already tremendous evidence implicating Trump of colluding with the Russians. Trump has admitted to it. His son has released emails that show that the meeting was to provide information from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump. With the person who came to them an admitted Russian Operative.

Trump then lied about the meeting. Insisting in defiance of all logic that a meeting at his own Trump Tower, attended by his campaign chair....was about adoption. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating the statement that Don Jr. released on the meeting, perpetuating the 'adoption' lie.

Worse still, Trump tried to stop the investigation looking into his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative.

Then, months later, Trump admits that the purpose of the meeting was to collect information on a political opponent. Exactly as Don Jr.'s email confirmed earlier/

And it still gets worse! As the Spanish authorities intercepted phones of Don Jr trying to set up a meeting with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what is publicly known. We have evidence of even *more* crimes by Trump. This time from Cohen, his personal lawyer.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Gee, I wonder who that candidate that Cohen acted 'in coordination and at the direction of' could possibly be?

But keep ignoring it all. It won't matter, as Mueller won't.

It's a Stalin-Robespierre style Reign of Terror aimed to support a coup against Trump.


End of Story.

Save of course that your claim is nonsense and you don't seem to know what happened in Robespierre's 'Reign of Terror'.


End of Story.

Look up Politics in the dictionary and rethink your post.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :highfive:
Trump agreed that there has been foreign tampering in the US elections.
Are you calling him a liar?
The Russians have been tampering with our elections since the Russian revolution. That has nothing to do with Trump.
I have a theory.

This French-style Reign of Terror to get Trump impeached is going to work as well to get him impeached as the sex think worked against Bill Clinton.

That is my theory, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

I don't think 'Reign of Terror' means what you think it means. As Mueller hasn't been partial to the use of the guillotine. Or any executions. Or mass incarcerations.

It means exactly what I think it means. It's about show trials to intimidate people for political purposes. Stalin was quite expert at this.

Intimidate who? Criminals?

As Manafort actually did what he was accused of. And was convicted by a jury. I have no problem with due process, trials and convictions of actual crimes intimidating criminals.

Do you?

As for Flynn, Papodapolous, and Cohen.....they've admitted to their crimes. So you're afraid that Mueller is going to intimidate......more criminals?

The tax and bank fraud for which Manafort was prosecuted by Mueller is not something that a Special Counsel should be investigating.

Says who? Not the order from Deputy AG Rosenstein who authorized Mueller to prosecute all crimes that arose from his investigation. Not Mueller who was seated as special counsel. Why would I ignore these two men in the heart of the investigation....and instead believe you?

I can't think of any good reason.
Which brings me to the real issue. The entire Mueller investigation is bogus as there is no crime identified in his appointment.

First off, you don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump. You know what the Mueller investigation has *released*. Which is a litany of indictments and guilty pleas so far. So claiming that you know what the Mueller investigation has found is blithering nonsense.

Second, there's already tremendous evidence implicating Trump of colluding with the Russians. Trump has admitted to it. His son has released emails that show that the meeting was to provide information from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump. With the person who came to them an admitted Russian Operative.

Trump then lied about the meeting. Insisting in defiance of all logic that a meeting at his own Trump Tower, attended by his campaign chair....was about adoption. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating the statement that Don Jr. released on the meeting, perpetuating the 'adoption' lie.

Worse still, Trump tried to stop the investigation looking into his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative.

Then, months later, Trump admits that the purpose of the meeting was to collect information on a political opponent. Exactly as Don Jr.'s email confirmed earlier/

And it still gets worse! As the Spanish authorities intercepted phones of Don Jr trying to set up a meeting with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what is publicly known. We have evidence of even *more* crimes by Trump. This time from Cohen, his personal lawyer.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Gee, I wonder who that candidate that Cohen acted 'in coordination and at the direction of' could possibly be?

But keep ignoring it all. It won't matter, as Mueller won't.

It's a Stalin-Robespierre style Reign of Terror aimed to support a coup against Trump.


End of Story.

Save of course that your claim is nonsense and you don't seem to know what happened in Robespierre's 'Reign of Terror'.


End of Story.

Look up Politics in the dictionary and rethink your post.

Look up 'evidence' in the dictionary' and rethink yours.

As its the evidence that you're ignoring. And the evidence that convicted Manafort.....Gates......Flynn......Papodapolous.....and today, Cohen. Trump has surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters and embezzlers.

Or at Trump calls them, the 'Best People'.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :highfive:
Trump agreed that there has been foreign tampering in the US elections.
Are you calling him a liar?

Not at all, just that all the foreign tampering and influence has been right under everyone's noses where none of the media or DOJ are willing to look but him.

View attachment 212156 do realize that your post in particular just drips with quiet desperation, yes?
Your posts always drip with pure idiocy.
Two counts on the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt.
And what does trump have to do with a fifteen yr old tax case? where is the Russian collusion?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk
Two counts on the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt.
Hunting a witch, caught a mouse. Woo-hoo.
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.
And don't forget the Cohen plea! Two close associates become convicted felons on the same day-with in the hour. Cohen directly implicated Trump in his crimes. T-Rump must be having a serious case of apoplexy right now.

Oh, the Cohen plea is the best. As he throws Trump utterly under the bus on multiple felonies. And knows where all the bodies are buried.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics client priveldges doesn't apply to the commission of crimes!

The fetid corruption of this president is just loathsome and vile.
I have a theory.

This French-style Reign of Terror to get Trump impeached is going to work as well to get him impeached as the sex think worked against Bill Clinton.

That is my theory, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.

I don't think 'Reign of Terror' means what you think it means. As Mueller hasn't been partial to the use of the guillotine. Or any executions. Or mass incarcerations.

It means exactly what I think it means. It's about show trials to intimidate people for political purposes. Stalin was quite expert at this.

Intimidate who? Criminals?

As Manafort actually did what he was accused of. And was convicted by a jury. I have no problem with due process, trials and convictions of actual crimes intimidating criminals.

Do you?

As for Flynn, Papodapolous, and Cohen.....they've admitted to their crimes. So you're afraid that Mueller is going to intimidate......more criminals?

The tax and bank fraud for which Manafort was prosecuted by Mueller is not something that a Special Counsel should be investigating.

Says who? Not the order from Deputy AG Rosenstein who authorized Mueller to prosecute all crimes that arose from his investigation. Not Mueller who was seated as special counsel. Why would I ignore these two men in the heart of the investigation....and instead believe you?

I can't think of any good reason.
Which brings me to the real issue. The entire Mueller investigation is bogus as there is no crime identified in his appointment.

First off, you don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump. You know what the Mueller investigation has *released*. Which is a litany of indictments and guilty pleas so far. So claiming that you know what the Mueller investigation has found is blithering nonsense.

Second, there's already tremendous evidence implicating Trump of colluding with the Russians. Trump has admitted to it. His son has released emails that show that the meeting was to provide information from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump. With the person who came to them an admitted Russian Operative.

Trump then lied about the meeting. Insisting in defiance of all logic that a meeting at his own Trump Tower, attended by his campaign chair....was about adoption. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating the statement that Don Jr. released on the meeting, perpetuating the 'adoption' lie.

Worse still, Trump tried to stop the investigation looking into his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative.

Then, months later, Trump admits that the purpose of the meeting was to collect information on a political opponent. Exactly as Don Jr.'s email confirmed earlier/

And it still gets worse! As the Spanish authorities intercepted phones of Don Jr trying to set up a meeting with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

And that's just what is publicly known. We have evidence of even *more* crimes by Trump. This time from Cohen, his personal lawyer.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Gee, I wonder who that candidate that Cohen acted 'in coordination and at the direction of' could possibly be?

But keep ignoring it all. It won't matter, as Mueller won't.

It's a Stalin-Robespierre style Reign of Terror aimed to support a coup against Trump.


End of Story.

Save of course that your claim is nonsense and you don't seem to know what happened in Robespierre's 'Reign of Terror'.


End of Story.

Look up Politics in the dictionary and rethink your post.

Look up 'evidence' in the dictionary' and rethink yours.

As its the evidence that you're ignoring. And the evidence that convicted Manafort.....Gates......Flynn......Papodapolous.....and today, Cohen. Trump has surrounded himself with liars, frauds, tax cheats, grifters and embezzlers.

Or at Trump calls them, the 'Best People'.

The Evidence points to a politically motivated witch hunt.

Thanks for playing!

FYI - none of these people were really witches.

Victims of the Salem Witch Trials
Now that Mueller has his 'Scooter Libby' conviction, the prosecution of a crime that has nothing to do with the reason he was appointed special counsel or what he was tasked to investigate which was Russian interference and the 2016 election, perhaps Mueller will stop wasting taxpayer dollars and get back to doing the job that he was appointed to do...

... which after two plus years so far has been a failure to find any evidence of criminal activity associated with Russian interference or colluding with the Russians that DOESN'T point directly back to DEMOCRATS:

Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to help her try to win the presidency...

She illegally used the unverified document she bought from the Russians in a u.s. election and gave that document to Obama's FBI...

FBI director James Comey and the FBI illegally used the Russian document to obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his associates. They falsely claimed that the dossier was legitimate Intel when it was nothing more then an unverified document boss from foreign spies and Russians...

CIA director John Brennan work with anti Trump FBI agent Strzok to author and intelligence Community report based off of the Trump dossier bought from these foreign spies and Russians and collaborated with n i a director Clapper and sending out this Russian generated report to a select few Intel committees in order to come to the conclusion they wanted...

Brenban and Strock then used the dossier and the icr to author the Intel Community assessment they then sent out and briefed to Congress...

Despite claiming under oath that he knew nothing about the Trump dossier, that it had nothing to do with starting up the Trump investigation, it was proved with official documents that Brennan had brief two members of Congress, to include Harry Reid, on the dossier, claimed it was, again, legitimate Intel, and urged Congress to appoint a special counsel based off of what was in the dossier. This was also proof that CIA director Brennan had once again perpetrated felony perjury, lying under oath before Congress.

It is most important to stress and point out here that CIA director Brennan and NIA director Clapper or pushing a known unsubstantiated report authored by Russians as legitimate intelligence, which they knew it was not.
*** counterintelligence, which struck was and is an expert at, involves selling false information as if it were true to achieve an objective. This is exactly what I rock, Brennan, and Clapper were doing, as evidence shows.

The FBI's Strzok, the NIA's Clapper, and the CIA's Brennan working together demonstrates the conspiracy and collusion within the Obama Administration against then candidate Trump.

While some intentionally deceitful Democrats in Congress have claimed that this manafort conviction is a turning point in Mueller's investigation which will lead to evidence involving president Trump colluding illegally with Russians, it has been made perfectly clear that all charges against Paul manafort and this conviction has absolutely nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed special counsel, has nothing to do with Russian interference and 2016, and in no way is evidence of any non-existent illegal collusion between President Trump and the Russians.

With this scooter Libby conviction out of the way, Mueller is left back or he started - An investigation that us investigating a PERSON - 1 single desired target, not an actual crime.

After more than 2 years, Mueller still has no evidence of a crime involving Donald Trump colluding with Russians to interfere and the 2016 election.

8 felony convictions with Cohen throwing Trump under the bus in 8 more?

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Just today. And you expect us to ignore it all and focus on your Hillary conspiracy?

Good luck with that.

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